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01x11 - Goes to Seed

Posted: 03/31/24 09:39
by bunniefuu
[Beep beep]

Seat belts, everyone!

Please let this be

A normal field trip.

With the frizz?

No way!


♪ Cruisin' on down main street ♪

♪ You're relaxed

And feelin' good ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ Next thing that you know,

You're seein' ♪


♪ An octopus

In the neighborhood! ♪

♪ Surfin' on a sound wave ♪

♪ Swingin' through the stars ♪

♪ Take a left

At your intestine ♪

♪ Take your second right

Past mars ♪

♪ On the magic school bus ♪

♪ Navigate a nostril ♪

♪ Climb on

The magic school bus ♪

♪ Spank a plankton, too ♪

Take that!

♪ On our magic school bus ♪

♪ Raft a river of lava ♪

♪ On the magic school bus ♪

♪ Such a fine thing to do! ♪


♪ So strap your bones

Right to the seat ♪

♪ Come on in

And don't be shy ♪

♪ Just to make

Your day complete ♪

♪ You might get baked

Into a pie ♪

♪ On the magic school bus ♪

♪ Step inside,

It's a wilder ride! ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Ride on the magic school bus ♪

[Beep beep]

Ms. Frizzle: ♪ while strolling

Through the park one day ♪

♪ In the very merry month

Of may ♪

♪ I was taken by surprise ♪

♪ By a pair

Of roguish eyes ♪

♪ In the very merry month

Of may ♪

Why, liz, what luck!

You've found a ladybug.

Yes, folks, I'd just

Like to say

I couldn't have done it


It was seeds that

Grew into these

Prize-winning tomato plants.

Carlos, what are

You doing?

Practicing being famous.

What else?

What makes

You think you're

Going to be famous?

Not just me,

All of us.

Think. The photographer

Shows up at :

And takes a picture

Of us in our garden.

The picture goes on the cover

Of "plant it" magazine,

And we're famous!


So there we go,


It's finished.

Oh, thank you, tim.

That's exactly what

My plant looks like.

Plant? What plant?

I don't see a plant.

You're not looking,


This is it. See?

Phoebe, you don't

Get on the cover

Of "plant it" magazine

With a drawing

Of a plant!

I've got a real one.

It's just not here.

It's at my old school.

When I was in

Mr. Seedplot's class--

But, phoebe,

This is your new school.

I tried to get one!

I really did.

I even wrote a letter

To mr. Seedplot

To see if he could

Bring me a plant,

But so far, nothing.

I don't care if you

Wrote the president!

We need your plant

Here now!

No hurry to worry,


There's always time

To take chances,

Make mistakes,

Get wheels!

Mistakes? Wheels?

This is starting

To sound like a...

[Tires screeching]

Kids: field trip!

Ms. Frizzle: mm-hmm.

As I always say,

If the plant

Won't come to you,

Go to the plant!

We're going to

My old school?

All of us? Now?

All right. Come on, phoebe.

We don't have much time.

Oh, no!


Aren't you excited?

A field trip

To your old school!

I'd like to meet

Mr. Seedplot.

Meet mr. Seedplot?

[Rumbling] Seedplot,

I'd like you to meet--

Take chances!

Make mistakes!

Get messy!

Mr. Seedplot: oh.

We never did anything

Like this

At our old school.

Oh, how embarrassing!

At this rate,

Well never get back

In time for the photograph.

Can't we fly there,

Ms. Frizzle?

Excellent idea,


Ms. Frizzle, at my old school,

Things are kind of quiet.

Mm-hmm. Yes.

And people don't

Shrink or anything.

Of course not,


And buses don't

Turn into things.

But, phoebe, a ladybug

Isn't a thing.

It's an insect.

Phoebe: oh, no!


Here we go again!

Carlos: a ladybug?

Aw. I was hoping

Supersonic jet.

Ohh...i was hoping


There it is!

My old school!

What will mr. Seedplot

Say if he sees us?


Oh, wow!

Carlos: I don't get it,

Ms. Frizzle.

How are we ever gonna

Find phoebe's plant

If we're so small?

Ms. Frizzle:

It never hurts to have

A bug's-eye view.

Or a view

Of a bug's eye.

Ok, everybody.

Here's what

We're looking for.

And there it is!

Kids: all right!

Carlos: those plants

Are drop-dead gorgeous.

Now can we get big again,

Dig one of them up,

And get back in time

To be famous? Huh, huh?

Well, carlos,

I'll see what

I can do.

Kids: yaaahh!


Wanda: talk about

Hanging a left!

Kids: whoooa!

I hate it when

We go upside down!

Uh, ms. Frizzle,

You did pass

Your ladybug

Driving test, right?

With flying colors!

Ha ha ha!

Kids: whoa!

Dorothy ann:

We're on a flower petal!

Oh, please,

Somebody tell me

This isn't happening.

It's happening.

Ms. Frizzle:

Isn't it wonderful, class--

The sky above,

A flower below.

A pothole,

Dead ahead!

Ha ha ha! Oops.


What's happening?


Ms. Frizzle:

Perfect landing, liz.

Class, we're

Well on our way

To getting

Phoebe a plant.


But we're stuck!

That, too.

Could mr. Seedplot

See us if he looked?

Probably not,


We're down here,

In your flower.

Then let's hope

We stay down here.

No taking chances,

No getting messy,

And most of all, no getting

Out of the bus!

Ok, class, everybody out!

Wait. Don't!

Mr. Seedplot

Might see us.


Maybe you should

Have stayed home

Today, phoebe.

Oh, no!

Wanda: we're stuck!

Ralphie: how are we gonna

Get out of here?

Follow me, class!

Take chances!

Make mistakes!

Get slippery!


Ready or not,

Here I come!


Ohh. I can't let

Mr. Seedplot

Catch me out there.

How embarrassing!

Thanks, liz.

Mr. Seedplot

Won't recognize me

With this on.

Hey, phoebe,

Nice disguise!


Forget it.

Ha ha ha!

Hey! This flower stuff

Is sweet.

What is it?





Um, is it just me,

Or do you get

The feeling

We're cherries

In somebody's

Ice cream soda?


It looks like

A soda straw, ralphie,

But it's

Really a proboscis.

A proboscis?

Mm-hmm. That's

Right, keesha.

Every bee has

A proboscis.

Ha ha ha!

Tim: and they're

Using them

To drink the stuff

We're stuck in.

Dorothy ann:

According to my research,

This stuff

Is nectar.

On the proboscis,

Dorothy ann!

Ha ha ha!

I like a proboscis

As much as the next guy,

But what we need here

Is a pro-bus-cis

To get us

Out of here.

What should we do?

What should we do?

What should we do?

Hey, I know!

Let's get lots

Of bees

To drink

All the nectar

Around the bus.

How? Send out


Yes. That's it.

Look at these lines.

They seem to be pointing

To the pools of nectar

In the flower.

Ok. So maybe

They're like

A flower's version

Of landing lights.

I get it! So if we

Made more lines,

Maybe we could get

More bugs to come

And suck up the nectar.

Tim: wow! Way to go, liz!

Wanda, come on!

Go, wanda! Go!

Come on!

Yes! Here they come!


Ahh! Oh, no!


Air raid!

Ha ha ha!

As I always say,

Let them eat nectar.

Keesha: it worked!

Tim: we did it!

Yay, us!

Here we go!

Phoebe's plant,

Here we come!

Hmm. Let's get

The facts.

Plants make nectar

For insects

And then use flowers

To show them

Where it is.

But I hope they don't show

Mr. Seedplot where we are.

Now, where was i? Oh, yes.

"So I hope you can help me,

Mr. Seedplot,

Because I don't want to let

My new class down."

Hmm. Well, phoebe,

I certainly won't

Let you down.

Hmm. I'm just not sure

Which plant was yours.

It's almost :!

Can we please grab

One of phoebe's plants

And get back to school now?


Carlos: whoa-oh-oh!

Ms. Frizzle: carlos,

For every "questhion,"

There's an "anther."

An anther--

That's the part of the flower

We're sitting on.

Ralphie: check out

All the yellow balls!


Two things

Make me sneeze--

Pollen and pepper.

This isn't pepper.

Keesha: so it

Must be pollen.

Arnold: and it's floating

Around everywhere!


Nice propulsion,


Thank you,

Ms. Frizzle.

I knew I should have

Stayed home today.


The bees are getting

Covered with pollen!

Carlos: hey. Looks

Like they're saving

Some for later.

Kids: whoa!


Binoculars! Quick!

Phoebe: it's mr. Seedplot!

Ms. Frizzle, could we

Please shrink again,

Really small,

Small as a...


All right, phoebe,

Since it's such

A tiny request.

But if we're small

As pollen,

Even if we do

Make it to the cover

Of "plant it" magazine,

We'll be too small

To see.

Kids: ms. Frizzle!



I believe

I've discovered

A new insect--

The vanishing


Though it's going to

Be hard to prove.

Phew! That was close.

Thanks, ms. Frizzle.

And thank you, phoebe,

For letting our chance

At gardening fame

Rot on the vine.


Ralphie: ha ha ha!

Is it just me,

Or is that a big,

Hairy bee's leg?

You better

Bee-lieve it!

And it's going to get us

Out of here!

It is?

You bet!

Kids: whee!


This is so cool!

We're stuck

To a bumblebee!

Kids: yiiikes!

At my old school,

We never rode on bumblebees.

We are at

Your old school, phoebe.

Oh, right.

Wanda: hey,

Phoebe, look!

Tim: the bee's taking us

And the pollen

To another one

Of your flowers.

Kids: whoa!

Ralphie: giving us

The brush-off, huh?

I think we just landed

On a different part

Of phoebe's flower.

Oh, great.


More pollen.

I get it.

The insects bring pollen

From one flower

To another.

Yeah, but what

Does it have to do

With bringing plants

From one school

To another?

There are several ways to

Find out the answer to that,

And I choose this one!


She's lost it.


All: aah!

Where are we?

Right here...

I think.

Ms. Frizzle:

The bee has taken us--

And lots of pollen--

To the top of the female

Part of the flower.

Ms. Frizzle,

May I be excused

To find some more--



Phoebe: arnold!


Come back here!

You've gone

The wrong way!

Cool! Arnold just


That pollen grows

A tube down

Into the flower.

Yes! This is the plant

For phoebe.


Wait for me!

Or is it?

Carlos: I can't

Believe she

Just did that.

As I always say,

All pollen tubes

Lead to home.

This way, class.


Wait for me!






What about the cover

Of "plant it" magazine?



Whew. Another second and mr.

Seedplot would have seen us.

Oh, swell.

Where are we?

Hmm...let me see.

Here, because pollen tubes

Grow down.

We're totally inside

My flower.


Phoebe, what are you

Doing now?

We've got to

Get your--huh?

Safe at last.

What a relief.

Phoebe, get off!

It's alive!


The rock I was sitting on,

It started to grow.

This isn't a rock.

I know rocks.

This is part

Of a plant.

I think arnold's right.

Looks more like

An egg to me.

Wanda: I wonder if it

Started to grow

When the pollen tube

Reached it?

Ralphie: they're--

They're all over

The place.

What are they?

Did I miss


Did we come to

Phoebe's old school

To get her plant or

To see "invasion of

The pollen tubes"?

Carlos, you'll be happy

To know that they are

What we came for,

But we only need one.

We came for a plant.

This isn't a plant.

Not yet it isn't,

But it will be.

It's a plant

Waiting to happen.

Of course. I get it.

It's a seed.

My plant

Is making seeds.

Dynamic deduction,


Phoebe: the pollen

That the bees brought

Grow tubes down

To the eggs,

And together,

They make seeds.

So all we have

To do is take

This seed back,

Plant it,

In our garden,

And we'll be famous.

Great. There's still

One small problem.


Time. There's not a seed

In the world that

Can become

A plant in minutes!

[Tires screeching]

As I always say,

Time flies when

You've got the right


Hit it, liz!

Carlos: all right!

Look at those seeds grow!

I hope this seed

Is an express!

Ms. Frizzle:

Hang on, class!

Here we go!


"Plant it" magazine,

Here we come!

Ms. Frizzle,

Can't this seed

Go any faster?

Not unless we hitch a ride

On a dog or a bird

Or a mongoose.

A mongoose?


Here comes our ride!

Oh, no!

It's mr. Seedplot!

We can't.

We have to!

Phoebe: we are!


Phoebe: we're on

Mr. Seedplot's head!

How embarrassing!

♪ Daisy, daisy,

Tell me your answer true ♪

♪ I'm half-crazy

All for the love of you ♪

♪ It won't be

A stylish marriage ♪

♪ I can't afford a carriage ♪

Phoebe: we've got to

Get off before he sees us.

But, phoebe, this is

Our chance to meet

Mr. Seedplot!

Hey, mr. Seedplot!

Up here!

Kids: yeeii!

Quiet! We'll get

Thrown off!

Yes! Mr. Seedplot!


Did--did somebody

Call me?

Kids: whoa!

Ralphie: phoebe,

You did it again!

Hello? Did somebody

Call me?

Carlos: hey!

We're almost there!

We made it!

Oh, no!

Now what?

Carlos: the photographer's here,

And we're not ready.

Phoebe: you're right.

The seed

Isn't a plant yet.

We need soil and

Water and light and--

And time!

Time for it to sprout

And grow and flower

And time

We haven't got!

Ms. Frizzle?

Ok, liz!

Time--ha ha ha--

To go to hyperseed.


Kids: soil!

Kids: water!




Mr. Seedplot:

Well, phoebe, you did it.

I see you found a plant

After all.

Where is everybody, anyway?

Ms. Frizzle, stop!

Can't we just

Shrink again?

Phoebe, now what?

We get big again,

Mr. Seedplot

Will see us.

So? Phoebe, it's :.

The photographer's here.

This is our big chance!

But what will mr. Seedplot

Think if we just appear--

Poof--out of nowhere?

He'll think we appeared--

Poof--out of nowhere.

Exactly. He'll think

We're really weird.

He'll think

Ms. Frizzle


Phoebe, are you

Embarrassed by

Ms. Frizzle?

But, phoebe, think of what

She's just done.

Ms. Frizzle's the best!

Mr. Seedplot can think

What he likes.

Let's get big

So I can introduce him

To my new teacher.

Thanks. Are you

Mr. Frizzle?

No. I'm mr. Seedplot.

Ms. Frizzle

Doesn't appear to...

Hello there!

Oh! There they are.

Mr. Seedplot:

Hello, phoebe.

I brought you

A plant,

But I see you

Already have one.

Thanks so much for

Bringing it, mr. Seedplot.

And you're right,

I have one already,


To ms. Frizzle!

Ms. Frizzle!

Nice to see you


Nice to see you, too,


You mean,

You know each other?

Sure. I'm one

Of ms. Frizzle's

Biggest fans,

And I just love

Your garden.

It's really magic.

What's your secret?

Ms. Frizzle:

No secret, archibald.

As I always say,

The magic is

In the gardeners.

All right.

Everyone say...

All: seeds!


Is this

The magic school bus?

Is this the magic

School bus?

Overlapping voices:

Is this the magic school bus?

Magic school bus?

Magic school bus?

Both: magic school bus?

Overlapping voices:

Magic school bus?


I want the magic school bus!

"Dear valerie..."

No. No, no. No, no, no.

[Telephone ringing]


Boy: hello?

Is this the magic school bus?

But I don't work here.




Um, hello?

Hello. Is this

The magic school bus?

Yes, but--

Did you work on that show

About seeds?

Oh! Actually,

I was in it.

Then maybe you can

Answer a few questions.

Well, I'll try.

First of all,

Why didn't phoebe just

Look in a catalog

And get her seeds

From there?

Because seeds

Don't really come

From catalogs.

They come from plants.

True, but how about

When ms. Frizzle

Speeded everything up

By magic?

Oh. I do love her magic,

Well, they do that

On nature programs

All the time.

It's called time-lapse


And they use it

To show things happening

Faster than they really do.

Ah, but there's

Some things that just

Can't be rushed.

What are you

Talking about?

Huh? Oh. Sorry.

That--was that--

Was that the question?

What kind of plant

Did phoebe have, anyway?

Oh! That!

That--that was a,

Uh, flowering


Give me a break.

There's no such plant.

Ok, ok, you're right.

Phoebe's flower was

Invented for the show.

But it's very similar to

Lots of real flowers.

But one last question.

That's what

I'm here for.

Does ms. Frizzle

Have a boyfriend?

Oh. W-well...

I...i don't have

Time to answer that.




Nice to see you, too,






[Beep beep]

♪ Surfin' on a sound wave ♪

♪ Swingin' through the stars ♪

♪ Take a left

At your intestine ♪

♪ Take your second right

Past mars ♪

♪ On the magic school bus ♪

♪ Navigate a nostril ♪

♪ Climb on

The magic school bus ♪

♪ Spank a plankton, too ♪

Take that!

♪ On our magic school bus ♪

♪ Raft a river of lava ♪

♪ On the magic school bus... ♪

♪ So strap your bones

Right to the seat ♪

♪ Come on in ♪

♪ And don't be shy ♪

♪ Just to make

Your day complete... ♪

♪ Step inside,

It's a wilder ride! ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Ride on the magic school bus ♪

[Beep beep]