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01x19 - The Magic Violin

Posted: 04/01/24 10:57
by bunniefuu

me from a dream




it was a beautiful day and Anna was

practicing on her new violin

it wasn't long before her music

attracted an audience

although Anna was not a professional she

played well and Pinocchio was impressed

he wanted to get as close as he could to

the wonderful music


I can't believe how beautiful you play

let me try it all right but you must

promise to be careful right I promise

this is the prettiest violin in the


that's the way Pinocchio very good

with a little encouragement from Anna

Pinocchio's confidence grew suddenly he

was playing like an expert it was a

lively tune and it was very hard for him

to keep still he was dancing and leaving

about as carefree as could be perhaps

just a little too Carefree






what have you done Pinocchio you

promised me you'd be careful and you've

completely broken it apart Papa bought

me this violin for my birthday it was

very special oh I'm terribly sorry Anna

is going to be furious I'd be happy to

buy you a new one without any money what

are you thinking of you're right guess

I'm Dreaming again I must be the

clumsiest puppet in the world

oh hey my father could build you a new

violin he's a master Carpenter so he'd

make it perfectly

You couldn't possibly mean it yes Father

I must find a way to replace the violin

but I've never made an instrument like

that in my whole life Pinocchio but

father you make all sorts of things out

of wood it's just not the same thing

everybody's gonna hate me I won't have

any friends you don't

course I love you Pinocchio will you

will you will bring me the proper wood I

will try to make you one you're the best

pile of puppet ever had father I'll find

some wood

almost forgot

promised but I don't like this I don't

like this a bit

off Pinocchio wet in search of the

perfect wood for the new violin he 'll

go quite deep in deep into the woods in

order to find just the right maple tree

and of course the woods can be a very

frightening place to be when you're all

by yourself


it was so still and quiet that it almost

felt like he was the only one there but

he wasn't

a couple of spiders had dropped by oh

and one of them had decided to come

along for a ride

but it didn't seem to be a very welcome

visitor get off me there


as Pinocchio struggled to catch his

breath a shadow appeared a shadow that

was moving very quickly

it was a maple tree more magnificent

than any he had seen before it hadn't

been there a moment ago

this tree seems to stretch up to the sky

but how could a tree just appear out of



I'm frightened by this moment

no need to be frightened

I'm the guardian of this ancient maple

tree I won't harm you the guardian

that's right this tree is 1 000 years

old and I take care of it come closer

young man you really won't hurt me not

the slightest all right I merely wish to

tell you a little bit about its history

it may be hard for human being to

understand but I'm not a human being

even though I often wish I were I'm a

puppet made of wood that came from a

tree goodness maybe you're just the

fellow we've been waiting for this maple

tree has lived a very unhappy life but

most folks would be very sympathetic

being made of wood yourself perhaps

you'd be more apt to be interested or am

I boring you no I'd love to hear more

let me give you an example if I made

once in the time of the Egyptians there

was a sl*ve attempting to escape

now before I go on have you heard of the

Egyptians do you remember your father

ever telling you about them I remember

the very noble people from the past who

unfortunately kept slaves

The Story begins long long ago when this

maple tree lived in in the far away land

of Egypt the sl*ve would run away was

being closely pursued by his merciless


they were intent on finding him and

punishing him severely just thought

there was nowhere to hide he saw a maple

tree which was happy to Shield him from

his cruel pursuers

the sl*ve was so grateful to the tree

that he swore his Everlasting friendship

and to prove it was true he began to

play a beautiful song on his harp the

tree loved music so the sl*ve played


he played so loud that the hunters also

heard him and his fate was sealed

you see everything this tree has tried

to do has turned out poorly it's very

sad every time he makes an attempt to be

kind and thoughtful it simply ends up

backfiring on him he's become very old

and would be happy

's life behind but he wishes he were

able to perform one good deed that was

sure to turn out well before he gives

himself to the lightning and then

departs from this world forever hey Mr

maple tree could help me out planning he

totally not move back now


before it allows itself to be burnt away

to leave you one piece of wood which you

may use to make your violin but be

careful for this violin they have

staying and not moving properties since

it comes from such an ancient and

magical tree now may the fire consume it

and all of its memories remember the

violin must be used carefully very very


maybe it can be done after all

it'll work through the night and by

early next morning the violin was

finished Geppetto was exhausted

Pinocchio and his friends couldn't wait

to see it

the violin's finished

my father's a brilliant Carpenter

what what kind of violin is that

for its shape huh maybe it's meant for

boxing with

I'd be embarrassed to play an instrument

like that I'll try to wake him up please


my father bought me a piano perhaps

you'd better keep this thanks anyway

real brilliant carpentry work



how could you

you made a fool of me I'm sorry

ah dumb violin it's father's fault

I must be misbehaving Don't Run Away

From Me Pinocchio stay it was

Pinocchio's Fairy Godmother

you're being very foolish this dumb

violin is more foolish

no it's a pig's nose because you've

behaved so badly your father worked very

hard but you're an ungrateful boy I

suppose father had to work all night to

build this violin that's right and where

did the wood come from that was used to

make it from an old maple tree that I

met while I was out walking in the woods

The Last Remnant of the Maple and you'd

Smash It To Pieces without any thought

at all guess I didn't think about it

it's up to you to keep the memory of the

maple tree alive Pinocchio when played

properly this violin will make the most

beautiful music imaginable but you must

be worthy to play it oh I'm ashamed you

would never forget that you were also

made of wood and should be respectful of

the Old Maple when you've learned to

play the violin you may find that it

will help you become a real boy I know

that's very important to you playing

this violin well might help me become a

real boy it's very possible so think

about it Pinocchio


with that final bit of advice the oak

fairy left

and soon Pinocchio was hard at work

practicing his violin playing but

practice wasn't making perfect


definitely the most

sound I've ever heard


get me a break my eardrums are bursting

I'm quiet


how am I ever gonna be able to learn how

to play this violin what on Earth was my

fairy Godmother thinking about

this thing can't be played my father

just didn't get it right


meanwhile in the lands near where

Pinocchio lived there had been a

terrible drought the land was dry and

nothing would grow

it's absolutely hopeless I tell you


it feels to me like we may never have

rainfall again I'm just about ready to

pack it all like we're children I feel

badly for they've no food to eat I can't

bear to see them hungry I've been a

farmer for many years but I've never

seen anything like this life can be so

cruel sometimes

being a human is hard

maybe I can cheer them up with some

violin music

I almost forgot the horrible music I

make wouldn't cheer anyone up perhaps

playing is a good idea

you would be doing a very good deed

helping to cheer the farmers up play for

them Pinocchio hmm



Pinocchio played his violin and the

music was beautiful huh huh yes yes

oh yes

as Pinocchio continued to play the

farmers began to forget their troubles

the tune was the loveliest they'd ever

heard it was as beautiful as the song

the sl*ve had played for the maple tree

in the days of the Pharaohs

as Pinocchio played with no thought for

himself the magic of the maple tree

began to take effect and the clouds

began to darken

the spirit of the maple tree and the

sl*ve would live so long ago brought

rain to the Thirsty land

we're saved it's a miracle the rain is


the beautiful water began to nourish the

dry arid land and still Pinocchio played


he had played from his heart and created

something wonderful

I can't believe it I actually made music

the oak fairy was right this will be the

most amazing instrument the world's ever


soon Pinocchio had traveled to the

King's Castle and was gathering quite a

crowd here we are ladies against the

most amazing violin playing in the world

from the miracle violin player what

would you like me to play I'd prefer you

played a romantic song Yes nonsense play

us a happy song come on boy play a song

yeah that's right boy we're tired of

your talk if you're such a good musician

show us

for all this he better be good


I am prepared to begin hurry up and play

then boy




give it all fast



you'll pay for this puppet boy



we believe in severe punishment for

frauds and thieves the king May sentence

you to be kept in his present forever no

you'll be sorry you tried that nonsense

around here

you seem to be in a bit of trouble

Pinocchio could it be you Cricket you

must help me I'm desperate you've

managed to mess up pretty badly this

time Pinocchio I'm not sure if I can but

it's not my fault at all this violin

keeps letting me down I've been good

honest you can be so frustrating to deal

with you must be prepared to accept

winning yourself the violin won't play

what I wanted to why should I blame

myself for it tell me that you're

impossible goodbye wait don't leave me

good morning

suddenly Pinocchio realized if the

window was open why not Escape


oh dear I certainly hope this works it

would be embarrassing to fail in front

of the entire Royal Court there he is

now I understand that he's the famous

doctor well I certainly hope he can cure

I wonder if she'll ever speak again well

he better give her the Kings out of

patience it's true princess Penelope

hasn't spoken for a month now the last

fella who failed didn't do so well I'm

certainly glad I'm not him



turn back

in bed step forward Dr defen Baker and

speak to us I am pleased to announce

I've discovered a cure for muteness a

sip of my potion and Princess Penelope

will warm like a sparrow traffic like a

magpie chirp like a song we wanted to

speak not fly like a bird I'm only

interested in results your medicine had

better work though I'm sure it will sire

have the princess drink from this glass

and should be cured forever

here you go my dear please make me happy

and drink some of this

it just breaks my heart not to have you

speak to us

swallowed every drop I'm proud of you

sweetheart now speak to your mother

shatter like a magpie if you wish she

won't speak one word this medicine

doesn't work at all


worked on his

hmm I just thought of a great plan what

you must be lonely how could I possibly

do that I'm just a puppet forget it you

haven't heard the details yet it might

be simpler than you think listen up

you must be the dumbest guard in the


I happen to be a very smart guy got a

problem with your helmet

I'm the famous Pinocchio I'm capable of

fixing the princess's problem boy that's

a pack alive you Fibber I was kind of

hoping you were brighter than you look

but I guess you're dumb all right I'm as

bright as they come then imagine if

you're wrong you'd be being disloyal to

the king and imagine what a hero you'd

be if I cured her because you'd be the

one who found me you'd probably be

knighted and made head guard hmm I'm on

my way

so you're the famous Pinocchio are you

well you don't impress me but apparently

you claim to be a Healer who can cure my

daughter if you fail you regret fooling

with me what method will you use to cure

her music music of the violin what

nonsense sees him

come and please my Lord I believe that

the body is ruled by the spirit I feel

that the princess's sickness comes from

her heart not from her body we have

nothing to lose by letting him try my


you may play but do not fail

please don't feel me violin I'm not

doing this for the reward I'm doing it

to help this little girl get better

besides these people don't look like

they'd be too nice to me if I fail

oh I hope he's thinking kind thoughts


as Pinocchio played something miraculous





the music was delightful

and it was hard for anyone not to want

to dance along

Kyo continued to play there were more

and more wonders


there were puppets of every shape and


as well as Dancing Dragons

and they were every color of the rainbow

there were dancing Birds

and marching to the beat of the drums

the Bears Brigade

there were so many wonderful images

contained within the music

Pinocchio wasn't playing for himself he

was playing to help someone else so the

magic of the wood helped him to create

the most delightful music that anyone in

the court had ever heard

a change began to come over the princess



just wonderful please don't stop

the princess has spoken an absolute


oh mother

the plan had worked yay for Pinocchio


Mighty fishy about this


Pinocchio had managed to cure the

princess but it seemed that the king and

his ministers had more in mind than

simply rewarding him and whatever it was

it didn't look good


