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01x33 - Pinocchio Saves the Day

Posted: 04/01/24 11:13
by bunniefuu





even when it's calm the sea is very


a storm at sea is a dangerous thing it

can sweep people overboard and even Dash

a ship to pieces

this storm has passed now and the ship's

wreckage is drifting on the tide

the people who live in this tiny village

are used to finding wreckage on the

shore but today they'll find something

they didn't expect


bye now bye now and thank you hi no

problem my dear

oh what's that

why why it's a puppet

it must have washed ashore with this

other wreckage

oh I can't leave it there

maybe I can fish it out with this pole

I'm too weak I can't hold on I don't

believe it it can talk

a couple

can do it

are you okay

I've never seen a puppet like you

my father is a master puppet maker my

name's Pinocchio what's this place

called don't you know this is Africa

what what

Africa oh no

as he fainted from shock and exhaustion

Pinocchio's unconscious mind was racing

with images from his terrifying

experiences at Sea memories mingled with

nightmares in his fevered brain



he was reliving every moment of the

Dreadful ocean storm just as though it

were happening again


to separate actual memories from

feverish hallucinations it all seemed

too real


no Mr sneera stop

oh he must be having a nightmare


help me please

you'll be safe here


hey wow this is really great it's so

different from back home what's the

matter with your hand you're not moving

it did you hurt it it got broken but it

doesn't hurt it's too bad father isn't

here he'd fix it in no time


oh that's the puppet maker shop maybe he

could fix it for you no no good practice

get out of here leave me alone

are you all right did you have a fight

with your father again just mind your

own business



boy is his father ever mean to him

wasn't before he used to be really nice

but then people stopped buying his



it made him bitter

he never works anymore

all he does is drink


go and get some more wine do you hear me

I will not I can't we have no money how

dare you shut up and do what I say why

won't you make puppets the way you used

to you were so much fun back then and

making puppets is your job shut up

nobody buys my puppets and you not oh

tell us

I'm too old now but you're not no you

can't ask me to do your job

I don't want to make puppets no

they're not so Keen for me to make them

huh because it's the only thing you know

how to do I wish you hadn't started

drinking why you must be

people bought my puppets I'd work day

and night

I could even fix broken puppets but now

children would rather play other games

how am I going to earn a living for us

oh Dennis my life's as good as over

I'm sorry

hey I just had a terrific idea if all

the puppets in town suddenly disappeared

all the children would want new ones

wouldn't they darn right

it's such a great idea why did I take so

long to think of it Papa's gonna be so

happy I can't wait to see his face he's

gonna have so much work to do that he'll

never have time to drink again



how are you Dennis fine I'm gonna hold a

big toy Festival

oh and how do we celebrate it I'm gonna

ask all the children to bring their old

toys to the forest then we'll pile them

up and we'll make a huge bonfire of them

oh it sounds like fun then come along

we'll all be in the clearing in the

forest it's gonna be tomorrow night

after Sunset and bring your old toys


I don't think people ought to burn toys

just because they're old and useless it

doesn't seem fair to me I know you're



what are you doing oh what a crummy toy

puppets shouldn't break that easily you

can have these old toys for tomorrow's

bonfire I don't need them anymore Dennis

I've got some better ones

hey let me try that but you're too heavy

you'll break it


oh no

please stop don't break it


it's no wonder it broke it's cheap you

should burn it along with the rest


I heard about your Festival Dennis I

think it's a great idea

anyone could have thought of it Ralph

and by the way what happened to your


I don't know somehow toys get broken as

soon as I lay my hands on them it's true

Dennis I already seen him do it great


g*ng up it makes me nervous I Smell


why are you hiding it well I just got it

and I'd like to keep it yeah Ralph check


hey there's a crack here didn't you


hey you broke it come on it was broken

already it was not huh you guys have no

business breaking everybody's toys fuzz

off you can't tell us what to do if we

want to break a few toys we'll break

them for your information toys don't

like being broken on purpose don't be so

stupid toys don't have feelings they do

they have feelings just like you oh yeah

how do you know don't waste your time on

him he's only a puppet he hasn't got a

clue now are you coming to the festival

as one of us or is one of the toys

what's the matter with you say something

wooden head make up your mind whose side

are you on if you're so crazy about the

toys maybe you'd like to join oh

leave me alone don't do it he'll burn

real guys sure


meanwhile down in the village


I can hear the toys how come they can't

boy if they could they wouldn't have

this rotten Festival

I have to do something I have to stop

them but I don't know what and there's

no time they're gonna start any minute

oh Father can't you help me tell me what

to do


oh my God


late that night every single child in

the village sneaked out of the house and

went to the clearing in the forest it

was very peaceful

so far dig the pit right here

and I shouldn't even be here I should be

at home

if my parents find out about this

they're gonna k*ll me stop complaining

and hurry up I won't miss the whole




let the ceremony begin

come forward with your toys one at a

time and throw them into the pit begin


light your torches



you have come to your final resting

place we who have brought you here will

now dance to honor your passing

thank you









what's this what's this


toys made of wood


what what crimes have notorious


how have they deserved this fate it's

nothing but what in cruelty and we will

not endure it

what's this what's this they're going to

burn their toys even their toy Pussycats


what's this


now they would destroy their work

although there is no need it should not

happen thus


all right everybody now it's time to

light the funeral pyre when I give the

signal drop your torches in the pit

hi don't burn the toys you'll be sorry

if you do it's bad it isn't right to

destroy things for no reason and if you

do it the whole world will be mad at you

get off my back who do you think you are

telling me what to do I don't believe

this pipsqueak get out of here go on

shove off no wait he's a puppet too why

not throw him in the pit with the others


keep your hands off me get them




miserable creatures how dare you destroy

something that's done you no harm we

will not stand for it wasteful

destruction goes against a laws of

nature you have aroused the fury of all

creatures and you shall be punished

don't let them get away seize them

yeah let them know how it feels to be

helpless and terrified


it's no use running you can't get away

nature is everywhere


prepare to get a taste of your own mess


come teach these cowardly boys a lesson

oh no




for you are one with us

with us enemies

the crime these humans have committed

against their toys is a crime against

nature and we are here to see that

Justice is done they shall suffer for

their wickedness please listen to me for

a minute you're right to be angry it was

an evil thing to do but they won't do it

anymore please let them go let them go

infinite right to destroy things for

pleasure you can't be serious no they

have aroused our Fury now they must


wife a face scale to realize is that

they are a part of nature too and they

must obey the laws of nature

they are

a kind of Cruelty and now they must

suffer cruelty in return

I warn you don't interfere while you're

paying their stead I told you they won't

do it again they're really sorry

foolishment for them

oh no

oh Pinocchio

oh Pinocchio how awful I hope it doesn't

hurt too much it's okay I'm made of wood

it doesn't hurt but I feel really silly

without my arms and legs

it seems to me that when we're all

together in a g*ng we can do bad things

that we'd never do when we're alone

people get carried away

you know why they were all so angry at

you because you were wasting what they

give you don't burn broken toys you fix


you're right Pinocchio I have something

I have to tell you the festival was only

an excuse I'm sorry

I was just trying to help my dad I

thought if everybody burned their toys

they'd buy new ones from him

I shouldn't have done it I'm sorry

please let me take you to my dad and he

can put you back together again

it's not a bad idea Dennis I really

think you should he'd have you back on

your feet in no time we'll take you to

him okay but I guess you'll have to

carry me because I can't walk


goodness gracious he's in a mess do you

think you can fix him for me dad well

I'm not so sure son but I can try it's

all my fault that this happened to him

oh please try to help him what a pity

he's a wreck but it'll be a pleasure to

work on a puppet again after so many


now then wanna drink dad hmm

no son I won't drink anymore


look at that wow look at him



thanks this is great I'm ready for Dad


why you're very welcome

there you go



I've never had so many toys to repair in

all my born days I don't understand

what's going on


nothing that's a secret between kids and

their toys

that's all right with me I'm so glad to

be back that the more work I have the

better why it's almost as if the toys

have repaired me while I was repairing


there we are good as new great oh Dad

I'm so happy

hooray hooray

I'm proud of you awesome

as Pinocchio looked on he suddenly

realized that he had learned a great

lesson a lesson of love

and he realized his life could never be

complete without it


thank you for mending me I'll never

forget you as long as I live

so with Pinocchio's help Dennis and his

father are reunited without another

moment's delay Pinocchio sets out on his



