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01x51 - A Sad Christmas Eve

Posted: 04/01/24 11:30
by bunniefuu

b i n o t h i o

isio b i n o c h i

o doy

o meet from a tree but he's like you and

me just looks like a


keep down inside there a heart can hide

cuz it's really a boy don't

forget p i n o c h i o is


o b i n o c h i o



it was the season to be merry and

Pinocchio his father and his friends all

had good reason to be married they were

free Christmas trees here Christmas

trees here come get your Christmas trees

right here Christmas cakes Christmas

cakes fresh from the




it warms my heart to see the children

playing their Christmas games I could

just cry huh we've cried enough tears

father and soon we'll be back home it

sure was rough on devil Island but we

showed them that they couldn't get the

better of us didn't we son mm they

couldn't beat us and I'm happy I'll

never see them again Christmas goose for

sale right here fresh roasted Christmas

goose for sale come and get

it if we came and God if they'd come and

get us


Willie I can taste it from here it's

delicious my th will be


desert for a while I thought Jack and

Willie were lost at sea I'm glad we

found them again those two disgust me

all they think about is

food oh then again what else is there to

think about we're all hungry Charlie

it's really hard to be penniless at

Christmas time when everyone else is

doing fine getting presents eating big

dinners with their

families our present this year is that

our troubles are over and that's good

enough for


m we better hurry up now father we don't

want to be late there's something

suspicious about that group now what is

it wooden legs it's the Sorceress puppet

stop hey


come here you you might have escaped

devil Island but you're not going to


again father are you all right father

Tina run go on hurry up get away from

here quick before they cat you quiet if

you try to run away I'll give him a

punch right Square in his wooden


nose I got you all now thought you could

get away from me huh well there's a big

reward for you and I'll be rich hey you

thinking what I'm thinking Jack well we

both should could use a


bite Jack Milly they saved me

again all right come on Father now's our

chance to get away let's


go come



hey we're sorry sorry you don't taste

better than that that was

awful sir they couldn't have gotten far

I'd guess they're hiding out somewhere

in our district you would guess they're

hiding out somewhere H yes sir well

that's brilliant but where are they

hiding out no sir I'll find out Sergeant

get on the stick now yes

sir as the sun set on another day

Pinocchio and his band of fugitives

found shelter in a Shack by the Sea they

were cold and hungry but at least they

were safe for the time being this a

season to be jolly but I can't cuz my

stomach's growling if you ask me we

should have grabbed that goose when we

had the

opportunity yeah nobody asked you so

just say save your breath that way you

won't get so hungry oh

Pinocchio I'm sorry I couldn't make you

a boy instead of a puppet I don't have

magic powers like they say I

do but father I am becoming a boy got a

glint in my eye you never saw that on a

puppet you're an amazing puppet but a

puppet nonetheless let's not fool

ourselves with fantasies you're not

becoming a boy yes I am and Gina agrees

right Gina you said I've been looking

more lifelike

lately Gina dear what's the

matter oh my she's got quite a fever

it's much colder here than it was on the

island she must have caught the flu we

have to take her to a doctor we can't do

that we're on the run all we have to do

is set foot in town and lock us up and

throw away to K and they wouldn't get

her a doctor

either if we could just get her

something to bring the temperature down

the temperature's down low enough to

suit me it's freezing in

here I meant her fever it's very high

and some medicine would help I guess all

we can do now is keep her comfortable I

wish we had some food for

her that's


it here where do you think you're going

I've got to get something for Gina I

can't watch her suffer like this but if

you get caught there's no telling what

they'll do to you just stay here we'll

figure out something I'll be careful

don't worry about me no wa Pinocchio

take care of Gina till I get



wait If I Only Had some money I could

buy Gina some

medicine wow the child who lives here

must have everything they

want I bet they're never


sad I'm sure Gina would feel better if

she had some toys hey look at a walking

talking doll hi there

huh oh you startled me I'm not used to

dolls talking who's Annie me we can talk

to people who listen but you can walk

sure but you don't know how much trouble

it causes when a doll walks they're

always beating me up or throwing me in

prison so what we get beat up all the

time huh sure kids always knock us

around they pull our arms and legs and

carry Us by our hair oh I never thought


that that's the child that owns


US whose doll is that I don't remember

seeing him

before oh he must be an early Christmas

present oh you're



oh you're my new Christmas doll and you

can do all kinds of

Tricks oh you're so

sweet coochie coochi

Co how come you went and did that oh my

you're alive doll please leave me alone

I'm afraid don't hurt me don't be scared

I wouldn't hurt a fly why are you

wearing that Veil over your face oh it's

my mother's but we children wear them on

Christmas to receive presents from the

minister I can't believe it you speak

just like a real person I don't even

understand it myself but it sure does

cause a lot of trouble sometimes oh I

love the way you can move your arms and

legs I had an accident when I was seven

and the doctor says I'll never be able

to walk again gee I'm sorry you're like

most puppets you can't get around

without help I guess you're right just

like a puppet well I was going to get my

present from the minister but my parents

aren't home now they have lots of

presents for me anyway so it doesn't

matter I'm just grateful for all the

things I already have I need to ask you

a favor just say you won't be mad at me

be mad about what your Veil I'd like to

borrow it for a while what borrow my

veil but it really belongs to my mother

well that's all right I'll bring it back

yes but why I can't even go get the

gifts I don't think it would be fair for

you to take one instead of me so you

think that's unfair do you you don't

know what the word means oh yes I

do but my friend needs medicine badly

and I can sell presents for

money all right but you'll have to bring

it back it is my mother's I'll bring it

back I promise

thanks hey remember to return it to me

you promised we're friends now right

uh-huh I'll be right back with it


bye I hope he is my


friend the golden bells of St Tristan's

told in the fresh night air Christmas

Eve had finally arrived all the town's

children were ready they had been

waiting for weeks now with their happy

voices in chorus they set out on their

candlelight march to get their



presents such was the custom of the town

the children didn't mind one bit getting

their gifts that night instead of

waiting for Christmas day the tradition

called for them to wear veils and

marched to where the minister would hand

out surprise packages to everyone there

wasn't a sad face in the

crowd hey Jack have you ever seen any

anything like this no I bet their

parents already bought them a bunch of

presents but there they go to get more

some kids have all the luck Willie

when's our turn going to come I'd like

to get lucky maybe sooner than you think

oh I love Christmas it's the best time

of the year everyone's so happy hey look

is that Pinocchio over there wearing a

veil yeah I'll get a present and sell it

then I'll get some medicine for Gina and

everything is going to work out just



fine Merry

Christmas Merry Christmas we've got some

great presents for you that is if you've

all been good we have we have all right

one at a time thanks a lot you're

welcome Merry Christmas Merry Christmas

there you go here's another one Merry

Christmas thank you Merry Christmas

let's see now here you go Merry

Christmas Merry Christmas all right

who's next I am sir well what do I

get here you go Merry Christmas Son oh

your hand's cold it feels stiff too all

right now you go home and warm up by the

fire you hear me yes sir Merry Christmas

thanks Merry Christmas oops hey my veil

is gone mine too we lost

them we got the idea from you pinoc

yeah we saw you in the parade and I sent

to Willie we could do that so we just

bored a couple of veils joined the March

and got some presents for ourselves gee

that's great thanks guys take this money

and make sure that Gina gets some

medicine I promised I'd return this Veil

when I was done with it don't be worried

about the veil we got other things to

worry about Pinocchio come on who cares

about an old Veil if I've learned one

thing is to keep my promises take this

and be careful will you okay

hey Pinocchio and my animal friends

yeah get you now hold it right


there I'm coming for you I'm coming and

you'll be sorry how about getting out


wow get out of here with you let's go


I wanted them so


badly no Pinocchio no look out I don't

know what else I can do for her without

a doctor's help why didn't you bring

Pinocchio back with you we couldn't talk

him into coming with us he had to return

a veil he promised what is he nuts

what's more important aail or Gina's

life oh I can't get over it how could he

be so toless don't forget Charlie A

promise is very important



Pinocchio all we can do now is pray for

luck and hope that Pinocchio gets here



what they got away again I'm sick of

this puppet making fools of us you have

failed to make a simple arrest of a toy

in his animals well you know how we're

going to find them we're going to burn

every doll in this town every single one

until we find that sorceress puppet it

was the saddest Christmas Eve the town

had ever known the soldiers almost

stopped Christmas from coming all

together by seizing the children's dolls

and burning like so much

trash children begged their parents to

make the soldiers stop but grown-ups

were frightened of the soldiers

too hey my doll wants to stay with me

how could those soldiers do such a thing

this is absolutely


despicable this is all on account of

me because of you this poor girl is

suffering terribly there's no sane

reason to take away her dolls she can't

run around like other children so often

these toys are the only friends she has

I beg of you to relent please let her

keep them don't you see it's the only

right thing to do who do you think you

are telling me what's right I'll take

those dolls and do whatever I like no

I'm not going to let you take even one

Commander what purpose could it possibly

serve to take away her dolls please be

reasonable I'm being very reasonable I'm

not burning you am I take those dolls

and burn them I can't let you do this

out of my way give me those dolls oh no

not my dolls you can't have them I won't

let you no give them to

me give them back I want I want my

dolls give them back

back oh no

don't you can't do this to me it's not

right it's not fair


please why are you crying


Huh hi I brought you something I hope

will cheer you up the veil here it is

take it you kept your word I'm sorry I'm

a little late that's all


huh you look like the puppet we've been

searching all over for you are that

puppet and I've got you

now all right I'm caught now this girl

wants to play with her dolls could you

at least give them back absolutely my

friend I have no need for these now that

I've got you give her back the rest of


men now Pinocchio I happen to have a

great Christmas surprise lined up for

you and I think you'll find it

interesting no right look what I've got

then just let him

go I won't let you treat my friend that

way let him


go I don't believe it she's walking it's



miracle it's wonderful you really can

walk yes you're walking

see I don't believe


it I did walk my legs they're working oh

thank you

no oh oh no you st you Pinocchio now get

going it's the end of the road for you

evil puppet you'll never see the light

of day again you're finally going to get

what you

deserve run Pinocchio I'll cover

you what's the meaning of this outrage

go Pinocchio run get away I think that's

a very good idea thanks and Merry

Christmas again good

luck oh step aside I will not get out of

my way I

said follow me men come back here you

miserable puppet we're right behind you

sir here we come oh


oh you won't escape this time oh no

they're gaining on me I've had it hold I

say hold you

rasa hold I said hold

stop him stop that

puppet someone stop him now I'll stop

you oh

no the children of the Town taught the

soldiers a lesson and Pinocchio was free


Gina Gina I'm coming Gina I'm coming

please hang on I hope you're all right

hang on Gina I'm coming he ran as fast

as he could but would he be in time to




