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03x09 - The Big Flub

Posted: 04/01/24 14:12
by bunniefuu
♪ Life is like
a hurricane ♪

♪ Here in duckburg ♪

♪ Race cars, lasers,
aeroplanes ♪

♪ It's a duck blur ♪

♪ Might solve a mystery ♪

♪ Or rewrite history ♪

♪ Duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Every day they're out there
making duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Tales of derring-do ♪

♪ Bad and good
luck tales ♪

♪ D-d-d-danger ♪

♪ Watch behind you ♪

♪ There's a stranger
out to find you ♪

♪ What to do? Just grab
onto some duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Every day they're out there
making duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Tales of derring-do ♪

♪ Bad and good
luck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Not ponytails ♪

♪ Or cottontails ♪

♪ No, duck tales ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪♪

Time to make like
interest rates and rise.

Thank you, fenton.


What are you
doing in there?

The early bird
catches the job.

I'm worming my way
into one.

For vice president
in charge of
new products?

Forget it.
You already
have a job.


I want
to be more

Than an accountant.

I want riches
to rise above
the common duck.

Can we discuss
this after
my morning shower?

Your breakfast, sir.


Please! Just
give me a chance!

What do you know
about marketing?

You make commercials,
paint a few posters,

Slap up a billboard,

Then wait for
the bucks to roll in.

take away
these leftovers.

Why not hire me?
Am I too young?


Too old? Too short?

Aye. Too short
on qualifications.

Hey! What's wrong,

You've never
been so low.

Your uncle says
I'm too short

To be
a vice president.

His saying "no"

Doesn't mean
he means "no."

What does he mean?

You have to
convince him.

That's how
we got this bike.

We convinced
uncle scrooge

It's cheaper than having
duckworth drive us

To school
for 13 years. Bingo.

Then it's
convincing he'll get.

Thanks for
the pep talk, fellas.

Ok, gander, this is
commercial number one.

Roll them.

Wait, fenton.
What's my motivation?

Don't tell me
you're temperamental.

I mean...
What are these
commercials for?

To show I can be
vice president
of new products.

Why put me in them?

Your pretty face
could sell any product.

No one
ever dated me.

Now I'm in
the swing of things,

Thanks to...
What's the product?

I hadn't
thought about that.

That pep talk
got me motivated--

We'll call it pep!

What's pep?

It's not important.

Let's roll them.

No one
ever dated me.

Now I'm in
the swing of things

Thanks to pep.

Take the plunge.

Use pep.

That's a wrap.

Gandy, darling,
you were marvelous,

Simply marvelous.

We must do
lunch sometime.

I hope
these samples
get you hired.

I'll show them
to mr. Mcduck tomorrow.

I can't lose!

[Telephone rings]

if you're attempting

To bother me,
don't bother.

This is the studio.

What do we do with
these commercials?

What do
we normally do?

Run them.

Then what do we do
with those?

Yes, sir.
Right away.

It'll be
a media blitz.

Where was I before that
commercial interruption?

My, grandma,
what big eyes
you have.

The better
to see you with.

What big ears
you have.

You're getting
on my nerves!

What a big mouth.

just give me
my pep!

I'd like
to buy that pep,

Whatever it is.

You liked
that commercial?

I tried to
make it effective,
but brief--

What's it doing
on television?

I'd like
a quart of milk

And pep.

We don't have pep.

Try burnett's
hardware store.
Get some for me.

There you are,
poor man.

Forget the dime.

can you spare
some pep?

No cutting in line.

What's the line for?

We're waiting
for pep.

Hit a bull's-eye
and get this
over with.

What's the meaning
of this?

I made those
pep commercials.

You? You!

Then answer me this--

What is pep?

It's nothing.
It doesn't exist.

Do you realize
what you've done?

Yes. I'm hoping
you're a good shot.

No! You've created
a demand

Before the product.

I'm sorry.

For what?
I'll hire gyro
to invent pep,

And we're
in business.

If that's all right,
mr. Vice president.

Really? Vice president
of new products?

No, vice president
on alternate thursdays
in charge of pep.

It requires great

Think you're
up to it?

Oh, yes, sir!

Anything you say.
You're the boss,
mr. Mcduck.

Get a grip
on yourself,

Before I reconsider
the bow and arrow.

Gyro, yoo-hoo!
Anyone home?

I'm here,
mr. Mcduck.

Shrinking shetlands,
what happened to you?

I'm working on an

It shrinks
more than that.

We need your help.
We need pep.

I've seen
those commercials.

What is pep?

Anything you want.
You're inventing it.

As long as it's
ready by next week.

It's a big job.

Can you handle it?

I think so.

We want pep!

We want pep!

We want pep!

We want pep!

Where's gyro?

He promised
pep would be ready.

I'm here.

Have you got pep?

I brought
several inventions.

Tell me what you like.

This puts insomniacs
to sleep--

A belt-driven
sheep counter.

An operatic umbrella?

♪ Use your umbrella ♪

♪ Or you'll be
a wet fella ♪♪

Are these

Or are you
forthe gong show?

They'll tar and
feather our feathers

If we don't
deliver pep.

Haven't you got
anything else?


This is great!

Bubbles away!

What is that?

A helium-based
chewing substance.

I call it flubble gum--

For floating bubble gum.

I know
what it is--pep!

What are you doing?

Announcing it
to the world.

Don't. I haven't
tested it fully.

Oh. What if it
has side effects?

Gyro, gyro, gyro.

It's only
bubble gum.

What could possibly
go wrong?

Out of the way.

What do you mean,
no more pep?

This is chicken hearn

For the first annual
pep challenge.

The contestants
are awaiting the start.

Children, start
your chewing.

On your mark,
get set...blow!

The winner
by a mouthful!

He's hot, he's rich--
the talk of duckburg.

fenton crackshell,

Marketing genius
behind pep,

The lighter-than-air

Has success spoiled
fenton crackshell?

Little oldmoi?

I'm still the humble,
modest accountant I was,

Except I've got
my own fortune.

I'm so proud.

My own son
on oprah webfeet.

To think your class
voted you

"Likely to become

Ha ha!
Look at us now

Living in
a tri-level trailer

with jacuzzi,

Satellite dish,
and even catered
tv dinners.

Din-din is served.

Isn't success great?

All my caviar dreams
and champagne wishes

Finally came true.

[Knock on door]


Time to look
at a bigger market.

I'm in the middle
of my champagne bath.

Must we talk now?

Profits wait
for nobody.

I need to see you
before I go overseas.

Hold on, mcduck.

The marketing
of pep is tricky.

I'll handle it

What happened
to humble fenton
who'd say,

"Whatever you want,

stop thinking of me
as an employee.

I am a peer,
a partner,

An equal

In fact, I'd like
to talk to you

About the future of
crackshell mcduck

Crackshell mcwhat?

We'll confer at my
earliest convenience.

Make an appointment
on your way out!

87, 88, 89, 90, 91.

It's no use.
I cannot sleep

With bubble gum
fenton on my payroll.

What's that racket?

The boys
shouldn't be up.

How can I sleep?

Boys, where are you?

Hi, uncle scrooge.

Yeah, real high.

Get down from there.

Don't blow flubble
bubbles in bed.

We haven't had pep
since this afternoon.

How did you
get there?

We woke up here.

What has that crackpot
inventor done this time?


Gyro gyros here.

We're having ups
and no downs
over here.

I'm not surprised.

Masticating too much
of the carbonized

an imbalance
in the upper torso.

Say it in english.

I warned fenton

That flubble gum
wasn't tested.

We can't let this
situation get out of hand.

Hovering heaven!

It's too late!

The problems with pep
continue to percolate

As citizens
take to the air.

The strange phenomenon
surrounding flubble gum

Has moved the surgeon
general to declare

Pep may cause
headaches, concussions,

Or dutch elm disease.

As if subways
aren't packed enough,

Ceilings are being
overcrowded as well.

No area of life has been
unaffected by pep.

Pep or non-pep section?

Pep, please.

The airport is chaos

As air-traffic
controllers complain

That stewardesses
are taking off

Before their planes.

Questions now
being asked are--

Where will this end,

And where is the man

Fenton crackshell?

Fenton and
his stupid ideas.

He's given me
gizzard indigestion.

What are you
doing in there?

Guzzling your

Out! Everyone in duckburg
is looking for you.

Why do you think
I'm here?

Floating makes people
want to harm me.

Me, too. But you
wanted this job,
mr. Vice-president.

Now do something
about it.


You've done plenty.

Your alter ego
will fix this.

You mean gizmoduck?

How many alter egos
do you have?

there you are.

I've looked low
and high for you.

My first chance
at the bigtime

into thin air.

Poor gandra's
the spokeswoman

For the worst invention

Since the cordless
extension cord.

I'll never buy ma

The chinchilla slippers
I promised.

How could I
sink so low?

Ouch! What the--

Blathering blatherskite,
I'm a pepper, too!

How will I get
my gizmoduck suit?

I need to reach out
and touch someone.

Do I look like
ma bell? Beat it.

Gandra! Gandra!

Go away, fenton.

I need you.

Last time I helped,

I became the most-hated
television personality

Since j.r. Mooing.



Just my luck--

into a flight path.

Maybe I can
hitch a ride

Back down to earth.

Sunday flyers!

Where is gizmoduck?

He hasn't rescued
those people.

Duckworth, take me
to paradise propane park.

Has fenton changed into
his gizmoduck suit yet?

Not unless
he has a spare.

What could've
happened to him?

I have a letter
here. Postage due.

May I borrow
some change, mr. Mcduck?

Is your credit good?

I think.

Is your license valid?

I don't drive.

I'll need a major
credit card.

I don't have one.

Forget it.
I've got other

It's from fenton.

"Dear mama,

"If you thought
my head was
in the clouds,

"You should
see it now.

"Your floating
son, fenton.

P.s. Help!"

You've got
to do something

Before he
floats south
for the winter!

You have
a worry room?

As a matter
of fact, yes.

It's a lazy susan
worry rut.

Fenton thought
of everything.

If only fenton
had his suit.

A pilot
could fly it.

Risky. We might
reveal his identity.

How about attaching
flubble gum

And floating it up?

It could float
into the wrong hands.

Does fenton keep
extra pep around here?

Am I wearing

Hold onto your
house slippers.

We'll find out
how mobile
this home is.

Why are you throwing
pep in there?

You'll see.

Do you have a pump?

Who doesn't?

We're rising
like a bull market.

The air must
really be thin.

I'm seeing
flying trailers.

We brought
your gizmoduck suit!

Hurry. Say
the secret words

Before the flubble
bubble pops!

Mama, I'm coming!

Blathering blatherskite!


A helmetcoptor!

Never leave home
without it.




It's like
a lead balloon.

a lead balloon!


What are you doing?

Don't jump.

My new trailer.

I never tried
the remote control
popcorn popper.

I couldn't have
saved you better

[Garbles words]

It's rude to talk
with your mouth full.

Get me down
from here!



Hi, gandra.
It's me, fenton.

Could you
forgive me?

Well, I don't know.

I'll make it up
to you, I promise.

How about dinner
and a movie?

Well, ok. When?

When I finish
sending refunds
and apology letters

To pep buyers.

How many more?

Oh, about 480,000.

See you a week
from thursday.