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02x13 - Operation: E.N.D.

Posted: 03/30/24 05:43
by bunniefuu
Great shot, dad.

Well, you picked

A perfect spot, son.

[ Gasps ] by jove,

Looks like I've got a bite.

Numbuh 86:

Next door operative numbuh 1,

[ Scottish accent ] kids

You are hereby scheduled

For immediate decommissioning.



I'm nowhere near 13 years old!

Nigel, don't stand up

In the boat, laddie.

That's what they all say,


We went to kindergarten


No dice, curly.

I've got an official order from

Kids next door global command,

And it says that numbuh 1

Of kids next door sector "v"

Is scheduled

For immediate memory erasing.

Really, nigel old bean,

You get to play with

Your kids on the block buddies

All the time.

- I thought today was going to be - about the fish.



Aah! Aah!

It's always the hard way

With you, nigel!

Just the way I like it.

Full pursuit!

Find numbuh 1!

[ Laughs ]

My, we're going after

The fast fish now, eh, son?

Yeah, dad, sure.



Huh?! Huh?!

Oh, boy! Comics!

Get those papers

Off the window

Instead of sitting there

Like an idiot,

Which, incidentally,

You are!

[ Shouting indistinctly ]

How good to see your friends

Take an interest in the paper.

Oh, looky... Another fish.


Attention, fugitive agent,

There is no hope for escape!

Surrender immediately!

Nigel, are those chaps

In your class?

Not even close.

Surrender immed... Huh?!

Oh, no, he's coming

Straight for us!


There! I hope that numbuh 99

Isn't as dumb as you!

You can ask him

Right now.


Huh?! Aah!

Huh?! Aah! Huh?! Aah!

Aah! Aah!

[ Chuckles ]

kids next door d.o.h.d.o.h.

decommissioned operative hunter

drives on hydraulics.

D.o.h.d.o.h. Trap...


Watch where

You're sailing!

- I say, nigel, - all this fishing,

And I can't seem

To catch a thing.

Let me give it a try, dad.



There he is!

Fire on... What?!


Whoa! Whoa!

I don't know, dad.

That rod works fine for me.


[ Motor sputtering ]

Whoa-oa-oa! Whoa-oa-oa!

[ Crash ]

Ugh. Ugh.


I must say, old bean,

This quality time

Has been most invigorating.

Why, I had no idea

How diverting fishing could be.

Speed and bubbles,

Ooh, this is wonderful.

You know,

I think I'll go in

And have a wee bit

Of a lie-down.

Hmm, why would global command

Want to decommission me?

Okay, jerkface,

Now it's personal,

So come quietly.

And don't even think about

Escaping to your treehouse.


You made a mistake by

Underestimating me, nigel,

But i don't make mistakes.

You just did.

You made me angry!





[ Crying ] [ crying ]

Would you babies

Stop your whining?!

But it stings!

Look, if you don't get it


Together, he'll

Aah! Aah!



Numbuh 1! It's me!

Numbuh 274?

I knew they'd never

Catch you, numbuh 1.

Uh, what's that?

Uh, temporary w*apon?

[ Chuckles ]

Got to make do

With what you can.

- Listen, nigel, - you've been set up.

Somebody wants you and your team

Out of the picture.

Whoever's doing this has to be

High up in the global command.

I've got to find my team.

Sorry, man,

You're too late.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Laughs evilly ]

I... I...

I can't believe it.

Listen, numbuh 1,

Come with me to moon base.


We can rescue your team

- Before their memories - are erased.

No, old friend,

That would just put you at risk.

But you can do me a favor.

Find out what's going on

And clear my name.

And don't worry, I'll see you

On the moon base soon enough.

But how are you...

Don't worry about me.

Numbuh 1, wait!

[ Doorbell rings ]



Well, well, well,

If it isn't

Mr. "I won't let tommy hang out

In the super-cool


Tommy, I need your help.

now you need my help.

Why don't you go ask

My big brother hoagie?

[ Gasps ]

Your big brother

Is in big trouble!

Right now, he's on his way

To be decommissioned,

- Along with the rest - of my team.

- I know numbuh 2's - been helping you

With basic two-by-four

Rocket technology,

And I need your help

To get to the moon.

What's in it for me?

I'll buy you

An ice-cream cone.

I was thinking more

Along the lines

Of joining

The kids next door.

You know I can't do that.

Well, have fun skateboarding

To the moon.

[ Growls ]

Okay, I'll, uh,

Make you a, uh,

Temporary junior operative

Or something.

permanent temporary

Junior operative.

I wanna be numbuh t.

- "T" is not a number, - tommy.

I wanna be numbuh t,

I wanna be numbuh t!

I wanna be numbuh t,

Okay, okay, fine,

You're numbuh t.

Let's go.

I keep telling you,

We're not 13.

And I keep telling you,

I don't care!

If the computer says you're

Scheduled for decommissioning,

You're getting


You are one

Nasty little girl.

You know that?

Sticks and stones,


Sticks and stones.

Numbuh 1: well, tommy...

I'm impressed this piece of junk

Actually flies.

I'll admit, there are

A few design flaws.

Hey, numbuh 1, when we're done

With this mission,

Can I go to that birthday party

With you?

What are you talking about?

Isn't this an invitation

To a party?

Give me that!

It's a w*apon.


Yes, tommy,

That may seem cool...

Not that. That!

The global kids next door

Moon base.

It is pretty cool,

Isn't it?


- All right, tommy, we better - slow down for docking.

Um, remember those design flaws

I was talking about?


I never designed

A braking system.

[ Alarm blaring ]

What was that?

Steering malfunction.

Welcome, teenagers,

To your decommissioning.

- Please note - that there are no exits.

The process should take

A couple of minutes,

After which you'll have no

Memory of the kids next door

Or your past adventures

As a team.

And since none of you will

Remember what's been said here,

I'd like to say something

On a personal note.

I, um, uh, well...

I always thought you were

Kind of cute, numbuh 4.

Cute enough not to be


Not even close!

Start the procedure!

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah!

[ Laughing evilly ]


Aaaaaah! Aaaaaah!


[ All moaning ]

Help has arrived,




But I only got

One question.

Who are you?

You guys really don't know

Who I am?

Oh, man, I'm too late.

Numbuh 86: get me a team to

Clear up this wreckage, now!

- Okay, quickly, - you are all crack operatives

In a top-secret organization

Of highly trained kids,

Sworn to defend the world

From the tyranny of adults.

- You're known - by your code names...

Numbuh 2, numbuh 3,

Numbuh 4, and numbuh 5.

I'm your leader, numbuh 1.

You assist me in our battles

- Against kid-hating - supervillains,

Utilizing our incredible

Two-by-four technology.

Right now, we're at kids next

Door global command moon base,

Because we've been falsely

Scheduled for decommissioning.

I failed to rescue you in time,

- Which is why your memories - have been erased.

So now our mission is to defend

Our honor and our lives

And discover the author of the

Insidious conspiracy against us.


So-o-o, uh, when do the men

In the white coats

Come to take you

To the happy hotel, huh?

I'm serious!

If we're to survive,

I need all the help I can get,

And that means you.

And me!

Hey, what's my baby brother

Doing here with you?

I'm numbuh t.

But "t" isn't a number.

[ Laughs ]

I know, I know,

It's a long story.

Great team you got there,

Numbuh dumb.

Listen, we're running

Out of ti...

Numbuh 86: catch them!

Set your weapons for "ouch"!

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah!

What is wrong with everyone

Around here?

Hey, what you doing?!

Aah! Aah!

- Why are you sh**ting - the floor?

Aah! Aah!

- Numbuh 1: smash in - that walkway, numbuh 5.

Uh, are you sure

You're the leader?

Just do it!

Whatever you say, psycho.

It's better than dealing

With these laser-happy freaks.

Brace yourselves!

Aaaaah! Aaaaah!

Aaaaah! Aaaaah!

This is horrible!

- I thought they just put - numbuhs 1 through 5 on the list,

But it's every agent

In sectors "v" and "q"!

- I have to get into the mainframe - before it's too late.

Aaah! Aaah!

Aaah! Aaah!


Numbuh 1!

Man, am I glad to see you.


[ All gasp ]

Hands up!

You guys

Can't fool me.

You didn't say

"Simon says."

Hands up before I blast you all

Into deep space!

Okay, guys, hands up.

What next?

I'm sorry, numbuh 1.

I tried, but the jig is up.

Oh, that's too bad, chad.

I'll have to miss

Your party.

I... I don't know

What you're talking about.

Oh, really?

I wondered why someone

Would go through the trouble

Of wrongfully decommissioning

All the kids next door

In my sector.

I was stumped...

Until I looked at my mail!

What is that?

I-it's not mine!

Give me that!

This is an invitation

To numbuh 274's [gasps]

[ All gasp ]

I told my parents

I didn't want a stupid party!

Of course you didn't.

Numbuh 274 knew

That he'd be decommissioned

If anyone found out

About his 13th birthday.

He hacked into the mainframe and

Falsified his age months ago,

But forgot his parents

Planned to throw a party

- Until after they'd mailed - the invitations.

The only way to ensure

That no one learned the truth

Was to erase the memories

Of everyone on the mailing list.

And the only way to do that

Was by decommissioning them.

What is he talking



This is getting good.

It was just a simple matter

Of using the computer

To up our ages

And then let numbuh 86's troops

Do the dirty work for him.

You don't understand!

An organization this big

Doesn't run itself, you know!

I've been running this show

For five years.

Five years!

I can't let all I've worked for,

- All that I've accomplished - be ruined

By a bunch

Of snot-nosed brats!

[ All gasp ]

Listen to yourself!

You sound

Just like a teenager.

Numbuh 274,

You are hereby scheduled

For immediate


How do you like that,

Mr. Teen boy?


I like having a hostage.

None of you are gonna tell

Anyone about my birthday.

base detachment sequence


base detachment complete.

I hope you all have sunscreen

Spf eleventy kajillion,

'Cause I've set this base

On a direct collision course...

- With the sun. - [ All gasp ]

And I'll be watching from

The only working shuttle pod.

Think of it as my extra-special

Birthday present to me.

[ Laughing evilly ]

What are we going to do?!

What are we going to do-o?!

Get ahold of yourself!

Surely you have a contingency


Plan for this

Oh, yeah. Right.


Activate plan n-11!

Yes, ma'am!

Yes, ma'am! Yes, ma'am!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Groans ]

Come on, team, let's get up

To the observation deck.

Why should we?

Because the sun


Is very

And you don't want

To hit it.

Good enough for me.

Oh, yeah.


Guess that'd work,

So, what's the big plan now,

Numero lame-o?

I... I don't know.

To think, this morning,

I was happily fishing

With my dad.

I wish we could fish

The moon back.

That's it, numbuh...

What's your name?

Um, I think I'm numbuh 4.

i'm numbuh 4.

Uh, right?

Well, then, who am i?!

Will you two just be quiet

And let numbuh 5 continue?!


Oh. Oh, that's me, right?

Well, what if we had some

Kind of big fishing rod?

- We could reel the moon - back in.

- You could probably - make something

- Pretty close - to a fishing rod

Out of some of the old junk

Around here.

Now, that's the team

I know.

Um, numbuh 1 guy,

Are you sure I'm the one

Who does this sort of stuff?


- But there's not - nearly enough rope

- For me to make it - to the moon.

The moon's not your target,

Numbuh 4. that is.

Are you crazy?!

How are you gonna hit that?!

I guess we'll just have to get

Our aim right, won't we?

Numbuh 2...

I need you to calculate

Our distance and thrust

And tell us

When to cast off.

Uh, I can do that?

- Well, sure. - You're smart.

- That's why you're not the one - up on the pole.

Hey, what's that

Supposed to mean?!

Yoo-hoo, numbuh 4!

Good luck!

Uh, yeah, uh, I'll just,

Uh, do my job, and...

Fire now!



Wow! Uh, uh, uh,

This is great!

I'm flying through space!

Flying through...

What was that?!

Hello, cruddy teenager.

You better give up,

Or I'm gonna... I'll...

I'll do something... Grr.

I don't think so!

There is no way

A little brat like you

Is gonna ruin my plan!

Stay still, you squirt!

Don't ever call me "squirt"!

Hah! This kids next door stuff


Is kind of... [ Gasps

Oh, crud!

I don't know how to fly

This thing!

What am I gonna...

- Ugh! Ugh! - Do?

[ Muffled shouting ]

[ Gasps ]

I know how to crash things.

I've, uh, I've never said this

To anyone before,

But, uh, thank you.

And as for this

Teenaged jerk,

Send him

To decommission room 2!

I'll deal with him

In a second.

Listen, I'm not supposed

To do this,

But just between

You and me,

I can have you guys

Recommissioned if you want.

Think about it.

So, what do you say, guys?

I'd love to have

My old team back.

Well, you're crazy,

And this whole organization

Is even crazier.

But what the heck?

I got nothing better to do.

I'm in, too.


Me 3!

Me too 4!

What about me?

Well, numbuh t,

I think you've earned admittance

To the kids next door.


- Yes, yes, - yes, yes, yes, yes!

I'm in the kids next door!

Oh, I want to hang out

In the treehouse all day,

And I want my own room


Whoa! Slow down, there.

- You have to go - to the academy

Before you're assigned


- Oh, okay. - Where's that?

In the coldest part

Of antarctica.


[ Sighs ]

[ Crash ]

[ Motor whirs ]

Finally, the kids next door

Moon base.

Now I can detach it from the

Moon and send it into the sun!

[ Laughing evilly ]

I already tried that.

It didn't work.

Crud. Time for plan "b."

Think you could use

Some help?

Sure, kid, come on.

I'm not a kid.

I'm a teenager.

[ Motor whirs ]