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01x50 - The Fire Monster

Posted: 04/01/24 11:29
by bunniefuu

b i n o t h i o

isio b i n o c h i

o doy

o meet from a tree but he's like you and

me just looks like a


keep down inside there a heart can hide

CU it's really a boy don't

forget p i n o c h i o is


o b i n o c h i o



devil Island a Barren piece of rock lost

in the middle of an endless ocean a

place from which no one ever returns

where jepetto after being accused of

sorcery has been banished and where

Pinocchio and Gina are now struggling to

save the kindly wood Carver's life poor

papa seems to be getting weaker and

weaker I'm not sure he's going to make

it if we don't find a way to get him

some food and water we've been over this

island from top to bottom and there's

absolutely nothing here but volcanic

rock Pinocchio

MH no one who could help us even knows

we're on this island will never get off

of here alive you mean that yes I do I

don't see any way

out don't cry

Gina I've been so worried about father I

forgot you must be hungry


I wish you could trade places with me

I'm the only one here who doesn't need

any food cheer up Gina we'll find a way

out of this it's

hopeless no it's not nothing's

impossible if you don't give

up this is all my fault I shouldn't have

interfered they wouldn't have sent

father here in the first place if it

wasn't for me you'd both be safe back in


village hello


pinio very good mother you mustn't blame

yourself Pinocchio you were given life

so you could bring happiness to your

father chapeto but it hasn't worked out

I've just made everybody unhappy you're

wrong no one blames you for the

situation they're in don't be silly in

fact since you don't need food and water

to maintain your strength you may be the

only one who can save their lives but

I've tried everything you give up too

easily you must reach into your heart

and summon forth your deepest reserves

of Courage their lives depend on

it I can't let them down

now I'll keep trying till I find a way

to get us off this island keep a

positive attitude and you'll find a way

to solve every problem life presents you

with a NeverEnding series of challenges

each one demanding your attention

whether or not you prevail over them is

determined by the strength of character

you display at the moment of deepest

self-doubt follow your heart and you'll

never be defeated you can do whatever

you set your mind

to goodbye

Pinocchio the first thing I'll do is

find some fresh

water when I was here before I gave up

too soon this time I'm going to keep

digging till I find some water


I'll use my


no water anywhere father and Gina will

die soon if I don't find




raining oh


y rain rain now I can sa father and


rain here father I brought some water

for you try to

drink that's the

way it's


wonderful I thought I wasn't going to

make it thank you son I never gave up

father and you mustn't either I know

we'll be all right

now you saved Our Lives Pinocchio the

next thing we're going to do is find you

both some food then we're getting off

this island and heading home

oh I keep coming up with rocks there

must be some shellfish around

here huh oh what's


that why it's an


I wonder what kind of bird left it


huh I guess it doesn't matter it's still

a lucky break now father and Gina will

have something to eat no

wait wow what a big

turtle why did you stop me I want to

know what you plan to do with that egg

well what else eat it of course what no

please put it back where you got it what

do you mean I found it at fair and

square and I needed to feed father and

Gina it belongs to me you can't have it

what I deposited several eggs up here

expecting them to hatch into baby

turtles but my father's starving you'll

have to save him some other way that's

the only one of my eggs that's not been

destroyed no please come

back but father will die without this

egg and if he eats it I won't have any

family to raise

I can't believe it she's still coming

after me she's prepared to defend this

egg with her life oh please give me back

my one remaining egg I'm begging

you all right here it is I guess we can

find something else to

eat thank you sir thank you very

much I'll always be grateful grateful

for your kindness maybe someday I can do

you a favor in return I suppose I should

be feeling

good the only problem is I still have to

find food for


Fish a but what am I going to use to

catch them with I

wonder hey that's

it this should be heavy enough to keep

me underwater


there are lots of fish down here this is

going to be



oh well maybe not that


easy you can't hide from me Mr


Fish wow they're fighting

back hey what do we have

here clams

brother loves clams wait till he sees


huh a sunken


ship I don't think it's been down here

too long I wonder if there's still some

food on

board that could be a barrel of crackers

great it's it looks like there's enough

in here to feed us for a couple of


weeks what's going


on let me out of here I'm tired this


now so you little thief why were you

trespassing in my home and trying to

steal my property this ship doesn't

belong to you before it sunk it was

owned by human beings yes but after it

sunai was the first to find it so I'm

the new owner you are not is that true

we'll just have to see about that won't

we you can stay here and rot for all I


look you have no right to tie me up like

this I have to get back to land I'm

afraid you're going to be a little late

arriving if you stay down here long

enough the water will dissolve those

seaweed ropes but by then you'll be

nothing but a few chunks of Driftwood

I'll get out Wai and see oh I don't

think you're smart alec you can scream

and try as much as you like but there's

no one around to hear you wait you can't

just leave me like this come back I have

more important things to do at the

moment than worry about you oh this is a

disaster if I don't get back to land

father and Gina will starve to

death oh I've made a mess of everything

I'm trapped that sounds like a familiar

voice oh Mrs sea turtle boy what a break

can you help me out of course I was

passing by and I heard that mean old

octopus laughing about someone he tied

up in the ship I thought it might be

you Jee thanks thanks a lot don't be

silly it's the least I could do after

you returned my egg we' better get you

out of here before that monster comes

back I'm faster than you are down here

so jump on and I'll take you back to

shore can I bring the cr*cker Barrel too

sure and so with the sea turtles help

Pinocchio races back to save his father

and Gina his arms filled with shellfish

and His Hands tightly holding the Rope

attached to the cr*cker


I'm afraid something terrible has

happened to him huh Pinocchio is that

you you came back

uhhuh thank

goodness Gina is Father all right I

don't think he can hold on much longer


what I'm here father Pinocchio I'm not

doing very well son no father I brought

you some food you can't die now too late

everything that lives must come to an

end that's Nature's plan we can't change

that but father you have to stay alive

until I become

real please father don't leave me now

I'm sorry son that's one miracle I don't

think I'll get to see don't say that

Papa I'm sure you're going to be all

right Pinocchio RIS his life to find

some food you've got to try and eat oh I

barely have the strength to lift my hand

to my mouth

I won't be able to feed myself then

we'll feed you you're a great comfort to

me Pinocchio it may be foolish but I

wish I could see my Village


again I think I could die peacefully if

I could only see the place where I was

born smell the beautiful flowers gaze up

at the

mountains then my mind would be at

ease I split the shellfish between

father and Gina but what father ate

wasn't enough to give him his strength

back now the shellfish are gone we're

out of food

again H the barrel of crackers I

forgot it's not crackers it's





what I heard the explosions what's

happening I'm blasting for water I

haven't found any yet but look Gina I

did uncover some soil wow you're right

we'll Inspire father to live


yet father father wake up I want you to

see something what what is it sit up and

look outside the

cave I can't believe it you've made a

forest of coral trees with seaweed

blossoms on

them I feel like I'm home again thank



I hope the dynamite didn't cause



this I think we're safe as long as we

stay in

here the whole island is coming

apart it's hot in here you're right

where are you going Pinocchio be

careful come out flame monster I know

you're making this



stop making the volcano erupt you'll

destroy everyone on the island better

that than having everybody on the island

destroy me how dare you blow holes in my

rocks I was trying to find water too bad

you didn't find any because you're going

to need some very soon when I finish

burning you all to a

crisp wait please don't hurt father and

Gina they didn't do the blasting burn me

instead I'm the one who's responsible I

thought you were wanted to live until

you became a real little boy did you

change your mind no but I'd rather be

ashes if it'll save far and Gina anyway

they don't deserve to die like this if

you're willing to spare them I'd like to

ask one favor would you make sure they

get back to father's home Village safe

and sound I suppose you understand this

your complete destruction yes and I'm

ready goodbye water bye

Gina prepare to experience the full

measure of my



power huh he hey

pin noio your courage has overcome

me no one who has ever come to devil

island has survived our ordeal until now

in your struggle to save the lives of

your father and Gina you were willing to

protect them at the risk of your own

life out of respect for your bravery I

have decided to transform this island

into an Earthly

Paradise what when I have I hope you'll

stay on but if you must leave I wish you







I never dreamed devil Island could be

this beautiful the flame monster

certainly kept his promise when he said

he was going to turn this place into a


paradise look I found another pink


Pinocchio oh I've been very impressed by

the courage you've shown in overcoming

the challenges of devil Island thanks

they'll have to come up with a new name

for this place yes I'm sure they will

once they see the results of your

bravery but it's time to leave you have

an important task which requires your

immediate attention huh you have to take

your father and Gina back home Pinocchio

I don't understand won't we still be in

danger from the people who said father

was a sorcerer you mustn't let the fears

of others keep you from reaching your

Journey's End open your heart to them

once they know your true nature your

dreams will be fulfilled I'll be a real

boy be strong Pinocchio and Trust the

voice within your

heart the answer to my dream is back

home guess I'd better get



I almost missed that place I wonder what

they'll call it now it's not devil

Island anymore well if you ask me they

should call it Paradise

Island Oho there all you gasway I can't

believe we found

you hey look who it is they're alive

hi I was sure you had drowned after the

boat sank how did you get away we

grabbed onto a plank and after a couple

of days we were rescued by Pirates we

thought we were pretty lucky until we

overheard their plans to cook us for

dinner one night so we built this raft

and threw ourselves overboard I'm glad

to see you Charlie I didn't think we'd

see each other again after they arrested

me that was the worst day of my life I

tell you it broke my heart thank

goodness this nightmare is almost over

and we owe it all to you the best part

is I took a big step closer to becoming

a real little boy maybe when we grow up

we could uh yes Pinocchio we we could

what never mind it was something stupid

oh get away from me look we're almost

back to the mainland and that means

we're almost back home home to the

Village I love that's right father home

where my dream is waiting to come true

for me at

