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01x31 - Find Pinocchio!

Posted: 04/01/24 11:11
by bunniefuu

me from a dream




under the glaring Summer Sun the Rivers

had dried to a trail leaving all that

lived in the canyons parched and hungry

yet there was a lone wagon making its

way slowly through the desert sands it

was being driven by sneer off the evil

Carnival owner who once again had

Pinocchio Jack and Willy in his clutches

we're making pretty good time but not

good enough


this heat is k*lling me if I don't have

a drink I'm gonna dry up why did we have

to leave the village in the first place

I just like to stop traveling

hey but when you think about it it's the

best way to meet other people and learn

about them it'll be fun I'd rather be

home I'm burning up I never knew what

could get this hot I gotta get a break

maybe sneer off will give us some free


free time it won't be so bad once we get

to the city we'll play and do tricks

okay he's gone kooky I wanna go home

but tricks are no tricks I miss father




don't worry Charlie we'll be in the city

soon you can rest there oh Geppetto I'm

hot and thirsty my throat is parched and

my poor paws are k*lling me I don't

think I'm gonna make it

go ahead my friend rest and drink up


I realize how hungry I am when we get

into the city I can try to sell my

carvings then maybe we can get something

to eat

you know we wouldn't be this mess if it

weren't for Pinocchio I think we should

go back to the village where we belong

and forget about the big old city I'm

sorry you feel that way Charlie but what

can I do he's my boy and I do anything

to find him until I do I only hope he's

all right

ladies and gents welcome to the stir off

Carnival step right up don't be shy it

is my humble pleasure to present a

fabulous show my associates will be

performing amazing feats

this whip has trained them to Perfection

let's begin

and remember if you like what you see we

accept any and all donations

now on with the show with the fabulous

acrobatic clones

you get it right or else

introducing Jack the Magnificent

and go he's Parker Willie will go for

the double



well done Willy now Pinocchio the puppet


oh idiot must you always show me up


I'm sorry


I've never seen such a lame puppet why

can't you do even one trip right I'll

show you

what do you want

what you don't want me to punish you

uh-huh yo what am I supposed to do he's

gonna drive me crazy all right let him

try again




all right quick oh and I told you I'd

let him try again

hey fun okay oh you got one more try but

don't mess up this time got it



that was great next time you'll jump

without their help you're here

what the heck dinner when I tell you if

you put your mind to it you can do

anything that's right now watch this





things are going fine it was a nice job

oh thank you oh wow thanks



thank you

well boys you deserve this meal each are

Phil tonight

sharing those were performing all day

tomorrow and he wants us to put on a

good show

if you want to complain Jack complain to

me no no complaint from me everything's

hunky dory Doro you know me I'm easy to

please yeah

Ernest fonts gone with his head it'll be

a good day tomorrow boys no more

fighting let's drink up and put it all

aside huh

does this mean we're gonna stay here for

a while you bet as long as the money

keeps coming in you can make yourself at


at least if we stay farther we'll have

time to find me

we don't have enough stunts you know

that's no problem we'll learn Bunches of

new ones we could keep the people happy

for months yep I'm speaking of stunts

I've created a couple more for you

animals to work on designed to separate

the crowd from its cash

I bet we make a lot of money and the

people will just love us we'll be the

best acrobats they've ever seen don't

count on it Pinocchio how did you find

me hey I keep up with you I know where

you are all the time but you're in big

trouble here you've got to get away from

sneer off and go home I'm doing fine I

didn't ask you to come and I don't need

your help you know come on your father's

been looking all over for you you must

come home now stop this stupid nonsense

pack your stuff up and come with me I'm

not going anywhere with you so just

disappear yeah

what's up you're talking to yourself oh

sorry about that

I guess I was just thinking out loud

huh what


what's your problem this this guy owns

the place

is there something to matter oh

here you go here's that Stewie orders ah


yeah you know I really feel for the kids

yeah Pinocchio misses his dad I


you get it you must go back to your

father he loves you so much and you can

never replace him now come it's time to

go home but I don't think I can escape


my I just couldn't sell anything today

poor Charlie I can't buy him any food

no where did he get to I haven't seen

him for a while well and I'm sure he'll

be back soon I just hope he hasn't

gotten into any trouble


oh there you are Charlie where have you



Charlie what is it how'd you get it

why this is a newly baked loaf of bread



huh I don't want this loaf of bread you

take it back why would I want to take it

back because you stole this red oh

Charlie I can't believe you'd stoop so

low as that it's not right to steal

you've made me very angry Charlie I'm

very disappointed in you now I want you

to go to the bakery and give it back hey

I'm not gonna give the bread back and

I'll bet Pinocchio wouldn't bother to

give it back either he's not that stupid

Pinocchio is a good boy don't you say

anything about him

not about him it's all his fault

Pinocchio that's all I ever hear

Pinocchio Charlie come back

oh this is my fault I should have paid

attention to him forgive me


I'm so sick and tired of hearing his

name if I hear it one more time I'm

gonna go nuts Pinocchio he's such a

goody two shoes


oh boy that show was a close call oh

it's all Pinocchio's fault it's all his



just a little more okay I think I got it

he almost up there my back is k*lling me

you better hurry it up oh you have to

stretch a bit more I'm trying Willy I'm

almost at the top just keep steady and

I'm sure I'll be able to reach the


almost there yep I made it oh I'm happy

for you cause I'm falling down


hey good luck and trying to be careful

and don't forget about us okay I won't

I'll always remember your help but I

gotta go see ya bye bye

he thinks he's home free


our planet's perfect he'll never suspect

it's just so much fun betraying them

now for the next step



I think it's time hit it

hit it but not girls right away


ran away run away


hey Jack Willie where are you huh what's


we're right here what's left of us

I want him found Doro so how did he

escape he climbed

out the window I don't see how and what

were you doing Doro you were supposed to

be watching you stupid idiot look what

you've done stop powering like a fool

get going you better find him or you'll

be sorry

I need that but I won't be able to rest

until I get him back hey boss if we

hurry we can find them yeah we'll help

you Frank Pinocchio just to show you

that we've always been on your side all

right come on


I'm so tired I'll never make it








Oh no you're right we've been running in

circles let's head toward the far end of

them and then we'll lose them let's go



well we lost them now all we got to do

is circle back into town they'll never

find us hey that's fine with me just as

long as we get out of here I'll follow

you well we better not stand around

chatting old snarons pretty smart and

there's nothing I hate more than being

all foxed

this seems to be the way

yeah what are you doing so far from home

Japan though surprised to see you here

what are you doing walking around this

time of night yeah why are you yeah I'm

just so happy to see you both again

tell me have you seen my boy Pinocchio

I've been looking for him

no we don't know where he could be we

haven't seen him yeah that's right you

put a we haven't seen him Charlie's

around here but I scolded him he ran

away upset now I can't find him so

Charlie's helping him out what a help he

was supposed to help me find Pinocchio

but I'm afraid I scared him when I got


no more cheese I'm too full but I will

have some more of that candy hmm


don't what we did to Pinocchio don't

worry about it he'll never find

Pinocchio sneer arms too smart excuse me

are you sure you didn't pass Pinocchio

he's small you might not have noticed


I know I'm a foolish old man grasping

for straws but I have to find you

well I'm sorry I never saw him at all

I'm sorry that I keep bringing this up

but he's my only son I guess I'll just

have to keep on looking for him I

wouldn't worry about it I'm sure he'll

turn up


so you both ran away because you knew I

had to fight him oh God


you know you can run but you can't hide

from smear Emma now let's see how smart

you are you lousy little Squealers

oh no Willy this is the end of the line

listen Doro if they try to run away

again rip them to pieces

no way please these are my friends

hey keep it quiet old man

done enough taking my livelihood from me

you'll pay for this no you don't

understand come on wait please you're

hurting me I haven't done anything I

just met these two here by chance I'm

just a simple old wood carver looking

for his son his name is Pinocchio

what Pinocchio are you telling me you

know him he's my son you must help

please help

please he's my life

please help I don't know him let go he's

my only son if you do know Pinocchio

please just tell me where can I find him

I told you man I don't know any




what's that

oh no it looks like Geppetto

what happened to you Geppetto

Pinocchio where's Pinocchio and Willie

and Jack huh

Willie and Jack

there's nobody here


oh Pinocchio I haven't found you yet but

I know I'm getting closer I promise I'll

find you and bring you home


this is the last time I'm gonna see this

no more running away from me or I'll

burn Pinocchio to a crisp

and I'll make you boys into a nice first


I'm gonna fail

I don't think you're gonna Escape either

oh but you said we'd make lots of money

in this city so how come we're leaving

here so soon it doesn't make sense don't

mouth off to me I'm the master here you

putrid puppet

move it get into the cart and keep it


listen up Willie we must never throw

Pinocchio that we met up with Geppetto

in town that's a promise Jack



all right

Pinocchio's our meal ticket we have to

keep him away from old Geppetto we're

gonna set up a show somewhere else to

avoid Geppetto and keep making money


all right you stupid horse we're in a



thank you man

oh she's beautiful

oh thank you very much man I want to buy

that Horseman the craftsmanship is

wonderful well I'll take that doll just

to the left there yes sir please lovely

work thank you for the compliment man

just wait Charlie I promise I'll have

your stomach full in no time


yes ma'am perhaps this beautiful doll

could be a gift for your little boy and

maybe I'll find my little boy in the

city I'm sure Pinocchio's here somewhere

I'll never understand why we're leaving

so soon

you'll never find out that his father

was in the same town hey look at that

boy someone must be selling something

well you heard me right that's all I

want for him man



that's all the villagers used to crowd

around my father's shop to see his

beautiful toys I miss him without

knowing how close he had come to seeing

his father Pinocchio was once again

leaving him far behind



thank you

thank you