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01x24 - Mermaids and Pirates

Posted: 04/01/24 11:02
by bunniefuu





it's showtime the carnival has come to




folks have come from miles around to see

the giant balloons the sideshows on the

Midway and to frolic on the wonderful

rides why Franco is even being kind to





I just love the Merry-Go-Round Pinocchio

you've never been to the carnival before

today have you no but I had so much fun

I spent all my money I spent mine too

I'm tapped out


ladies and gentlemen step right up and

see the most Sensational display on this

or any other Midway it's a genuine

Mediterranean mermaid probably the most

incredible display in carnival history

my friends this may be the most

important chance of a lifetime imagine

being in the presence of this beautiful

Immortal who could breed life into a

stick of wood does that mean maybe she

could make a puppet become a real boy

don't be so stupid Pinocchio not even a

mermaid can make a puppet become a real

boy well how do you know what a mermaid

might be able to do that mermaid isn't

even real

she was real what would she be doing in

a flea bitten Carnival mermaids live on

the bottom of the ocean they don't like

the land besides she's half fish why

doesn't she make herself half human

maybe she will

and maybe she likes being the way she is

and if I asked her she'd turn me into a

real boy maybe so it's very important to

me that I should become a real boy I'm

afraid it might be another

disappointment for you I'm beginning to

get used to being disappointed Anna and

if the mermaid isn't real I haven't lost

anything by finding out I think I'll go

and ask her now the man won't let you in

to see the mermaid you have no more

money oh you'd better forget about it


leave just because we're out of money we

could still play on the Midway it might

be fine to play on the Midway but I

think you're planning to see that

mermaid no matter your kids go someplace

else you're bugging my paying customers

where's Pinocchio

if they don't want to come with me I'll

just do it alone

after all they're already real humans

what do they care about me

because this is as good a place as any


welcome ladies and gentlemen to the

world's greatest attraction brought to

you at incredible expense by Yours Truly

oh modesty forbids me to mention the

many hardships I've endured to bring you

this young meat here what the

so may I now present Melissa the mermaid

the Greek discovery of the one and only

snare off


right there


oh I must speak to Melissa maybe she'll

help me

hey Beat It


I wanna go home

somebody please help me to leave this


will I ever see my sister my sisters

again or will I spend my entire life

in Juice maybe you'll help me I'm

terribly unhappy you look like a nice

boy won't you help me to go home


they've got to cross this bridge to get

out of town

aha here they come now I'd better hide

over in the weeds

it was indeed the carnival leaving town

with the evil sneer off riding in the

lead and as Pinocchio watched the wagon

with the mermaid pass by his

determination to meet her was renewed he

put a simple plan into action


hey pull up what's going on back there


don't go away


please don't swim so fast I'm not gonna

hurt you


there she is now after her man hurry

wait Melissa please


after them you fools quickly I want them

both the boy wants to help you escape

you scared me


why is she swimming so fast when I

helped her to escape




please don't take me back there don't

worry Melissa I don't work for Mr sneer

off my name's Pinocchio and I'm here to

help you there they are

dare you


I hope we're safe now oh

keep throwing

those two must be around here someplace

and I'll find them

keep a sharp eye out you man

you mustn't go out there now why not

they're still there I can't believe a

human oh

what's the matter with you I'm only

trying to help you get away my mother

told me not to trust a human

but I'm not a human I'm a puppet huh

it's true my whole body's made of wood

well you look very much like a human

being to me

maybe that's because my father is a

human being and he made me into a boy so

I could keep him company he's a nice

human I've never met one oh there are

plenty of nice human beings in the world

but you really mustn't compare them to

all those bad people you've met like Mr

sneer off maybe you're right

but what's going to happen now I'm gonna

take you home that is I would take you

home if I knew where your home was oh my

home is very far away on the island of

the mermaids oh

I was the princess of all the mermaids

and even though our Island was very

beautiful I was unhappy because it's

forbidden for us to appear on the

surface in daylight we would sit on the

rocks at night and wonder what it would

be like to bask in the sun until one

morning I decided to find out for myself

so I slipped away from the others and

swam to the surface and it was

everything I'd hoped for it's absolutely


but I was soon to be punished for my


oh hi

mermaid off the pork bean bring

something a fetcher aboard



mermaids know where all the sunken

treasure is located so if you're smart

you'll take my ship to where you've

hidden it yeah but treasure I don't know

anything about any treasure

I thought the Pirates had treated me

badly I didn't know it then but there

was worse to come smear off ship off the

poor quarter it was worse than I could

have imagined Laura Bolton take me to

patch before he starts target practice

they were two of a kind who knew each

other well my compliments Mr sneer off

but what villainy brings you here this


hardly felony Captain patch but perhaps

we might find something with which to

turn a mutual profit as we have in the

past I'm afraid I have nothing that

would interest you

not even a little Maiden

just worthless Flotsam old friend I'd be

pleased to relieve you of the boat

regretfully my mother always made me

care for the weak and helpless

Captain I am deeply moved by your


that night when everyone was asleep Mr

snarov proved himself

to rule for your life my land we've got

to be out of the region matches g*ns by

warning or he'll blow us out of the



that's terrible we've got to get you

back to your Island but first you've got

a promise to do something for me huh

mermaids have magic powers and you're a

mermaid so promise that you'll turn me

into a human oh but I can't do that

if you want me to help you get back to

your Island you've got a promise to help

me all right Pinocchio I promise

that mermaid just was a fortune to me we

can't better get away oh oh they're

coming back again I know but we're safe

enough here really sure but please tell

me something will you if I can how long

will it take to turn me into a real

human and will I be real Flesh and Blood

like my classmates and everybody else I


I don't know I've never done it before

well that's okay we all have to start


oh maybe field wise one could do it she

would be the only one that's great it

must be someone very wise to make real

magic yes will you please take me home

now you bet I will I'm gonna be a real

boy yeah

and I'm certain she hasn't made it to

the Open Sea



she may just decide to swim underwater

all the way down to the Estuary this way



what is it it's the sea can't you smell

that wonderful scent how I've dreamed of

this moment I'm almost home you mean

mermaid islands close by only an ocean


be careful Melissa you're swimming too

fast there may be some traps at the

mouth of the river


Melissa be careful


somebody's power Don't Panic Melissa

it's just a map we've gotta try to swim

around it

start closing the gap


now Paul my little minnows must be tired

after such an exciting swim




maybe his Nippers could be our way out

of here hey Mr Crab could you help us

out of here please please Mr Krab

he's not gonna be able to pinch through

the net Come Aboard my little minnows

oh please Mr Crab don't let them capture

us now


my beautiful net well I just want you to

know that good help is hard to find

these days


oh goodness we've made it to the Open

Sea and we're safe aren't we I'd say so

at least for now Melissa


free at last from the evil clutches of

the carnival owner sneeroff The Little

Mermaid was able to swim in the Sun

with Pinocchio at her side she made for

mermaid Island

enjoying her Magic Kingdom for the first

time in daylight

all the creatures of the sea delighted

at her passage and performed a colorful

underwater ballet all their grief was

momentarily forgotten in the Splendor of

their surroundings

see how happy everybody is to welcome

you back to your home Melissa it must be

wonderful to have so many friends


but other things lurk Under the Sea like

once fine ship sent to the Bottom by

such as Captain patch

why don't we go up closer to the surface


this place kind of gives me the creeps


this is only one of the cemeteries of

the sea there are many places just like

it and there will be many more as long

as there are wicked humans who sing

great ships let's get away from here

we've arrived at the island of the

mermaids oh I can't wait to see my

sisters what a beautiful place to live

oh you're flying the flag a flag what's

the matter with that isn't it customer

you've never had a flag because we don't

want humans to know about this island

well who do you suppose it belongs to


oh there's a big ship it's the pirate



oh look they have all my sisters in

cages oh it's terrible to escape and to

come home to something like this my

homeland will never be happy again

now that we've come through all this

trouble you mustn't allow yourself to

lose hope

we better get away from here before they

catch us too wait a minute we mustn't

allow them to be taken away without

making an attempt to rescue them what

can the two of us do by ourselves if

there's only one possibility of saving

them from the Pirates we've got to make

an effort am I right I guess so but

aren't you afraid of course but if I'm

ever gonna become a real human I've

gotta try

ing a human it might not be possible to

transform you

I don't believe that it's just because

you're discouraged now let's see if any

mermaids Escape I'm only trying to save

you from more disappointment but if you

really want to look for others I'll show

you the way all right what are we

waiting for let's go


listen my childhood dream has always

been to steal the mermaid secret

treasure are you swabs trying to spoil a

little boy's dream



Captain the mermaid we lost before is

swimming up the channel the little

princess where is she off your starboard

Bowser sheets out ship on sneer off to

belay that man the booty you're looking

for is swimming up the channel away

I'll k*ll all the brat from here to the

Azores until she tells me where the

treasure is the little vixen

put your back into it hi I sir

oh no look it's the Pirates

oh my it's a dead end what are we gonna


I might as well give up



hey I've asked your lovers

where'd you go

after the puppet me hearties and as

Captain patch in his towering rage gave

Chase Melissa far underground arrived at

a secret place known only to the

mermaids it was dark and deserted

or so she thought



strike your colors have come about just

curvy swamp




I'm glad to see that you're safe too

Melissa the Pirates almost caught me but

I fell through the roof I'm sorry I left


wait who's your friend I am called the

old wise one hey Melissa told me about

you isn't she the one who's gonna turn

me into a real human being well I don't


what's this prattle about this mermaid

is the old wise one who can do the magic

you're supposed to be able to turn me

into a real human being me you do magic

please Mrs mermaid make me a real human

being so that people won't make fun of

me anymore

princess Melissa did you really promise

such a thing to this poor boy I didn't

mean to mislead him but I was so afraid

of those bad


you mean you you can't I'm terribly

sorry but there's no way I have the

power to turn a puppet into a human


so you lied to me you were lying to me

all along and I came all this way for

nothing please understand I was afraid

you'd leave me alone and Mr sneer off

would capture me again

I'm being a fool

everybody tries to make a fool out of me

I'll never be anything but a stupid

wooden puppet I wish I had never been



stupid stupid I should have minded my

own business

I've got him

now your little bilge rat hmm

prepare yourself for that voyage that no

one ever returns from meaty




thank you

