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03x07 - Dough Ray Me

Posted: 04/01/24 14:10
by bunniefuu
♪ Life is like
a hurricane ♪

♪ Here in duckburg ♪

♪ Race cars, lasers,
aeroplanes ♪

♪ It's a duck blur ♪

♪ Might solve a mystery ♪

♪ Or rewrite history ♪

♪ Duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Every day they're out there
making duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Tales of derring-do ♪

♪ Bad and good
luck tales ♪

♪ D-d-d-danger ♪

♪ Watch behind you ♪

♪ There's a stranger
out to find you ♪

♪ What to do? Just grab
onto some duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Every day they're out there
making duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Tales of derring-do ♪

♪ Bad and good
luck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Not ponytails ♪

♪ Or cottontails ♪

♪ No, duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪♪

We've got to steal one more bag
of money from uncle scrooge.

Only 10,000
points to go
for the high score.

We'll be the champs

Of "scrooge mcduck's
money mania."

We won! We won!


Oh, no!
It was booby trapped.

Even the video version
of uncle scrooge

Is too smart
for the beagle boys.

Let's play again.

Uh-oh. I'm broke.

I'm busted.

Ick! Bubble gum.
I'm sticky.

Summer vacation's
just started,

And we've already spent
our allowance.

We could
ask uncle scrooge
to raise it.

He might be
in a good mood.

No, no, no,
and no.

It's only
a small raise.

I don't want
to start you

On the road to ruin,

If I keep
giving you raises,

You'll take your job
for granted and get fired.


It's nothing.

Would a great
money-making idea

Get me a raise?

What's the idea?

I haven't actually
had one yet.

If you have one,
you'll recognize it.

It will be
your only one.

Can you raise
our allowance?

If I raise
your allowance,

You'll have no respect
for money.

You'll end up
begging in the street.

Then who will
take care of you?

Me. I'll
be there, too.

You can never get
something for nothing.

But, uncle scrooge...

Get a summer job.

That will teach you
to have respect

For the
hard-earned dollar.

What kind of job
could we get?

I know how we can
really clean up.

♪ La la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la-- ♪♪



It's just us,
mrs. Beakly.

The dirtbusters!

We're a lean, mean,
cleaning machine.

What do you know
about cleaning?

The only way
to fight dirt
is to fight dirty.

It's very--


Who you going
to call?



We're going
to get it.

You certainly are.

One dollar...

On condition
that you never
help me clean again.

It's a deal!

Boy, this work stuff
really pays off.

At least they can't do
any more damage.

You boys want
to help clean up?

I don't see
what harm it could do.

We'll make
this place spiffy.

Come on,

Let's get down
and dirty.

Uh-oh. It's
working backwards.


This equipment
is fragile.


No! Not my
multiphonic duplicator!

A dirtbuster always
gets his dirt.


It's going
to blow!

take cover!

[Bell rings]

Do you see
what I see?

Yeah, but I see
two of them.

It's my latest invention,
the multiphonic duplicator.

A multiwhatsit

Is it some kind
of plant grower?

It's a machine that
can duplicate anything.

Will it work
on this?

Sure. Watch.

This machine works
on the principle

Of molecular restructuring
by audio disruption.

[Bell rings]

That's what I call

A double-your-money-back

This invention
could change
the world.

It could double
food, medicine,


It needs to be tested
for safety.

We'll help you.

Why don't we
discuss it over lunch?

[Bell rings]

I'll just
microwave these.

I'm sure you
like broccoli stew.

Or perhaps not.

[Bell rings]

Huh. That's odd. looks
like I need to go over

My calculations
one more time.

After lunch.

You're sure
it was right

To take gyro's

We're helping him
test it.

You can never
have too many
great mashers.

[Bell rings]

Wow! It's working!

Let's duplicate
more stuff.

Just a few things.

We don't want
to get carried away.

[Bell rings]

Uh...i think we got
carried away.

Instant water?

Square mothballs?

A wet suit with
the dry look? Nah...

I've got to get
a money-making idea.


What's this?

It's gyro's
new invention.

A multiwhosit

Let it rip.

[Bell rings]

That crackpot finally
hit the jackpot!

Could I borrow it
for a little while?

Ok, but be
real careful
with it.

I'll treat it like
it was work $1 million.

Mama, pack up
the trailer.

We're moving uptown

I wonder if
those dirtbusters

their own room.

Oh, boy!
Oh, boy!

All right!

Three triple

That will be $3.

[Bell rings]

Let's spend
our last dollar
at the arcade.

Look! It duplicated
by itself.

[Knock on door]

Coming. Coming.
Hold your heather.

All right.
What is it?

'Tis i,
the great quackshello,

Make yourself disappear.
I'm busy.

Aha! A skeptic.

Observe the miracle
of the ages.

You'd better
get cracking.

I need a volunteer
from the audience.

May I borrow
your change purse?

It would be easier
to wrestle mrs. Beakly

a starving cannibal.

Now watch and wonder.

I'm wondering
why I hired you.


[Bell rings]

Eat your heart out,

Boggle me money bin!

Amazing, huh?

Gyro's invention
can double your fortune

As easily
as this change purse.

That's what
I'm afraid of.


I don't trust any dollar
I haven't earned.

It's the biggest
idea ever.

[Bell rings]

What could
go wrong?

Twist me tassels!

Where are we going?

To gyro's lab.

That ditzo's
done it again.


Curl me kilt!

Interesting phenomenon.

The sound waves
of any bell

Causes the duplicates
to duplicate.

That's crazy!

[Doorbell rings]


Hi, everybody.

You were right.
Making money sure is fun.

And so easy with
the multihooper

Almost as easy
as spending it.

You boys
have been spending
duplicated money?

What's wrong
with that?

If it
keeps duplicating,

It could ruin
the economy.

What's wrong with having
lots of money?

If everyone has it,
it loses value.

Prices will rise and
you'll need more.

It will be chaos.

I'm sure we can collect
all the funny money

Before it
really spreads.

But don't quote me
on that.

Extra! Extra!

Cash avalanche
buries duckburg!

Prices going haywire!
Read about it!

Only $200 an issue.

Extra! Extra!

Wipe your shoes, kids.

Don't bring
more money in.

That will be $5,000.

I'll take two then.

$10,000 Please.

Exact change only.


Two cavities.

That will be $40,000
per filling.

Well, some prices
haven't gone up.


Cut the racket!

It's 10:oo a.m.

But today is pudding day
in the cafeteria.

I can't wait
for supper.

I'll have
you for supper,

If you don't pipe down.

Whoa, look at this.

The streets are paved
with gold.

We got to
crash out to cash in.

I'm not crashing out
until I get my pudding.

Look, chocolate
mousse mouth,

With this dough,

Every meal
can be pudding.

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

What are we waiting for?

Blathering blatherskite!

5 Trillion

Just in
the neighbor's yard.

You we're right,
uncle scrooge.

This money
sure is trouble.

It cost $30 to use
a gumball machine.

I'm ruined.

My hard-earned cash
is worthless.

A lifetime's riches

Destroyed by
one part-time job.

I'll have duckworth
bring you some
milk of amnesia.

That always
makes you forget.

[Ding ding]

Tattered tartans!

Stop that bell!

Stop the bells
and stop the money.

Every bell in duckburg.

Don't worry.

We'll save
your fortune.

Why aren't I overcome
with optimism?

They can't stop
all the bells.

There is someone who can.

Know what I mean?


Gizmoduck, you
blathering bean counter!

Oh, yeah.




The bucktooth
barbarian has
a hamhock lock

On sweet
and sour porker.


Oh, my achin' bacon.

Only the bell
can save him.

Uh, and it's
a knockout.

You got to leave out
the bell scene.

Fromthe hunchquack
of notre dame?

You're mad!

Are you from
the studio?

No. We're--

Then forget it!


The bells!

The bells!

They will duplicate
every dollar in duckburg.

We'll never stop him.

But he will.

Have no fear.

Gizmoduck is--


So much for
stopping the bells.

We'll find another
way to stop this money.

Hello, general.
Any luck reversing

The multi-whiz-bang

No. Get rid of
those coins.

The duplicated
molecules are
highly unstable.

Are you sure?

Oh, I'd say
my calculations

Are right
on the money.

This spoon
digs pudding

than concrete.

We got to
break out while
it's raining money.

Delivery for
the beagle boys.

Uh, it's one
of ma's cakes.

Look at the card.

I got to
learn to read.

Give it to me.


"To the beagle boys
from a fiend--

Uh, friend."

We ain't got
no friends.

Whoever sent this
can be my friend.

It's my favorite,
cherry chain saw

Heh heh heh heh.

We need a truck
for the dough.

"For the beagle boys
from a fiend--

I mean friend."


Ain't fiendship

My plan is
working perfectly.

It sure is.



What's your plan?

I had it
a second ago.

Oh, yeah. Step one--

We let
the beagle boys

Steal all
the duplicated money.

Step two--

They store it.

Step three--


Great plan, fenton.

You're not the big dope
uncle scrooge says.


Just like
christmas in july.

Yeah, instead of
in september.

Shut up
and keep stealing.

Stop! Stop!

Too late.
It's ours.

Good. Then don't
forget this.

Am I missing something?

This is all too easy.

Yeah, there's
no challenge in it.

How about
robing a bank?

That's the first
smart thing you said.

The last time
I said it,
we went to jail.

No more deposits today.

The vault is full.

Oh, dear.

Don't nobody move!

Welcome to feather
federal savings.

We've been
expecting you.

Attention everyone!

It's a robbery.

All right.

And remember,
no alarm bells.

Heavens, no.

There isn't
an alarm bell.

It disappeared.

Thank you.

Hurry back soon.

Is this "be nice
to burglars week,"
or something?

"This way to
the beagle boys'
money bin."

This is just to good.

It's positively amazing.

I can not believe
my eyes.

Fenton, you're
a genuine genius.

You say that to all
the genuine geniuses.

I never thought
you'd get a raise

For making the
beagle boys rich.

After all,
it's abooming economy.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

It's good we got
that cash out

Before everybody learned
about the expl*si*n.

What expl*si*n?

All those
duplicated coins.

You said they'd
blow sky high.

They won't explode.

That was a slight

Slight miscalculation?

Handing the beagle boys

The world's
largest fortune

Is a miscalculation?

Mr. Mcduck, i--

You freed them.

I suppose it means
my raise is off.

Get that money or I'll
raise you to the moon.

Ok, guys, watch me.

I'll show you
how to swim through money.


Are you ok?

I meant to do
a half gainer,
not a full loser.

Who's there?

Open up, you
nouveau riche

The poor folks won't
leave the rich alone.

Ha ha ha ha.

One more chance.

Let me in.

[Ding dong]



Hold on. Fenton.


I thought you said
it wouldn't explode.

I tried explaining.

It's imploding back
to the original coins.



This is ours.

What happened
to all our moola?

I don't know,

But maybe we can
get back to jail

Before they're out
of pudding.

I hope you all
learned a lesson.

There's no easy money.

You mean like raises?

Especially like raises.

We worked hard for
this silver dollar,
after all.

Nothing's more
satisfying than
money well-earned.

[Ding dong]

I'll never clean
your room again.

At least some good
came out of all this.

If you want this back,

You clean my room.