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01x06 - Operation: L.I.C.E./Operation: L.I.Z.Z.I.E.

Posted: 03/30/24 05:25
by bunniefuu
Numbuh 4: but, dad,

I don't wanna hang out

With a bunch of girly girls

All day!

Aw, come on, champ!

You'll have a swell time!

Dad, nobody takes their son

To "bring your daughter

To work" day!

Well, I don't have

A daughter, do i, huh?

[ Brakes squeal ]

Here we are,

The old work hour.

[ Tires screech ]

[ Gasps ]



Hey, watch where you're going,

You big cruddy...

- [ Chuckles ] - hello, mr. Boss.

Hope you don't mind that I

Brought my son to work today.

Don't have a daughter,

You know.

[ Grumbles ]

Ah, mr. Boss sure is

A kidder, eh?

Anyway, we'd better get on up

To the old office, right?

Don't want to be late,

You know.

Perfect timing!

Hi! Hi!

Hi! Hi!

[ Gasps ]

Come on, son.

Don't want to miss

Our ride, do we?

Excuse us, ladies. Ha ha!

[ Girls giggle ]

Isn't that wallaby beetles?

But he's a boy.

I bet I have more

Rainbow monkeys than he does.

[ Laughter ]

Oh, stupid girls.

Hey, wally, do you wanna

Borrow my purse?

Why, you little...

Dad: let's go, tiger.

You can hang out

With your girlfriends later.

Girls: bye, wally!

[ Giggling ]

Stupid girls!

[ Muttering ]

[ Humming ]

Well, here we are.

Why don't you just grab a seat

On this old drawer here

And watch how your old man

Gets it done?

[ Muttering ]

Daughter to work! Ugh!

[ Scoffs ]

Oh! Can I go to the bathroom

Or something?!

Sure, sport.

It's just right down

The old hallway.

Oh, this stinks!

Stupid "bring your daughter

To work" day!

[ Girls shouting

[ Indistinctly ]




Mr. Boss: mr. P., What is

The status of the party?

- Decorations - are complete, sir.

Mr. Q., What about

The propulsion systems?

We're at 100% capacity, sir.

Propulsion systems?!

Mr. W., Announce

The festivities.

Party-announcement sequence

Initiated, sir.


[ Evil laughter ]

- None of those girls - will suspect

That the party room is actually

A deep-space rocket

That will send them all

Off to pluto!

[ Laughter ]


Serves those dumb girls

Right, though.

And we'll get rid of

The snot-nosed boys next week.

With no kids to go home to,

Their parents will have

More time to work for me!

Actually, sir,

There's the matter of the one

Boy that's here.

Oh, we'll just send him along

With the girls.

Who cares?!

As soon as all the kids

Are at the party,

We'll begin

Countdown to lift-off!

That nut's not blasting me


I gotta get out of here!

[ Girls shouting

[ Indistinctly ]

Let me go! No-o-o!

Let me go, you giggly...

Oh, no! Get off!


Oh, get out of my way!

[ Girls humming "she'll be

[ Coming around the mountain" ]

Get out! Ugh!

Ugh! Ugh!

[ Girls cheering ]

[ Girls shouting

[ Indistinctly ]

- The elevator! - No! No, wait!

Don't close!

[ Wailing ] no!

[ Girls speaking

[ Indistinctly ]


Girls: mr. Boss is throwing us

A rainbow monkey party! Oh!

Ugh! Rainbow monkeys?!

♪ Rainbow monkeys,

Rainbow monkeys ♪

♪ Altogether

Rather superchunky ♪

- ♪ Bringin' love - wherever they go ♪

♪ Everyone is made

Of a big rainbow ♪

♪ Oh, red and orange

And pink and blue ♪

♪ Rainbow monkeys,

Rainbow monkeys, we love you ♪

They're freaks!

No way am I spending

The rest of my life on pluto

Playing rainbow donkeys

With a bunch of girls!

I'm out of here!

Ugh! Oh!

Girls: don't leave, wally!

[ Giggling ]


Girls: let's play

Rainbow monkey dress-up!

No! Leave me alone!

Ugh! Ugh! Ughhh!

Come on, open up!


More rainbow monkeys!

There's no way out of here!


Stupid rainbow doofus!


Ugh! Bingo!

Hah! Enjoy pluto, girlies!

- Numbuh 4! - [ Gasps ]

Numbuh 3,

What are you doing here?!

Well, my mom works

In accounting,

And it's "bring your..."

Tell me later.

We got to get out of here!


- They're gonna blast - this whole party to pluto!

[ Rumble ]

- [ Gasps ] - we have to save the others!

There's no time! Let's go!

Besides, they're just a bunch of

Annoying, goofy girls.

- Hah! - What?

All right,

We'll save the dumb girls.

Okay, listen up!

Anyone who doesn't want

To be blasted to pluto,

Get in the vent now!

Girl: whoopee,

Rainbow monkeys!

See? I told you.

Now, let's get out of here!


They won't listen to us.

Numbuh 3, come on!


[ Girls speaking

[ Indistinctly ]



Hey, everybody,

I've got a secret!

Oh! Oh!

Oh! Oh!

There's a whole bunch

Of, uh,

Rainbow monkey video games

Right down there.

- Girls: rainbow monkey - video games?!

Whoo! Whoo!

Whoo! Whoo!

Hurry, hurry!

Come on, everybody!

Yeah, pick up the speed,

You little brats!




All systems checked, sir!

Begin final countdown.

Men: 10... 9... 8...

I don't know.

I'm kind of scared.

Yeah, yeah, come on!

- Aah! - [ Rumbling ]

We're taking off!

You can still make it!

- What? - Go!

No! Numbuh 4!



Oh, crud!

My plan is working perfectly.

Now my workers can work

A bimillion hours a week,

And I'll never see

Another stinky little girl

Around this office again.





What? Where are

They all coming from?

You brats are supposed to be

On your way to pluto!

What's going on here?!

Lookit, a great big

Rainbow monkey video game!

Huh?! No, no, no, no!

Sit! Stay! Heel!

Men: no, no, wait!

Don't touch that!

What does this do?

Don't touch that!

This is fun!


Numbuh 4: aah!

I wanna play

Rainbow monkey.

Numbuh 4: aaaaah!

Hey, stop, you little brats!

Uh, you're fired!

Oh, stop!

Aah! Ow! Yow!


You can't play with that!

Aaaahhh! Get off me!

Try that one.


Look, we're winning!

My plans are ruined!



Hey! Stop!


You have to stop that ship!

Numbuh 4's in there!



Get lost, girlie!



[ Evil laughter ]

Oh, no, don't close!

Come on, come on.

[ Growls ]

[ Humming "she'll be coming

[ Around the mountain" ]

[ Growls ]

Come back!

So long, sucker!

I hope

Your friend likes pluto!

[ Evil laughter ]


[ Gasps ]

Numbuh 4?!

Ugh. Ugh.

You're fired.

Numbuh 4, you're safe!

I thought

You were flying to pluto.

Uh, well...

You miserable brats!

You ruined me! Ruined me!

So now I'm gonna ruin y...

Thank you,

Thank you, thank you!

Get off me,

You little fleas!

Get off me! Get... Aw!

Aw, aw.

Ohh. Ughh.


So, how was your trip

To the bathroom?


Everything come out okay?

[ Chuckles ]

Sure, whatever.

You know, son, turns out

They're having a "bring your son

To work" day next week.

Ohhh. Ugh.

Sounds like fun, huh, sport?

Sport? Uh, sport?

Numbuh 1: kids next door

Satellites have discovered

An adult research facility

Near the north pole,

Where a lone scientist is

Near completion

Of an insidious device.

Its purpose... Control

The earth's weather

So that schools never have

A snow day again.

We have immediately set off

In our snow sub

To rendezvous

With kids next door

Arctic operative numbuh 30c.

Our mission... Gain control

Of the weather-control device

And reprogram it

- To make the entire school year - one big snow day.

Numbuh 30c, it's a pleasure

To be on a mission

- With someone - so highly recommended

- By kids next door - headquarters.

- The pleasure is all mine, - numbuh 1,

But are you sure your team

Is up for this kind of mission?

It's pretty dangerous.

I'm sure that you'll find

Our team bravely faces

Any attempt at adult tyranny,

No matter how grave the threat

Or impossible the mission.

And besides,

It's just one scientist.

What can one grown-up do

Against six of us?

[ Evil laughter ]

Only minutes to go

Before my ingenious device

Is complete,

And then i, professor xxxl,

Will proceed to change the world

For kids everywhere.

[ Evil laughter ]

But first, a nice, hot

Bowl of soup.

[ Evil laughter ]

- Steady as she goes, - numbuh 2.

Maintain present course

And we'll reach

The adult facility

In a matter of hours.

Aye, aye, numbuh 30c.

He's cool!

Yeah, if you like penguins.

So, 30c, what's life like

In the arctic?

- Oh, it's just like - anywhere else...

You know, wrestling packs

Of those big, white bears

Over territory,

- Sleeping on glaciers - to keep warm,

Eating nothing but fish blubber

To stay alive.

The usual.

Man, that guy's like

An icy tarzan!


- I sure wish - I was raised in the arctic.

Hey, we just passed

The research facility!

Let me see.

- I don't understand. - I mean, i...

No wonder. You, uh,

Had the coordinates wrong.

[ Chuckles ] oops.

Oops, indeed.

So the facility should be

Right about... There.

Command of the sub

And provide cover.

- Numbuhs 2, 5, and 3, - come with me.

We're going after that device.

Hey, what about me?!

You stay here and

Help numbuh 30c, numbuh 4.

Watch what he does.

Numbuh 30c is

An expert in arctic warfare.

You might learn something.

Yeah, maybe he could teach you

How to be cool.

[ Laughs ]

Be careful, 30c.

[ Giggles ]

Wow, that numbuh 3's

Kind of cute, huh?

What?! Let's just stick

To business here, slushball!

So, what do we do first

For this cruddy

Arctic-warfare stuff?

Well, the first thing

Us arctic guys always do

Is have a snack,

And I could really go

For a mango soda.

That's an order.

Stupid penguin.

For goodness' sake.

[ Humming ]

Hmm, now, where did I put


Uh, I thought I had a... Aha!


Let's see.

Ah, yes, french, uh... Huh?

[ Rumbling ]

Yeah! Yeah!

Yeah! Yeah!

- kids next door - s.k.e.e.b.i.k.e....

super kold environment engine

bike is kinda enormous.

Come on!

So, you're coming

After my device, eh?!

Well, perhaps you'd like

A nice, hot bowl of soup!

I recommend

The minestrone m*ssile!

[ Evil laughter ]

Go get the team.

Uh-oh, incoming soup!

Evasive action!

Hang on!


Was that minestrone?

Come on, numbuh 5,

Now watch this.



Good work, team.

Now let's get that... What?!

They changed direction!

Intercept missiles now!

We need intercept missiles!

Hello? Numbuh 30c?

Here's your cruddy soda!

Hey, what are you,

Deaf or something?!

Numbuh 1's calling us!


- Sorry about the wait, - numbuh 1.

- Numbuh 4 was busy - with a soda

While I was pretargeting

Those missiles on your...


Ughhh. Ughhh.

Ughhh. Ughhh.


[ Evil laughter ]

Get him!

Oh. [ Evil laughter ]

[ Kids muttering ]

[ Panting ]

[ Panting ]

That scientist is headed

For the lab.

Fire the new torpedo!

Finally some action!

Preparing to target!

Stand down, numbuh 4.

I'm in command here.

I'll take care of this guy


Aloha, baby.

[ Panting ]


- Come on! - We're gaining on him!

Huh? Huh?

Huh? Huh?

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah!

[ Wind whistling ]

[ Moaning ]

Did you get him?

Come on, let me see!

Did you get him?

Uh, yeah, course I got him.

[ Chuckles ]

Think you can just walk in here

And take my ingenious device,

Do you?!

Let's see how you fare

Against my... ♪ Ta-da...


Well, at least we know

That the new torpedo works.

[ Muttering ]

[ Rumbling ]

[ Whirring ]

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah!

Code whale! Code whale!

We need a code whale!

Code what?

Move over, popsicle boy!

- Code whale coming up, - numbuh 1!

Hey, what are you doing?!

I'm in charge here!

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah!

Not bad!

Well, let's see how you like

these popsicles, kiddies!

[ Squealing ]

[ Evil laughter ]


[ Whirring ]

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

Well, well, well,

What do we have here?

Looks like we have you

And your insidious device

Right where we want you.

So what are you gonna do now?

Numbuh 30c: he's gonna leave

And finish his research.

Stupid kids next door!

This man's research

Will change the world,

And I can't let you

Stop that.

Numbuh 30c,

You double-crossed us?

Oh, come on!

Even my name

Should have given it away!

Numbuh 30c!

That is, like, 80 degrees

Fahrenheit or something,

You dopes!

Aw, metric stinks!

I gave you wrong directions,

Ignored your cries for help,

Used your new torpedo

Against you,

And now I'm gonna release

The professor

And destroy

Your precious snow sub.

- Aah! - Ugh!

Way to go, numbuh 4!


[ Evil laughter ]

We gotta help numbuh 4!

Quickly, to the bridge!

[ Indistinct shouting ]


Get with it, dope!

Pineapple breath!

Okay, I give up!

Help is here, numbuh 4!

Numbuh 4?

[ Whirring ]

initiating self-destruct

sequence in five seconds.

4... 3... 2... 1...







Ugh! Ugh! Aaah!

Why, you lousy traitor!

Why'd you do it, huh?


I did it for a snow cone!

A what?!

Not just a snow cone!

The perfect snow cone!

Perfect texture,

Perfect temperature,

Perfect flavor

That doesn't all sink

To the bottom of the cone!

And you idiots have ruined

My research!

Why?! Why, why, why, why,

Why, why, why, why, why?!

I, uh, we thought

You were building a, uh...

- What? What could you - possibly think

I was doing in

The middle of the north pole?!

Um, building

A weather-control device?

Oh, no, no,

That's bob's project.

He works

Just over the hill there.

[ Evil laughter ]

Only minutes to go

Before my device is complete,

And schools will never have

A snow day again!

[ Evil laughter ]

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door

[ Electric guitar solo ]

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door

[ Electric guitar solo ]

♪ Kids next door

♪ Kids next door