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01x12 - I Won't Be Fooled Around

Posted: 04/01/24 10:48
by bunniefuu




Pinocchio's always been a lively little

fellow but he seems especially

enthusiastic this morning

father take a look at my report card my

teacher gave me good marks oh did she

now let me see

look at that you're right these are good


I'm proud of you Pinocchio are you

really oh




boy I'm gonna be the most studious

student in my class no more misbehaving

from now on


so Industries my boy

Pinocchio was komori well my teacher

says that being an honor student means

more than just being studious and

well-behaved in class you've got to be

helpful at home too tidying up and stuff

so I've got my work cut out for me

wow it's about time this place is a

thump huh

Pinocchio are you out of your mind what

are you doing I'm getting our house ship

shaped that means no animals indoors

that's the dumbest thing I ever hide

teacher taught me that rats and other

wild animals can be unsanitary and

what's more they break into our

cupboards and steal all our food what

are you talking about I'm not a rat I'm

a common everyday field mouse now get

this thing off of here admit it Charlie

when's the last time you washed your

hands I'm sorry but I have to

oh yeah


you bite someone on the finger you

better make sure it's not made out of


oh yeah so he locked you out of the

house huh yeah sure that's right

tell me about it


it's not just my problem jacket effect


he called us animals dirty unsanitary

thieves and a bunch of other things and

he doesn't want any of us in his house

anymore you should have heard him man

Pencil Neck Punk so we're not good

enough for him huh that's right he said

we brought germs into the house and now

we steal his food I sure wouldn't stand

for that kind of an insult Jack

I won't ever since he got a good report

card from school he thinks he's some

kind of Goody Two-Shoes or something I

mean of all the nerve imagine him saying

all those things about us he's really

asking for it I knew you'd feel that way

we're gonna teach him a lesson aren't we

jack we sure are we'll teach him to

insult us animals of the World Unite



unaware of the enemies

still hard at work being a good boy at

this moment he's trying to put some food

on the table

with mixed results


oh darnik there goes another one of all

the rotten luck


Pinocchio having any luck a few nibbles

but no fish huh not even a little one no

how about yesterday I'm afraid not and

the day before yesterday any luck then

no not then either

my my isn't it a pity you're not really

very good at this are you why do you do

it I'm trying to be a good boy and help

father and you're doing a wonderful job

what's wrong

or nothing

I know I'm not a great fisherman yet but

practice makes perfect I'll never get

any better if I don't stick to it when I

want to commendable attitude I'm very

impressed Pinocchio I had no idea you

were such a thoughtful young fellow

I really feel that I should help you in

some way

I know a place where there are lots of

fish just waiting to be kind that's your

problem my boy it's not that you're a

bad fisherman it's just that you don't

know where to go to look for them oh

well I don't know you and I aren't

exactly on the best terms I don't

Pinocchio if you want to be a good

little boy you got to be more trusting

let's let bygones be bygones I'll be

your best friend from now on I promise

where is this place that all the fish

are at Jack

I'll thank you that'll be my pleasure

after all that's what friends are



Pinocchio don't trust them come back

oh he never listens to me some people

don't know who their friends are

and so Jack convinced Pinocchio to climb

into his fishing boat and then he rode

farther and farther out until they were

over the Lakes very deepest point oh

there's where you'll find all the best

fish in Pinocchio you're not nervous

sorry yeah no no of course not why would

you be nervous

almost there just be patient this is

where all the best fishermen come it's

quiet and secluded and the water's cold

and deep I feel conditions for patients

where are

fisherman I don't know must be their

lunch break

then we've come out far enough I think

how about it Willie you got that fishing

line all tied off

we're going to all this trouble for me


for me sure about people and vulture

sure full of surprises okay Willy let's

give our friend a closer look at the



I'm finally gonna catch some fish won't

bother me please



strongly the boat's sinking

everyone over the side swim foreign



of course he did

well so much for that overgrown


nothing's gonna stop me from moving back

into Geppetto's house and reading his

food of course we expect you to bring us

some tasty more I chose just a token of

appreciation for what we've done oh sure

guys that goes without saying we'll

split everything I find hmm

wow so long

is Charlie's tasty Marshalls we're gonna

be on Easy Street watch it Willy don't

count your Marshall's Thunder stash

first let's make sure that Pinocchio's


of course first things first that's what

I admire about you

always finish when you finish just like

waiting with a genius

meanwhile at the bottom of the lake

Pinocchio struggles for his life but a

marionette's clumsy fingers were never

designed for the untying


the ship's anchor


the bubbles are getting fainter if he

doesn't come up soon he'll be warped

beyond recognition

but a little warping of his woodwork is

the least of Pinocchio's problems now as

the icy water presses down on him he

begins to lose Consciousness and then at

the very last moment


you made it hi Cricket

I was awfully worried about you I'm so

happy you made it back a little Cricket

not quite All of Me made it my legs down

there what your leg couldn't help us I

gotta go back wait Pinocchio


not seniorly kicked the at the

first time around and now he's going

back for more but I'm back here you


so down down into the lake he plunges

once again risking his life not for his

own sake but as he doesn't want to lose

something that Japan had spent so much

time carefully crafting with his own



finally thank heavens I got it I got it

Cricket I don't believe it he made it

let's get out of here Willie


back on Pinocchio what's happened



Pinocchio don't move I'll come to you


I'm coming my boy

oh my poor Pinocchio what have they done

to you the leg you made for me it's

ruined oh a bit of adjustment and it'll

be as good as new it's you I care about

Pinocchio and now that you're safe

nothing else matters

thank you

good boy father see you after school are

you absolutely sure you feel steady

enough on that new leg of yours it works

even better than before look

will Pinocchio be careful you don't want

to break it again do you don't worry

I've never felt more sturdy in my whole

life father

oh dear



can't tell whether I'm coming or going

I think something's wrong here let's

take a look at Cena

oh it's no wonder it's out of joint the

way you were spinning it around there

you go try to be more careful

and don't listen to any more advice from

those two Rascals Jack and Willy

don't worry I won't see you after school


remember be a good boy Pinocchio see you

soon that's what you think

good morning Pinocchio oh good morning I

have something to tell you I'm on my way

to school I can't talk now

Pinocchio wait everybody knows you want

to be a real boy well I know how you can

do it oh come on you're making it up

it's true May a bolt of lightning struck

me down if I'm lying well that may be

but I've got to go now if you're ever

going to have your Founders prayers

answered there's only one person to turn



a priest of

really a priest Maha just think about it

if a priest can't answer your prayers no

one can

I've been thinking this over quite a bit

Pinocchio seems to me the thing for you

to do is enter a monastery I know one up

in the high desert it's a very holy

place and the monks who live there are

very holy men they know all about such

things as Miracles and that's what

you're really looking for isn't it

imagine if they did answer your prayers

you'd be a real boy at last go ask for

their help Pinocchio

I will Nora I'll go right away




boy oh boy is that one gullible guy wow

interesting little Splinter head though

for it like a ton of lumber nice job

Nora thanks don't thank me it was your

idea frankly the whole thing was almost

too easy you'd better hurry if you want

to get there before him oh yeah you're

right come on Willy


it's right behind you

several hours later far up in the

broiling wastes of the high desert

finocchio finally reaches the monastery

hello is anyone home

greetings you are welcome Pinocchio oh

my you already know my name

my things but if you want your prayer

answered I must warn you it will not be

easy if you can make me a real live boy

Mr priest I'll do anything anything to

hear it in that case someone knows

perhaps a miracle will occur come with



this place is so dry it's a miracle

anyone can even live up here



are you sure this will work

you must prove yourself worthy of a

miracle by going through a time of trial

if you can stay out here in the Sun for

three days without food or drink then

perhaps your wish will be granted well

I'm just a marionette I never ate very

much anyway isn't that lucky then this

shouldn't be very difficult for you

that sun sure is bright isn't it and

warm too but then nobody ever said that

Miracles were easy

very well we will return in three days

then all right goodbye thanks till next

time we see you I hope they'll find a




we should be ashamed taking advantage of

such a Sam yeah we should


he'll never last three days he'll dry up

and blow away before the sun goes down

the poor little Blockhead he won't

wanted to be a real boy but he's gonna

end up a pile of kindling

at first Pinocchio faced his situation

with a calm smile and a hopeful heart

but as the hours wore on and the blazing

sun rose higher and higher in the sky

his Spirit began to waver

though only made of wood and not of

Flesh he suffered Under The Heat Of The

Sun just as cruely as any real boy his

limbs began to dry out and split his

joints began to crack and not even

Cricket could release him from his agony


oh water

Pinocchio can you hear me




love me fairy godmother give me some

water please help me no I am not the one

who can help you Pinocchio if not you

then who can help me only you yourself

can do that but how look at me I'm

afraid you brought all this on yourself

Pinocchio by disobeying Geppetto and

coming here instead of going to school a

truly good boy would never have done

that I promise I'll never do it again I

promise help me please very good mother

if you really mean to keep that promise

perhaps help will come soon


goodbye Pinocchio

no Fairy Godmother please come back oh

I'll never get down from here


oh water

I'm saved I'm saved

Durant that plywood pimp squid must lead

to Chomp life

unbelievable whoever heard of such a

thing it never rains up here

no well it's pouring now a regular

typhoon wouldn't surprise me if my

little friend was drowned

Willie's right instead of roasting he

drowns at least we're rid of him



somebody help me oh it looks like the

poor little guys having trouble just

keeping his head above water


let's see him get out of this one

I almost feel sorry for him bite your

tongue Willy


someone would come but I didn't expect

you Charlie you're a brave little mouse

aren't you do you use your Chompers on

these ropes then we can swim to shore oh

all right





Charlie we're running out of time the

water's Rising

there it goes I hate just one more and

I'll be free what am I what I'm finished

for a minute ago I was hoping he'd drown



yours were good for something come on

climb aboard will swim for sure grab on

tight it's gonna be a puppy ride

hurry Pinocchio hurry oh

come on


Charlie I feel awful for trying to kick

you out huh especially now that you

saved my life

Saul what are you waiting for won't you

forgive me and move back in with us


hmm well just see that it never happens

again okay what's going on Pinocchio

Charlie and I are gonna be best friends

from now on hey what time supper around

here anyways


