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03x16 - Bride of the Living Dummy

Posted: 03/29/24 15:47
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Man ]
Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.


[ Thunderclap ]

- [ Sighs ]
- [ Thunderclaps Continue ]

Ow! It's hot! Yeah.

Way to go, Jimmy.
Another big score.

"Karru marri...

"Odonna loma molonu...

- Karrano"?
- Hello, Jimmy.

What's a nice boy like you
doing in a place like this, hmm?

- What?
- Not what--


The name's Slappy, and I'm gonna
make you an offer you can't refuse.

[ Laughing ]

- You're looking good today, Slappy.
- Thanks, Jimmy.

I'd like to say the same about you.

I'd like to, except lying
makes my nose grow.

[ All Laughing ]

- [ Chuckles ] Your nose grows?
Yeah. Runs in the family.

Almost k*lled my Uncle Pinocchio.

[ All Laughing ]

Well, how about this wonderful audience?
What do you think of them?

This is an audience?

Yeesh! For a minute there I thought
we were working at the zoo.

[ Slappy Laughing ]

Well, that's not very nice, Slappy.

I think they're a fine-looking
bunch of boys and girls.

I said, I think they're a fine-looking
group of boys and girls.


Don't you think they're a fine-looking
bunch of boys and girls?

Huh? Hmm? Huh? Mm-mmm.
Are you kiddin' me?

Last time I saw faces like these

they were hanging upside down
in a fish market!

Oh, that Slappy.
[ Chuckles ]

- So what'd you think, Katie?
Did you like the show? - It was okay.

- Okay? - I blow off a whole
Saturday afternoon for an okay?

- [ Boy ] Hey, Katie, where's Mary Ellen?
- What?

- What's wrong?
- She's gone! Mary Ellen's gone!

She was right here beside me...

- And now she's gone.
- All right, don't panic.

- Maybe you just left her at your seat.
- No. You don't understand.

Mary Ellen said if I ever
let anything happen to her,

- she'd do something bad to me.
- [ Boy ] Katie. Katie.

Relax, okay.
I mean, it's just a dumb doll.

She's got to be
around here somewhere.

- I've gotta find her.
- Katie.

- I'll see you outside. - Nice try.
You're gonna help me to find her.

You go that way,
and I'll go back there.

This day just keeps getting better
and better, doesn't it?



[ Jimmy ] No!
No, I won't! You can't do this!

[ Slappy Laughing ]

[ Jimmy ] No, I won't do it!
This is a partnership, remember?


I'm sick and tired of being treated
like your sl*ve all the time.

But you are my sl*ve,
Jimmy. You are.

And you aren't ever gonna
be anything but. [ Laughing ]

So let me give you
some free advice, partner.

When old Slappy tells you
to do something, you better do it!

[ Laughing ]

I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to bother you or anything.

- Uh--
- I wasn't looking.

- I was just, um--
- How'd you like it?

- Excuse me?
- The new act. You heard it, right?

- Mm-hmm. - I figured the show
needed some spark, so I, uh--

I-I've been working on this routine
where Slappy and I fight and argue.

And I put a radio-controlled
motor inside him.

I think it's gonna be a big hit.

I'm Jimmy O'James.
And you are?

Jillian Zinman.

- It was an act?
- Is that, uh, Jillian with a "J" or a "G"?

Oh, I didn't come down
for a picture.

I'm actually looking
for my little sister.

You see, she lost her doll
and then she ran off to find it.

Well, nobody's come by down here.
What kind of doll was it?

A big pain one. Say, wasn't he
sitting different before?

Why don't you write
your address in here?

If the cleaners find it we can send it
along later. How's that sound?

- Uh, I don't want to bother you
or anything. - It's no bother.

- No bother at all.
- Okay.

Oh. Boy.

- She was wandering around out here.
- I wasn't wandering.

Mary Ellen wanted to
meet Slappy and she got lost.

Dolls don't get lost, Katie.

- Mary Ellen did.
- Whatever.

Let's just get out of here. And
this time, hold on to that stupid doll.

[ Slappy Laughing ]

- Dad? Dad?
- [ Saw Cutting ]

- [ Saw Stops ]
- Dad?

Dinner's ready.

Just one more birdhouse
and I beat the world record.

[ Doorbell Rings ]

- [ Barking ] - [ Sighs ]
Kevin. Kevin, quiet. Come on, please.

- Okay, what do we got here?
Oh, look at this. - [ Barking ]

Special delivery for Jillian Zinman.

[ Dad ] Hey, what do you know?
Let's open it.

Hey, Jillian, what's the matter?
Don't you want to see what's inside?

Kevin, quiet. Now,
who would send you a doll?

"Dear Jillian,
after meeting you today,

"I decided that you were the right person
to take care of my old friend, Slappy.

"I'm starting a new act without him,
so he needs a good home.

"Please take care of him
and give him lots of love.

Your friend,
the amazing Jimmy O'James."

[ Gasps ] Katie,
what are you doing down here?

- Mary Ellen is mad at you.
- Really? I'm shaking.

She wants Slappy to stay upstairs
in our bedroom with us.

Well, it was my bedroom
before it was our bedroom.

And I think Slappy's creepy,
so Slappy lives here.

Ow! Katie,
get this thing off me!

- K-Katie, help me!
- Mary Ellen won't let me!

You and Mary Ellen were a big help.

I guess Slappy isn't happy.

It must have been those radio controls
the amazing Jimmy put inside him.

That's what made him bite me.

Mary Ellen says Slappy
wants to stay upstairs too.

Well, you know what, Katie?
Mary Ellen talks too much.

[ Door Closes ]

[ Slappy Snickering ]

[ Panting ]

[ Barking ]

What? Oh.

- [ Barking Continues ]
- Oh. Shut up, Kevin.

- [ Whimpers ]
- [ Slappy ] Move it, mutt!

[ Clock Ticking ]

[ Groans ]

[ Slappy Laughing, Faintly ]

[ Screams ]

What? What is it?
[ Gasps ]

[ Slappy' Voice ] I want my bride!
Yes! [ Laughing ]

[ Laughing Continues ]

But I told you I didn't do it.

Yeah, I know.
It was Mary Ellen.

Mary Ellen said
it wasn't her fault either.

She said Slappy didn't want to stay
in the basement. Slappy wanted to--

Oh! Mary Ellen says this.
Slappy wants that.

I feel like I'm living
in a psycho toy store!

What are you going to do now?

I'm gonna take this pile of
wood back to the amazing Jimmy.

You're making Mary Ellen angry.
She likes Slappy.

[ Mom ]
Girls, get out here now.

Now what'd you do?

Which one of you
was in my jewelry box?

- It wasn't me.
- Me either.

Oh, really?
So what happened then?

Did my wedding ring get out
of the box and walk away?

Your wedding ring?

[ Sighs ] Well, I'm gonna be late
for my aerobics class as it is.

When you two finish
cleaning that mirror,

I want you to find that ring
and put it in the box.

Is that understood?

And I haven't seen Kevin
all day either.

But when he shows up, make
sure you take him out for a run.

Bye. I'll be gone all day.
See you tonight.

I guess we're not getting
rid of Slappy after all.

[ Jillian ]
Guess again.

Hello? It's just me.
Jillian Zinman.

Remember? The girl who talked
to you at the theater yesterday.

You sent me your dummy.

Hello? Mr. O'James?

[ Screams ]

- You all right?
- Yeah, I think so.

- What's all this?
- Oh, these.

These are Slappy's rivals.
He destroyed them.

- He destroyed them all.
- Wait a second.

Are you telling me
a dummy did all this?

Slappy is not a dummy.

- He's pure evil.
- Couldn't you just destroy him?

You can't destroy
the evil spirit within that dummy.

So instead you send him to me?

Don't you understand? Slappy
forced me to write you that letter.

Take that evil thing away.
Get it out of here now!

Look, I just spent half of my babysitting
savings to get here in a cab,

and I'm not leaving
until you take this dummy.

- [ Both Screaming ]
- What?

- [ Kevin Whimpering ]
- [ Sighs ]

- Very funny, young lady.
- It's no joke.

If Kevin's here,
then that means Slappy is--

- [ Jillian ] Oh, no.
- [ TV: Growling ]

Are you getting scared?

No. But I think
I'm gonna be sick.

[ Growling ]

[ Katie Whimpering ]

[ Phone Rings ]

- [ Rings ]
- [ Howling ]

- [ Rings ]
- Zinman residence.

- Katie, listen to me. You have to
get out of the house. - Why?

It's Slappy. He's still in the house,
only he's not a dummy.

Do you hear me, Katie?
Slappy is evil.

Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but names will never hurt me.

And I want my bride!
[ Laughing ]

Why did you eat so much?

- Hey.
- [ Door Locks ]

- [ Footsteps Departing ] - Hey. Hey,
come on, Katie. Let me out of here.

[ TV: Creatures Growling ]

- Mary Ellen, where are you?
- [ Slappy Laughing ]

[ Laughing Continues ]

[ Slappy Laughing ]
I love rats!

- [ Thunder Rumbling ]
- [ Screaming ]

- [ Slappy Chattering ] - Katie.
Katie, come on. Let me out of here.

- Come on. Let me out.
- Harrison?

- Katie, unlock the door.
- I can't.

- The key's gone.
- Well, go find it.

- [ Slappy Laughing ]
- [ Thunder Rumbling ]


Mary Ellen, where is he?
Mary Ellen, where's Slappy?

[ Footsteps Approaching ]

No, Slappy, stop it!

- [ Jillian ] Katie!
- Jillian?

- Are you all right? - Yeah.
But Harrison's locked in the bathroom.

- Locked? Where's the key?
- I don't know. Slappy took it.

- We've got to get out of here
before Slappy finds us. - [ Panting ]

- Katie!
- Mary Ellen won't let me leave without her.

Harrison, we're gonna get help.

- Stay there.
- Where am I gonna go?

- [ Laughing ]
- [ Jillian ] Let's go.

- [ Both Screaming ]
- [ Thunder Rumbling ]

It's my wedding day,
and I want my bride! [ Laughing ]

Come on!

- [ Both Screaming ]
- [ Laughing Continues ]

Quick! In here!

My bride! My bride!
[ Laughing ]

- Oh, you can run, but you cannot hide!
- Katie, come help me!

I can't.
Mary Ellen won't let me.

We can go through the window.

Come on, Katie, I'll help you up.

- I can't!
- What?

Mary Ellen won't let me.

- She wants to stay here and be with
Slappy. - All right, Katie, that's it.

Be careful.
Don't make her angry.

- I've had just about enough of this dumb doll.
- Who you calling dumb, ugly?

[ Screams ]

- I told you!
- She's alive too?

Aren't you the smarty-pants.

Tell her, Katie.
Tell your big sister the truth.

She makes me do anything she wants.

If I don't, she says
she'll hurt Mom and Dad and you.

And when she saw Slappy at the
show, she fell in love with him.

And what Mary Ellen wants,
Mary Ellen gets.

[ Thunder Rumbling ]

- [ Screams ]
- Miss me?

[ Laughing ]

[ Chuckles ]

My beautiful bride.

See, I even brought the ring.

- That's my mom's ring.
- [ Slappy ] Yeah.

I stole it for the special occasion.

My marriage to the most
perfect girl in the world.

Oh, Slappy.
You say the nicest things.

And now I'm ready to be your bride.

What? Not you! I don't want you,
you cheap piece of plastic!

I want her.

You'll be mine, Katie.
You'll be my sl*ve forever.

[ Laughing ]

After all I've done for you,
this is the thanks I get?

You rotten old piece of wood!

Come on.
There's plenty of me to go around.

[ Slappy, Mary Ellen Grunting ]

Let me-- let me--

Get off of me,
you plastic parasite!

[ Slappy, Mary Ellen Grunting ]

Katie, stay back.

[ Laughing ]

[ Slappy ]

- [ Mary Ellen ] No! No!
- [ Slappy ] You guys cut me up.

[ Saw Cutting ]

[ Slappy, Mary Ellen Laughing ]

- [ Screams ]
- [ Laughing Continues ]

[ Laughing Fades ]

- Is it over?
- It's over.

I'm getting too old for dolls.

There's only one thing
I'm really worried about.

Amazing Jimmy said Slappy's
spirit couldn't be destroyed.

- So where do you think it is now?
[ Door Opens ]

[ Both Gasp ]

- [ Sighs ]
- [ Sighs ] Oh, it's just you.

Well, thanks for the warm welcome.

Is there something wrong, girls?

[ Together ]

- [ Knocking ]
- Oh! We forgot about Harrison.

[ Slappy Laughing ]

What's Harrison doing
in our bathroom?

It's kind of a long story.

Trust me, young lady,
you're going to have time.

Harrison, are you okay?

[ Laughs ]
Hi, folks.

[ Slappy's Voice ]
Harrison doesn't live here anymore.

[ Slappy Laughing ]