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04x01 - Origin of Donnie Mini-Series-Part 1

Posted: 03/30/24 19:03
by bunniefuu
Okay, so we're not that average.

(panting )

And between you and me

something amazing happened...

And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool

but totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.


NIGEL: Here in Borneo, "island in the clouds"

we search for its most amazing inhabitant-- the orangutan.

While my Malay is a bit rusty

I can tell you "orang" means man

and "utan" means forest or jungle.

Despite their great size

they are gentle creatures, especially the mothers

who tenderly wash their babies with rainwater...

(Donnie whooping and jabbering... )

MARIANNE: Oh my gosh... Nigel!

Great Goodall!

That would seem to be a boy of the jungle!

(laughing and jabbering )

Yeah, Donnie, that was you.

Debbie, did you see that?

I think he remembers the day we found him.

Who could forget the day we found him?

His first official act was to put my entire collection

of Boys At Play CDs down the garbage disposal!

Aah! My favorite shirt!

Chill, Deb. He's just got more energy than usual

'cause he probably knows it's his birthday.

Well, not exactly his birthday

since we don't know his birthday

but it is the day we found him.

Uh! Whatever!

DONNIE: Eh! Wha!

Donnie! Look what you did

to the proboscis monkey's nose!

Chill, Eliza.

He's just got more energy than usual

'cause he's-- hello?-- Donnie.

But I can't finish the puzzle now!

You can wash your ugly shirt.

It's not ugly!

You drive me crazy!


One more sound and I'll have you

alphabetizing videotapes.

BOTH: She started it!

BOTH: Did not!

Nigel, I could use a little help here.

Sorry, darling, I'm up to my elbows in nuts and bolts.

You don't perchance have a metric ratchet wrench?

Dad, Debbie is so...

(gasps ) awesome!

Glad you two are getting along, poppet.

(parrots squawking )

(Donnie grunting and jabbering... )


(jabbering and laughing... )

Mom, can I look for orangutans

while you and Dad are at the foster parent agency?

Sorry, honey, we need you and Debbie

to get things ready for Donnie's party.

But Mom...

And quite a surprise party it will be!

Nigel, I think he knows about the party.

No, dearest, the surprise is for you!

But I can't tell you yet... (chuckles )

Oh, all right, you dragged it out of me!

Marianne... I've invited your mother

to join us for the festivities!

My mother?


(gasps )

Oh, no.

My mother...?


Isn't it fabulous?

Your father had a previous commitment

but lovely Sophie will be arriving

in a just few hours and...

And everything is a mess, and nothing is ready

and we're under enough pressure

with the Foundation breathing down our necks.

Dearest, there's no cause for alarm...



I want a clean Commvee

by the time your grandmother gets here.

No problem. Sure, fine. least you were surprised.

Time to be skedaddling, my love.

Off... we go.

(jabbering )

Great. Now I'm never going to get to look for orangutans.

I'm afraid, on our end

we still haven't been able to get to the bottom of this.

We just don't know who Donnie's real parents are.

Or if they're even alive.

Well, I guess Donnie's mysterious past

will remain just that... mysterious.

(jabbering )

MARIANNE: I have to admit, Mr. Mayasandra

from the moment we found him

we've felt like he belonged in our family.

(slurps, yells )

(laughs )

(laughs )

(laughs )

One thing's certain: he's a happy, healthy child.

I see no reason you cannot continue

to be his foster parents.

(jabbering... )

I must say, the lad's found his way into our hearts...

as well as our hair. (laughs )

MARIANNE: So while we're filming

at the orangutan rehabilitation center

just keep cleaning, put the party stuff out...

Debbie, I need you to wrestle Donnie

into some real clothes before my mother gets here.

Shirt, shoes, socks-- the works.

Does she have any idea what that means?

(Donnie jabbering )

We'll be back before dark!

And remember, Eliza, they can be called "clean" flaps

just as easily as they can be called "mud" flaps.

(Donnie jabbering )

Come on, Dar-- we got to get these done

before Grandma gets here.

DEBBIE: Uh! Donnie, you get back here!

You can't wear socks without shoes!

(jabbering and laughing )

Uh! All right. That is it!

I'm counting to three...

One... two...


(laughs )

Ooh... you've got him scared, all right!

Look, you do your job and I'll do mine.

I could handle Donnie way better than you.

He is all yours!

I'd rather clean the Commvee anyway.

It isn't moving.

I'll even take him out of your sight!

(whispers ): Am I good or what?

Not only do I get Debbie to do the cleaning--

I get to go look for orangutans!

Donnie, if you get dressed

you can go in the rain forest with us!

Ooh... (jabbering... )

(throaty chattering )

It's an awful fact that poachers k*ll mother orangutans.

Is it done so they can take the ba... mmm... babies?

Yes, the poachers sell them as pets

and make a lot of money doing it.

But once they start to get bigger

aren't they usually a... ah... abandoned?

That's true.

We at the rehabilitation center try to find them.

Then we do everything we can to help them learn

how to live in the rain forest again.

And the babies have to be schooled

in everything, don't they?

Because they're not instinctive.

That's correct-- it's just one

of the many ways they're like humans.

(nose closed ): While they're utterly adorable

I can see how raising one could be quite a handful!

Oh... can I call a time out?

It's time for this little one's feeding anyway.

Isn't it, Mr. Wigglepants?

Those poor babies!

This poaching seems to be reaching crisis level.

It's awful. And I can't believe

the Foundation doesn't realize how difficult it's going to be

for us to find one in the wild.

Difficult, but not impossible, Marianne.

And if we don't film an orangutan in the wild

they want to cut our funding.

Might you know a direction for us to pursue

in searching for an orangutan?

Well, we just released an orangutan

into the wild a few days ago.

He-- he can't have gone far.

Unfortunately, we got word this morning

that poachers were spotted in the area.

(chattering )

DONNIE: Oh... ah...

See how calm he is?

Debbie just doesn't have my gift.

Hmm, yes, well, we'll just see how long

those shoes and socks stay on.

(jabbering... )

(inhales deeply )

Ah... ooh!

(munching )

Look, a durian tree!

The fruit's one of the foods orangutans eat.

But obviously can't smell!

Oh, what a stench!

How can they possibly get them

close enough to their mouths to swallow?

Ooh... wah!

Aah! Oh, get it off, get it off me! Eww...!

Oh... you know, that's not bad.

Oh, not bad at all.

Hey, I think Donnie remembers durians from when he lived here!

Maybe he remembers where orangutans are, too.

Oh no-- you're having some kind of att*ck!

Darwin! I'm pretending to be an orangutan--

to jog Donnie's memory.

Well, trust me, it looked more like a case of hives.

Orangutans look like this.

Oh sure-- if this were amateur theater.

Orangutans don't do this...

They do this.

And you call yourself a primate...

Ah! Ooh...

(jabbering )

Okay! See, Darwin? It worked.

(jabbering... )

(panting... )


DARWIN: Your impression of an orangutan

was worse than I thought!

Oh, no! Rhino!

(screaming... )

(rhino roaring... )

(roaring and snorting... )

(screeching... )

Listen to me!

We speak the same language!

I mean, I speak your language...

I mean... run...!

Oh, no! Where's Donnie?

(jabbering )


Hey! Why are you doing that?!

'Cause I can!

And 'cause the last time humans were around here

they took my cousin's horn...

and my brother's life!

(Darwin whimpering )

It's okay, Darwin.

He's gone.

(screeches )

Of course.

I knew that.

Donnie! Come back here!

(laughing and jabbering )


Great catch, Dar!

I believe they think so, too.

Cool! Proboscis monkeys!

Oh gee, they, they look kind of scared.

Yes, I can see that.

Even upside down.


(jabbering )

DARWIN: Ouch! Watch your step!

I'm a jungle chimp, not a jungle gym!

(chattering... )

Oh, no! They're going to drown!

Darwin, hang on to Donnie.


MAN (in headphones ): * Kick, baby, punch, baby!

* Kick, baby, punch, baby...

(vehicle approaching )

...and I always pack enough food for three days when I'm flying, so...

You can have this extra lunch.

Oh, no need to thank me.

Hello? Anyone here?

Look at those mud flaps-- appalling!

(music playing in headphones )

Frank? It's me. I made it...

To Borneo...

Oh, sorry-- I forgot daytime here is nighttime in Arizona.

It looks like there's no one around.

Of course, I am three hours early...

But I got here just in time.

You should see the place...

What? No, dear, the meat loaf in the green container is for Thursday.

The meat loaf in the blue container is for Tuesday...

Love you, too.

ELIZA Don't worry! I'll save you!

I'm not worried-- I can swim!

But that human boy, he yells

he scares us right out of our own tree...

Now just one minute...




Sorry about that-- and before.

Donnie's a little more "Donnie" than usual

'cause it's something like his birthday.

It's okay...after all, you did try to save us.

For the record, suspenders are no good at suspending.

We're trying to find some orangutans but...

maybe we could hang out with you for a while

and Donnie could work off a little of his excess energy.

It's fine with me... but you might want to ask my dad.

I'm really sorry about Donnie scaring you guys.

Sometimes he gets overexcited.

That's why some animals eat their young.

Uh, right.

So... would it be okay

if we swim with you and your family for a while?

(Donnie jabbering )

Hmm... just keep an eye on that one.

Wow, this is great, Baru!

But I can't stay real long 'cause my grandmother's coming.

And I still want to see some orangutans

before I have to go back to the Commvee.

BARU: My mom and dad used to see them all the time.

But now we never see them.


Donnie! Cut it out!

(jabbering and sputtering )

He means well, but he can be such a pest.

Oh! Oh, snake!

Snake?! Oh!

Make way! Chimpanzees and children first!

(both panting )

Yah! (jabbering )

It was just a stick!

I'm sorry.

(Donnie jabbering, Eliza laughing... )

NIGEL: I can't believe we found one!

And how they have the intelligence

to use a leaf as a tool.

Remarkable creatures!

I'm starting to feel lucky.

Maybe we'll get footage for the Foundation after all.

(grunts ) Ready?

As ever. (grunts )

Nigel! The radio!

Which radio would that be, dearest?


Oh... that radio.

Oh... my mother is coming

we've got an impossible deadline

the radio is ruined

my mother is coming...

(music playing in headphones... )


Hey, didn't I just...

(coughing and sputtering )

Hey! Who... Grandma?


(yelling ): When did you get here?

(yelling ): A couple of hours a...

(normal voice ): A couple of hours ago.

Honey, I'm so sorry.

Come on, let's get you cleaned up.

(rustling )


(gasps )

Baru, look!

These fruit skins mean orangutans have been here.

(gasps )

(rustling )

Oh my gosh... I think it's an orangutan!

(Donnie shrieking )

Oh, no! Donnie?!


(jabbering... )

What is it?

Not another snake, I hope.

Oh! It was just a porcupine.

Oh, thanks a lot, Donnie.

I was this close to seeing an orangutan, I just know it!

(jabbering and laughing )

I'm beginning to think Debbie got the better deal.

...and I want you to know

you get this gorgeous hair from my side of the family.


But hiding half your pretty face

just isn't in style anymore.


In fact, I brought you a little present.

It's the hot new thing with the "in" crowd.

No, really, Grandma.

That's okay. I...


Gee, um... (laughs nervously )

thanks, Grandma.

I guess they didn't come in black, huh?

Another skip, hop and rappel

and you've got it, lovely!

(grunting )

Wha... oh!

Oh... Nigel...!


Oh! Aah!

Hang on, dearest!

(grunting )

Darling, are you all right?

Can you make it the rest of the way down?

Uh, yes...I think so.

We're almost there.


Ow... ooh!

Darling, you're hurt!

Uh, it's just a scratch.

A scratch? You've broken your wrist.

We must turn back and seek medical attention at once.

Turn back? Now that we're on the trail of an orangutan?

Nigel, we've got a documentary to sh**t.

See? It's just a sprain.

I swear.

Well, if you're sure...

(groaning )

Oh, we've got to get back.

And we've got to move on.

(Donnie jabbering )

Now what?

(jabbering and laughing )

(shrieking )

(snarling )

Look! A snake!

(jabbering )

Donnie, stop fooling around!

You nearly got all the monkeys eaten!

You've been messing up our fun all day!

You have wrecked everything!

From now on, you can stay home

'cause I am never, ever

taking you in the jungle again!

(muttering sadly )

Baru, I'm really sorry Donnie put you guys in danger.

That's all right.

I know he didn't mean to.

I got to go. Bye, Eliza.

I hope you find an orangutan.

Bye, Baru.

I was pretty mean to Donnie, wasn't I?

Just going by the yelling sounds?

I'd have to say... yes.

Donnie, I'm sor...

Donnie? Donnie!

Oh, no... he's gone!

He was just here a minute ago.


Donnie, where are you?

(radio crackling )

Mom and Dad...

Come in, Mom and Dad, over.

Your mother's out of plastic wrap!

How has she survived?

Good thing I brought my own.

Now, let's see... where is it?

Ah... um...

Ah, here we go!

Mom and Dad...

Come in, Mom and Dad, over.

Shouldn't they all be back by now?

I'm worried the pot roast will be overdone.

Oh, they must've turned their radio off or something.

They're probably filming.

And Eliza always takes forever.

But don't worry. They'll all be back soon.

I hope so.

ELIZA: Donnie!

DARWIN: Donnie!

Oh, Darwin, where is he?

Well, he can't have gone too far.

This is all my fault.

I only told Debbie I could take care of him

as an excuse to go looking for orangutans.

Oh, we're bound to run into something that's seen him.

I mean, how many little boys wearing socks and shoes

could there be in the rain forest anyway?

But what if we don't find him?

He's all alone in the rain forest.

(animal and bird cries... )

(gulps ) So are we, Eliza...

He doesn't know how to survive out here.

I mean, Donnie's wild, but he's not that wild.

Oh, if I could only take it back.

Take what back?


That he wrecked everything

and that I'd never take him anywhere again.

It isn't true!

(crying )

Oh, Darwin...

What if something terrible happens to him?

* Baby, kick, baby, punch, baby, kick, baby, punch, baby *

* Yeah, that's it.