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05x05 - Part 1: A New Evil

Posted: 04/01/24 07:08
by bunniefuu
- We interrupt this program for breaking news.

- Good evening. This is Trent Overunder

with breaking-- or should I say "barking" news.

- [ barks ]

- Earlier today, Swellview's own,

Jana Tetrazini completed a , piece puzzle

to kick off this year's

Puzzles and Puppy Awareness Week.

- Afterward, Captain Man and Kid Danger

presented the lucky girl and her wealthy boyfriend,

Prince Fuh'ard,

with adorable puppies!

- That's right, Mary.

It remains unclear exactly how

the Puzzle and Puppies Awareness Week

benefits the young dogs... but they sure are cute.

- Ohh, look at the puppies!!

- Moving on to less adorable news...

An internet video was released yesterday

showing the billionaire founder

of the popular social media platform Twitflash,

Rick Twitler,

begging for help at an undisclosed location.

- And where is the undisclosed location, Trent?

- Roll it, Chuck!

- This is Rick Twitler.

I don't know where I am, but I have been kidnapped by--

- Do you hear that loud,

buzzing sound in the background?

I isolated it

and ran it through the Man Cave computers and...

- She loves to have her ears scratched.

- So does my mom.

- Don't make it weird, you guys.

- Hey!

I thought you were supposed

to give that puppy to Prince Fuh'ard.

- Uh-oh, I guess I must have "fuh"-got.

[ laughing ]

Yes, you like that joke. Yes, you like that joke.

- As I was saying,

I used the Man Cave Computer to isolate the buzzing and--

- Man Cave Computer?

I thought that got hacked like a month ago.

- It did, but-- - Schwoz, I feel like

you should know who hacked the Man Cave computer by now.

- I feel like you should know how to shut your--

- Excuse me!

Now, as I was saying...

I isolated the buzzing sound in the background

and you'll never guess what it is.

- Bees? - Sounded like bees.

- I was gonna guess bees.

- Or you'll guess it right away.

- Oh! It's probably the Beekeeper.

He's usually up at the Swellview Honey Factory.

I'll go check it out.

- Are you sure you don't want to wait for Henry

before you go over there?

- You're right.

Somebody should watch Katelyn while I'm gone.

- Oh my god, you named her Katelyn?!

Oh I love that name!

- She's such a Katelyn.

- Katelyn. Look over here sweetie.

Watch this.

- Don't worry, it's still daddy...

Triple beep Henry and tell him

to meet me at the Swellview Honey Factory.

- Okay...

- Up the tube!

- Okay, I had to go to three stores,

but I finally found a , piece jigsaw puzzle.

Well?! Butts-up, people!

I want hands on pieces, and pieces on the board!

Let's go!

- What's going on here, honey?

- Jana Tetrazini did a , piece

jigsaw puzzle and got on the news.

So you're all gonna help me do a , piece puzzle,

because I don't lose to Jana Tetrazini.

- Piper, you shouldn't be so competitive

with other people.

Unless it's the Tetrazini's. They're horrible.

Now, put on some coffee. We puzzlin'.

- How many pieces are in that thing?

- Ten-thousand.

And one.

[ watch beeping ]

- Uh...I gotta go.

- What about my puzzle? - Hmm?

- What about my puzzle?

- Uh, yeah, sorry... I forgot that...

Jasper is gonna be a finalist

in the Swellview yodeling competition...

So I gotta go.

- Not today, Henry.

- I'm sorry, what?

- Not. Today.

- Henry...we've been talking about you behind your back.

And we've realized that sometimes...

- get three beeps on your watch.

Then you make up a ridiculous excuse

and leave the house for hours.

- I don't make ridiculous excuses.

- Oh yeah? Remember when you said

Jasper's waterbed was on fire.

- Or that your teacher, Miss Shapen,

needed you to give her ankle hair an "emergency trim."

- You saw a bird with a human face down the street.

- You saw a human with a bird face

up the street.

- Uhhhh, can we talk about this later?

Please? Like, when I get back from seeing Jasper

in the beat-boxing competition?

- I thought it was a yodeling competition.

- It's both.

- Not. Today.

- I gotta go to the bathroom.

- Kid's gotta go, he's gotta go.

- Going somewhere, Henry? - Ahhh!

- Henry, you okay?

- [ groans ]

- He's okay.

- It all just kinda happened.

I wanted an after-school job.

But then, an indestructible superhero

hired me to be his sidekick.

- Ah!

- Now we blow bubbles...

and fight crime. Feels good.

[ theme music ]

- Call it. - Up the tube!

- Aw, my boot! - Ha!

- Henry.

- Listen, we know why you make ridiculous excuses

and leave the house for hours at a time.

- You do?

- We know you have a secret.

- I do?

- Yes. And we all know what it is.

- You are a super...

- Your weird watch always starts beeping,

and then you suddenly have to run off to work.

- It's not always beeping.

[ beeping ] That's just bad timing.

- Give me the watch.

You can have back as soon as this puzzle is finished.

Then you can go to work.

- Don't forget his phone.

He is always on that thing...

- Kidnapped...

[ phone rings ] - Is that Henry?

Is Henry calling you?

He's not returning my calls.

Or my texts. Or my Twitflash DM's.

- It's Ray. - C'mon!

- Hey, what's up?

- I'm standing outside the honey factory.

Where's Henry? - We don't know.

He never answered his Whiz Watch or his phone.

- Well I got him a frozen yogurt

and now I'm standing here like an idiot

while it melts.

- Is Henry with Ray?!

- No. And his frozen yogurt's melting.

- That's it! I'm going to Henry's house.

- Hey listen...

I've been looking at the hostage video,

and there's this symbol,

and I really think something weird is going on

with this kidnapping.

- Uh, for sure, for sure, um...

what's uh, what's uh, what's uh, Katelyn doing?




- Uh, she's listening to Schwoz

sing her a love song.

- What?!

Katelyn is my dog!

I stole her from that Fuh'ard kid--

Fuh'air and fuh'square!

When I come back and Katelyns's smelling...

- [ groans ]

[ phone buzzes ]

- Hey, uh, guys! How about more puzzlin'

and less staring at your phones, scrollin' through Twitflash?

- I know, it's terrible. - Yeah I'm so sorry--

- I'm gonna stop in just a sec. - Stop in just a sec.

- Dad, can you believe this?

- Hang on Henry.

Trent Overunder is on a rant.

- I know right? - Hilarious!

- Then can I have my phone back?

All: NO!

- HENRY WHERE-- Oh, there you are.

Hey, you gotta come to work.

It's an emergency!

- Noooo. - Not! Today!

- How can you even have an emergency

at a junk store?! - No emergencies today.

- Hey, aren't you supposed to be

at a beat-box and yodeling tournament?

- I?

- They think I work too much.

So they took away my phone and my watch.

And I'm not allowed to go to work

until I finish this puzzle.

Even if it's an emergency.

- Ohhhhh...

- Yeah, we are not falling for any crazy excuses today.

- And I get that.

I mean, I do.

I just wanted to let you guys know

that on my way here,

I did see a puppy truck on the corner.

- A puppy truck?

- Yeah. It's a truck that just drives around,

handing out adorable puppies.

- Well that just sounds real.

- No, no, no, no...

- Well it is Puzzles and Puppy Awareness Week...

- Listen to yourselves!

You're falling for a crazy excuse again.

- Mom! Puppies.

- Don't you dare go to work while we're gone!

- Alright, you need to go down to the honey factory

to help Ray take down the Beekeeper

and save the CEO of Twitflash!

- I can't leave until I finish this , piece puzzle!

- Well, just use your superfast reflexes!

- What, you don't think I thought of that?

'Cuz I did not-- that's actually a great idea!

- Honey, I'm hooo--

ooooh, man I just ate a lot of frozen yogurt.

Gimme a sec.

- Captain Man!

I can't bee-lieve you found my hiving spot.

- Yeah look, I'm not gonna be able to do

alot of clever back-and-forth right now.

Dairy tends to back up on me a little.

- Well allow me to give you a swarm welcome!

- "Swarm." That's actually really good.

- Katelyn, a little bit higher,...

a lit--a little higher...

That's good... Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ohhh yeah.

- Schwoz!!!

- Ahh! Ohhhh!

What's on your problems?!

- Remember when Captain Man and Kid Danger

fought that giant guy who talked to a towel?

- How could I forget?!

But I did forget. What about him?

- He had the symbol from the hostage video

tattooed on his neck.

And it was on the bottom of his can of Flabber Gas.

- Okay...

- And the scientists from Evil Science Corp

had the symbol on their uniforms.

- What the hecks...

- And when someone stole

the world's most poisonous cactus,

they left a card with that logo on it.

- Oh my god!

It was also on every screen in the Man Cave

when the computer got hacked!

- It was?! - Yes!

It's like they've been fighting

some secret team of bad guys without knowing it.

- I know!

- Quick! Do a search of that logo

on all the public images available

while I make baby face with Katelyn.

- Oh my god...

- Oh my god.

Oh my god...

Is what Katelyn would say if she could talk.

- Open the door! - What's wrong with you?

Let us in.

- There's no such thing as a puppy truck!

- Jasper, stop enabling my son! - Bro!

- Done! - Let's go!

- Hoooold it right there, young mans!

- We finished the puzzle. - Yea!

- It was fun. - Yea!

- Really stuck it to those Tetrazini's.

- Hate them! - Byeee...

- Bye!

- You're through, Captain Man!

Sorry to be such a buzz k*ll!

- You done?

- Seriously, you're not in any pain?

There's like a thousand bees on you.

- I'm indestructible. Bees can't sting me.

So, if anything, it just kinda tickles.

- Okaaaayy... what about wasps?!

- [ burp laughs ]

- Get out of the honey factory, Ray!

- Henry, do not go to the honey factory!

When you get this message,

- As soon as you get this message...

- You are in great danger! - It's a trap, Ray!

You're walking into a trap!

- Y-y-you saved my life! Thank you so much!

[ blasts ] Ah!

- You're welcome. And hey look,

I know you're a billionaire and all,

but I don't want any reward money. Wink.

- Well, where's Kid Danger? - I dunno.

Somewhere not eating frozen yogurt.

His loss. [ burps ]

- Oh...


- Whatcha got there, fella?

- A remote.

- Oh yeah?

I got a ton of those in the Man Cave.

What does that one do?

- Springs a trap.

- Oh yeah? On who?

- You.

Game on, Captain Man.

- Grrrr! [ laughing ]

[ buzzing ]

[ chokes ]

Man I hate these bees!

- [ laughing ] - [ grunting ]

- Alright. Okay, Rick.

You've been laughing for like, a really long time now.

That's enough. - I'm sorry...

you just look so ridiculous.

- Well, I wasn't expecting to be frozen

by a man I had just saved.

- Yeah, that's the plasma gas.

- Huh? - Plasma. Gas.

It's made from a chemical in a very poisonous cactus

I stole from the Swellview Cactus Convention.

- Oh, that was you. - Uh-huh.

- Well, good for you.

Can we just skip to the part

where I punch you and drag you to jail?

- That's not gonna happen.

- Yeah it is, Rick.

I've fought a lot of bad guys pal,

and I always win.

- I'm not you're average bad guy,

Ray Manchester.

- Who's...that?

- I hacked into the Man Cave computer

while you were at Cactus Con.

I know everything about you.

- No you don't.

- Your name is Ray Manchester.

You own a fake store above the Man Cave

called Junk-N-Stuff.

You tell people you're when really you're...

- No! - .

- Nooooooooo!!!!

- Why would the guy who founded Twitflash

want to destroy Captain Man and Kid Danger?

- Maybe he doesn't want to destroy them.

[ gasps ]

He wants to steal Ray and Henry's powers!

- Well how's he gonna do that?

- Oh, boy... this is complicated.

So I'm going to explain it to you

in my American accent. - Okay.

- But I can only do it for so long before I pass out.

- Then hurry!

- Ray and Henry both got sprayed with Flabber Gas.

Now, you can counteract its effects,

but Flabber Gas never actually leaves your body.

And on Halloween, when Ray and Henry

went through the portal at the Evil Science Corp,

they were covered with interdimensional bio-residue.

That takes years to wash off your skin.

And Whistling Susie... the old atomic b*mb

that was delivered to the Man Cave...

It dosed Ray and Henry with gamma radiation.

And finally...

the diez leches cake.

The tenth and final leche

is what brings it all together...

- That's AMORE.

- Love?

- No...

Anti-Macro OxyRibonucleic Enzymes.

- A-M-O-R-E.

That is amore.

- It sure is. Charlotte.

It sure is--

- Wait, wha-- Wait. Wait, Schwoz!

- ...the AMORE molecule binds itself

to the chemical that makes you indestructible.

This device locates AMORE,

and pulls it from your body along with your powers.

- Sounds painful.

- It's incredibly painful.

- Luckily I'm indestructible.

- I just said I'm going to take your indestructibility.

- I'd like to hear how.

- I've been telling you how!

Have you not been listening to any of this?

- Yeah, I heard you-- blah-blah-blah,

mmm-chemistry, mmm-molecules,


Look, Kid Danger's going to show up any second now

and punch a million holes in your face.

- Oh, really? I highly doubt tha--

- Ahhhh!

- Kid! I literally just said

you were about to show up!

- Oh yeah? - Yes!

- Like just now? - Yeah, were you listening?

- No, no, dude... I just rolled up,

saw the roof, found a shaft,

and just dropped on in. - Noice!

- So uh, who'd I land on?

Good guy? Bad guy? What are we talking here?

- Bad guy is what we're talking here.

Rick Twitler. Tried to steal my power.

- Not cool, Rick Twitler!


- Wait, wait, wait, wait, I thought he was the hostage.

- Fake. - What happened

to The Beekeeper - Lasered.

- Why are you squatting like that?

- Trapped. - Zoinks.

Wait, so why would this dude kidnap himself

and then try to steal your super power?

- I dunno, I wasn't listening.

- I was going to take your super power

and put it in this.

- A lava lamp.

- No. - Oh.

- It's a computer virus.

A living, organic computer virus.

Nasty stuff...

It's going to infect every computer,

every laptop, and every phone on Earth.

I'm going to destroy the internet. Forever.

- Not cool, Rick Twitler!

- I have a question. - Captain Man.

- You invented Twitflash.

- That is not a question, but continue.

- Why would you want to destroy the internet?

- That is a question.

- Because the internet ruined everything!

It's partially my fault.

Everyone just stares at their phones all day now,

scrolling through Twitflash.

It's terrible.

- But, dude...memes.

- Memes are hilarious.

- Like the one with the...the rats.

- Or the cat with a money. - They're all in a circle.

- Yeah and he's like, "Aw Mondays!"

- And it's like, "Feeling old yet?"

- I don't care about memes!

That's why I was going to create

an indestructible computer virus

with super fast reflexes,

unleash it on the world,

and destroy the internet forever.

- Mmmmm, not cool, Rick Twitler!

- Oh, come on!

- Alright Kid, c'mon get me outta this thing.

My glutes are barkin'.

- Alright, alright...


I don't see an off button, dude...

- Well just laser it.

- I wouldn't do that.

- Well now I'm definitely gonna do it.

- Kid, you made it worse!

- I told you not to do that.

- Shut up, Rick Twitler!

- W-w-w-wait! Let me explain something to you.

- What?

- I planned to steal both of your superpowers.

- Yeah? - So I built two traps.

- Not cool, Rick Twitler.

- Gahhhh!

- Say goodbye to your super power, Kid Danger.

- No. - Okay.

- What? No, wait, wait! AHHHHHHHH!

- See you in the Dark Ages.

- Gah! Ahhh!

- Hey, Kid. Are your super-fast reflexes gone?

- I don't know.

- Here, catch.

- Ow!

- Yeah, they're gone.