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01x45 - Avalanche!

Posted: 04/01/24 11:25
by bunniefuu




Geppetto is a prisoner accused of

sorcery he has been given a life

sentence on devil Isle

Faster come on

we better find shelter soon sir the

storm's getting worse

faster sir I see a village ahead


we'll stop here for the night come on

and what's the matter sorcerer



what's the matter with Pinocchio if he

Jack and Willie don't show up soon

quadripet battle is going to end up a

prisoner on devil Island

meanwhile in the forest just above the

village Pinocchio Jack and Willie were

having their problems with the ever

worsening storm

there are no caves around here

I see lights up ahead

look Jack it's a village

um I'll bet you that's where the

soldiers dunk Japan or Pinocchio come

have a log

how do we know the villagers will be

friendly and there's only one way to

find out Pinocchio let's go down there


yeah if we go into that Village

you sound like you're ready to give up

from that tone of voice Pinocchio

I wish I was part of an oak tree again

if I was part of this oak tree I'd have

a Carefree life ah you sound as if you

carry all the burdens of the world Oak

puppet sneaking into that Village Under

the noses of those soldiers is a problem

they have my father we trees know that

Pinocchio we saw the soldiers bring your

father into the village what did you do

about it all that you trees could do was

just stand

saving your father is a hopeless cause

you can stop that laughing because I'm

gonna rescue my father suddenly two

powerful tornadoes Struck from no





one tornado enveloped Pinocchio the

other Jack and Willy

some unearthly planets the Twisters

carried them off in opposite directions

Pinocchio was pinned against the side of

a mountain it was as if something or

someone wanted him there

how dare you try to melt my snow

melt your snow


you weren't grateful villagers don't

appreciate my work I'm not a villager my

name's Pinocchio science

I'm the snow witch

making it snow in the forest and on the

mountains is my domain last winter you

villagers tampered with the delicate

balance of my work your men dug out a

whole mountain in search of gold but all

they found for their trouble was a hot

spring which flowed freely and melted my

snow didn't that make it easier for the

farmers of the village to do all their


I'll let my nieces answer that

Palace Tilly to Pinocchio's astonishment

a cave appeared in the side of the

mountain and out walked identical twins

oh you don't know a thing do you the

snow is not supposed to melt until

spring but the hot spring made it melt

in the middle of winter I don't see

what's wrong with the snow melting in

the middle of winter don't you

understand all the melting snow just

turned to ice because the temperature

was still way below freezing the snow

Witch is still angry and so the farmer's

Fields got frozen yes and we're

tampering with my work we're going to

teach the whole village a lesson that's

right we've waited a whole year to do it

but uh what are you gonna do

you'll see

we'll take our revenge on you huh no


but uh stop not me no any stop I'm not a

villager no no please


the tornado carriers closer to the

Village at least it saved us some

walking let's see if we can find your


ah the soldiers must have locked your

pedal in that God house what huh no it's

out of the question on your knees taking

these Turtle devil island is simply


but we thought you might be hesitant

about our request didn't we Michael yes

perhaps this bag of gold might change

your mind Commander hmm yes maybe but

tell me why do you want to imprison an

ordinary husband and wife on devil

Island oh they may look like an ordinary

couple sir but these two are anything


what did they do steal a chicken this is

no laughing matter Commander these two

are evil Sorcerers bent upon the

destruction of the village ten years ago

this woman gave birth to twin baby

daughters in the middle of winter that

very evening an avalanche tumbled down

from the mountains and destroyed over

half our village a coincidence you might

think eh except that exactly a year

later on the twins first birthday

another snow slide occurred and

destroyed all that we had rebuilt I see

these two Sorcerers do deserve the same

fate as the old man Geppetto

was a coincidence that the snow slides

occurred on our daughter's birthday were

not to blame the marriage is looking for

a scapegoat be quiet although your

cottage was in the path of both

Avalanches it was spared any destruction

well that proves that sorcery was

involved in there hmm then you'll take

them to devil island with you of course

sing as you presented such a convincing

case hey

ugly there you are what took you so long

we all got caught in a windstorm seem to

come out of nowhere

by the way mayor whatever became of the

couple's twin baby daughters we assumed

that the girls were possessed by demonic

spirits so we abandoned them in the snow

at the foot of the mountains and what

was the result it saved the village

there have been no more slides taking

our daughters was the cruelest thing you

could have done and you'll pay for it I

tell you I'm not from this Village

oh no then why are you here young man my

father's being taken to devil Island by

evil soldiers and they've stopped at

this Village I've got to rescue him what

what room did your father do

the soldiers are accusing him of evil

sorcery because he made me out of wood

but I was brought to life by the oak

fairy oh that sounds familiar what do

you mean by that

our parents were accused of being

Sorcerers and were ex*cuted really she

speaks the truth


it happened 10 years ago right in this


you cruel villagers left these two

winners and girls to perish at the foot

of the mountains when they were infants

this boy is made of wood snow witch

maybe he's telling the truth about not

being a villager if this young liar is

made of wood how could he have a father

I do have a father he's in trouble and

it's up to me to save him

now let me go you shall stay where you

are and watch me fulfill the promise

that I made to Alice and Tilly when I

found them 10 years ago for melting my

snow last year and for your cruelty to

Alice and Tilly I shall have revenge on

you villagers I'll bury you in a

gigantic snow slide you can't do that my

father is still in that Village

listen let me make you a deal if you let

me enter the village to get my father

out before you make the Avalanche I'll

pay you well

I have no need for money


no snow witch I beg you to wait at least

until my father and the soldiers leave

stop begging wooden puppet it doesn't

become you oh but all I'm asking you to

do is let me save my father

wait wait no witch don't leave me like

this but Pinocchio's please went

unheeded the snow witch disappeared into

the blizzard with her two young charges


when all seemed lost some familiar

lights appear

the old fairy

save me

you begged the snow witch not to make

the Avalanche until after you got your

father out of the village does that mean

that you don't care about the lives of

the people who live in the village

that's heartless a real boy with a real

heart would have compassion for all

human life it's the snow witch that's

heartless I hate to see that she's just

angry because the villagers don't

appreciate her but angry enough to

destroy a village

evidently she is Pinocchio but it's an

anger that could very well be eased by

one who uses his clever head and chooses

the right word how am I going

up to this mountain

Willie Jack and Charlie are on their way

to help you now be brave and prove that

you're a real boy



where are you Pinocchio look

there's his hat

let's get down there come on

I sure hope there's a wooden head under

that hand and this is a pair of wooden


your body around a little

that's it you got it thanks a lot fellas

I'm glad you guys are all right Charlie

says the soldiers have him under lock

and key and your mayor bribed the

commander to do all my favorites they're

taking two villages to devil Island who

are they some poor man and his wife and

Jeepers they're being accused of being

Sorcerers too well how'd you like that

Alice and Tilly's parents weren't

ex*cuted after all I gotta tell a snow


Alice and pilly you'll find out soon

enough in a whirling Flash the vengeful

snow witch appeared with an evil and

cunning look in her eye Alice and Tilly

cringed at her side with a Magic wave of

her arm she opened a deep chasm in the


still alive don't listen to him girls

he's lying again to protect the village

your parents were ex*cuted Alice Tilly

don't listen to her your parents are

alive she's been lying to both of you

about them all along

you gotta believe us we're not lying

Scout's Honor if you let the snow witch

destroy the village you'll k*ll your

parents along with the rest of the

villagers you're making all this up no

I'm not snow witch Charlie just saw them

two hours ago

telling the truth and our parents are

alive I do too you're trying to turn

these two against me with your lies

Snow White

noise until they think for themselves

let them sneak down to the village and

see if their parents are alive I'm

warning you but what if


what if you take that chance


I bet you my darlings don't go

we love you snow witch so we have to

find out the truth

I raised you both and kept you from the

cruelty that life brings don't return to

the village that scarred you I won't let

you the snow witch's loathing for the

village was so strong she'd stop at

nothing to prevent Alice and Tilly from

returning with another Magic wave of her

arms she created a mammoth storm to stop

them I'll never let you go


oh yes you will you must stop this storm

you can't give children from their

parents let go of my arm you little

devil but Pinocchio held firm and

suddenly the storm ceased

let's run for it

just look they're getting away because

now you'll really feel my wrath as

Pinocchio tumbled helplessly down the

hill the snow witch again raised her

arms and created a storm That Shook the

trees to their very Roots but suddenly

the heat from the rubbing together of

the quaking trees started a forest fire

fire I bet she's afraid of fire the snow

witch had become angry when recounting

the story of the hot springs Pinocchio

gambled that her anger came from a fear

of all things hot

hey she is afraid of fire I know that it

would work


people believe that you scoundrel people


while Pinocchio held the snow witch at

Bay Alice and Tilly stole into the


ah let's go sit down and take a snooze

I'm tired

now the girls crept up to the open guard

house door

look Tilly the guard's asleep

but those two be our parents


meanwhile Jack Willie and Charlie had

joined forces with Pinocchio



you'll be sorry now you can't defeat me

that easily

look like another storm oh no

meanwhile Alice and Tilly sat face to

face with the two prisoners they thought

might be their parents


goodness where did the two of you come

from well we just came down from the


down from the mountains do you live

there they're twins and look at those

little beauty marks on their faces yes

but why do you live in the mountains we

were abandoned there as infants were

your parents accused of sorcery

but how did you know that unless


where are you Pinocchio

they've got Geppetto in the guard house

over there I wonder whether Alice and

Tilly have found their parents yet

we're going to have to get the key

listen the snow slide is coming snow



do you think we should warn the

villagers after what they did to us

telling we must

warn them in time perhaps they can stop

the snow slime from crushing us all

mother father don't worry we'll be back

for you an avalanche is coming what's

that what's she saying life gonna be an

avalanche here I sit in this cage where

is Pinocchio



who's coming in avalanche



thank you


my goodness even the soldiers are

panicking now's a good time to get your

father off the Garners no one's guarding



and prisoners oh


all right old man how part of your feet

we're gonna get out of here first

but what about us we'll let the snow

slide take care of you sorcerer

father I'm here

Pinocchio get on the sled you fool out

of the way yeah


as Pinocchio watched his father right

off in the distance the snow witch

descended to wreak havoc my snow will

bury all of you

courageous trees whose leader had spoken

to Pinocchio and his friends when they

first arrived in the forest bravely

tried to stand up to the snow witch's

Onslaught but the power of her Avalanche

was too much for them you'll foolish

trees can do nothing to stop me

not even the trees can stop her those

poor trees The Witch's Fury is going to

destroy them

looks like I was badly mistaken when I

thought those trees had a Carefree life

you did it

is silly talking to me huh oh no Alice



I'm doing this for you to avenge the

cruelty who suffered to the villagers


plus Tilly don't move out of the way

stand clear I don't want to hurt you

stop don't do this I'll not stop this

Snow's life for anyone snow witch please

listen Allison tillian found their

parents you've had your Revenge by

destroying the village will you also

destroy the only two people you've ever


huh taking the oak fairy's advice to use

his head Pinocchio's words struck home

you're right wooden boy I could never

hurt my two Darlings


we're sorry

goodbye my dear

she vanished forever the damage to the

Village was severe but Pinocchio had

saved the villagers lives with his words

of courage and compassion Pinocchio the

snow witch destroyed our homes but at

least your father and all the villagers

escaped unharmed huh

yeah I guess all the houses can be

rebuilt but what about the trees

hey speaking of your father Pinocchio we

better get going right we've gotta go we

know you can save him Pinocchio Alice

and I believe in you thanks

we're seeing you then goodbye




