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01x05 - What is a Heart?

Posted: 04/01/24 10:40
by bunniefuu

he's like you and me




it was very early on another cold

Winter's morning yet Geppetto had been

awake for hours

well it's time to get up my little

sleepy head you wouldn't want school to

start without you

oh oh my I could have sworn that little

fella was right here now I wonder where

he went

ah that little guy must have fallen out

of bed

time to wake up sleepyhead

near the blanket

blanket Pinocchio will you let go of the


sleeping on the floor now are we you

never cease to amaze me but it's a lot

more comfortable sleeping on the floor


well most boys prefer their beds yeah

but remember I'm just a puppet who was

carved out of wood oh Pinocchio you mean

just as much to me as if you were made

of flesh and blood when can I be a real

boy that's difficult to say but I know

it's going to happen just try to be

patient Pinocchio

now off you go oh isn't that Johnny over

there yes Father his family just moved

into the village

now you've got someone to go to school

with Pinocchio Johnny hey wait a minute

hold on there Johnny you forgot your

school book you are never going to

amount do anything if you don't stop

treating school like a playground wait a

minute dear what do you think you're


you're not going to force him to go to

school when he has a headache are you

our boy is just fine but he'd rather

play hooky and he can come with me

there's plenty of work to do

wait a minute one Chimney Sweep in the

family is enough you know how I feel a

deer I wanted to take over the family

business no

no no no no


he's going to be a chimney sweep he's

going to the end

please stop both of you you folks are so

wrapped up in your argument you could

seriously hurt your son it's not my

fault oh so it's my fault come on

perhaps there's a better time to settle

this argument the boy will be late for

school that's right first things first

son well Johnny come on what are we

waiting for we don't want to be late

as the two new friends set out together

it was clear that one of them was not

particularly enthusiastic about spending

another day in school you gotta walk

faster than that slowpoke

but despite Pinocchio's friendly

encouragement Johnny couldn't seem to

get excited about another whole day of

Reading Writing and arithmetic his mind

just wasn't on the school day ahead wait

a minute what's the matter Johnny

school's back this way I'm afraid to go

to school I didn't do my homework you go

on without me I'm beginning to wonder

about you my father says going to school

is a real privilege you won't be able to

grow up and be somebody important if you

don't make use of the opportunity listen

to you listen to you don't laugh at me

you think you're a real boy that's me

and why do you think that's so funny

only because I'd rather be made of wood

what do you mean well it's like this

Pinocchio my father's a chimney sweep

like his father before him and he wants

me to take over the family business

someday but my mother wants me to become

a doctor I know you don't have this

problem well I bet that pussycat over

there even has an easier life than I do

yeah well if you ask me you're behaving

like a spoiled brat oh yeah I want to

become a real human being more than

anything quit you're complaining look

it's my life and I'll complain if I want

to hello

too bad


wow sorry gee Johnny I barely hit you it

didn't hurt me don't worry well that's

because your head's made of wood

gee I never thought of that come on

let's go


meanwhile all the children in the

village had gathered in the playground

and were waiting for the school bell to

ring see I'm taller aren't I yep by

quite a bit I want to get tall how do

you do it right get a whole lot of sleep

and I exercise too bad you couldn't be

smart too

real funny pal hello Pinocchio how big

is Pinocchio compared to you Franco this

little shrimp come to think of it he's

even smaller than me that's right but

they'll forget Pinocchio is only a

puppet and he'll always be nothing but a

little kid

gee what a Pity oh yes Someday I'm gonna

be a real little boy so you better watch

out I'll be just as tall as you are and

when should we expect this to happen

yeah Pinocchio sometime soon well come

on we're waiting



do you want to go to school and become a

doctor just like my father is that right

to be honest I'm not exactly sure what I

want to be well you'll never be a doctor

unless you actually come to school and

do your homework once in a while well

you could always become a generously no

way I'll never be a chimney sweep I can

imagine you're always really dirty and

nobody respects hey oh my goodness I

forgot about your father oh come on now

don't be a crybaby if he studies he can

be anything he wants but at this rate he

may never grow up


Johnny is a crybaby poor little Johnny




willikers am I ever hungry

Pinocchio what's wrong I forgot to wash

my hands you just try not to get

splinters on your fingers hey Franco why

don't you leave me alone Pinocchio it's

a shame you can't taste food like real

boys yeah it's too veg made of wood

don't bother talking to him he's just a






what's going on


oh you'll stand right there all day land



every time I turn around I find myself

in more trouble

I don't mean to be bad I'm just trying

to act like a real little boy but

there's no way around it I'm stuck being

a stupid little wooden puppet

what who's there I'm up here silly


wait a minute I remember you that's

right you and your friend pass by me on

your way to school humans call me Nora

but I'm not really human yes you just

said you were a puppet all right I I

guess you heard me and your teacher

won't let you move from this tree oh I'm

being punished because I was bad it's

not easy being a puppet is it see you

can say that again and you'd like to be

a real little boy and I will well maybe

I can help you

oh interested you bet I am please help

me all right but first I simply have to

know that you'll trust me well sure I

will promise I swear


all right follow me

hey wait a minute you're not supposed to

move but it won't take long the teacher

will be mad

don't glaze don't worry Cricket it's all

right geez nothing but a phony kid I'm

telling you well I believe her when she

says she wants to help me if you want to

know the truth she looks like nothing

but trouble to me leave me alone no what

you want me to leave you alone oh no

what I said was it's nice not to have to

walk alone


oh it's Johnny

that young Scamp wants to throw a rock

at me Johnny did that yes he's most

unpleasant I don't think you can trust


oh I'm so confused my mother and father

reached pulling me in different

directions I'm sick of it

what would they do if I wasn't alive

then what would they do they wouldn't

have Johnny to kick around anymore

gee are you ever in luck Pinocchio this

could be the big opportunity that you've

been waiting for what do you mean Nora

well your good friend just said he

doesn't want to live anymore and you

need a heart to become a real life boy

where can I get one suppose you were to

make off with Johnny's heart while he

was sleeping then that would make you a

human being

I'll sneak up on him tonight when he's

sleeping oh boy Pinocchio are you stupid

she wants to make a big fool out of you

she only wants to help me become a human

being I'll remind you you said that when

you wind up in trouble pal with it one

of these days I'm gonna be a real live


things are coming along nicely

daylight turned to Darkness and little

did Johnny know that he was about to

have a late night visitor


now if I were a heart where would I be

Nora seemed to think this heart thing

was pretty important I should have asked

her what it looked like

oh yeah


I don't know maybe Johnny keeps it in

here oh

could this be his heart it was all

wrapped up like it was special but how

could having this make anybody human

there's so much I'll never understand

but maybe Nora could explain it to me

I'll go and show this to her right away


you thought that elephant was his heart

please tell me why you're laughing at me

so funny

not YouTube why are you laughing

because you made off with an elephant

Pinocchio you'll find a heart inside a

human's body that's what pumps the blood

I'm afraid you've made quite a stupid

mistake ain't nothing but a big failure

I am funny though oh boy you know it's

times like this that I'm almost happy

you're a puppet

but I won't be for long I won't fail

when I go back you'll see no no you must

be out of your mind good for you go get

that heart

please don't do it Pinocchio

well go on go ahead do you mean to say

you'd stoop that low to become a real

human being you bet I would and you're

not gonna stop me


he's actually going to do it


oh what's going on you've got something

that I want

no please don't let him take my heart

you'll be sorry

came here to take my heart away from me




get your father he's running away let me

go come here I know how to deal with the

lights of you

calm down son your mother's here now I

won't let him hurt you

stop it Dad he didn't mean it Pinocchio

was playing a game and I want to forgive

him forgive him what do you mean you'll

hate me

of course we won't just go ahead and

speak your mind I'm not smart enough to

become a doctor and I'm not strong

enough to become a chimney sweep

everybody seems to think I'm a fool

all I know is I got confused and I

didn't think I wanted to live anymore

but we love you Johnny

do you mean to tell me that you've such

a weak will you've just admitted that

you have no plans at all for your future

nothing would make me happier than to

have you take over the family business

from me

but if you won't become a chimney sweep

please tell me hmm and I was wrong in

wanting you to become a doctor I thought

the only way you would become a fine man

was if you applied yourself at school

but that was unfair of me I know now

that if you are to be happy you must

find your own path in life


I won't have a son who's a good for




and as for you please you must forgive

me you were right after all little


now both of you believe me I knew this

would happen I was just testing your

true feelings Lord John you will be

growing up soon and before you know it

you'll be moving out and having a family

of your own as you make your way into

the world be sure you do your best in

whatever you choose you can't help but


my boy just look over there a moment

Once Upon a Time long ago this entire

area before you was nothing but trees

and Bush and then a bunch of men came

along and with fewer sources little more

than their spirit and determination they

built the town you now see I never

thought of it that way what an

accomplishment and sooner or later every

chimney in the village needs a good


yes that's what my grandfather thought

and that man was a very fine Chimney

Sweep he was a hard worker a proud but

humble man we loved him very much he was

an inspiration to my father as my father

was to me and now I followed in their

footsteps and will continue to do my

part to keep the town safe and warm

what's good enough for you is good

enough for me I'm gonna become a chimney

sweep oh


Johnny and his family are all happy

again and gee now I want to become a

real boy more than ever but

look at me I'm right back where I

started some people have all the luck

and it's never me


what is it that's troubling you I failed

once more at Being Human are you still

jealous of Johnny that's right I'm

afraid I'm stuck being a stupid little

puppet you must be open to Life's wisdom

and it's gained only through experience

if you fail you have only yourself to

blame Pinocchio you were selfish oh

lecture me some other time stop that you

must never steal from others and it's

unforgivable to even consider taking

another's life but if you refuse to

understand I'll gladly turn you back

into an oak tree all right I'll be good

you can put your wand away

if you always do your best and never

harm others you will become human one

day I promise

I have faith that both you and Johnny

shall grow up to be fine young men

farewell for now

Pinocchio hey you you brought me nothing

but a bunch of trouble you know that I'm

real sorry I ever took your advice this

guy is a lot smarter than I thought he

was but maybe it's worth one more try

well I've got another idea you want to

hear it no I've heard enough of your

ideas no I'm not giving up that easily

it's time for me to be getting on home

now see ya but don't you ought to go to

the circus with me no

follow me I'll tell you all about it

I should know better but

hey wait hold on Dora wait do you think

we could get it

here we go again


thank you

thank you