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01x25 - I'll Be a Pirate!

Posted: 04/01/24 11:04
by bunniefuu




Pinocchio has rescued the mermaid

princess Melissa from the carnival owner

sneeroff who had stolen her from the

evil pirate Captain patch a full year


finally free they've escaped into

Melissa's beautiful undersea World

surrounded by such natural Splendor

they've nearly forgotten that the world

above them is filled with cruelty


oh no the Pirates have captured the


Captain patch and his Pirates had seized

control of the mermaid's Island and once

again he was after Melissa


how much he had extracted from Melissa

he had made her vow to make him a real

boy if he rescued her and she

reluctantly agreed Pinocchio didn't

realize he had given her no choice but

to mislead him what why is one no

Pinocchio there's no way you can become

a human then she lied to me

how could you do that



don't even try to escape





hey man listen up this boy says that the

mermaid princess is gone and cheated him

no ain't that a pity

well Pinocchio you'll come to understand

that once a mermaid always a mermaid so

where did you join me in my men sail in

the Seven Seas I don't want to be a

pirate what the heck did you say

wait a minute leave the boy alone you

don't want to join up with us we'll just

make you walk the plank

now a pirate's life is the life to lead

you can steal and pillage and sail the

Seas play all day and never go to school

there's no school and I could do

anything I want sure you could me and my

mates wouldn't even make you swab the

deck yeah and you can sleep all day and

play all night now my young Buccaneer

there's just one little thing I'd like

you to do I want you to have a talk with

those mermaids and find where the

treasure is if you accomplish this task

you'll be sure to get your share Captain

patch you got a deal if you can find

where the treasure is I'll make you a

full-fledged pirate maybe even put you

in line for first mate uh I don't know

if it's right but I'd like to be first

made huh


lovelies I've brought you a friend go on

Pinocchio talk to them

um I know you want to get out of here

and go home

all you got to do is tell me where the

treasure is

hey Pinocchio you have to scare them

remember you're a villain of the high


so how do I save them then listen to the

master toxic witches I'll be scaling

some Tails that's how

I'll try that

all right mermaid I'll give you three

seconds to tell me or else I don't

know you don't know where then who does

know where it's been buried I'm not sure

but maybe the old mermaid knows where it

is oh yeah the old mermaid Pinocchio had

cast his lock with a pirate Captain

patch and was even going so far as to

lead him to Melissa and the Wise One hey

Captain do you think


lots of gems will you see him hey

Pinocchio listen up where are those

mermaids you promised to find for me I'm

not completely sure I can find them they

might not be around here they could be

on the other side that's their home ah

this is not exactly what I had in mind


I'm pretty sure it's around here

somewhere Captain patch

okay watch your step

hey Pinocchio help help me I'm slipping

I'm gonna fall to the bottom don't worry

I've got you

ah there you go this hole must be the

entrance to the mermaid's cave

I got the rope tied up

Pinocchio was leading the evil Pirates

right into the last safe haven for the

mermaids betraying a secret that had

been saved for a long time all because

he had no room in his heart to forgive a

white lie told by a frightened and

lonely Little Mermaid


does it go to the bottom what am I gonna

do what am I gonna do

keep climbing down I can't there's no

more rope no more rope


you gotta get to the bottom so jump

that's easy for you to say you'll follow

me when we hit bottom



oh that was a close one huh


so Pinocchio where are those mermaids

you promised they're probably hiding

somewhere well scatter and find them

I know they must be around here



a mermaid scale

here they are huh you found them over

here man

so Pinocchio you know what to ask him

tell us where your treasure is hidden

okay I hope I hope you haven't joined

with them hush up now you're gonna tell

us where the Treasure's hidden oh

okay this will only cause you terrible

harm huh

I'm so sorry for what I've done to you

Pinocchio but I won't tell you it's your

own good tell me where to find the

treasure I want to get it and spend it

all because I can't become a boy but of

course you already knew that didn't you

so tell us where the treasure is you've

run out of time

I'll tell you where it's hidden

all right old mermaid you better be the

truth you'll be sorry

yeah let's go

please please don't go

Pinocchio listen to me oh grandma

there was no other way my child


Grandma it is I

well I should be punished not him

I've got to save him he's only

through the Stream get through

look this must be the treasure I've

never seen anything like this before


the entire wall is filled with diamonds

and rubies


you know what this means we're rich

we're rich

what is it I'm not sure captain

Chad is Motley Crue stood dumbstruck

they didn't know what was happening

they could only hope that it would soon

be over and they could collect the

treasure but that was not to be





oh it's terrible






what brings you here hey the monster

speaking to us Captain patch I'm here

for all those gems

to get away you can forget it I'm

captain patch and I get whatever I want

if you don't obey me you'll be lying in

a watery grave do you understand me sea


all right man get the monster

as you wish





oh stop

are you one of the Pirates little boy no

I'm not

I'm not down

you must be

the mortise forbidden oh please don't

punish me you must be changed into a sea

urchin like the rest



I'm the one

I'm the one made me Pinocchio is not to

blame but he's a monster you mustn't be

afraid of him he has a warm heart he

might look mean but he's a special kind

of monster he can only tolerate the good

and Truth in people

what would happen if someone lied to him

doesn't matter if the LIE is a mermaid

princess shall be changed by him oh

time when playing in the sea and I lied

to Pinocchio I told him I could change

him to a man I promise I'll never do it

again oh please say cucumber please

listen it wasn't her fault she was in

man's world and didn't know any better

you understand it's not her fault she's

not to blame that's none of your

business and what about you have you no

shame I have I've been a bad boy

became a pirate and treated the mermaids

badly and I was also planning on

stealing the treasure open no



it's what you've done you

you mean you let us go free I'm Gonna

Let You Go this time it appears that you

both have learned your lesson and won't

be coming back


our old cucumber monster fears that

humans could get along with the mermaids

if he could just learn to tell the truth

our only real Treasures are open and

faithful hearts that mankind has lost

and is desperately searching for

princess Melissa do you know the way to

get to the inlet from here yes I do

Pinocchio because it's high time to find

the pirate ship and set free all those

captured mermaids

hey we've been waiting for the captain

too long here I bet that Something's

Happened I I think the captains run off

with that treasure it doesn't matter

we're gonna make tons of money just

selling them mermaids I vote that we get

out of here and we don't share our money

with anyone everybody that votes in

favor say odds the eyes have it Hoist

the sales

thank you


we'll be entering the Hitler very very

soon we must be careful it's quite



oh my the pirate ship has disappeared

it's already set sail I hope we can

catch them let's try

I'm already getting so tired


okay stop this shark lives near the

island of the mermaids it's really very

sweet we're good friends yeah come on up

on my back pop on your back oh I get it

wow this is fun I've never done this



I'll leave everything to me


delete your stuff Mr shark



the mermaids are swimming away they're

getting away

at Pinocchio he's probably the one that

betrayed us come on fire and get up

thank you


goodbye Pirates


ship of the starboard Bell that's the


hey help us

that's Captain Branch's pirate ship over

there isn't it boys


paintings mermaids in that ocean come on

speed up boys we got mermaids to catch

moving Full Speed Ahead



thank you

come on

will you help me

you boys will just have to go down with

the ship


catch those runaway mermaids Boys Pizza

then I want them caught alive


let's throw it now

hey get up in a dream wrong get the ship

closer in huh what huh hey boss of the

ship's acting strange what is this

















thank you

oh boy that Whirlpool was so big it took

down the ship the monster only punishes

those people who are mean and dishonest

and pulls them to the Bottom of the Sea

while he keeps watch over all the



now we mermaids can live in peace on our

Island we will never look upon man again

it's messed that way but you'll always

be welcome I'll miss you mermaids but I

know that it's all for the best ah

you know it's gonna be awful scary

swimming all the way back alone don't be

afraid my Barbie prepared something it's

for those we are the most we hope you

like it Pinocchio jumbo dolphin come on

come on a jumbo dolphin


go without blessing and don't worry dear

Pinocchio he's a friend to all the


Pinocchio you must go it's time


goodbye everybody goodbye

goodbye Melissa goodbye

I can't wait to get home because I can

tell Franco all about the mermaids and

the pirates on the ship can't do that

huh why not I bet Franklin my other

friends want to hear about mermaids and


and then you did find the mermaids yes

you didn't really see a mermaid I did I

swear I did I really saw a mermaid then

how come you won't name the island the

mermaids come from


come this Line's gotta stop

oh I see what you mean Mr dolphin I'll

always protect the mermaids and let them

live in peace because I'll never tell

anybody where they live promise okay

Pinocchio hang on here we go


goodbye goodbye mermaids I'll remember

you goodbye cucumber monster goodbye




