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05x11 - Operation H.O.T.S.T.U.F.F./Operation M.I.S.S.I.O.N.

Posted: 03/30/24 06:14
by bunniefuu
[ Shivering ] s-so c-cold.

Why does dad keep the house so


What do you think you're


The thermostat is not a toy!

But, dad, it's freezing in


Heat does not grow on trees,

Young lady.

When you have your own house,

You can set the temperature

Wherever you like, but in my

House, you are forbidden to

Touch the thermostat.

Yes, daddy.


Now go back to bed, and be

Careful not to slip on the ice

In the family room.

♪ Do do do do do do do

[ Whimpers ]


Good morning, kids next door.

As always, I'll begin this

Morning's debriefing with the

Latest report from global

Command, which, as always,

Numbuh 3 is late for.

Can you blame her?

How many times do we have to

Hear that global command thinks

Cauliflower might be rainbow

Monkey brain?

That cauliflower is

definitely rainbow monkey


Did I tell you?

Global command has advised us

To not eat any cauliflower,

Which we already know, but if we

See any children eating

Cauliflower, report it

Immediately to global command,

And fill out form c-246 in...

Is this the shower?!

I can't find the shower in this

Confounded tree house!

Oh, hello, children.

Good morning, mr. Sanban.

Now, what are you doing in

Our tree house?

Well, I'm not staying in my

House after what kuki did.

I told her not to touch the

Thermostat, but she just had to

Go and play with it.

She's just lucky her mother is

Away on business because now the

House is completely


[ Sobbing ]

So just go home and lower the



I can't even get near the


It's so hot.

So I'm staying right here where

It's nice and comfortable.

Oh, come on.

How hot can it be?

It's about time you got here.

That thing looks like it'll blow

Any minute, and where's numbuh

- We left him back at the - tree house to keep an eye on

Our, uh... Guest.

Uh, you got any coffee around

This place?

Oh, for the 40-12th time,


- Are you sure you guys want to - go in there?

- We can always call in sector "p" - from pompeii.

They've got a lot more

Experience with volcanoes.

Numbuh 3 is our teammate, and

It's our job to get her out.

Besides, if that house blows,

Her dad and the rest of her

Family will be moving into our

Tree house for good.

[ Grunts ]

[ Screams ]

You may fire when ready,

Numbuh 20/20.

Huh? What?

Who said that?


Yes, sir, numbuh 362, ma'am.

Firing in 3...

[ Screaming ]

Just fire already!

Kids next door h.o.t.s.h.o.t.

- Hyper-cooled operative transport - survives highly oven-like


We're all out of ice, and the

Hull temperature is rising!

- Find us a place to surface, - numbuh 2.

No sweat.

Actually, there's a lot of

Sweat, but...

Hull temperature's at 1,200


Right. Look quick, numbuh 2.

I've got nothing on radar!

Hull temperature is 2,000


We're not gonna...

Wait, I think I see



Well, it looks like numbuh 3

Turned up the heat, all right.

Steady as she goes, numbuh 2,

And turn up the air conditioning

On this tub.

My sunglasses are melting over


There's nothing but ice cream

And soda in this place.

Don't you have any quiche, or at

Least a couple slices of


For what?

In case we need to induce some


Ooh, is that triple-pop soda?

I haven't had that since I was a


♪ Do do do do do do do

Didn't anyone teach that guy

To close the refrigerator door?

Hey, numbuh 1, scans show

Numbuh 3 definitely isn't here

In her room or anywhere


[ Rumbling ]

Sounds like we're running out

Of time before this baby blows.

Let's check out downstairs,

Numbuh 2.

Roger that.

[ Burps ]

You know, I could get used to

Living here.

No responsibilities, no one

Nagging you to do stuff.

I kind of like it.

Don't get used to it, bub.

Once your house is back to

Normal, we are kicking your

Khaki-pantsed butt out of...

Yeah, whatever.


What do you think you're doing?!

Give me that!

It's my soda!


I got it.

Well, I bought it!

[ Rumbling ]

Hey, look!

Things are coming down!



More incoming stalagmites.

Um, okay, actually, those are

Stalacti... Whoa!

I thought stalagmites were on

The ceiling!

No, they're on the ground!

What are?!


My what?

Look out!

[ All screaming ]

Hey, who's cooking


I don't know about

Hamburgers, but your buns are



Knock it off, guys.

I can't see!


Guys, get ready for some

Red-water rafting.


Turn us around, numbuh 2.

Turn us around.

I'm trying.

We're caught in the current.

Just a little more.

[ All screaming ]

I don't believe it.

Are you still just sitting there

Watching tv?

You should be mowing lawns or

Washing cars and stuff.



Oh, man.

Numbuh 5 is too young to be

Using antiperspirant, but she's

Thinking about starting any

Minute now.

I hear that.

My underwear's so stuck to my

Butt, I'll need a spatula to get

It off.

Why do you insist on saying

Things numbuh 5 can't ever


[ Rumbling ]

Enough chitchat, you two.

We've got to get to that

Thermostat and find numbuh 3.

Don't you "whatever" me,


This is my tree house, and while

You're here, you'll do


Blah, blah, blah.

I can't hear you.

Hey, you come back here right


[ All panting ]

Finally, the living room.

Look, there's the thermostat.

All right, team, move!

We've only got minutes until

This place erupts.

Super heat-resistant jacket?


Fire-proof climbing gloves?


Okay, now, all I got to do is

Keep my cool and turn down the

Heat on that thermostat.

Wish me luck.

The thermostat is not a toy!

I set it where it is for a

Reason, and it's going to stay


It's eleventy billion degrees

In here, numbuh 3.

If we don't cool this place

Down, it's gonna blow.

I don't care!

For once I can feel my toes!

For once I don't have to wear 17

Sweaters just to take a bath.

For once I don't have to eat my

Cereal with an ice pick, and I

Won't let you change the

Temperature one degree!

- Looks like numbuh 3's lost - it.

You hold her off while I go for

The thermostat.

Let's go.

All right.

A little ice cream ought to cool

Numbuh 3 off.

Come on. Move it.

Let's go. Let's do this thing.

[ Growling ]

Out of my way!

Not a chance, numbuh 3.

We're cooling you off.


Stop it!


[ Growling ]

Hit her again!

[ Laughing evilly ]

[ Grunting ]



Don't touch my thermostat!


I won't let you make it cold


I won't let you make it cold


[ Sighs ]


All right, mister, you'd

Better not be still hogging the

Tv, 'cause... Huh?

Hey, don't touch that!

[ Cheering ]

Nice work, sector "b."

I knew you could do it.

One side, one side, move it.

[ Shivering ] t-the tree house.

M-mr. Sanban... He found the


It's freezing in there.

Aw, come on.

How cold could it be?

But, numbuh 4, you don't have

Authorization to do this.

Listen, if you don't believe

Me, why don't you give numbuh 86

- A call up on moonbase and ask - her?

Numbuh 86?!

I'm just getting my hearing back

From the last time I had to call


All right, then, I want him.

And I'll take him.

Not him.



[ Growls ]

Not him again!


Gimme him, too.


What about me?

- I want to be picked, too, for - whatever it is you're picking


[ All chattering ]


Blow it out your porthole!

[ All gulping ]

All right, here's the deal.

You're all gonna help me on a

Double-triple secret mission,

And if we succeed, you'll each

Receive a full pardon for all

The crimes you've committed

Against kids.

How's about this deal

Instead, kid?

We finish off all your soda,

Trash this place, and leave!

[ Laughter ]

I expected as much from a

Bunch of villains like


That's why I poisoned your


In 48 hours, your tonsils will

Inflate to the size of ginormous

Blimps before... Pow! They

Pop like balloons.

And the only way you're gonna

Get the antidote is to do what I



In french, that means... Huh?

Aw, jeez, it's the


Hi, guys.

There must have been some mix-up

And I wasn't picked to come

Along on this trip with you, so

I tunneled my way out to catch


Ooh, soda pop!

[ Slurping ]


All right, kid, we'll do

Whatever you want.

Just don't give him the


Come on. Move it.

Quit dragging your feet.

[ Sighs ]

I thought you supervillains

Were supposed to be tough.

Gimme 5 more! Come on!

Eat some dirt, you prom queen!

Move it, move it!

Pick those feet up!

Come on!

Please help.

Oh, my back.

[ All snoring ]

It's 0-28,000 hours, snotbrains!

Let's get a move on!

Oh, come on, boy.

Let us sleep a wee bit more.

Sleep on your own time,

Lazy beard.

Our big mission is tonight.

A bowling tournament?

- That's what we've been training - for?!

- We don't need to practice - bowling.

We're the supervillain

Interleague champions.

This isn't just any

Tournament, baldy.

My dad's team has made it to the

Finals, and if he wins, it's...

It's just awful!

Every week, my dad makes me

Polish his stupid bowling

Trophies, and every year, they

Keep getting bigger and


Well, we don't care if it

Takes you the rest of your life

To polish those things.

We're out of here!


Oh, villains.

[ Pop! ]

[ All gasp ]

Uh, what time did you say the

Tournament was?

[ All chattering ]

Tonight, we're gonna k*ll


[ Growling ]

[ Laughter ]

Ooh, it's a vampire.

Oh, and a pirate.

It must be halloween or


[ Laughter ]

[ Rumbling ]

Why, hey, mr. Boss.

Nice to see you're out of the

Office for a little friendly


Yeah, whatever.

We're gonna swab the deck

With your faces, matey.

- [ Laughs ] - ew.

Good luck, sucker!

Ow, ooh!

You have been a bad bowler!

Well, they seem like a bunch

Of swell guys, eh?


Right. Right.

Hiya, pop!

Wallabee, come to cheer your

Old man on, have ya?

Yeah, pop.

The only way you could lose is

If someone hired a bunch of

- Supervillains to beat the pants - off ya.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

What kind of sick little dingo

Would do something like that?

Uh, yeah. [ Coughs ]

Hey, stupid, you're up!

Well, that's me.

Wish me luck, son.

Good luck, dad.

You're gonna need it.

Oh, boy.

I can't wait for that trophy.

Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Ball, you have been very,

Very bad, and you must be


Now, feel the hand of justice!

It is on!

♪ When it's all on the line

And the time has begun ♪

♪ Do you have what it takes

To reach for the top ♪

♪ To be a champion?

♪ My only advice

For all you jocks ♪

♪ I'll repeat this refrain

Twice ♪

♪ Don't pee in your pants

If you want a victory dance ♪

♪ Don't pee in your pants

If you want a victory dance ♪

♪ When the tension brews thick

♪ Show you're about

To reach glory ♪

♪ Losers don't win

If you fall on your face ♪

♪ End of story

♪ Don't pee in your pants

If you want a victory dance ♪

♪ Don't pee in your pants

If you want a victory dance ♪

Okeydokey, it's the final

Frame, mr. Boss.

We need a strike to put us in

The lead.

There's no pressure, though.

No pressure.

- Get your soggy hands off of - me.

I'm gonna get that strike and

Send numbuh 4's daddy home

Crying like a baby!

No pressure!

No pressure!

All right, team.

Recapture those villains.


[ Whimpers ]

It be the kids next door!

Trade in your bowling shoes and

Run for it!


You came here to bowl and bowl

You shall.

Leave the kids next door to me!

Thanks, loo.

That... That means a lot to us.

[ Sniffling ]

I'd... I'd do anything for you,

Mr. Boss.

Then get off of me!

How am I supposed to bowl with

Your soggy butt in my way?

Now, go hold off those brats.

And get us some more curly fries

When you're done.

[ Shouting ]

Take not one step further.

Tonight, the supervillains bowl

While you get flushed in my


Ah, him and that flushing


So let's get back to bowling


Come on, boss.

Come on, come on.

All right, all right.

[ Cheering ]

[ Laughing evilly ]

Uh, numbuh 1, are we waiting

For something?

Nah, I just think it's kind

Of funny when the toilenator

Does this stuff.

Let's get him!

[ Laughs, gasps ]

You'll be the captain of the

Alley, mr. Boss man.

What are you guys celebrating


If dad gets a spare or strike,

I'll be polishing the biggest

Trophy yet.

Oh, don't worry.

Your dad's a loser.

Look at him shake like a leaf.

Together: [ chanting ] miss,

Miss, miss, miss, miss, miss.

Oh, the dreaded 7-10 split.

Nearly impossible to pick up.

And now the only way numbuh 4's

Dad can taste the frosty icing

Of victory is to knock down both

Of those pins.

There you are, nicky.

What did I tell you about

Hanging around disgusting

Bowling alleys?

- There's no way he'll get - that.

Argh, we win! [ Laughs ]

Way to go, guys.

Let's toast to victory and not

Polishing trophies.

Hey, isn't that the same

Poison soda you gave us?

Oh, yeah.

I just told you guys it was

Poison so you'd help me.


Why you little...

Hey, come on, fellas.

So I busted you out of prison

For a little bowling.

I-it was fun, right?


Hey, is that numbuh 4?

[ Gasping ]

Oh, come on, baby.

Come on.

[ Gasps ]

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Please, no.


[ Gasps ]


Trophy, come to papa!


[ Cheering ]



[ Chuckles nervously ]

Anybody in the mood for some

Curly fries?

All right, adult, it's 8:00.

Visiting hours are officially


Right then.

So I'll see you tomorrow, okay?

Oh, and, son?

You missed a spot.


[ Muffled mumbling ]

Sorry, charlie, we're all

Tied up over here.

Say, gus, can you scratch my

Armpit from down there?

Aw, come on.

Somebody let me... Oh! Out of


I'm sorry I made fun of you


Vampires are cool and so are


Please, for the love of bowling,

Unzip this bag!