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01x46 - Gunner

Posted: 04/01/24 11:26
by bunniefuu

this is




overlooking the road to devil Island

Pinocchio and his friends await their

chance to rescue Geppetto when the

sleigh carrying the c*ptive wood carver

comes by they'll spring their trap what

could be keeping them we've been here

for hours I can't feel my college

anymore they must have been held up on

the road somewhere

right unless they figured out our planet

took a different path hey Charlie any

sign of them

not all

why there's a church moves huh I I'm

telling you I think we've been

bamboozled this time maybe we should

pack it in for today

they're coming now yeah I hear sleigh

bells Jack hmm okay everybody ready you

benching we were on the snowball when

you point not when I point when I drop

my hand


yeah yeah









oh we'll never be able to save them now

I don't want any more talk about giving

up we'll just have to find another way

I'll never let them take them the devil



you and your friends here ain't gonna be

able to free anybody kid cause you ain't

gonna be free yourself you're my

prisoners what makes you think you have

the right to take us prisoner we didn't

do anything

that's not what this paper says they're

often a reward what a reward you think

I'm just out here for my health




was sent by a wicked man how about we

jumped this guy


yeah poster says the reward is good

whether you're dead or alive that makes

a big difference

oh I give up just don't hurt anyone

you're rising up kid now tie this rope

around your friends


what am I supposed to do it's snowing

and I don't know where we are going

every step takes us farther away

from my father who needs me today

oh I know he must be alone

wishing both he and I were home but is

my sin is jailer's hands in this cold

and forbidding land

oh why

must my father be heard because of me


you must have done something terrible to

the commander he's offering 50 pieces of

gold just to bring you in of course your

friends they're a bonus I get to do

whatever I want to with them


let's go I'm hungry what in the world do

you think he'll do with a little bitty

Mouse like me you'll hurt him he's

hungry he'll probably have you for

supper you think it would help if I told

him I can't make it because of a

previous engagement



fine wow

hey quiet you'll start an avalanche


it's happening

oh oh


I can't see what happened

in the snow no I think he just got

knocked unconscious he isn't moving

I'm free come on

get out of here sorry Jack


my joke guys you don't get to eat that

often they sure act what are white help

me my legs broke oh we can't leave him

yeah but if we save him he's gonna hand

us over for the reward right

please it hurts so much to move if you

leave me out here I'll freeze the death

he's right we have to save him what if

it's just a trick come back here the

Pain's k*lling me

it sounds pretty bad hey maybe we could

go down to the Village leave him outside

the doctor's door and get away

yeah that sounds good what about

Geppetto what will happen if somebody

catches us we'll have to be extra

careful so nobody sees us then we'll

catch the sleigh and free my father



I'm sorry about this I didn't know he

went so much

I told you I didn't think this is a good

idea Pinocchio we should have just left

him on that ledge and gotten away while

we had the chance I don't think I'm

Gonna Make It come on Willie he's a

living creature no matter how badly he

treated us we can't leave him out here

well maybe you couldn't but no k*ll but

I sure can I'm completely exhausted my

figure it's down to a question of him or

us Jack's right you know if we stay out

in this cold much longer we're gonna end

up popsicles I say we leave them here

and try and save ourselves get me to the

doctors I can't even crawl with this leg

don't you have any pity in your heart

he'll be helpless if we leave him here

we've got to gather our strength and get

him to the Village I won't do it I came

here to rescue your father not to save

some Hunter who wants to have us for

dinner if you don't want to face reality

that's your business but I'm not gonna

hang around here waiting to freeze


I hope it gets down all right it sure is

easy to get lost out here


help please open the door we have an

injured man with us is anyone home in

there we have an emergency


if you're there please open the door

we're freezing to death out here

I don't think anybody's home oh he's in

there all right their stocks no softy

but I thought he'd at least show some

mercy to an injured man I'm sorry but

we've done all we can we have to be

going now

maybe if you knock on the door yourself

you'll open it we have to rescue my

father before they throw him in prison

and I thought the dock was hard-hearted

you're worse than he is well should we

try to catch up to the sleigh let me

tell you something I don't think I can

do it it's so cold and I've had it I

can't go anywhere without a nap and some

food oh that goes for me too I'm pooped

I can't go on by myself well you're not

as dumb as you look kid

you're in the middle of a blizzard if

you're going by yourself you'll fall

down somewhere


get it anyway I'm sure that sleigh won't

be going too far in this storm why don't

you try the dock once more all right

but I'm not doing this just for you

please open up the door there are four

of us stuck out here in this terrible

snowstorm if you don't let us in we're

gonna freeze to death out here doctor

we're too tired to go anywhere else

are you the doctor sorry to bother you

but we have to ask a favor we have an

injured man here who needs your help


I broke my leg Dr Cook and I'm in

terrible pain go be gone no way don't

win it I'm not asking this for me see

she wouldn't pop it my name's Pinocchio

who else is with you them who those are

my friends Jack the fox and Willie the

weasel what they came out here with me

to help and I've gotten them into a

terrible fix they're nearly frozen solid

could we at least sleep on your floor

tonight you're our only hope


very well bring them in thank you


Pinocchio and his friends have found

Shelter From The Storm in the home of Dr


this is lots of fun look at me I'm a

dancing skeleton

let's go it's mine

okay we'll share it that sounds good


I can't work with all this noise stop


huh now if you're all quite finished I

have to get back to my experiments can I

have a word with you what I'm afraid I

have no way of paying you for fixing my

leg but I do have a way we can both make

some money if you're interested

really elaborate well that's perfect

he's wanted by the authorities they're

offering a reward

be willing to share speak up you're

offering to share the reward money not

so hard to get everyone up here I'll be

as loud as I want in my own house if you

knew me you'd know I don't care one wit

about money all I want is to be left

alone with my research understand all


the doctor's strange but lucky for me

he's honest


this experiment looks very interesting

what are you trying to make here

a drug one that will cure every type of


yeah you must be a great man

like my father where is your father the

soldiers came and arrested him for being

a sorcerer and they're taking him to

devil Island but he's not he's just a

wood carver

none of this would have happened if I

hadn't tried to save the trees from

being chopped down and now you're on the

Run well I'm not surprised human beings

are greedy and not to be trusted say why

don't you come over and look in this

microscope I'll show you what I've been

working on thanks that'd be great


I've never looked through a microscope


what's that big red thing in the Middle

with all the dots around it the large

mass is a germ that causes a terrible

disease and the little dots are the

medicine I created to destroy that germ

oh I see they're like little soldiers

fighting to win a w*r hey they won

they're good Fighters thanks Pinocchio

it took many years for me to create the

right formula all I have to do now is

test it on some real patients wow you're

the smartest doctor I've ever met hey

could you make a medicine that would

turn me from a puppet into a boy what

change a puppet into a boy

I'm afraid a trick like that is beyond

me but why would you want to be human

anyway we're disgusting creatures by and

large if I were human my father wouldn't

have to go to devil Island I know there

are lots of bad people but not

everyone's like that and I wouldn't be

either in fact if I were human I'd try

to be a great man like you and father I

do good things for people and I know

he'd be very proud of me

what's the matter

oh it's just that years ago I used to

have a little boy about your age



I remember it like it was yesterday it

happened just three years ago

it was snowing that night like it is now

my boy and I lived alone here his mother

had died shortly after he was born

didn't have much but we were happy just

to be together everything was fine when

suddenly he came down with terrible

stomach cramps he was being att*cked

with a fatal disease and I knew he

needed special dr*gs to save his life

but I didn't have those dr*gs and I

didn't have the money to buy them either

I was frantic I raced through the

village pounding on doors trying to

borrow the money from people I had

treated in the past people I had helped

for free or who had been charged almost

nothing that came to me but it was

hopeless no one could help no one had

any money finally I came to the house of

Mr Stone the richest and cruelest man in

town I got down on my knees and begged

him to loan me the money he had a

daughter of his own and I thought surely

he would help but I was wrong he laughed

kicked me away and called in a pathetic

fool and then he threw a coin at me and

told me to get out I'll never forget the

sound of his callous laughter as a

result in spite of my desperate efforts

my dear son died the next night


horrible is that why you shut yourself

off from the world hmm

yes that's right I'm disgusted with the

human race I'm confused doctor why have

you spent so much time making a drug

that will save people if you hate them

hate them so much


I do hate people but I'm still a man of

medicine and as such I've taken an oath

to fight disease any way I can Dr Cook's

oath is about to be put to the test the

storm grows and wind driven snow swirls

madly around his home suddenly the front

door is flown open

from out of nowhere a cake figure

appears in the doorway all watch and

stun silence as he enters the room and

reveals his identity

Mr Stone help my daughter please you

must be crazy Stone leave my house I am

crazy doctor crazy with fear you have

every right to throw me out but I'm

begging you save my daughter


can only apologize for what I did in the

past but now my own daughter is

desperately ill she could die at any


happened wasn't her fault only you can

save her I'm willing to do anything you

want give you anything you want if

you'll only have mercy on her innocent

soul and save her life

please doctor

cook Mr stone is on his knees couldn't

you find it in your heart to help him

after all you did take that oh

you want me to help the Beast who's

responsible for k*lling my son

impossible I can never forgive him if he

had lent me the money my boy might be

alive today my little Jack suffered the

same way his daughter is suffering even

now I can see his face as he fought for

those last breaths

I have no mercy left oh


doctor you're worse than he is what do

you mean

obviously Mr Stone was cruel and

ignorant but even if he had given you

the money there's no way you can know

for sure that it would have saved your

son's life but you do know for sure that

you can save his daughter's life because

you've made the medicine she needs and

the only reason you're not giving it to

her is the hatred you have for her

father you can't honor your son's memory

by letting his child die he's right Dr

Cook I have much pride nobody looks up

to me but if the word gets out that you

let a little girl die when you could

have saved your life you'll be thought

of as the lowest creature on earth

I don't care what other people think

well that's all right especially since

you live alone

but the problem's not going to be what

other people think of you it's what

you're gonna think of yourself

but the loss of his

stuff is straight



well Mr Stone let me see what's wrong

with you little girl

thank you

I can't believe I'm seeing this oh

thank you I'll always be in your day

thinking is not me it's Pinocchio

doctor you're embarrassing me



things for sure it's the first time I've

ever seen a puppet driving a sleigh

thanks Mr Stone I'm sure we'll be able

to catch up with my father now I'll

return it that's all right you can keep

it as long as you like

I hope you come and visit me sometime

you bet I will I'm glad you're feeling

better thanks I don't think I'm ever

gonna be sick again thanks to you and Dr


Pinocchio if you ever decide you want to

be a doctor you could always work with



thank you

thanks very much doctor well we'd better

go we got a long way to travel be

careful I hope you'll find your father

soon Pinocchio lots of luck thank you

we'll need it when we catch up to those

soldiers uh hold on a minute will you

there's just one more thing

now what I didn't think we had anything

else to say to each other well I have a

little debt to settle what with me

absolutely great what have you got in

your hand the wanted poster thinks but

no thanks before you bust a splinter you

better take a look at this

what is it it's a map showing a shortcut

through the mountains the circle is your

starting point and you follow along

where I've drawn that Arrow why are you

giving this to me oh well don't you

think I owe you a little something for

saving my life the other day

I haven't given up yet I'll still try

and catch you what

it's true but I wouldn't worry about it

for a while it won't be till my legs

much better

had me worried quit joking but thanks

for the shortcut this just proves and

Underneath It All you're a decent person

you'll ruin my reputation


why do I feel like we miss something

important here I think we slept through

the best part



thank you