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01x23 - The Money Tree

Posted: 04/01/24 11:01
by bunniefuu




Charlie really didn't want to wake up

but dreams of breakfast overpowered his

desire to sleep oh my delicious pancakes

all right father I hope I have enough to

buy a loaf of bread

now look Pinocchio you must be very

careful this is all the money I have

hold on to it tightly and don't lose it

after you buy the bread I want you to

come straight home now remember no


don't worry father bye well I'm gonna

get my share of it yep I'm so hungry I

have a belly ache oh I need something to

eat come back to sleep trying to get

your mind off food really Jack I need

your help wake up Jack what's the big

idea I'm trying to sleep

go away unless you got something to eat

not yet but Pinocchio is on his way to

the bakery

come on

Jack Willie and Charlie headed for the

bakery to keep an eye out for Pinocchio

or rather his loaf of bread looks like

Pinocchio hasn't arrived yet but we'll

be here when he does

we'll grab the bread the minute he walks

out with it

ladies and gentlemen



Pinocchio's curiosity got the best of

him and he forgot all about going to the


ah not again


come on folks make me an offer these

little fella can turn your spinning

wheel and I've got some cute little

turtles here too




you're mimicking monkeys I can do that


oh you sure are cute I bet you'd like me

to take you home how much does he cost

well let me think he's pretty special


I think so what can you offer

well all I have is this

is it enough

you're in luck I'm feeling generous

today you got yourself a deal wow that's

great huh

Charlie and his Pals were still waiting

outside the bakery you sure are quiet

little one

hey guys wake up he's here oh it's about

time he showed up I'm hungry could you

buy me some bread oh oh I forgot I spent

the brand money on you

Pinocchio didn't know what to do he had

gone out to buy bread and he ended up

with a hungry squirrel what are you

gonna do with me Pinocchio I don't know

first I gotta think of something to tell

my father he's gonna ask about the money


better tell your father the truth and

fix your finances I'm not returning my


you don't have a choice Pinocchio don't

tell me what to do you better listen to

me or you'll be sorry wooden head


hey come back here

I don't run away please come back little


you can't do this I paid for you

oh I lost him how can I explain this to

Father you'll never understand you see I

was robbed no you'll never believe that

he's bound to know it's a fib meanwhile

Willie and Jack eyed him hungrily

you must be Pinocchio

how do you know my name who are you I'm

mama squirrel

my careless child was put into a cage

hey you're my squirrel I paid a lot for

you perhaps but he's my baby Pinocchio

yes that little squirrel you're yelling

at is my son you may have paid for him

but he doesn't belong to you he cost me

a lot of money how will I get it back

from me I squirreled away money for

emergencies like this I have three coins

and I want you to pick the one that you

spent on my son

I hope I have the right one


I pick my coin

as Pinocchio reads for his coin greed

overtook him he went for the gold but

jump back the little squirrel was

watching I'm not telling anybody a lie



all set oh yes I'm glad it all worked

out I'm glad we straightened that out


I wonder if he's gonna try to get it

back from me


you're rich and Rich


we want to be rich too I got a brilliant

plan willing lend me your ears

listen up

this morning tree has been a family

secret for years you must promise not to

tell anyone my lips are shield boss I

think you're making up this entire story

if there is such a tree why aren't you

rich uh let me see it's impossible to go

near it because it grows in a very

dangerous location come on Jack it's me

you know you can't pull my leg

all right smartypants for your

information I don't know if the tree

exists but we want Pinocchio to think it

does so we can talk him out of his gold


yeah his money will be ours before he

knows it

hi there

oh so what's up you're looking cheerful

nothing much huh now come on you can

share your good news with us that's what

friends are for we know you got a gold

coin because you gave that baby squirrel

back to his mom how do you know that

you wanna know you're ready you're a

hero we're on it just and just to know

you really I didn't think I did much so

since we're your very best friends we

have come up with an investment plan

that should interest you right now you

only have one gold coin why not you just

to make thousands of them that's

impossible no it's not obviously you've

never heard of The Money Tree have you a

tree that produces gold coins all you

need is one gold coin to get it started

wait if this is real why aren't you rich

because there's a problem neither man

their animal can get nearer to uproot it

but since you're made of wood yourself

you'll be able to do it I'm Oak

ain't no kids Mighty strong there's no

one else in the world who can handle

this job will you do it come on

Pinocchio let's go get the tree then you

can grow all the gold coins your little

heart desires your father will be proud

it could be true

pal why don't we get started on our trip

what do you say

Pinocchio reluctantly agreed to the

money tree investment plan then set out

on the questionable Journey


don't look down

are you crazy I'm not even looking ahead


we're almost there Charlie


okay let's move we still got a long way

to go


Pinocchio's Spirits were lifted when the

strange company wandered into some

beautiful ancient ruins if such wondrous

ruins could exist maybe a money tree

could too

but when it became apparent that the

Final Destination was an active volcano

Pinocchio began to doubt the wisdom of

his decision


from here you're on your own and you're

headed straight down huh


going up through the golden tree bring

it back


it'd have been easier just to steal his

gold coin than to go through all this

yeah I could have snuck up on him and

snatched it what's with you dummies a

stunt like that could ruin our

reputation I

only reputation we have is a bad one all

right all right we'll Rob him if the

money tree doesn't pan out the way it's

supposed to



boy I forgot to ask what the money tree

looks like I hope I'll be able to locate


hmm it sure is a peculiar looking plant

are you the money tree oh there's light

coming from that one

the money tree



wow look at this what is it

Pinocchio had never seen a skull so he

had no idea that others had been there

before him or that he was in danger


thank you


it is forbidden


I'm not a man or a beast I'm not even a

real boy what are you I'm part of an old

oak tree

please trust me I'm not lying take a

closer look at me


you're right I am sir

I'm a puppet I was carved from a branch

of a Great Oak Tree since what Pinocchio

said was true the money tree's protector

could do nothing but watch as he

uprooted the tree


I did it here's the money tree you told

me about see how shiny it is oh hey

playing along with them until we get his

gold coin I'm puzzled it was shining

like gold when I uprooted it don't worry

it'll be fine we just need to replant it

I don't think there's enough moisture in

this ground what are you talking about

this place is perfect we just need to

prepare the ground a little that's all

Charlie do your stuff


almost done dancing off Charlie okay

kiddo planted what you got here is an

investment with growth potential

don't fill it in yet you have to bury

your coin to activate the tree's gold

producing power do you really think it

needs my coin to grow you'll be making a

big mistake if you don't use your coin

to fertilize this soil don't forget

you're transplanting your tree from gold

rich soil into new Earth here

well I guess you're right here goes I'd

say it was planted pretty well

let you do it all right now for the time

being one of us should be watering it

every hour on the hour isn't that too

much water what are you kidding look at

it when do you think we'll see the first

gold coins in about a week that's a long

time to stay here and water it we'll

water in shifts Charlie Willie and I'll

take the first one so you can go home

and rest up yeah we don't mind looking

after it at all yeah better run along

your father will be wondering what

happened to you and you better start

thinking because you're gonna have a lot

of explaining to do oh boy I forgot all

about that but I don't have anything to

worry about he'll forgive me when I tell

him how rich we're gonna be see you



my stomach's finally going to be full

come along boys let's get some ciao

shouldn't one of us stay here water the

tree Mandarin looks beyond help you

never know shouldn't we keep an eye on

it anyway let's let Pinocchio do it and

we'll keep an eye on him besides we

don't know for sure if it really is a

money tree

the Natural Balance of the volcano's

Valley had been upset by the golden

seedlings disappearance the octopus tree

was unable to prevent Pinocchio from

uprooting his young charge because it is

forbidden for one tree to harm another

however because the imbalance in the

valley was so great he had to do

something so he sent forth a golden

seedling Spirit on a special mission

just as Pinocchio reached his house the

golden seedling Spirit flew overhead

assuming it was a sh**ting star

Pinocchio didn't give it another thought

so worried

all right but father I don't have your

copper coin or the bread you sent me to

buy what happened my son I found a


it needs a lot of care right now but

coins you shouldn't make up such stories

that expect me to believe them I know it

must sound crazy but it's true you

bought this tree is that where my money


no sir actually I bought a squirrel he

was caged up but I let him go and his

mother paid me back even more than I

spent your story doesn't make much sense


I'll make you proud of me Father by the

end of the week you'll have more money

than you've ever had wait a minute maybe

it doesn't need seven days I'll Water it

more right now bye my goodness son what

are you doing meanwhile the golden

seedling Spirit headed straight for the

old oak tree to find Pinocchio's Oak

fairy when the oak fairy heard what

Pinocchio had done she promised to do

what she could to restore the proper

balance to the Volcanic Valley by

returning the golden tree

I hope this will be enough

to go and strength I will bump it he can

work all night and you'll never have to

feed him

it's very important that you grow up

tonight I want you to know I'm talking

to you as one tree to another this place

is your new home don't worry I'll be

taking good care of you I'll Water you

as much as possible and fertilize you to

your heart's content you're gonna be

happy I want you to get well and grow up

big and strong

oh Fairy Godmother what are you doing in

my bucket I'm behind you that's my

reflection Pinocchio I ain't you're

worried about me being out late

I'm fine godmother I'm being good true

what worries me is what you've done


you know the gold tree belongs in the

volcano's soil you must return it I'm

not putting the tree back just yet I

plan to make my father rich in many ways

your father is already a rich man wealth

can't be measured by the number of gold

coins you possess oh yeah you have a lot

to learn in Pinocchio in the twinkling

of an eye his fairy godmother vanished

leaving Pinocchio to learn another

lesson on his own I'm not gonna listen I

know what I'm doing Pinocchio continued

watering the tree until he dropped from


fat and happy after their huge dinner

Jack Willie and Charlie slept too so

nobody was awake to see the miracle that

was about to occur




thank you dear tree for making me the

richest puppet in the world


I must still be dreaming I'm having the

same dream is that possible my family

secret must be through and through we're

rich we're rich we're very very rich

come on what are we waiting for let's go

for the gold out of my way I'm not

moving Jack

as the foursome struggle to get at the

Gold a strange thing happened the gold

Sheen was reflected off the

mountainsides in the Moonlight Awakening

the whole town


There's gold in those mountains grab

your shovels and follow me burning with

Gold Fever the townspeople headed for

the Hills


lizards I can't believe it well that

makes two of us I reckon




hey let's squeak what are you doing


I want more let's chop the tree down to

get the ones on top you can't be serious

if the trees cut down it won't produce

any more coins if we don't do it someone

else will beat us to it

could be a million coins trapped in its

trunk let's cut it open


now oh please don't drop it down I'm

begging you that dream belongs to me



it's all dried up

no not my money oh what's this one by

one the townspeople saw the gold turn

into dried leaves Before Their

disbelieving Eyes Charlie watched them

search frantically for their goals and

decided to check out his coin


suddenly a swirling gust of wind swooped

down from the sky and swept the leaves

away god mother I'm sorry I know you and

I hope you've learned this lesson well

greedy people destroy the beauty of the

earth I'd rather you remain in public

and become one of them Pinocchio took

his fairy Godmother's words to heart and

silently vowed to never be greedy again

he'd rather be as strong as the Oak from

which he came oh

spent on me yes but I was greedy and

took the gold one from your mother

please tell your mother I'm sorry and I

hope you'll both forgive me for being

ungrateful okay but you must take this

copper corn and buy bread yup

oh my father the freshest loaf I could


Pinocchio now had a whole new

appreciation for that little copper coin

and raced off to the bakery as fast as

his legs could carry him he could hardly

wait to tell his father what he had

learned about greed and The Importance

of Being Honest



thank you