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01x39 - Over the Sea in a Balloon

Posted: 04/01/24 11:19
by bunniefuu




Geppetto was last seen trapped aboard

the wicked sneer off ship headed towards

Spain Pinocchio had been left stranded

on the shores of Africa now when the

Great shipyards of Morocco he was

attempting to secure passage on a

Northbound ship

and pardon me could you please take me

to Spain sir can you pay no but I could

work as a cabin boy I don't need one I

just hired my son as cabin Boyd

if my father were kept and he would hire

me as Cabin Boy

excuse me are you sailing North no we're

Bound for Egypt oh there must be a ship

that will take me to Spain

excuse me will you take me to Spain no I

guess I'm stuck in Africa what'll I do


and take your fleas with you yeah no

stories allowed oh

no are you okay

lucky there was two of them

golly did I hear right were you really

trying to stow away on that ship

yes I was but they saw my nose sticking

out from under the cargo oh we'll meet

another nose with a nose for trouble the

name's Pinocchio well pleased to meet

you what's your name fella

my name is devil my troubles finding a

way to Spain hey I'm going there too

my work here in Africa when my body is

healed I'll simply swim across the water

to retire in my homeland of Spain you're

hurt oh it's nothing just an old hunting

wound acting up again are you a hunter

you're looking at one of the greatest

lion hunters in all of Africa

saying if you saw a lion you wouldn't

run away scared him

can't fool me

hear nothing but a sad old stowaway


how dare you all Africa knows of my

courageous Deeds

gosh I didn't mean to insult you

I'm sorry

boy me and my big mouth


what's this what strange rocks I wonder

what they're for

oh they're probably useless just like me

hey there put that down

I've been diving for those rocks

oh I'm sorry

I didn't mean to shout Pinocchio I guess

I was just scared you were gonna steal

everything I just gathered sorry I

startled you Muhammad but I've never

seen rocks like that I had no idea they

belonged to anybody what are you gonna

use them for anyway these rocks are cold

I'm gonna use them to fuel my hot air

balloon a hot air balloon

isn't she beautiful

but what is it I told you a hot air

balloon my father left it to me when he

went off to w*r it doesn't look like a


that's what the coal is for here I'll

show you

first we load the stove then we pump the


the extra oxygen will set the coal on


there we go now the heat will rise into

the balloon here I'll show you

Mama be careful see how the paper Rises

with the heat also the hot air is going

up inside the balloon to inflate it well

my young friend you seem to learn quite

quickly just think in no time I'll be up

in the clouds with the wind at my back

I wish I could fly but I don't think I'd

be brave enough to try you're not

supposed to fly

don't pay any attention to Kiki why why

do you say that why because I'm a bird

everyone knows only birds were meant to

fly is that true undeniably true if

that's true then why can Muhammad fly

I have a habit can't fly I give you my

word the boys never even been off the

ground don't listen to that foolish old

feather head he'll learn we all have the

right to fly it's true I haven't been up

in the balloon before but my father

showed me how to do it but maybe Kiki is

right I don't think I've ever heard of

human beings flying before it really

doesn't seem natural

listen my friend sailing ships on the

ocean wasn't natural either before we

tried that

lying is totally different it's just not

something to be trifled with gee trying

it would be fun though ah you'd be too

scared to try it anyway I'm not scared

of anything

I've made my decision Count Me In I knew

it you'll see it'll be a great adventure



so the young Pilots made preparations

for their maiden voyage Pinocchio hauled

cold that Muhammad had brought up from

the seafloor Pinocchio was working so

hard he almost missed seeing double the

proud old lion hunter

hey devil what's wrong

I'm just resting

excuse me I haven't caught my supper yet


shame that you're hungry wait here I'll

get some food for you

look at this Feast I found for you a

wonderful egg of mutton come on devil

eat it it's good for you what gives you

the idea I need any of your help

how dare you insult a great hunter with

your pitiful handle

you're just being a stubborn old grump

stay hungry then oh


Devil he's had a good rest I'm sure his

appetite's back

devil look at this I brought you some

soup Pinocchio I can't believe you still

want to help you're my friend wouldn't

you do the same for me enough talk now

try and eat something


thank you for your kindness friend well


come on Pinocchio

it worked sure did

with every bite I feel my strength


I promise when my strength returns I

shall repay this honorable deed

oh Debo will be fine now thanks to you

Pinocchio he wasn't able to eat the

mutton but that soup you gave him will

help restore his health he'll prove to

be a brave and loyal friend that's great

but I don't understand why you wouldn't

eat the mutton

if you ask me he was too proud to tell

you that he's lost all his teeth oh I

hadn't even noticed that he's getting

old what do you think will happen to

poor devil when we leave here and go to

Spain how is he gonna care for himself

don't know

oh no no what should we do

hey maybe he'd like to join us on our

flight to Spain oh really do you mean it

yeah sure yeah

I gotta go tell devil the good news

bring him out and meet me at the balloon

those fellows pumping Pinocchio

good keep pumping

will the Airborne in no time

it's a fine day for flying

I'll put on every last piece of coal we

need more heat

Pinocchio I'd like myself feel better

I'm feeling as strong as a puppy now

then get to work after all I've got a

balloon to fly here good Depo the fire

is hotter than ever


ah she's filling up quickly she's

Airborne boys

come on jump into the gondola hurry up

let's go wait for me right behind you up

and over catch me hey get set to cast

off everyone first the stove right

then the top rope There She Goes

one more

and away we go


oh look at how small everything is

getting the window catches in just a


there it is hang on to your hats


look there's the Fountain of Tangier oh

and the shipyard where devil and I met

we will need to stowaway now


when I was just a puppy a puppy

that's hard to imagine devil and now

you're returning to your Homeland to

retire but I'm afraid I'm going to miss

Africa terribly

look flying fish who says only person's


if this strong Wednesdays at our backs

we should reach the port in Spain no

later than noon tomorrow that's no time

at all Muhammad I


stand up in Russia

gosh the sky sure is pretty isn't it

sure is there's nothing like a sunset at

sea ah well Hammond what are we gonna do

at night why we'll get some sleep well

what will happen if the balloon wanders

off its course

that's the trouble Pinocchio it's a

chance we take when traveling by hot air

balloon there's no way to guide him

we're at the mercy of the wind at the

mercy of the wind oh that sounds

dangerous well there's no turning back

now so you might as well get used to it


exhausted from the excitement of the day

the Bold traveler soon fell asleep in

the cool night air


as the water closed in around them

Pinocchio wondered why he ever believed

he could fly


what happened hey just calm down the hot

air is cooling off

the hurry up now help me untie a couple

of these sandbags YouTube

once we've dropped some weight the

balloon will rise again the cool night

air has lowered the balloon's air

temperature gosh it worked that was

close too close I'll take the night

watch you three get some sleep

Muhammad gazed at the distant Stars

while his three companions slept later

he alone beheld the Glorious Sunrise the

early morning Solitude gave him a chance

to reread of the battles his father had


water spout he's right it's a typhoon

biggest one I've ever seen what do we do


that funnel will draw us right in where

does something like that come from I

don't know all I know is we've got to

get out of here oh

look that ship its crew is still

sleeping we have to warn them


can't hear you


maybe we should all do about oh I'd

rather be thrown to the heavens





heaven looks a lot like Earth did huh

we've risen above the typhoon

phew we made it yes we made

that's right we survived the waterfall

brought us right out of the top like a

cork out of a bottle of champagne

there's nothing to fear now why am I

having trouble breathing

something is wrong what's going on

we've lost our ballast what does that

mean Muhammad because of the lost weight

we're Rising too quickly then we'll soon

be completely out of air


huh but I can't reach it


well here goes nothing





it worked we're going down

thank you

there I got the plug back in just in

time how does it feel to be a hero

Pinocchio oh I'm not a hero you guys

would have done the same thing for me it

was nothing really again Pinocchio you

have shown remarkable curves you would

have made a fine line I get lost you

freeloaders beat it need to stop and

rest our wings that's just too bad now

beat it what

okay you asked for it hey what are you


stop that oh no they've punctured it out

of control see you later enjoy your


we're losing else is too fast we gotta

do something we want everyone to grab a

bag and toss it overboard


wow that's everything now for the whole

I have a patch for the leak you tread

hold if I can just get it to stick

I think you better hurry up

there that should do it

we're Aloft but we've lost our food and

water yeah but thanks to you we're still


that may be true but we're still


you have come up with a solution to this

problem there's only one thing we can do

I'm afraid someone has to go overboard

to lighten the lows that's the only way

you can't just drop somebody off in the

middle of the ocean I think you should

be the one to jump my hat at this

ridiculous trip

didn't I tell you only Birds should fly

or dump the toothless wonder here

hold your tongue Kiki no

let me think

we'll draw straws Short Straw jumps huh

how do we know you won't cheat Muhammad

you know which straw is shortest I'll

draw last now who draws first Pinocchio


be brave my friend you're next devil


be one

now let's see the straws

mine is the same as Devils

ah no fair I will go Kiki where's your

sense of Honor do I have to throw you


Kiki in fact

kicked me off this baloney's got another

thing coming

I really thought I was gonna make it to

Spain to search for my father hey get

off that Muhammad look there's part of

the ship that was destroyed by the water

spout hey one of us could wait on that

board at least until the balloon became

Airborne good idea but how do we get to

the board


he's made it quick throw him a line

before it's too late hang on Devo we'll

get you

I nearly had it I'll try again here

now is the time to teach these winless

fools what happens when they cross geeky

paddle the board closer I've had quite

enough of this sentimental slop time to

leave oh



don't give up hope devil I'm coming give

me your paw

still can't reach you lower me down

farther almost just a little further

that's all the Rope we have

reach we're so close now

give up I can't lose you now it's no use

you go on without me no devil you can't

give up you can oh you don't need an old

wreck like me but I can't leave you I

love you huh do you mean that


one of my very best friends and best

friends always stick together you're a

brave lion hunter and I need your

courage oh my friend you don't need my

courage I don't why not because

Pinocchio you've shown me bravery since

the day I first met you there's no need

for you to use my courage you have

plenty of your own

as for me I don't know if I'll see my

homeland again but I'm willing to go

where the current takes me

of all my mind is set you go join your

father in Spain and I'll Trust the waves


Farewell My friend have faith in your

own courage and bravery

Devo don't despair we'll sail for you in

the morning I'll watch for your sales

and pray we'll be back I promise

Pinocchio I'm pulling you back up now

good boy


Debo's lonely form faded into the

distance and the sun set

another Knight at Sea wasn't something

anyone looked forward to what's this

there's a strong ocean current directly


near the warmer shallow water that

stream of water will sail Depot's raft

right to the coast of Spain hey wouldn't

it be funny if he got their first


he better hurry though

there she is the southern coast of Spain

isn't that a beautiful sight it sure is

you know I was born in Spain aren't you

lucky wow it's beautiful look over there

my father's favorite mountain range

is it Muhammad do you think I'll find my

father soon yep I'm sure you will and I

know a good hunting dog would be more

than willing to help you look yeah I

think devil would help you bet and when

you find your father you can tell him

all about our amazing journey I can't

wait to introduce the two of you

and I can't wait to meet him Pinocchio


two companions floated silently over the

southern coast of Spain thankful for

their safe Passage

the mountains at Sunset gave Pinocchio

faith faith that he would find his

beloved Geppetto



thank you