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01x43 - The Fortress of Doom

Posted: 04/01/24 11:23
by bunniefuu

me from a dream





Geppetto had been captured by the

Commander's men and was being taken to

devil Island the commander would have

preferred to arrest Pinocchio but had

settled for Pinocchio's Creator I'm

afraid if I'm sent the devil Island I

won't survive there's no chance to get

away from these guards

we wish there was some way to see

Pinocchio again before I'm locked up

indeed Geppetto's chances of escaping

were fuel

he was to be kept in a fortress of Doom

before the

ancient devil Island no one had ever

escaped from The Fortress of Doom

oh they're taking him inside how can we

rescue him if he's inside a fortress I'm

gonna have to hop aboard the carriage

before the bridge goes up take the

prisoner straight to the cells

hold that bridge


great now what I guess I better get back

and tell Pinocchio what's happened to

his father he's gonna be upset father

there's no sense getting all upset

Pinocchio Willy's right no sense and

screaming even if your dad was able to

hear you he couldn't possibly answer you

I don't care if it's impossible all


hello there

father please



hey there he is

Pinocchio it's me

Pinocchio good news I followed you

father they brought him to a big castle

they did do you think we could save it

it's impossible to get in Pinocchio it

can't be I'm not gonna give up no matter

what there's got to be a way to get in


this ain't gonna be easy they might NAB

us before we get to the door I'm scared

what'll happen if we're captured are

they cruel are you kidding me a bad

opinion to the board and stretch oh

golly I don't want to be any taller Jack

really don't be silly no one will

stretch anybody stay calm and don't

panic we must come up with a plan to get

farther away from here hey you talk wise

up they got better things to do than

stretch weasels and foxes

a wagon


whoa who goes there identify yourself

State your business

a traveling salesman I've brought

several items which would be of interest

to you fresh meat gunpowder and several

very fine wine sir can we talk you'd

better wait there I'll tell the

commander you're here

this could be a big break Pinocchio if

we climb into the coach we might be able

to sneak into the castle Yeah

right you three take the coach I'm gonna

slip in myself I'll meet you inside

yo get down from the wagon while inspect


no need I'm sure everything's fine back

there don't trouble yourself

you work much too hard here buy yourself

a glass of wine new pass inspection

thanks have a pleasant day my friend

you've been very helpful

hurry up Pinocchio

almost just a little harder no


I don't believe it I think I died and

went to heaven

ly dreaming a real money away that's

simple to figure out

hey if anybody pinches me it's gonna be

me pal

oh I can't believe I'm having me

this made stinks

sure it does what's the trouble guys

this meet things more like tree bark

than food it's rotten to the Core watch

it oh that smells awful he's done Stones

under these eggs to make it seem like

there's more of them hey

hey foxes have false bottoms they're

completely empty

I was planning to cheat someone is he

even gonna sell this stuff


so you've all been stooping around where

you don't belong nobody invited you to

come for a ride

bring me some rope and tie our visitors

up there's plenty of people who pay a

lot of money for some nice fur coats

one more

once their fur has been dyed the color

of mink I know they'll bring a very fine

price on the open market you can be sure

of that yes Mario my son this is our

lucky day I know it's not my lucky they

ain't answer that to be someone I like

my coat the way it is on my body all

right then both of you get in the back

hey Pop look these two guys had a puppet

back here


may as well put this piece of garbage

Into the Fire it's made of wood Mario

not worth a penny why burn him up we

might be able to sell them to some kid

who's stupid enough to play with them we

could make some money what am I gullible

looking you want to play with it fine

Mario behave like a child


our merchandise and don't let yourself

be distracted while you play with your


don't be frightened Mario I'm a boy as

well I happen to be made of wood but

other than that we're alike what

it's really a long story but I don't

mind explaining

and Pinocchio did as the day passed into

night he told Mario his whole life story

he began with the day that Geppetto

created him and retold his adventures

gee you've had a lot more interesting

life than I have and I've been traveling

for quite a few years now all I need is

a happy ending I have to rescue father I

don't get it I'm willing to set you free

why don't you leave right now if you

save your father are you going to get a

reward no Mario you see I love him huh

beats me where you'd find any percentage

in saving your father for something as

dumb as love my father always taught me

to make a profit but if you're

determined to save him this uniform

might help wow Mario great take it I'll

tell Dad that it got lost somewhere

Mario you act tough but I think you're

pretty nice hey don't tell anybody

hey you can't untie them they gotta stay

here I can't leave anyone behind you

understand yeah I sure hope father

doesn't come you better get fixed up

quick and get out of here right this is

pretty big so everybody slip inside I

hope you can get by all the commanders

guards Pinocchio no problem Mario

no guard reporting


deep in the heart of the castle of Doom

there is no laughter in Geppetto cell

I found him at last

Japan oh it's me oh Charlie you've come

I was beginning to fear I might never

see a friendly face ever again Charlie

please tell Pinocchio to flee from this

place I can't be rescued from the castle

of Doom he must be careful not to be

captured by them I don't give up yet

oh watch it I appreciate it if you

wonder keep stepping on my nose

you're the one who keeps putting his

tail right in my face

quiet someone's coming oh

I don't know it's time to change the god

already well it is you can go now right

by the way you're shaking like a leaf

yes I am that's odd are you nervous or

scared or something nope just cold

forgot to wear my long johns


father's gotta be down here somewhere

well smells like we found our way into

the wine cellar my my burials of the

stuff everywhere they sure must like to

drink around here father wouldn't be in

here bro


maybe we should all get moving now just

a minute I want to try something

hey what's the idea of sleeping on the

job get up and make your report at once

pardon me sir but I'm unexpected alive

very closely you're drunk I represent

that we're back

nice work now let's see if there's food

around here

popping the sorcerer answer your

Superior you'll keep getting shorter

it's just the wine you're seeing things

good oh look

yes that is so now answer me or I'll

report you where are they keeping the


they're keeping in the cells down the

basement of the castle honestly right

take me to a cell at once

now that I know where he's being kept I

can save him I hope there you go

thank you very much Commander I'm most

grateful to you as a small token of my

appreciation have some wine ah it's the

finest spinach of course I'm sure you'll

find it to be of the same qualities of

meat and eggs I've sold you for such a

reasonable price hmm

yes I recognize the label this is a very

fine wine indeed my friend thank you

pardon sir I'm here to report Commander

we've locked up the wizard and he's


follow the guards on the walls tonight I

don't want there to be any mistakes

everyone's comings and goings must be

strictly monitored yes sir my goodness

Commander I hope you don't mind my

asking what the problem is I hope we're

not about to be invaded no need to be

concerned we've locked up a magician

fellow who used black magic to create a

talking puppet we're afraid the puppet

may try to rescue his creator we're

being careful that's all a puppet you

say right here's a drawing of him

substantial reward being offered ah a

large amount of money


Kyo and his friends were still hunting

through the castle of Doom to find


hey it's Pinocchio did you find him I

sure did

but they've got them all locked up in a

shell I'm afraid it won't be simple to

get them out of there and Escape From

Here Having learned there was a reward

for Pinocchio's capture Mr Bots headed

straight for his wagon Mario what did

you do with that toy that I gave to you

huh I don't know what you mean father

unless you're talking about that stupid

puppet a puppet that can walk all by

itself isn't stupid how'd you know about

that that's none of your business don't

ever try to pull the wool over your

father's eyes it so happens I know

there's a reward being offered for that

puppet so hand it over I can't father

what do you mean none of them are here

anymore the puppet and his friends left

about an hour ago and I don't think

they're coming back did they overpower

you son did their puppet use his magic

I'll capture them don't worry no I set

them all free on purpose you know what

you disobeyed orders Mario I'm very mad

I did it because they were nice father

depriving me of a reward

you sneak I expect the same honest

conduct from you that I'm famous for

that's very strange

the worst wine I ever drank but

according to the label it's A1 stuff huh

what's this appeals right off that box

is made a fool out of me they don't make

a line any cheaper than this will


just as I suspected all of us meet us


garbage none of it's even fit for the

dog's complete crash I'm gonna make that

but sorry that he ever tried to cheat me


Easy Does It

careful there's a God straight ahead

I tell you don't I can feel it nothing

to be scared of stop who are you

I'm here by direct order of the

commander it's time for your break I'll

take over good about time somebody got

here I'm exhausted

see you later perfect and you were

afraid I'd trip on my tongue someone

standing on my account

guys very graceful I'm escaping

perfectly still it was yeah I should

have beat your foot off when I had the

chance it was in my mouth no time to

fight we gotta find father yeah


please it father


we found you

Pinocchio you're really here

father take my hand

you must reach my hand father please we

might be able to pull you free


well Pinocchio it's impossible You Must

Escape at once go on I won't leave

try to trick the commander will he well

we'll soon see about that excuse

yes come in thank you sir

we're back sir we've captured the

Tradesman Bots as you ordered

you wish to see me nothing wrong is

there nothing wrong but I'll make you

wish you'd never been born nobody makes

a fool of me and lives to tell the tale

to be sure of that the commander Sir

with an earth could be wrong bad grapes

in the wine don't give me that you'll be

sent to devil island with that evil

magician and you can both run there for

all I care please forgive me I know I

was wrong but I'll make it up to you

Commander I swear if you'll give me a

chance please make it up to me how we

have some information on that magician's

puppet you're looking for sir better

speak the truth or you'll join your

father on that island I met him inside

the Fortress he told me he'd come to

rescue his father I tried to stop him he

was too strong what the Bandit is here

some of the alarm emergency but luck

every doorway the puppet must not escape

from this Fortress get moving be quick

yes sir


operated healthy catches puppets and all

will be forgiven otherwise


it seems kind of noisy up there I wonder

what's going on yeah seems awful loud

don't it it might be soldiers I'll check

there must be some way to open the cell

and get you out farther don't be foolish

my son it's important to get away

quickly before they come we'll come back

later when it's safe let's go by


be well


don't make a sound

all right hey Mario what's the matter

don't you give me any trouble I'm taking

you to the commander but I thought we

were friends why are you so mad at me

Mariel I should never have been so

pleasant I've gotten my father in a lot

of trouble because of you now come along

quiet and I won't have to hurt you wow

come on

stop it

might as well quit resisting Pinocchio

it won't do you any good give it up I'm

gonna rescue my father don't you

understand he's being held prisoner by

the commander he's gonna be hurt my

father's in the same fix listen here

it's yourself you should be worrying

about they plan on burning you up I'm

aware of that it's my father I'm worried

about my life isn't worth anything

without him beside me after all he

created me aren't you scared sure I am

but I love him

that's the way Mario hold on son

all right you won't get away you devil

you go straight into the fire wait and

see and I might still get a reward for

you come on Mario let's take him to the

commander no father

so up to your little pranks again I want

you to release him father he's a good

boy I swear are you mad I don't care if

he's the finest boy in the world Mario

he's my ticket off devil Island you've

always made me do bad things father for

once I want to do something right we

have to find another way to save you you

dare tell me how to behave now come on

help me fellas

come on we gotta get out of here wow

boy lifting

lifting eyes his own father he

would go to goodie fine but I won't let

anyone take me to devil Island Pinocchio

and his friends ran as fast as they

could but it wasn't fast enough stop

right there don't let them get away

no mercy man



we gotta keep going Pinocchio


we are doomed we can't go any further

get in boys


they're too big to fight we've had it we

have only one choice we gotta jump for

it now hold it right there

you can say goodbye to your father

well son

Oh no you're my boy Escape don't let him

mock you up well what'll it be



Mario Mario my son please wake up

please don't break my heart

he's waking up oh thank goodness you're

all right I swear to you I've truly

learned her lesson from now on I'm going

to be an honest man Mario

you're quite a hero only because you

inspired me you were determined to save

your father and you risked your life to

do it

my father has learned a lesson because

of you I'm very grateful I'm just glad I

could help Mario I've never met anyone

like you be my friend

you bet Pinocchio

and I owe you fellas an apology as well

talking about dyeing your coats while

your first beautiful just the way it is


hey you remind me of a card I met when I

worked at the castle but they fired me

for being drunk

I hadn't been a drink for days there was

someone locked up in the dungeon do you

know if he's still there no somebody

tried to help him Escape so they took

him to a mountain where the evil puppet

won't be able to find them

all the way up there oh no


remember they stay on it I will save my

father it doesn't matter how many

mountains I have to climb I won't let

them send them to that Island Pinocchio

must scale a mountain to save his father

but avoid being captured himself can he

meet the challenge



thank you

thank you