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02x22 - Don't Wake Mummy

Posted: 03/29/24 15:33
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Man ]
Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.


[ Boy ]
Nothing scares my sister Kim.

She's one of those fearless
kids that make me sick.

One day, something happened
to change even her tune.

[ Screams ]

[ Laughter ]

- I told you he'd freak.
- And you were right.

Kim, get out of here, and take
your stupid spider with you!

Come on, Karloff.

There's a good boy.
Give Jeffie a big kiss!

- [ Groans ]
- [ Laughing ]

- I said get it out of here now!
- [ Doorbell Rings ]

- I'll get it.
- [ Laughter Continues ]

Look, lady. I don't go hauling
creepy stuff around for the fun of it.

- Now, where do you want it?
- It's not creepy. It's just a mummy.

We got a mummy?

Look, I just--
I just wanna get rid of it.

Now, are you gonna
sign for it or what?

I bet you it's from Dad
all the way from Egypt.

Of course it is.
But there must be some mistake.

I'm sure he intended it to be
delivered directly to the museum.

- Hey, it's your mummy.
- [ Sighs ]

Very well.

Better take it around back
to the cellar door.

- George, she wants it around the back.
- All right.

- What is it?
- It appears to be a Canopic jar.

Mom, do we have to have
these things in the house?

I'm not crazy about the idea either.

- It doesn't look much like an esophagus.
- Sarcophagus.

But aren't they supposed
to be all gold

and have faces painted
on them and stuff?

- Not all of them.
- It's still a coffin with a dead body inside.

[ Screaming ]

[ Gasping ]

[ Laughing ]

This nonsense of yours
is becoming quite tiresome.

- She started it!
- It was a joke. Have a sense of humor.

That's quite enough.

I think your father
would've included a note...

or at least called
to say it was coming.

It's too late to
phone him in Egypt now.

[ Sighs ] And I can't reach anyone
at the museum until Monday.

- You mean, it has to stay here?
- Awesome!

- Can Shawna sleep over?
- As long as her parents don't mind.

I bet you never thought

you'd get to sleep with
a real mummy in the house.

Yeah, that's for sure.

[ Mom ]
According to this inscription,

our friend's name is Amen Lucax,

ruler of the New Kingdom...

over 4,000 years ago.

It looks like we have a royal
houseguest for the weekend.

[ Gasps, Panting ]

The phone number for the university
club is on the refrigerator.

I should be home
no later than 10:00.

- Can we watch a video?
- Okay, but nothing scary.

- Yeah.
- [ Kim ] Whatever you say, Mom.

- Have a great time.
- Be good.

- [ Door Opens, Closes ]
- What's the matter, Jeffie?

Don't like eyeballs on your pizza?

As if you didn't know I hate
olives when you ordered it.

What do you think's in this jar?
Gold, maybe?

- Probably his guts or something.
- For real?

[ Kim ] Could be.
Dad told us all about it.

They cut out their heart...

and liver and stuff...

- and store it in little jars.
- Gross!

- What for?
- Some kind of ritual thing.

The best part is the brain.

They pick it out through their
nose with this big hook thing!

Kim, stop.
You're making me sick.

You are really warped.
You know that?

Works every time.

[ Shouting ]

[ Shouting Continues ]

[ Gasps ]

- [ Dramatic ]
- Quickly!

We have to get to that jar!

Without it, we're doomed,
I tell you. Doomed!

I warned you, Sir Howard, you
must never open the sarcophagus.

[ Man Continues, Indistinct ]

Too late for that now.
We need that mummy dust!

What's mummy dust
supposed to do?

It's ground-up bones
of other mummies.

[ Kim ]
It's the only thing that can stop it.

- Haven't you been watching?
- This is so lame.

[ Groaning ]

- I got the mummy dust, Sir Howard!
- Hakim! Help me, Hakim!

The treasure is mine!
All mine!

- [ Groaning ]
- Stand back!

Obey my power!
I have the mummy dust!

- Open it, quick!
- [ Hakim ] Stand back!

[ Screaming ]

- Hey!
- Yeah. What gives?

You've seen it a million times.

- What difference does it make?
- You're right, Jeff.

He is?
Since when?

Since we've got
a real mummy in the basement.

Let's take a look at it.

Come on!


Kim, leave it alone!

We're just gonna look at him.
What's the big deal?

- What if there's a curse?
- I know all about curses.

I got you for
a little brother, didn't I?

Maybe he's right, Kim.
Maybe we shouldn't disturb it.

Anybody home?

he's been dead 4,000 years.

I don't think we're
gonna bother him now.

Help me with this?

[ Straining ]

It's heavy.

[ Kim ]
Doesn't look so scary.

[ Shawna ]
Kind of sad, really.

Wow. Imagine.

this guy was walking around,

hanging out by the pyramids
with his friends.

Do you think they put his cat
in with him to keep him company?


Kim, open the door!

Don't do this to me!
[ Panting ]

I'm telling Mom
you messed with the mummy!

[ Kim ] You're the one
in the cellar. I'll tell her you did it.

Who's she gonna believe?

[ Groaning ]

[ Breathing Rapidly ]

[ Screams ]

- How long should we let him suffer?
- Just a few more minutes.

Kim! Kim! He's alive!

The mummy's alive!
The mummy's alive!

[ Both Laughing ]

Little goof left the door wide open.

Kim, take a look at this.

Am I crazy,
or were his arms crossed before?

[ Kim ]
Shawna, you're right.

You are crazy.

Now, let's get this mummy here,
formerly known as "Prince,"

back to bed
before Mom gets home.

[ Crickets Chirping, Bird Cawing ]

[ Footsteps Shuffling ]

[ Door Creaking Open ]

[ Gasps ]

- [ Gasping ]
- Oh! Hey!

- Get away! Get away!
- Hey, what's the matter?

- I thought you were the mummy.
- No. I'm the mommy.

- I saw it move.
- What move?

The mummy. It sat up and
looked right at me. It's alive.

- You just had a bad dream.
- No! I was wide awake!

Listen, Jeff,
I'm only gonna say this once.

No matter what your sister tells you,

mummies do not come back to life.


You can't let her get you
all worked up like this.

But it seemed so real.

Listen, I got some work
to do downstairs.

Why don't you come and help me?

Doesn't look like
you're going back to sleep.

[ Mom ]
Jeff, come on.

I hope Jeff doesn't tell her
we looked at the mummy.

He wouldn't dare.
He was there too, remember?

I have the all-time, freak-out,

planned for him.

- Why do you hate him so much?
- I don't hate him.

He's just a wimp, that's all.

And wimps get what they ask for.

This is gonna be a lot of fun.

[ Shawna ]
Kim, don't get too carried away.

This is amazing.

According to these hieroglyphics,

this mummy became
pharaoh of all Egypt.

What's so amazing about that?

Because this mummy is the 12th
son of Rameses II. Up until now,

everyone thought it was the

If these hieroglyphics are correct,
this could change the history books.

Wow! That would make you
and Dad famous, wouldn't it?

Oh, my!

- What is it?
- According to this,

this mummy k*lled his brother...

so that he could
become the new pharaoh.

Geez! And I thought
Kim was mean. Wait a minute.

Are you telling me
our mummy's a k*ller?

Was a k*ller, Jeff.

Was a k*ller.

[ Phone Ringing ]


You have a collect call.
Will you accept the charges?

Yes. Yes, operator,
I'll accept the charges.

- Thank you. Go ahead.
[ Man ] Hi, honey?

Darling, it's so good to hear your voice.
Did you get my message?

We're still at KB-5.

We have made some
extraordinary discoveries.

- So have we.
- What?

- I can hardly hear you.
- Oh. We have a bad connection.

I'll tell you later. Why did
you send the mummy to the house?

I was hoping you could start
deciphering the hieroglyphics.

Did everything arrive intact?

- Yes. Yes, it did.
- [ Low Groaning ]

- When are you coming home?
- As soon as I can. But right now,

I need you to check out something
for me on that sarcophagus.

I found a remarkable reference
on the wall of the tomb.

[ Groaning Continues ]

[ Creaking ]

[ Raspy Voice ]
How dare you disturb my sleep?

I have come for you.


[ Laughing ]

Did we get him?

This is the best yet.

- [ Laughing Continues ]
- You think it's funny, don't you?

What in heaven's name
is going on up here?

- She started it!
- It was classic, Mom.

His eyes practically bugged
right out of his head.

I don't wanna hear about it!

I want all of you back in bed
by the time I count to three.

One! Two!

- [ Door Closes ]
- [ Door Closes ]

[ Low Groaning ]

[ Screaming ]

- That looks so fake. Nice try, Kim.
- Jeff, get back here!

- What looks fake?
- [ Shawna ] That's not Kim.

- [ Shuddering ]
- Jeff, stay back!

- [ Groaning ]
- [ All Gasping ]


[ Mom ]
Jeffrey, run!

Get downstairs!

- Help! He's got me!
- Leave her alone!

[ Both Scream ]

Oh, my ankle.

[ Jeff ]

- I'll be right back!
- Jeff!

- Where are you going?
- Jeff!

This can't be happening.

Stand back!
I have the mummy dust!

- You are in my power.
- [ Mom ] No, Jeff! No!

It's okay, Mom.
I know what I'm doing.

No, you don't. He wants his heart--
his heart that's in the jar!

What for?

Your father discovered an
inscription in the mummy's tomb.

If this mummy gets his heart,
he'll demummify.

- He'll become a living human again!
- A living human k*ller?

- Here! Throw it to me!
- Run! Go get help!

- We can't!
- Throw it here, quick! - No.

- He'll come after you.
- Jeff-- No!

[ Mom ]

Kim, Shawna!
Come here!


[ Groaning ]

The disposal!

[ Mom ]
Oh, no! Don't, Jeff! No, don't!

No, no!
Let him go!

Stay back, Mom!
[ Straining ]

[ Groaning ]

[ Gasps ]

Now, that's what I call mummy dust.

I still don't get why
Dad sent the mummy here.

Didn't he know there was
some kind of curse on it?

Of course he did.

But he thought
it was just superstition.

But I don't understand how
the mummy came back to life.

According to legend,
he could only be revived...

if someone opened the sarcophagus
and broke the sacred seal.


At least one good
thing came out of it.

I'm never gonna be afraid of
anything again as long as I live.

Nothing can be scarier than that.

That took a lot of guts,
little brother--

yours and his.

- [ Cat Meowing ]
- Oh, there's the neighbor's cat again.

- I wish they'd keep the poor thing inside.
- She's probably just hungry.

- Jeff, you shouldn't encourage her.
- Mom, she just wants a little.

[ Groaning ]

[ Screaming ]