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05x12 - Operation L.I.C.O.R.I.C.E./Operation H.O.M.E.

Posted: 03/30/24 06:15
by bunniefuu
We're on it. Fine!

Look... I don't care what level

You're on, numbuh 105.

Put that video game down and

Find out what knightbrace is

Doing in poughkeepsie.

Sector pdq, I told you I want

That broccoli farm shut down

A.s.a. Now!

Moon base out.


Sir, I needed these official

Orders signed 73.0

Burger-seconds ago.

I'm sorry, numbuh 65.3... Ow!

Hey, little help, numbuh 362?

Would you guys mind playing

Whizbee on the whizbee deck and

Not on my bridge?

Uh, yes, sir, ma'am.

Hey, dude, go long this time.

I can't believe this.

Sir, what about those papers

That need authorization?

I... Uh...

Numbuh 362, sector "b" is

Under attack by angry history


The cotton-candy machines are

Filled with ants.

Can you tie my shoelaces?

Numbuh 362, do you have my

Permission slip?

[ All speaking frantically ]

Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay.

I'll get on that.

Yeah. I'll try. Ow!

Hey, little help, numbuh 362.

That's it!

I want every kids next door

Operative at the kids next door

Super convention center for a


Supersecret meeting at 0500!

Oh, boy!

If numbuh 362 called for a

Meeting here, it's got to be

Something really cool.

Maybe she's gonna commend us

In front of everyone for our

Defeat of midwestern mom and her

Homemade coleslaw beast.

Well, whatever this is about,

It better be quick.

I got to pee so bad.

Kids next door, attention!

Kids next door rule!

All: kids next door rule,


At ease, everyone.

I've got something super, double

Important to tell you all.

It's something that I hate to

Do, but it simply can't wait any


- I'd like to say... - Ooh-oo-oo-ooh!


Ooh-oo-oo ooh-hoo!

Numbuh 362?

Yes, numbuh 4?

Can I go to the bathroom,


Can't it wait?

I'm kind of in the middle of

Something important here.

But I really, really,


Okay, just go already!

Yes! Excuse me. Pardon me.

Sorry. Excuse me. Whoa. Whoa!

- [ Crash ] - I'm okay.

What I was trying to say is

That running this organization

Is an all-consuming job, one

That requires strength,

Patience, and a willingness to

Share your candy with everyone.

And at this point, I feel I have

Exhausted those very things.

So it is at this time, fellow

Kids next door, that I must


Tag! You're it.

[ Squeals ]

[ All gasp ]

I'm it?! What'll I do?

What'll I do? What'll I do?

[ Toilet flushes ]


Man, I was gonna explode.

Hey, where'd everybody go?

Tag! You're it!

Hey, you come back here right


[ All gasp ]


Come back!

Ahhh! Whew!


Relax. It's just me.

Oh, sorry, numbuh 1.

I thought you might be it.


- Wouldn't want that, now, would - we?

So, why don't you want to be it

Anymore, rachel?

Isn't it fun anymore?


Everyone knows there's nothing

Fun about being supreme leader

Of the kids next door.

That's why we have a stupid game

Of tag to decide who does it.

But you wanted the job after

Chad left, and you've been the

Best one yet.

I mean, under your leadership,

There's been a 60% reduction in

The world's broccoli supply.


- It's operatives like you that do - the real work.

I'm just stuck on the moon base

Doing paperwork.

- I don't get to go on missions - anymore.

I have to keep

Colleventy-hundred kids with

Short attention spans organized.

I just don't want to do it

Anymore, nigel.

So I called in a game of tag.

Whoever's it at noon... Leading

The kids next door will be their


You know, I once thought that

I might make a great supreme


But then one day I realized that

I probably couldn't handle the



When did you realize that?

Just now.

Some people... Like numbuh 100,

Numbuh 274, like you... Were

Made for this job.

You're smart, organized, and you

Know just when it's time to take

A cookie break.

Sure, it's hard, but I'll bet

That's what makes it exciting

For you.

- I'd hate to see you give that - up.

Thanks, nigel, but no thanks.

I think I'm done.

I don't think you want to

Touch me.

After all, I am it.

[ Gasps ]

Good luck, rachel, with

Whatever you decide.

Look out! He's it!

[ All squeal frantically ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Gasps ]


♪ I'm it, I'm it

♪ Oh, herbie hop and I are it

But not for long, herbie!



Yay! I'm not it!

Can I have this one?


How about that one?

- [ Growls ] - I told you 100 times already...

No money, no hot dog.

Th-i-i-i-is one?

[ Growls ]

Eh! Oh! Ow! Ow! Aw! Doh!


Tag. You're it.

Hot dog!

I'm gonna be the leader of the

Kids next door.

Oh, no, you're not.

Anyone but him.

Look out. Numbuh 23 is it.

Tag. You're it.

[ Both gasp ]

Tag. You're it.

No, I'm not. You're it.

No way. You're it.

You're it.

[ Crash ]

[ Tropical music plays ]

[ Laughs evilly ]

Don't even try it, mon.

Another mango smoothie, mon?

Tag. You're it.

Hey! Come back here, mon.

Tag. You're it, mon.

[ All gasp ]

Who's it?

Great horny toads, look out!

Tag. You're it.

Guten tag you very much.

Tag, y'all.

Das tag, comrade.

Tag. You're it, eh.

Whaa! She's it!

Man, that was close, but no one

Will ever find me in my

Uncharted supersecret

Suborbital hiding spot.


Come on, man.

Everybody knows you come up here

To read "rainbow monkeys in

Love" romance comic books.

No! I-i-i-i just read 'em for

The video-game ads.

I swear it.

Speaking of "it," you're

About to be, baby.

T.a.g.g. Missiles!

Time for some evasive action.


Ha ha ha!


[ Heartbeat ]


Hey, nice try.

[ Growls ]

[ Giggles ]


Oh, your moves, grasshopper, are

Like elephants doing the mambo

In tapioca.

[ Breathing heavily ]


You are just too good for me.

- You got to give me five on that - one, baby.

Well, when you're king of the

Skies, you're king of the skies.


More like king of the

Suckers, baby.

Tag. You're it.


I got you!

Big deal.

That's why I borrowed this for

Just such an emergency.


The kids-next-door code module

Holds the dna of every

Kids next door operative.

All I got to do is hook it up to

My ship's targeting computer,


- [ Beeping ] - look at that.

There's a bunch of kids hiding

Up on the moon base.

And away we go.

[ Animal howls ]

Chewy pellet?

Don't worry, rachel.

I'm not it anymore.

- Are you sure you don't want to - be?

Time's almost up.

Well, then, whoever's it has

Got to be totally wetting

Themselves right now.

I am totally gonna wet myself

If I don't tag someone quick.

[ Robotic voice ] time

Remaining in "operation it" is

Now "t" minus 25 seconds.


Yes. 23 Seconds.


- There's someone right on the - other side of this door.

[ Beep ]

Tag. You're... Aaagh!

Oh, no. It looks like I'm it.

Rule number 60-buthousand

Clearly states that only a

Kids next door operative can be

Supreme leader.

[ All jeering ]

Oh, really?

What an oversight on my part.

I guess I'll just go pack up

And... Wait a second!

I a a kids next door operative.

Uh, steve, could you roll the

Tape, please?

How father became a

Kids next door operative...

Not long ago, father had a

Delightfully evil plan to turn

All kids next door operatives

Into animals using the dna

Stored in their code module.

But this plan was foiled by one

Tommy gilligan, who stuck his

Finger up father's nose and

Placed his booger into the code

Module, thereby turning the

Tables and transforming father

Himself into a dirty, smelly


Way to go, tommy!

That's my little brother.

But by placing the booger

Into the code module, father was

Made an official kids next door


Eh-heh-heh... Brother-in-law?

So, you see, I am a

Kids next door operative.

Well, you're not gonna be one

For long.

You're still way over the age

Of 13 and therefore scheduled

For immediate decommissioning.

No need to become hostile.

As the leader, I get to make the

Rules, right?

So new rule.

You can't decommission your

Supreme leader.

Wrong answer!

No. He's right.

The leader can make up the

Rules... Though a real leader

Wouldn't stoop to changing our


But... But... But...

No buts, fanny.

As kids next door operatives, we

Go by the rules.

[ Engines shut down ]

Listen, kids?

I know we've had our minor

Differences in the past, but by

Making me your supreme leader,

You have opened my eyes.

For once, I want to do something

Good for kids.

Like what?

Turn us all into single-cell

Cytoplasmic bicuspid


No, but that is very


No, I propose that together we

Eradicate every last sprig of

Broccoli on earth.

[ Crickets chirping ]

Come on. Nobody likes broccoli.

We adults just make you kids eat

It so we don't have to.

He's got a point.

But together we can change

All that.

Tomorrow, using your numbers and

My adult tactical genius, we

Shall destroy the broccoli farms

And put an end to the cursed

Vegetable forever!

[ All cheering ]

Now, everyone, get back to your

Tree houses and get a good

Night's rest for tomorrow's


Kids next door, battle stations!

Woo-hoo! No more broccoli.

I like this new leader already.

Oh, please, fool.

Father would just as soon grind

Kids into coffee and drink them

Than offer them help.

Precisely, numbuh 5.

- I don't trust father for a - second.

But rules are rules, so you guys

Head back to the tree house and

Get ready for whatever he's


Aren't you coming with us,

Numbuh 1?

I'll catch up right after I

Check up on someone.

Shouldn't you be at your tree

House, numbuh 362?

[ Sniffles ] no.

I don't think I can show my face

Around the kids next door


I really screwed up.

I'm a terrible leader.

You were a great leader.

But I don't think your successor

Intends to be.

Together: [ monotone ]

Father, what do you mean you're

Going to do something good for


Kids next door central root


[ Elevator dings ]

When I said I was gonna do

- Something good for kids, I meant - it.

And you know what's good for



And with my patent-pending

Broccoli virus uploaded into the

Tree-house root system, I'll

Create enough broccoli to feed

Every kid in the world.

And the only way to eradicate it

Is by eating it.


Let's get out of here, eh?

[ All gasp ]


Nasty, eh.

Oh, my goodness, gracious.

I fear broccoli.

Nyet! Ugh-uh-uh-uh! Broccoli.

Ugh! 7'S energy is so weak.

So, you see, my delightful

Children, revenge is a dish best

Served with broccoli.



Take this code module and track

Down any stragglers.

I'll see you on the moon base

For phase 2.

Come on.

What's happening?

We've got to get out of here.

Hold on.

[ Screaming ]

We're not gonna make it!

[ Screaming ]

Oh... Oh, ground, I missed you so


You'll have to get

Reacquainted later.

Father's cooking up something

Evil, and this broccoli is just

The start.

I've got to round up my team...

Oh, no, you don't.

I'm afraid we need you for

Another matter.


Hmm... You know, I could

Really go for a hamburger.


Who dares disturb the supreme

Leader of the kids next door?

Follow my lead.


Is that a new black-silhouette

Suit you have on, father?

Why, yes, it is.

It's a tad blacker than the last

One... More slimming, don't you


Oh, definitely.

And I see you got it at a good


I did. How did you know?

Well, there's a little thing

Dangling there.

Oh, that's probably just the

Price ta... Oh, no, you don't!

You're trying to get me to say

Tag and then touch you so I

Won't be leader anymore.

Well, I'm not falling for it,

Buddy boy.

I'm the leader of the kids next

Door, and I'm gonna stay leader

At least until I've harvested

Your miserable tree houses into

Enough broccoli to feed every

Kid in the world eight meals a

Day of the stuff.

You give it a shot.

But... I'm not a field


You are now!

Oh, you'll eat it plain, and

You wo like it.

Hi, there, father, sir.

As a former kids next door

Supreme leader, I'd love to

Share some advice, maybe show

You where the secret

Supreme-leader bathroom is.

Why, that'd be swell.

- This is a really tough job, you - know.

Well, it definitely helps

During your first days as new

Leader to wear one of these.

What do you call these things?

What? A name ta... Nice try!

But I wasn't born yesterday, you


That's right.

Father is smarter than all of

You kids next door dummies put


Tell them how you tricked

Everyone into making you their

Supreme leader.

Well, it was simple, really.

When that dumb numbuh 2 kid

Opened the door, he reached out

And tagged me just like this.

Tag. You're it.

I don't want to be supreme

Leader again.

Tag. You're it.

We don't want to lead a bunch

Of everyday brats.

Tag. You're it.

[ All scream ]


Looks like I'm still your

Supreme leader.

Not so fast.

The game's still on, so that

Means we have until noon to make

You tag one of us.

You know, I never liked tag.

I always preferred...


[ Laughs evilly ]

Quick, after him!

[ Both scream ]

[ Laughs evilly ]


[ Both gasp ]

Wrong one, kids!

[ Evil laughter echoing ]

Split up!



[ Gasps ] aah!

[ Both growl ]

Both: whoa!

[ Both exhale ]

I can't take much more of


I'm way out of practice.

Well, this is the last room.

The real father has got to be

Somewhere behind this door.



[ Both gasp ]

[ Evil laughter ]

[ Both shout ]

That's it.

We've lost.

We'll never find him in there.

Not without this, you won't.

Not so fast, delightful


If you think we're gonna fall

For that, you're...


- The code module shows the real - father is in the room just

Beyond this one.

But what if it's a trap?

Father said it himself.

Nobody likes broccoli, not even


So, you ready to do this,


- Think a desk officer like you - can keep up?

Try not to fall behind.

Maybe I should've put more

Mes out there.

What the...

You're too late, kids.

[ Laughs evilly ]

Well, that was nifty.

Only a... Minute left to tag


One... Way... Into... Room.

Rachel, no!

It's su1c1de!


[ Gags, gulps ]

[ Gagging, munching ]

Oh, at least put some cheese

On it!

Almost... There.

Hey, how'd you get in here?

What... No!

Get off me!



Tag me... Now!

Don't make me eat broccoli...


Tag me!



Tag. You're it.

Now, get that cursed vegetable

Away from me!

Daddy, don't make me eat the

Yucky broccoli!

Please, daddy!

We've got to stop father!


- We removed his and the - delightful children's boogers

- From the code module a few days - ago.

They're gone, and the tree

Houses are back to normal.

How long have I been out?

About a week.

What you did back there was very

Brave, supreme leader, sir.

You know, being out there and

Fighting again was pretty sweet.

But how do you guys do it every


Well, we eat a lot of nachos,

I guess.

Mostly you just get used to it.

Maybe being supreme leader

Isn't as bad a job as I thought.

So, you think you're ready to

Get back to work?

Yeah, I think so.


Kids next door rule!

Number 362, sir!

Kids next door r... Ow!

[ All gasping ]

Little help, number 362?

[ Growls ]

As kids next door supreme

Leader, I hereby order you to...

Go long!

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Laughing ]

You got to check this out.

My turn, my turn!

Can I see? Come on!

[ Laughs ]

Hey, come on, numbuh 3.

Let me see.

[ Laughs ] oh!

All right, what's so funny?

Give me those.

Oh, come on.

I told you guys two days ago to

Tell numbuh 4 the game was over.