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01x18 - Horton Has A Hit

Posted: 03/31/24 18:44
by bunniefuu
♪♪ ♪ Skiddly ahh bop bow

Get upple on a wubble

Buzz into a bubble

Wubble on the double

And take your face

To a wubbulous place

Scuttle on a shuttle

Waddle in a puddle ♪

♪♪ Ow!

♪♪ ♪ Through the middle

Of a muddle

And dance your feet down

To wubbulous street

Flip, float, flop, and drop

Bottoms up down to the top

Insides, outsides

Here and on

When you get to the end

When you get to the end you go on and on ♪

You go on and on ♪

♪♪ Ooh!

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Ha ha ha ha ha!

♪♪ Ew!

♪♪ ♪ Scuttle on a shuttle

Waddle in a puddle

Through the middle

Of a muddle

And dance your feet down

To wubbulous street ♪

♪♪ Hello.

♪♪ ♪ Get upple on a wubble

Buzz into a bubble ♪

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Tighten up, get loose.

♪♪ ♪ In the wubbulous world

In the wubbulous world

Of dr. Seuss ♪

♪♪ Yeah.

[Playing electric guitar]


♪♪ Whoa.

♪♪ Whoa!

♪♪ Go, cat, go!

♪♪ Enh. Yeah, baby. Heh.

♪♪ Wow. Did thi--did this guitar

Really belong to

Screamin' cat calico?

♪♪ Yeah. It sure did. You know,

He taught me a few licks.

[Clicks tongue]

♪♪ Wow!

♪♪ Ho ho. That's nothin'.

Now, these drumsticks here,

They belonged to lionhead leo.

♪♪ [Gasps] the king of the...


♪♪ The very one and the same.

He taught me a couple of tricks.

And a-one, , , .

[Playing drums]


♪♪ Ooh.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Cool.

♪♪ You think that's wild,

Set your feline eyes on this.

♪♪ Horton the elephant?

♪♪ Yep.

♪♪ He made a record?

♪♪ Horton the elephant?

♪♪ It was a surprise, a musical

Shock when the world heard

Horton the elephant rocked.

♪♪ Aw, look, for the last time,

We don't wanna play with you.

♪♪ Yeah. We don't play

With weirdoes.

♪♪ Exactamundo.

♪♪ I'm not a weirdo.

♪♪ True. You're an...

♪ Elephant bird

♪♪ ♪ Elephant bird,

Whoever heard of

An elephant bird? ♪

♪♪ Aw, come on, you guys.

Cut it out, will you?

♪♪ Aww.

♪♪ Morton, bedtime.

Ready for your lullaby?

♪♪ Ohh! A lullaby!

♪♪ Hey, that's for babies.

♪♪ ♪ Baby, baby,

Elephant bird's a baby ♪

♪♪ Come on, pal. [Laughs]

♪♪ I'll--i'll--i'll--i'll--i'll

Deal with you guys tomorrow.

♪♪ Ah, come on. I'll always play

With you, morton.

I'm still your pal.

♪♪ Yeah, I know you are, scotty.

I'll see you tomorrow, 'k?

♪♪ Yeah, ok. Bye.

♪♪ Yeah, bye. Oh, brother.

♪♪ What's wrong, morton?

♪♪ Ohh. Some kids were

Makin' fun of me. I wish I were

Somebody else.

♪♪ No, morton. It's like I say.

There are those who will try

To say who you are...

♪♪ But who you are inside is

What makes you a star.

♪♪ Yeah, I know, papa. I know.

But, um, uh, pop, maybe you

Don't have to sing me

A lullaby tonight.

♪♪ I sing you a lullaby every

Night, morton. It's our song.

♪♪ I know, but, uh, could you

Maybe keep your voice down?

♪♪ Oh.

♪♪ Ok?

♪♪ I'll try.

♪♪ Ah, thanks, pop.

♪♪ ♪ Now sweet dreams

Hover in wait,

Someone has been

Staying up late,

As you close your eyes,

It should not surprise you,

When I relate... ♪

♪♪ Push! Push! It's only

Miles to the next gas station.

Hello. Hello? I'm telling you

My records could be number one.

Hello? If they would only hand

Me the world, I could show them

How to run it, but no.

♪♪ [Yawning]

♪♪ ♪ You've got wings, but...

♪♪ Why have you stopped pushing,

You rude mechanicals?

♪♪ ♪,

'Cause you're my baby... ♪

♪♪ That voice. [Gasps]

[Cash register dings]

That voice. Wake up!

♪♪ Ooh!

♪♪ ♪ No one but you ahh.

I'm sorry those kids are giving

You a hard time. I'd do anything

To make you happy.

♪♪ [Whooping]

♪♪ Whoa!

♪♪ Yes, I see him. Stop it,

You mindless primates. [Gasps]

It's horton the elephant.

♪♪ Yertle. Where did you

Come from?

♪♪ With a voice like yours,

Horton, the question is not

Where did I come from, but where

Are we going?

♪♪ To sleep?

♪♪ Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! You have

No doubt heard of my big, big,

Big, big record company,

Turtletone records.

♪♪ Uh...

♪♪ No.

♪♪ That's because my records

Stink, but you, horton, you have

What it takes to be the biggest

Singing star ever.

♪♪ He does?

♪♪ It's that voice, that big,

Big, big voice. Fame and fortune

And money and fame and money and

Maybe some for you, too. Oh,

Stick with me, horton, and I'll

Make you a star. Soon you'll be

Loved by millions.

♪♪ Hey, pop, if you were famous,

Maybe everyone would like me.

I-i'd have lots of friends.

Hey, how could that be bad, huh?

♪♪ Oh, it's not bad. It's good.

People liking you is good,

And good people make good

Friends, and good friends

Make goodness...

♪♪ Morton, would it really make

You happy if I became a star?

♪♪ Oh, yeah. You'll be

The coolest pop on the planet.

♪♪ And the coolest pop has

The coolest kid, and the coolest

Kid has the coolest friends.

♪♪ Wh-what do we have to do?

♪♪ Nothing, nothing at all.

Just leave everything to me.

So, jane, baby, sugar,

Chuchie-face, so you think you

Can make my boy look more like

A star and less like a planet?


♪♪ Of course I can.

Horrid little reptile.

All right, you, off with

That one. On with this one.

♪♪ We're going to make a hit

Record out of that cheesy little

Song of yours.

♪♪ You mean my lullaby?

♪♪ [Gasps] didn't you get my

Memo? You can't have a hit song

That puts people to sleep. It's

Bad for sales. Step one of my

Master plan--bye-bye, lullaby.

♪♪ ♪ Whoaw,

Now sweet dreams, yeah,

Hover in wait, yeah ♪

♪♪ Sing, horton.

♪♪ ♪ Someone, yeah, someone has

Been staying up late ♪

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Oh, hi, morton. How you doin'

On your homework?

♪♪ Hmm. That kid is a

Distraction that horton doesn't

Need. Step of my master plan--

Get rid of the bird boy.

♪♪ Wretched little amphibian.

♪♪ ♪ You're my baby

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ ♪ That much is true

♪♪ Whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah.

♪♪ ♪ You're quite different

♪♪ Yes, folks, it's that hot new

Singing sensation, horton.

♪♪ This is so cool.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Hey, is that really

Your dad's record?

♪♪ Yep.

♪♪ [Whistles] hey, you.

♪♪ Yeah?

♪♪ See that kid over there?

♪♪ You mean that weirdo with

The wings and the trunk?

♪♪ That's the one. Looky here.

This is his dad, yeah. He's

Gonna be famous, I mean really

Big. Big, big, big.

♪♪ His dad?

♪♪ Yeah. That kid is your ticket

To fame and fortune. Fun, fun,

Fun. [Chuckles]

♪♪ Really?

♪♪ Mm-hmm.

♪♪ [Gasps]

♪♪ Ok, guys, morton's gonna play

With us.

♪♪ Huh?

♪♪ Hey, like, I was gonna say

That first.

♪♪ Step of my master plan

Has begun. [Laughs]

♪♪ Come on.

♪♪ That's great, guys. Let's go.

♪♪ Boy, they sure didn't want

To play with him yesterday.

♪♪ ♪ You're my baby, yeah,


You're my baby, ye-e-ah, yeah ♪

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ Ha ha ha ha! Now for step --

Get the big guy out of this heap

Of leaves they call a jungle and

Take him on the road. [Laughs]

Whilst leaving that annoying

Little brat at home. [Laughs]

♪♪ Dreadful little

Shell dweller.

♪♪ [Laughs] horton. Horton. Did

I tell you how fabulous you are?

♪♪ Yes.

♪♪ You, you are fabulous.

Let's talk touring.

♪♪ Touring?

♪♪ Yes. The road, concerts,

And then maybe someday--[gasps]

The "fox and knox show."

♪♪ The "fox and knox show"?

♪♪ So when can you be packed

And ready to leave?

♪♪ Well, what about morton? He's

In school, and I don't wanna--

♪♪ Oh, and he has so many

Wonderful friends here in

The jungle. Why, look at him.

♪♪ [Laughs]

♪♪ You are so...

♪♪ Well, if it's ok with morton.

♪♪ Morton, morton. Yes. Yes,

Of course. Let's check.

Oh, morton, dear.

♪♪ Did you call me, mr. Turtle?

♪♪ Oh, you've got more friends

Than ever. You're happy now,

Aren't you?

♪♪ Oh, yeah, I'm happy.

♪♪ I love to spread

The goodness, and your fabulous

Father is willing to go

On the road and work his way up

To the "fox and knox show."

♪♪ The "fox and knox show?"

♪♪ Just to keep you

In all this niceness.

♪♪ Y-you are, pop?

♪♪ If it's what you want.

♪♪ Oh.

♪♪ Come on, morton. We'll play

Anything you want.

♪♪ Yeah. You're so cool, morton.

♪♪ Let's go.

♪♪ Hoo hoo!

♪♪ Aw, pop, you're just

The best. Hey, guys, wait up.

♪♪ Hmm?

♪♪ Ok. I'll do it, but I won't

Go unless someone stays

To take care of morton.

♪♪ [Gasps] not a problem. I've

Spared every expense to acquire

The finest child care.


♪♪ [Gasps] uncle norton.

♪♪ Right. So where's the kid,


♪♪ Yeah. Yes. Fox and knox rule.

♪♪ Cindy-lou who?

♪♪ Now, that's the girl's name.

♪♪ It's whose name?

♪♪ That's what I been tryin'

To tell you.

♪♪ Same time next week, morton?

♪♪ Oh, yeah.

♪♪ Like, we can't wait till

Your dad's on the show.

♪♪ Oh, yeah. Me, too.

♪♪ That'll be so cool.

♪♪ Yeah. So, like, can we play

With your new toys now?

♪♪ Yeah, bring 'em out. Come on.

♪♪ Wanna do stuff?

♪♪ Uh, yeah. Well, you know

What? I-i'm--i'm kinda tired.

Uh, I think I'll go

To sleep now.

♪♪ Ok. Catch some zs.

♪♪ Sleep.

♪♪ Good idea, dude.

♪♪ Yeah, that's good.

I'm tired myself.

♪♪ Yeah, I guess I'll go home,

Too, morton.

♪♪ I'll see you tomorrow, huh,

I guess.

I guess. ♪♪ We'll be here.

♪♪ We'll be here.

♪♪ ♪ You're my baby,

No one but you,

We're quite different,

That much is true,

You've got wings,

But I fly, too...

When I look at you,

'Cause you're my baby,

The only one

Worth all the time,

You're my baby, yeah,

Yeah, ye-e-ah ♪

Yeah, ye-e-ah ♪ [song ends]

[Song ends]

♪♪ [Chuckles] my master plan is

Unfolding perfectly. I've got my

Elephant-sized ticket to the top

Right where I want him--far, far

Away from that flapdoodle kid

Away from that flapdoodle kid of his. [Laughs]

Of his. [Laughs]

♪♪ After me, please.

[Clears throat] ♪ mi mi mi mi

♪♪ [Yelling and playing poorly]

♪♪ Ehh.

♪♪ Horton's first single

Is climbing the charts.

It's setting sales records and

Breaking girls' hearts. Today,

Regina, the queen of ka-larry,

Proved horton can do no wrong.

She dubbed him sir horton.

Amazing, indeed, since horton

Sings only one song.

♪♪ ♪ You're my baby

♪♪ Baby!

♪♪ No one but you,

We're quite different

♪♪ Different!

♪♪ That much is true,

Fly as high as the sun

In the day,

I said in the day,

But when that cuckoo

Night comes,

You're my baby

♪♪ Baby, baby, baby, baby... ♪

♪♪ Hmm. Well, I guess this is

The kind of thing we do for our

Kids, right? I mean, as long

As morton's happy, right?

You understand.

♪♪ [Grunting]

[Telephone rings]

♪♪ Oh.


Hello. [Gasps] morton.

♪♪ So, how you been, huh?

♪♪ Oh, great. [Laughs]

♪♪ Ah, that's good.

♪♪ Oh, I bet you're the most

Popular kid in the jungle.

♪♪ Oh. Heh. Yeah.

Well, I guess I am.

♪♪ You're the best, morton.

♪♪ Oh, that's wonderful.

♪♪ So, pop, um, when am

I gonna see you?

♪♪ I--i think I can come home

Right after the "fox and knox

Show" this sunday night.

♪♪ Really?

♪♪ Mm-hmm.

♪♪ Oh, pop, that's great.

Uh, hey, pop.

♪♪ Mm-hmm?

♪♪ I was wondering, you know,

If it's not too dumb, do you

Think maybe you could sing?

♪♪ [Gasps] time for a little

Interference. Heh heh heh heh.

[Imitating static]

♪♪ I said, "would you sing me

The lullaby?"

♪♪ Wh-what? I--i can't

Hear you, morton.

♪♪ Pop. I said, "lullaby."

The lullaby.

♪♪ Oh, ok. Good-bye to you, too.

♪♪ [Imitates static]

♪♪ Uhh? No, pop. I--

♪♪ Hi, horton!

♪♪ Oh, well. Bye-bye.

♪♪ Can we turn it up

A little bit? It's so cool.

♪♪ [Sighs]


[Telephone rings]

♪♪ Hello.

♪♪ Norton, I don't care if you

Have to clip that kid's wings.

I don't want him getting

In touch with his father.

♪♪ Whatever you say, boss.

♪♪ Horton's not coming home

On sunday. Things are going

Too well. He might never

Come here. [Laughs]

♪♪ Comin' up next on

The "fox and knox show,"

It's horton the elephant.

♪♪ Uncle norton, h-have

You seen my friend scotty?

♪♪ Who?

♪♪ Scotty.

♪♪ Aw, kids is kids. What do you

Care, anyway? You're the most

Popular kid in the world.

Pass the chips.

♪♪ Hey, look. It's that

Sally spingel-sporn lady.

♪♪ This is sally

Spingel-spungel-sporn live from

The home of horton the elephant

For an exclusive interview with

Horton's son morton.

♪♪ Hey, sally, pass the chips.

♪♪ So, morton, this is your

Circle of friends,

Your entourage.

♪♪ Yeah. Well, actually, scotty

Is my very best, uh, friend.

♪♪ Hey, like, I'm morton's best

Friend. No, no.

♪♪ I saw him first.

♪♪ Oh, I see. Uh, mo--uh,

Morton, morton, darling, what is

It like to be horton's son?

♪♪ Morton's the best.

♪♪ Ah, yeah. Like, like, he's--

He's the most. You know what

I mean? Like, wow.

♪♪ Yeah, puts the "more"

In morton.

♪♪ Wow. Morton, has your

Father's success changed you

At all?

♪♪ Oh, no. He's always been,

Like, really cool.

♪♪ Yep. Always liked him.

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ No, you have not.

♪♪ What?

♪♪ And what if my pop wasn't

A star? Would you still be

My friends?

♪♪ Let's play a game.

♪♪ You're the best, morton.

♪♪ Absolutely.

♪♪ Well, you won't have to worry

About your pop not being a star.

He's going on a world tour.

♪♪ When?

♪♪ Right after his appearance on

The "fox and know show" tonight.

Now, that's an exclusive.

♪♪ No!

♪♪ Hey, kid, I got a sack full

Of sugar here for you.

Grab a spoon. It's eatin' time!

♪♪ Scotty. Scotty. Sco--lady.

♪♪ Hmm?

♪♪ If you see my friend scotty,

Would you tell him I'm--i'm

Gonna find my pop? A-and as for

The rest of you, get out

Of my house!

♪♪ Hey!

♪♪ Now, watch that noise.

♪♪ It's uncool, kid.

♪♪ Well, uh, there he goes,

Morton the most popular kid

In the world.

[Crowd clamoring]

♪♪ Who's our next guest?

♪♪ Who is not our next guest.

♪♪ [Scoffs] mr. Fox!

♪♪ Here I come, papa.

♪♪ If you'd just hold still, i--

♪♪ Sorry.

♪♪ [Sighs] celebrities.

♪♪ And now step of my master

Plan--the world tour. [Laughs]

We'll be circling the globe

For years. Horton,

Have I told you--

♪♪ Fabulous, fabulous, yes.

♪♪ You, you are fabulous.

Let's talk about our world tour.

♪♪ What world tour?

♪♪ Why, the one we start right

After the show tonight.

♪♪ I thought I was going home

After the show.

♪♪ Oh, but don't you want your

Son to stay the most popular kid

In the world?

♪♪ Well, sure, but--

♪♪ Let's talk.

♪♪ Let's talk. ♪♪ Whoa!

♪♪ Whoa!

♪♪ So, horton, baby, sweetie.

We got a deal, then. We go on

The world tour tomorrow?

♪♪ Well...

♪♪ Horton. Horton. Think of

The boy. Think of the boy.

♪♪ Let's not dillydally about.

Let's bring him on right now.

♪♪ Ok.

♪♪ Ladies and gentlemen...

♪♪ Horton the elephant.

♪♪ Ok, it's a deal.

♪♪ And you mean what you say,

And you say what you mean and

All that horton stuff?

♪♪ [Sighs] yes.

♪♪ [Chuckles] hey. Hey.

Just don't put 'em to sleep

Out there.

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ ♪ Oh, now sweet dreams...

[Muffled music playing]

♪♪ [Gasps] excuse me.

♪♪ H-hey, hey, hey. Sorry, kid.

Sorry. You can't go in there.

♪♪ Why not?

♪♪ Why, you're not the list.

♪♪ Who is?

♪♪ Well, let's see. It says here


♪♪ Ah!

♪♪ Except morton

The elephant bird.

♪♪ Hey.

♪♪ Yeah, right there.

♪♪ Everyone except me?

♪♪ Mm-hmm.

♪♪ Uh-huh. Thank you.

♪♪ Have a nice night.

♪♪ [Cheering]

♪♪ ♪ ...hover in wait,

Someone has been

Staying up late-- ♪

♪♪ Stop the music!

♪♪ Who is that guy?

[Music stops]

♪♪ They stopped the music.

[Crowd murmuring]

♪♪ Uh, excuse me, sir, but, uh,

I'm in the middle

Of a song here.


♪♪ How did he get in here?

Security! Guards! Mommy!

♪♪ Um, I want you

To come home, pop.

♪♪ But what about all your new

Friends and all the goodness

And niceness?

♪♪ Oh, I don't care about them.

I don't care. I just want things

To be back the way they were.

♪♪ Aww.

♪♪ Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey,

Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Hey. We have a deal.

You have to sing tonight so that

We can go on the world tour.

You promised. Somebody, get me

An aspirin.

♪♪ Did you really promise, dad?

♪♪ I said I would sing,

And I said what I meant,

And I keep my word %.

♪♪ Oh, pop.

♪♪ I don't get it.

♪♪ [Murmuring]

♪♪ [Gasps]

♪♪ [Softly] ♪ now sweet dreams

Hover in wait,

Someone has been

Staying up late,

As you close your eyes,

It should not surprise you,

When I relate... ♪

♪♪ What do you mean you're

Canceling his concerts? I know

Sleeping people can't buy

Records, but--but you can't do

This to me. I--hello? Hello?

Wake up!

♪♪ ♪ That much is true...

♪♪ No, no, no, no. Pick up

The tempo. A-one, , , . Wait.

Wait. No. No! Don't--don't fall

Asleep! Don't fall a...sleep.

♪♪ ♪ 'Cause you're my baby,

Mm-hmm, you're my baby,

No one but you ♪

♪♪ [Snoring]

♪♪ Pop.

♪♪ Hmm?

♪♪ Can I ask scotty if he wants

To have a sleepover

Tomorrow night?

♪♪ Sure.

♪♪ Thanks, pop.

♪♪ And for this award, I'd like

To thank...

To thank... ♪♪ [Snoring]

♪♪ [Snoring]

♪♪ And that was the end of

Horton's career, though if you

Listen deep in the night, you

Might hear a voice that moves

Through the trees like honey.

♪♪ ♪ Everybody do

What yertle says ♪


♪ Everybody do

What yertle says, yee ha!

Everybody-- ♪ [muttering]

Thank you. Heh heh.