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01x16 - The Road To Ka-Larry

Posted: 03/31/24 18:42
by bunniefuu
♪♪ ♪ Skiddly ahh bop bow,

Get upple on a wubble,

Buzz into a bubble,

Wubble on the double,

And take your face

To a wubbulous place,

Scuttle on a shuttle,

Waddle in a puddle ♪

♪♪ Ow!

♪♪ ♪ Through the middle

Of the muddle,

And dance your feet down

To wubbulous street,

Flip, float, flop, and drop,

Bottoms up down to the top,

Insides, outsides,

Here and gone,

When you get to the end,

You go on and on ♪

♪♪ Ooh!

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Ha ha ha ha ha!

♪♪ Ew!

♪♪ ♪ Scuttle on a shuttle,

Waddle in a puddle,

Through the middle

Of the muddle,

And dance your feet down

To wubbulous street ♪

♪♪ Hello.

♪♪ ♪ Get upple on a wubble,

Buzz into a bubble ♪

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Tighten up, get loose.

♪♪ ♪ In the wubbulous world,

In the wubbulous world

Of dr. Seuss ♪

Of dr. Seuss ♪ ♪♪ yeah.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ [Scats] ahh!

My collection of boxes--

Some rare, some not.

Containers for all kinds

Of stuff that I got.

Now, I was looking for--

♪♪ Is this the one?

♪♪ No, that's too small.

♪♪ Oh, well.

♪♪ Hey, how about this one?

♪♪ No, that's not it at all.


Ah, now, that's the one!

That's the one I was seeking.


♪♪ Hey, I can see you're


No need for speaking.

♪♪ Aah!


♪♪ Obviously overcome with joy.

♪♪ Phew!



♪♪ This box isn't mine.

How it got here, who knows?

But one thing I do know

Is where this box goes.

Is where this box goes. [Birds singing]

[Birds singing]

♪♪ Our finest citizens

All concur

If a job's to be done,

They say, "get her!"

Yeah, that's what they say,

And so, sue snue,

That's why i, mayor stovepipe,

Have selected you

To be our goodwill ambassador

To the royal court of ka-larry!

♪♪ Wow! I've never been

A goodwill ambassador before.

What do I have to do, your


♪♪ Merely deliver a precious

Treasure to her royal majesty,

Queen regina of ka-larry, on

The anniversary of her


♪♪ Oh, is that all?

♪♪ Armand!

♪♪ Coming, your honor!

♪♪ First, a one-of-a-kind, rare

Coin. Hey, do you recognize

The face?

♪♪ Well, if I'm not mistaken,

Mayor stovepipe, that's queen

Regina's great-great-great-great


♪♪ Yeah, yeah. It was minted on

The occasion of her triumphant

First ukulele recital.

♪♪ Wow.

♪♪ Uh-huh. And next, a bottle of

Rare bath oil unearthed from

The ruins of the ancient bathtub

Of the grand duchess kelly of


♪♪ Ohh. [Sniffs] wow!

It smells springtime fresh!

♪♪ You bet it does! But that's

Not all. There's more!

♪♪ Really?

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ You're kidding?

♪♪ And now, an extremely

Valuable, one-of-a-kind postage

Stamp picturing prince marcello

Of picone.

♪♪ Being shot out of a cannon?

♪♪ Yep. Don't try that at home,

Sue snue. [Laughs] ahh.

And finally, the golden donuts

Of solla sollew, each karats.

♪♪ Really?

♪♪ It's true!

♪♪ Oh. I thought gold only goes

Up to karats, your honor.

♪♪ Yeah. That's what makes these

Donuts so special.

♪♪ Ohh. Well, those are some

Great gifts, mayor stovepipe!

♪♪ I'll say!

Yeah, armand.

♪♪ Hmm?

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Hmm! Well!


♪♪ Ahh. Now, sue snue--

♪♪ Yeah?

♪♪ As our goodwill ambassador,

It is your duty to present this

Gift-box from the people of our

Fair town to queen regina of


♪♪ In person? Personally?

♪♪ In person, personally. She's

Expecting you.

♪♪ Um, your honor, this is kind

Of a big job. Ka-larry is a long

Way away, and I've never even

Left topperville. How will I

Know where I'm going?

♪♪ Uhh...uh...

Ahh, sharp thinking, sue snue.

Oh, you're going to make a fine

Ambassador. Uh, I'll arrange

A diplomatic escort for you.


♪♪ Which one's the brake?

♪♪ Be careful.

♪♪ What?

♪♪ Oh! Don't hit the mayor!

Don't hit the mayor!

♪♪ Don't worry, don't worry.

Found it. Hi, mayor.

♪♪ Hiya, boys!

♪♪ Get out. Get out. Go.

♪♪ Oh. Ok.

♪♪ Sue snue...

♪♪ Yeah?

♪♪ I want you to meet mr. Fox.

♪♪ Hello.

♪♪ And mr. Knox, the finest--

♪♪ Dry cleaners...

♪♪ Brick layers...

♪♪ Physicists...

♪♪ Tuba players...

♪♪ And freelance cheese slicers.

♪♪ But only cheese we can


♪♪ Yep.

♪♪ Uh, I thought you gentlemen

Ran a diplomatic delivery


♪♪ We're not finished.

♪♪ Ahh.

♪♪ And the finest bonded,

Well insured...

♪♪ Lowest risk and best


♪♪ Diplomatic courier and

Delivery service...

♪♪ In the entire city.

♪♪ More or less.

♪♪ Excellent. Gentlemen, this is

Sue snue, our goodwill

Ambassador to the court of

Queen regina of ka-larry.

♪♪ [Gasp] your excellency!

♪♪ Um, hi.

♪♪ Ambassador snue will--

♪♪ [Gasp] your excellency!

♪♪ You can stop that now, guys.

♪♪ As you wish.

♪♪ Thanks.

♪♪ Now, ambassador snue...

♪♪ [Gasp] your exc--

♪♪ Aah! Will explain everything

On the way.

♪♪ Cellency.

♪♪ All right, all right, all

Right. I want you to remember

The most important thing.

♪♪ Oh! Don't leave cheese in

Your car on a hot day?

♪♪ Good one.

♪♪ Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah,

That's important, too. But

What I was going to say was

Do whatever it takes to deliver

This box to the queen.

♪♪ Whatever it takes!

♪♪ Whatever it takes!

♪♪ Whatever! But, um, where are

We going?

♪♪ In the car.

♪♪ You're going to ka-larry.

♪♪ We're going to ka-larry!

♪♪ We're going to ka-larry!

♪♪ We're going to--

Where's ka-larry?

♪♪ Don't worry.

♪♪ Bon voyage! Good luck!

♪♪ Bye, mayor.

♪♪ ♪ We're on our way

To ka-larry,

And we haven't got a care,

We're on our way to ka-larry,

And we won't stop

And we won't stop till we're there

Till we're there

♪♪ Sue snue's a new ambassador

♪♪ This kid has got ambition

♪♪ I have a special package

To deliver, that's my mission

♪♪ For those of you

Who came in late,

We call that exposition,

And we're on our way

To ka-larry!

To ka-larry,

To ka-larry,

To ka-larry, we're on our way!

Oh, we're on our way

To ka-larry,

And we won't stop

Till we're there,

And we won't stop

Till we're there,

Oh, we're on our way

Oh, we're on our way to ka-larry ♪

To ka-larry ♪


♪♪ Uh-oh. The tire!

♪♪ Oh, boy. What a predicament.

Stranded in the desert with

Nothing around for miles and

Miles. Ohh.

♪♪ Oh, uh, except that pay phone

Over there. Uh...

♪♪ Let's see here. Hey, maybe

There's something in the truck

That might help.

♪♪ Uh, guys, there's a pay phone

Over there.

♪♪ Well, let's see. There's

A blueberry muffin, a clock that

Ain't tickin', an old life

Preserver--hey! And this rubber

Chicken. Catch!

♪♪ I was looking for this


♪♪ Oh, we're going to be stuck

Here forever.

♪♪ Yeah, with a broken truck and

Miles and miles of sand...

♪♪ And that pay phone over


♪♪ Yeah.

Hey, look! A pay phone over

There. Your excellency, we found

You a pay phone! Ha?

♪♪ My heroes.

♪♪ Anybody got a coin?

♪♪ No.

♪♪ Check your pockets.

♪♪ Ok. Uh, I don't have any

Pockets. I don't have any pants.



♪♪ Hmm.


♪♪ No coin. How are we going to

Make a phone call?


♪♪ Got a rubber chicken.

♪♪ That doesn't help us.

♪♪ Couldn't hurt.

♪♪ Operator, could you call me

A taxi?

♪♪ Ok. You're a taxi!

♪♪ [Gasps] hey, that's not bad.

Can I use that?

♪♪ [Sighs] what in the world are

We going to do?

♪♪ I don't know. Hey, you think

The pay phone will accept

An iou?

♪♪ Ok, thanks. See you soon.

I'll wear a white carnation so

You know it's me. [Laughs]

Anybody know where I can find

A white carnation?

♪♪ Who did you call?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ A taxicab. It will be here


♪♪ Oh, my partner, the genius!

Hey, I thought you said you

Didn't have a coin.

♪♪ I didn't.

♪♪ Ah.

♪♪ You didn't!

♪♪ I just said that. I didn't

Have a coin, but then, I found


♪♪ Don't tell me--the coin in

The box?

♪♪ Oh, of course not!

♪♪ Phew!

♪♪ The coin that used to be in

The box.

♪♪ What? You took the coin from

The box? That coin was

A valuable gift for the queen!

♪♪ Wow. That call must have cost

A fortune.

♪♪ Oh, no. I'm going to be in


♪♪ Hey, look, the mayor did say

"Do whatever it takes," huh?

♪♪ Yeah, but--

[Brakes squeal]

[Horn honks]

♪♪ Who ordered a cab?

♪♪ I did.

♪♪ Where's your white carnation?

♪♪ I don't have one.

♪♪ Then how do I know it's

Really you?

♪♪ I can vouch for him.

He's him.

♪♪ Oh, all right, but stay where

I can see you. Where to?

♪♪ Sir, it's very important that

We get a gift to regina,

The queen of ka-larry.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Well, I can bring you to

The lighter-than-air-port. From

There, you'll have to take

A zeppelin to ka-larry.

♪♪ Then that's what we'll do.

♪♪ ♪ We're on our way

To ka-larry,

And we won't stop

Till we're there ♪

[Engine rattles and bangs]

[All exclaim]

♪♪ We stopped!

♪♪ Are we there?

♪♪ No, we're not there.


Ahh. Ohh. So that's why the car

Won't run. [Grunts]

We're out of oil.

♪♪ Well, I've got a rubber


♪♪ Actually, that's mine.

♪♪ Hey. Let's let the chicken

Decide. Well, harlan?

♪♪ Stop arguing about a rubber


♪♪ Sorry, your excellency.

♪♪ Please, don't call me that.

♪♪ Please, don't call me that. ♪♪ Oh, sorry, your excellency.

♪♪ Oh, sorry, your excellency.

♪♪ Oh, sorry, your excellency. ♪♪ Here, try this. Ahh?

♪♪ Here, try this. Ahh?

♪♪ Now, I need to find some oil.

[Engine starts]

♪♪ Whoa!

♪♪ The engine, it's running!

You said we were out of oil.

♪♪ We were.

♪♪ You said you didn't have any


♪♪ I didn't. But you did.

♪♪ Oh, no. Don't tell me.

♪♪ I found some in the box.

♪♪ How could you? That was rare

And exotic bath oil from

The grand duchess kelly of


♪♪ So that's why the engine

Smells so springtime fresh.

♪♪ I'm letting everyone down.

Mayor stovepipe will never speak

To me again.

♪♪ So, that's a good thing, huh?

♪♪ Listen. From now on, don't

Take anything out of this box.


♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ Hey, this ain't no picnic.

Let's get on our way.

Come on. Snap it up.

I don't have all day.

I don't have all day. [All exclaim]

[All exclaim]

♪♪ Attention, passengers.

Welcome to flight , non-stop,

I hope, to the kingdom of


♪♪ Ooh, I wonder when we'll get


♪♪ I wonder what they're serving

For lunch.

♪♪ I wonder if this thing is


♪♪ In the almost unlikely event

Of a water landing, please do

Not splash your fellow


♪♪ Ohh.

♪♪ Sit back and enjoy

The flight, and thank you for


[Harmonica plays]

♪♪ ♪ Lighter-than-air-lines

♪♪ Nice.

♪♪ ♪ Oh, we're on our way

To ka-larry!

To ka-larry,

To ka-larry,

To ka-larry we're on our way!

We're on our way to ka-larry,

And we won't stop

And we won't stop till we're there ♪

Till we're there ♪

♪♪ Oh, uh...ahem. I didn't want

To interrupt your song, but I

Regret to inform the passengers

That due to the oncoming

Approach of an unscheduled

Mountain, we're about to be

Smashed to smithereens.

♪♪ Smashed to smithereens?

♪♪ Ohh.

♪♪ Thanks again for flying...

[Harmonica plays]

♪♪ ♪ Lighter-than-air-lines

And always remember our slogan,

"Don't panic."

[All screaming]

♪♪ What's a smithereen?

♪♪ What's a smithereen? [All screaming]

[All screaming]


♪♪ Where do you want them?

♪♪ Oh, I don't know. Uh, order

Some more boxes and put them

Inside. Ahh, boxes. Ooh, hey,

That reminds me. I seem to

Recall that sue snue was in some

Kind of predicament.

♪♪ Ooh.

[All screaming]

♪♪ We're about to crash!

♪♪ What will we do?

♪♪ Well, we have to throw

Something overboard to make

The ship lighter.

♪♪ It's all right, everyone.

I'm about to make the ultimate


[Both gasp]


♪♪ No!

♪♪ Yes! Arrividerci, harlan!

Mwah! I shall miss you.



♪♪ Aww!

♪♪ Uh, that was very courageous

Of you, but if we want to clear

The mountain, we have to throw

Something heavy overboard.

♪♪ Yeah. Yeah.

♪♪ Mm-hmm. Why's everybody

Looking at me?

♪♪ Ugh. There must be something

We can throw overboard.

Everybody look around, ok?

Yeah. Hmm.


♪♪ [Gasps] hmm.

♪♪ [Gasps] we're going to hit

The mountain!

[All exclaim]

♪♪ Wait a minute. We're going

Higher! And higher!

All: we did it!

♪♪ We made it over the mountain.

Well, how did we--[gasps] no!

Don't drop that--

Karat gold donut.

♪♪ Sorry. I didn't think you'd

Mind. They're not very tasty.


♪♪ Ambassador snue! We're still


♪♪ Oh!

♪♪ Yeah, but we just threw away

A fortune in gold. And I'm going

To have to face the music.

♪♪ Hey, great idea! Music!

[Banjo playing]

♪♪ ♪ Oh, we're on our way

To ka-larry,

And we won't stop

Till we're there ♪

♪♪ Yeah.


♪♪ We're there. Attention,

Passengers. We are now over

The kingdom of ka-larry.

♪♪ We did it!

♪♪ We're there!

♪♪ Am I going to get it.

♪♪ Unfortunately, due to

The decreased ballast and change

In air pressure, we're unable to


♪♪ Maybe that's good. If we

Don't land, I won't get into


♪♪ In fact, we will continue to

Rise uncontrollably until

The air becomes unbreatheable

And we'll all suffocate.

♪♪ That's not so good.

♪♪ Oh, I don't know. If we all

Suffocate, you probably won't

Get in trouble, either.

♪♪ During this unexpected delay,

Please enjoy a movie and

A complimentary bag of peanuts.

And thanks again for flying...

[Harmonica plays]

♪♪ ♪ Lighter-than-air-lines

♪♪ But--but--

♪♪ I wonder what the movie is.

♪♪ Hey.

♪♪ You've got to radio for help!

♪♪ We don't have a radio.

♪♪ Then signal for help!

♪♪ Mm-hmm.

♪♪ We don't have a signal.

♪♪ Send out a flare!

♪♪ We don't have any flares.

♪♪ What do you have?

♪♪ Complimentary postcards.

♪♪ Then we'll postcard for help.

♪♪ Hey!

♪♪ Ok. Um, "to whom it may

Concern, help! My friends and

I are in an out-of-control

Zeppelin and cannot land. Very

Truly yours, goodwill ambassador

Susan bocks dutter..."

♪♪ Uh, kid, the air's getting

A little thin up here.

♪♪ Oh, right. Sorry. Um...

Signed, "sue snue."

♪♪ [Gasps] wait. There's

An archer down there. He could

Use his bow and arrow to let air

Out of the zeppelin.

♪♪ Good idea. We'll send him

That card.

♪♪ But how are we going to find

A mailbox up here?

♪♪ Would you--

♪♪ [Coos and grunts]

Waldo f. Sterling, carrier

Pigeon first class, her

Majesty's postal service,

Court of ka-larry.

♪♪ I don't believe it.

Could you deliver this to

Regina's royal archer for us?

♪♪ Oh, sorry. Can't mail that


♪♪ Why not?

♪♪ Well, no stamp. Rule -,

"No royal mail shall be

Delivered without proper


♪♪ I guess not. I don't suppose

Anybody has a stamp?

♪♪ No.

♪♪ Of course not. But I do.

♪♪ [Gasps] you mean--

♪♪ You're not going to--

♪♪ "Whatever it takes"

Is what I was told.

I've already lost

The coin, oil, and gold.

And now, I'm afraid,

And now, I'm afraid, the stamp, too, must go.

The stamp, too, must go.

Now, please take this message

To the archer below.

♪♪ Yes, ma'am.

♪♪ I hope you realize that this

Is a valuable, one-of-a-kind


♪♪ I treat all my mail with

Equal importance. From mountains

High to deserts low--

♪♪ Would you just deliver it


♪♪ Check! I'd better hurry.

The air's getting pretty thin up

Here. To the royal archer!



♪♪ Now, all we have to do is


♪♪ Then we'll be rescued, and

You can give queen regina

Whatever's left in the box.

♪♪ Yeah. What is left in

The box?

♪♪ Yeah?

♪♪ [Gasps] nothing?

♪♪ A box full of nothing? Well,

At least you know it's something

She doesn't already have.


♪♪ What was that?

♪♪ I don't know. Let's take

A look.

♪♪ Bull's-eye! [Laughs]

♪♪ It's the royal archer of

Ka-larry! He shot an arrow into

The zeppelin! I think we're


♪♪ Attention, passengers. We are

Now making our final approach to

Ka-larry. Please raise your

Seats to their upright

Position. And once again--

♪♪ We know. "Thank you for


♪ Lighter-than-air-lines"

♪♪ Hey, hey. Isn't this great,

Sue? You'll be standing in front

Of regina, the queen of

Ka-larry, in no time. [Laughs]

Ka-larry, in no time. [Laughs] ♪♪ yeah. Great.

♪♪ Yeah. Great.

[Sighs] it's all my fault.

I've let down the mayor,

I've let down my hometown.

Who knows what the international

Consequences will be?

I'll be the laughing stock of

All ka-larry.

[Trumpet fanfare]

♪♪ It is time for your audience

With her most exquisite majesty,

Regina, the beautiful queen of


♪♪ [Gasps]

Oh, boy.

♪♪ Come along.

[Indistinct talking]

♪♪ Sue snue.


♪♪ Hmm?

♪♪ [Sighs] um, your majesty,

I had some problems--no, no, no.

Your majesty, I have something

To tell you--no, that's not it

At all. Your majesty, a funny

Thing happened on the way to

Ka-larry--no, that's not right.


Your majesty, i--

♪♪ How did you ever know?

♪♪ I beg your pardon?

♪♪ Sue snue, you are a wonder!

That box is the most precious

Gift I ever could have dreamed


♪♪ But--well, but there's

Nothing in it.

[All gasp]

♪♪ When I started on my way to

See you, mayor stovepipe filled

It with all sorts of valuable

Things. And--and now, it's

Empty. It's worthless!

♪♪ Worthless? My dear girl,

This box is far from worthless.

♪♪ It is?

♪♪ When I was just your age, my

Father gave me this very box. In

It, I kept the things that were

Most precious to me, my real


♪♪ You mean your priceless


♪♪ Oh! Well, not exactly. Let me

See. I had a feather, a tennis

Ball, jacks, and a glass

Marble. I lost the box on

A diplomatic tour. I never

Dreamed I would see it again.

Sue snue, you have filled me

With such joy and elation,

I hereby proclaim

A sue snue celebration!


[All talking at once]

♪♪ ♪ Thank you, sue snue!

♪♪ Thank you!

Thank you!

♪♪ Thank you, sue snue!

♪♪ Thank you!

Thank you!

♪♪ Thank you, sue snue!

You always come through

♪♪ The mayor said

"Whatever it takes"

♪♪ That's right!

♪♪ That's what you did!

♪♪ With a little help

From all my friends

♪♪ Sue snue,

You're one smart kid

♪♪ Thank you, sue snue!

♪♪ Thank you!

Thank you!

♪♪ Thank you, sue snue!

♪♪ Thank you!

Thank you!

♪♪ Thank you, sue snue!

You always come through

♪♪ Sue snue,

Your lovely present...

♪♪ Give the queen a lift! Unh!

♪♪ Who'd have thought

An empty box

Would be a priceless gift?

♪♪ Thank you, sue snue!

♪♪ You're welcome! ♪

♪♪ Hey, congratulations,

Sue snue!

♪♪ Thanks, mr. Cat.

♪♪ You're welcome.

♪♪ But, uh, I got a question.

♪♪ What's that?

♪♪ How did mayor stovepipe ever

Find the box that queen regina

Lost all those years ago?

♪♪ Hmm. Search me. [Chuckles]

♪♪ [Gasps] bye.

♪♪ Bye.

♪♪ ♪ Thank you, sue snue!

♪♪ You're welcome!

♪♪ Thank you, sue snue!

♪♪ And so are you!

♪♪ Thank you, sue snue!

♪♪ You're welcome!

♪♪ Thank you, sue snue!

♪♪ You're welcome, too!

♪♪ Thank you, sue snue!

♪♪ Oh, you're welcome!

♪♪ Thank you, sue snue! ♪

♪♪ Yes, who'd have thought

An empty box

Would give the queen

Such pleasure? Hmm!

The things that mean

The most to you,

Now, they're

Now, they're the richest treasure.

The richest treasure.