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03x08 - Bubba's Big Brainstorm

Posted: 04/01/24 14:11
by bunniefuu
♪ Life is like
a hurricane ♪

♪ Here in duckburg ♪

♪ Race cars, lasers,
aeroplanes ♪

♪ It's a duck blur ♪

♪ Might solve a mystery ♪

♪ Or rewrite history ♪

♪ Duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Every day they're out there
making duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Tales of derring-do ♪

♪ Bad and
good luck tales ♪

♪ D-d-d-danger ♪

♪ Watch behind you ♪

♪ There's a stranger
out to find you ♪

♪ What to do? Just grab
onto some duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Every day they're out there
making duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Tales of derring-do ♪

♪ Bad and
good luck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Not ponytails ♪

♪ Or cottontails ♪

♪ No. Duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪♪

Sir, you simply
must get some rest.

You have bags under the
bags under your eyes.

I'll get bags
under those, too.

I must decipher
this old map

Leading to the treasure
of the ancient thincas.

only a genius

Could solve this puzzle.

Three geniuses
at your service.

I haven't time
for playing games.

Who's playing games?

See our report cards.

Great castles!
All as.

What about bubba?

I've never seen
such horrible grades.

Bubba flubba.

But bubba
studied awful hard

To get
those awful grades.

Did you not
learn anything
in school?

Uh, bubba learn recess.

Tootsie it!


Ooh. Tootsie.

Tootsie, down.

Well, you get an "a"
in home wreckonomics,

But what about
your other grades?

Go study your books.

Our homework's
cut out for us.

We've got
to make bubba smarter.

I can tutor bubba
all you want,

But he
can't keep up.

Thanks to his
neanderthal noodle,

Bubba's brain
is too primitive.

Can't you
do anything?

I have a shortcut
around somewhere.


Neat hat.

Not just a hat.

It's a thinking cap,

Guaranteed to make
bubba smarter.


speak to us.

Did you
hurt your head?

it's a slight bruise

To the gluteus maximus.

Wow! That
thinking cap worked.

Bubba's got brains.

Well, was there
ever any doubt?

Let's test
your new noggin.

This formula's been
puzzling me for years.

No problem at all.

Simply a matter
of putting 2 and 2

Bubba's brain
is still a bust.

It takes hard work

To become
an instant genius.

Einstein's dome
wasn't built
in a day.

I give up.

This is impossible.

For others

But not
for someone

With my...

Did you fix
the thinking cap?

You be the judge.

Are you ok,

My cranial capacity
is merely growing

In relation to
the electrical

Provided by
the thinking cap.

In terms
you can understand,

I'm getting smarter.

Maybe too smart.

Allow me
to demonstrate.


Hey, how'd
you do that?

As easy as pi...

Squared to
the 27th degree.

Whoever heard
of square pies?

Everybody knows
pies are round,

cherry pies.

You can do anything

Once you put
your mind to it.

How about a little game
of baseball?

I'd much rather
visit the library.

I've got to study.

I think we
just struck out.

You took every book
in the library.

I left
the coloring books.

I have no more use
for coloring.

Gee, you used
to love them.

What matters now

Is that I get
better grades
in school.

Then mr. Mcduck
will be...

Extremely pleased
with me.

My days
of being a dunce

Are history.

Oh, yecchh.

How utterly

3 Tons of scaly fun
isn't my idea

Of the perfect
cave companion.

Speaking of cave,

This place is so...
So utterly primitive.

This chair's
as hard as a rock.

It is a rock,
an igneous divan.

This simply won't do.

Blow me bagpipes,
I've been burgled.

I've been robbed
by book crooks.

Bubba! What are
you doing here?

Precisely, I'm reading
a scintillating study

On the evolution
of the panamanian
pill bug.

I cannot believe it.

You've read
the study, too.

Not the pill bug.

You've changed
so much.

For the better,
I assure you.

I've been dabbling

With several
brilliant ideas

On how to boost
your profits.

That's bagpipe music
to my ears.

I'm sure you'll agree

A mind
as marvelous as mine

Deserves these
refined surroundings.

My cro-magnon condo's
got to go.

Stay here
long as you like.

Just keep on thinking,

about my money.

You kids could
learn something from bubba.

We've already
learned something.

We miss the old bubba.

He was charming,
but so small-minded.

His iq level went out
with the stone age.

But you still got
rocks in your head.

The way
to scrooge's heart

Is through
his bank account.

I'll surely
increase his coffers

A billion-fold,

But first,
my school homework.

I promised I'd earn
my diploma this week.

But you just
flunked first grade.

Amazing, isn't it?

My senior thesis is

from kindergarten
to college graduate--

in a week or less.

And so the second law
of thermodynamics

Can be interpreted
to mean

That the entropy
of a closed system

Tends toward a maximum,

I.e., That is,

Available energy
tends towards a minimum.

Mrs. Quackenbush,
where are you going?

Back to college.
Class dismissed.


Let's go
to the movies.

favorite's playing--

att*ck of the
k*ller kumquats.

Count me out, boys.

There's a lecture
on the history
of waffle irons.

Then it's back
to mr. Mcduck's

To brainstorm
on business ideas.

Bubba's as much fun

As uncle scrooge
at a coin toss.

He's a true genius.

Bubba sure
has a flair
for business.

It's getting bigger
by the minute.

Yesterday he predicted
that hooley hula hoops

Would be popular again.

The money's been
pouring in ever since.

Where's mr.
Know-it-all now?

In his new home--
the think t*nk.

I see wigs
for bald babies.

Elevator bow ties
for short necks.

Body shoehorns
for instant dressing.

Microwave underwear
for eskimos.

Inquiring minds
want to know...

on bubba's mind?

Can he do homework?

What word
has seven letters

And means
"like tuna"?

Please, gentlemen,

Mr. Bubba isn't
seeing anyone today.

Wanna bet?

Sic 'em,

Do you lads have
an appointment?


We want bubba
to come play.

Bubba has no time
for childish games.

He's deciphering my map
to the treasure.

By jove,
I've got it.

Why waste time?

Off to the thinca ruins
to collect my riches.

I cannot believe it.

You barely read
the pilot's manual.

You're flying better
than launchpad.

is mere child's play

Once you understand
duckimedes' principle.

All we need
to keep us

Is bubba's
hot air.



Can't you
do something?

Sorry, but this is
beyond my control.

There's nothing
in the manual

About flying a plane
without wings.

That never
stopped launchpad.

Why are you happy?

This crash--it's
a stunning example

Of quackton's
law of gravity.

We got company,

Bad company.

ooga booga
lubba rubba.


ooga booga
lubba rubba.

I know!
What does that mean?

On the evolutionary

You're closer
to them.

You tell me.

The old bubba
could have clobbered
those guys.

Just as I thought.

Judging from
the architecture
and weapons,

The ancient thincas
were scientific

Who used their
advanced technology

To build this city.

Their descendants
don't look smart.


What you doing here?

I'm the one
asking questions.

Why did those rejects
from a bad movie

sh**t down my plane?

Excuse my friend's
bad manners, sir.

We're searching
for the treasure

Of the thincas.

We got treasure vault
for many moons,

Long after
thincas vanish.

No one can open it,

Except for someone as smart
as the ancient ones.

Then your worries
are over.

I'll uncover
the treasure.

No. Only one way
to deal with trespassers.

Lock them
in the pyramid!

We'll never
get out of here.

Those guards
may have put us

Where we
wanted to be.

In a prison?

You slay me, huey.

Pyramids were
never prisons.

They were tombs

Where rulers
were buried
with their wealth.

The thincas' treasure
might be in here?

There's one way
to find out.

The treasure's
not ours.

It belongs
to the natives.

We can't let
those jugheads
keep it.

It belongs to someone
who knows the difference

Between a dollar
and a doorknob,

The treasure
would be wasted on them.

If these jewels
are just a taste,

Bring me the whole meal!

According to the map,

This door is
an ancient computer.

The jewels are controls

That open the door
to the treasure.

Treasure, here I come!

Great scot!

What did I do?

You started
a chain reaction,

A self-destruct

How do you stop it?

I must complete the proper
sequence of buttons

And re-create
that musical phrase.

Suppose you push
the wrong buttons?

Then it's bye-bye,

Can't you think
faster, bubba?

I must concentrate.

My brain cells

Are already stretched
to the limit.

Blast! My finger
must have slipped.

Oh, great.
Mr. Egghead
is cracking.

Thank goodness, laddie.

You did it.

Of course.
I'm a genius.

This brain business

Has definitely gone
to bubba's head.

[Natives shouting]

Here come our fans,

And they don't
want our autographs.

Where are
you going?

Fear not.

The way
is as simple
as 1, 2, 3.

Oh, great. Which
tunnel do we take?

Let's see now.

The statistical

[Natives shouting]

Deduce all you want.

That left tunnel
looks good.

Louie's coin toss
is never wrong.

We go right.

With a 1-2% chance
of random error,

This is the way.

Who am I kidding?

Bubba's got
the brains.

Hey, wait for us!

native language]


We're getting closer.

I can smell
the treasure.

I only smell

And more

thinca do,

there's only
one way to get through.

my riddles
are the key.

right answers
set you free.

I love a good challenge.
Fire away.

how long is
a piece of string?

That's easy.
It's, uh...

Twice the distance
from center to end.

I knew that.

two to go.

what runs in and out
of the city all day?

A pizza
delivery man?

No. The road.

good answer.

lastly, what kind of room
has no walls?

This room, the way
it's shrinking.


fail me now.

A mushroom.


you may pass go

and collect
200 fish skins.

I don't like
my clothes pressed

While I'm wearing them.

Be patient.
Soon the fruits
of my labor

Will be yours.

The treasure!
It must be there!


[Quack quack
quack quack]

Got any more
bright ideas, bubba?

In a one-to-one debate,

Maybe I could
defeat this beast,

But he looks
too feebleminded

To pass an eye test.


[Quack quack
quack quack]

Just club him, bubba.

Use brute force?

I wouldn't know
how to begin.

I cannot believe it.

Bubba's forgotten his
primitive survival instincts.


I beg to differ.


[Quack quack
quack quack]



This is terrible.

That rabble-rouser
will turn the boys

Into duck pate.

So true.

Bubba, where
are you going?

I've got
better things to do.

There's treasure
to be found.

But what about
my nephews?

Uncle scrooge!

It involves
the duckwinian theory--

of the fittest.

They're doomed!

With the universe

And the ozone layer

I have to agree.

All that matters now
is the treasure.

a cold duck--

All head
and no heart.

I never thought
I'd say this.

I'd prefer
the old bubba.

But I did this
for you.

I thought more riches
would make you happy.

Riches cannot
buy me a family.

My family
makes me happy.

I want
the old bubba--


Able to whack
that monster!

There's only
one thing to do--

my intelligence,

Become a part
of your family again.

Farewell, dear scrooge.



Bubba back!

Bubba club!





Go, bubba! Go!

Bubba big hit!


Oh, no! Bubba's
down and out!


I knew you had it
in you, lad.

Uncle scrooge!

Look what we found!

Uh, that's
the treasure?

To the thincas,
it was.

It describes
their civilization.

They became
so smart,

They forgot their
own survival skills

And couldn't fight
back the monsters.

And they cared only
about being smart,

Not about each other.

I don't know
about riches,

But that's

You have found treasure?

Aye. It's yours.

you'll profit

From the thincas'

This will
show you

The thincas
weren't all
that smart.

Let them
keep the treasure.

I've already got mine--
my family.

Now that bubba's
his old self,

We can have fun again.


Bubba's become
a brain again.

Did you use
that thinking cap again?

No. Bubba
not think.

Bubba color.


He's no einstein,

But he's
our bubba.