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01x29 - Captured by Bandits

Posted: 04/01/24 11:09
by bunniefuu




Pinocchio and Franco had gone in search

of Adventure and they found it the

infamous Bandit scalawag and his band of

Ruffians had decided it was a perfect

day for a robbery



There Is No Escape so hand over your

cargo now you miserable fool

Master scalaway please take it

that'll do wrap it up

what should we do we better get out of

here yeah but we'll get caught but we

have to warn The Village we have to tell

them that the bandits scalawag is on his

way all right I'm willing to give it my

best shot Franco Now's the Time To Go

what do we have here

we won't tell anybody there's absolutely

nothing I'm sure scalawag will believe



well what do you think I should do with

you pathetic idiots sir uh Mr scalawag I

won't tell anyone what I saw I promise

you that then my lips are sealed as well


no you've seen my face

oh please I'll do anything that you want

just don't hurt me Mr scalawag I could

be one of your best useful Bandits

pipsqueak Ruffians I like that idea so

have we made a deal Mr scalawag can we

join your famous Bandits

you have joined but don't even think of

running away

because it will be the last thought you

ever have understand welcome to my world


Pinocchio and Franco had been told to

act lost and hungry to help scalawag and

his ruthless g*ng get into one of the

wealthiest homes in the area this is

where you'll prove your worth

now remember there must be no mistakes

follow the plan of the letter you'll pay

with your life I was against taking you

from the start so I'll be watching you

you got that the two young decoys were

about to find out why scalawag had such

an Infamous reputation

it's time move in and do your act don't

do anything to give us aware it'll be

our last show


I'm honest for you to start thinking you

gotta stop now but I can't stop they're

watching it doesn't matter you have to

find a way out of this situation it's

just not worth it but they're dangerous

Bandits I can't stand up to them no just

think of how poor Gepetto is going to

feel when he finds out his son is an

outlaw Cricket I'm not doing this to

hurt anyone I'm just trying to save my

own life but Pinocchio there's got to be

another way I'll try hey what are you

doing back there talking to yourself

it's just my conscience is bothering me

oh who goes there uh hello I'm a

Woodsman son my father disappeared a

couple of years ago and we've been

searching everywhere we're hungry and

tired well you look harmless enough





come on I'm scared and I want my mama I

want out of here


well man I hope your Affairs are in

order because your time is up soon

there's gonna let you pay a few evil





hey stop stop don't sh**t what stop

you've done enough damage around here

well if this isn't one of my pipsqueak

Ruffians you're actually stupid enough

to try and tell me what to do how dare

you pick on such a little girl you big

old bully





you're a particularly lucky

you're brave so you shall live just

think as a momentary pardon my little







that's like


I thought you might be hungry by now so

I brought something to eat it's not much

but it's the best I could do I don't

want anything from you but you have to

eat you need to keep your strength up

how can you possibly know what I need

you invaded my

name and my father you're nothing but

nothing but criminal but I didn't sh**t

anyone Mr scalawag did you might as well

have you did nothing to stop him and

you're part of his g*ng so far as I'm

concerned you're just as horrible

listen to me I'm the one that stopped

him from hurting you

so what if I am part of the infamous

scalawag g*ng I didn't sh**t anybody


with Lucy's right you don't have to pull

the trigger to commit the crime oh no

Oak fairy he's not worth it at this rate

he'll rot before he finds enough good in

his roots to become a real boy he

doesn't have enough heart to even be a


don't be hard on the twin Pinocchio have

you tried to get away did you try to get

away of course I did do you think I want

to stay with criminals I've tried really

hard but they watch every move that I

make hey what's happening I'm telling

the truth oh Pinocchio when will you

ever learn you know that when you tell a

lie in my presence your nose gives you

away you didn't give me a chance to

explain I don't know why you think I'm

lying when I tried to run away they

threatened her hey Pinocchio I think you

need to admit to yourself that you like

being with the bandits you're being

terribly unfair I don't have to admit

anything oh please stop doing this lying

to yourself is even worse than lying to

me you must look into your heart for

that is where you will find the truth

All Creatures of wood are strong and

brave but you are acting like a common

weed you won't find the strength you

need for your boots on deep control try

and find the truth Pinocchio you don't

know anything about me I'm not a human

or a tree at least I fit in when I'm

with scalawag he'll learn twig will

never become human with that attitude I

don't know how the old fairy puts up

with him well maybe if he thinks about

it the boy will change his mind

wait don't give up on me yet I'll listen

honest what should I do you must try and

right the wrongs that have been

committed in your presence Remember You

Must Have Faith In Yourself Pinocchio

for that is what leads to fulfillment

what how can I do anything with my nose

like this

try harder and it will change

wait don't leave me alone

listen to your Fairy Godmother she knows

what's good for you

can you leave me like this I still don't

know what I'm supposed to do


oh I don't deserve this but I better

make the best of it I'll try and

convince Lucy that I really want to help

her I hope it works

all right

Lucy Lucy who's there

it's Pinocchio I've come to get you out

of here

well I'm glad somebody found this Pony

Listen to Me Lucy I'm really trying to

get you out of this but you'll have to


I don't understand why are you helping

me I thought all you've been is stuck

together mostly I'm not a bandit I'm a

puppet now let's get moving

come on we gotta hurry oh Mr scalawag is

planning on taking you to the next

Village and selling you to the highest


I suppose you're tired of being

abandoned and have decided to become a



this will be the last time you ever have

a chance to cross me little man tie them

both up over there



thank you

I'm sorry to tell you this but I heard

them talking about invading your village

what else did you hear I'm pretty sure

their plan is to use Franco as a hostage

oh Lucy this is awful and it's all my

fault oh no now everyone's in danger

because of me I'm worried all my friends

live in the village and I bet my parents

went there to try and find me I don't

know what my father will do his old and

weak that's terrible

oh Lucy I don't know what to do there's

gotta be a way to warn the village and

save my father and your parents

were settling hey what's wrong are you

all right I'm afraid I'm hearing things

I give up what happened to the

courageous thoughts away I have no

desire to have someone who gives up so


uh excuse me but who are you I am the

Fairy of the tree that's all I do

I have been listening to your

conversation and I'm impressed that

you're thinking of the well-being of

others so I decided to help you but you

must promise me that when you are free

you will do more and speak courageous

words anything you ask if you set me

free I only ask them to think before you

act and from now on trying to be honest

and brave do you understand

you mad I've learned my lesson very well

and my little sadly playable then it is

my time to return to the earth when I am

gone you will be released

thank you

Pinocchio this is finally what's going

on the tree is giving me a chance


remember me honest




Pinocchio suddenly realized that the

tree had given its life

he didn't understand that the spirit of

the tree would live on

idea this would be the price of my

freedom I don't know how to thank you


we have to get to the Village before

scalawag we have to get home

the town crier had given warning and the

people of Pinocchio's Village had

decided to flee rather than face the

infamous Bandit scalaway

Pinocchio I'm so glad you're home

get your things together we have to get

out of here

no we have to stand up to him Pinocchio

what are you saying there's nothing we

can do the only solution is to leave

until scalawag is finished I'm gonna

fight that bully because I have a

promise to live up to and I know that

running away is not the way to solve



you must listen to me Father they've got

Franco Pinocchio I can't see how

fighting will help but father if we

don't stand up to them now we won't have

a chance if we don't fight they'll come

back again and again it will never be

rid of them how do you know my son I

joined up with them huh well I'm going

with or without you

father we have to be responsible The

Village needs us

please I know you have the courage to

come along

yes I can see this as something you

really believe in I'll come thank you

Father you know I never thought my

little wooden puppet would be teaching

me about responsibility but you have oh


The Ransom to release this boy is one

bag of gold the Tariff to save your

village is still negotiable

if I don't get what I want immediately

my men will Loot and burn your home

ah it's that miserable puppet how'd you

get loose that's for me to know and you

to find out do you want to play guessing

games or do business no games if you

have the ransom hand it over first


it's a shame you would have made an

excellent abandon

little boy go


thanks a lot Pinocchio

hello pipsqueak

I've been cheated you bet skalawag you

taught me well not at all


haven't you figured it out I'm made of

wood b*ll*ts can't hurt me


nothing like supporting exercise


have a nice trip oh


it's my boy your safe son

Pinocchio pinocchiness father they're

standing alone against the bandits slow

down sir

they rescued me from the bandits and now

they need rescuing that's what I've been

saying let's go no let's stay

oh I've never seen such a worst bunch of

cowards you should all be terribly

ashamed of yourselves how can you let an

old man and a puppy protect your village

alone you're right I don't know about

you guys

Geppetto and Pinocchio saved my son the

least I can do is join in their fight to

save our village but my friend you'll be

k*lled no one can defeat the band it's

scalawag I am honored bound to try and

any of you that have the courage to come

with me are certainly welcome


just can't do it


this time there's no getting away pimp

squeak I'm gonna take you apart piece by



yeah yeah


drop your weapons and put your hands up

my Brave wonderful boy you're safe I'm

so proud of you


oh I knew all along we could defeat

scalawag as I said it just takes courage

Papa John

but you're also glad

your Yama

our baby's safe

Lucy is our only child I want to thank

you the people of this town for what

you've done we will always be in your


and Nokia that saved me right from the

start you've got to meet him wow there

isn't he beautiful

can I keep him I don't know if that's a

good idea well that's all right while

you think about it I'm gonna take him

for a ride wait you'll fall off


I wish I had that kind of energy after

all we've been through today I guess

boys will be boys




I want to do

hey come back here I'm not finished with

you yet and I am not finished with you

oh what are you doing here


no one makes a fool of the puppet master

and gets away with it especially not a

puppet I searched for you far and wide

and now you're going to learn that

you're nothing but a worthless hunk I


Pinocchio was once again in the grasp of

the wicked Puppet Master sneer off


