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02x01 - Gotta Dance/Otter Pox

Posted: 04/02/24 19:42
by bunniefuu
Pbj ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pbj, pbj ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pbj, pbj, pbj, pbj ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pbj, pbj ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

oodle-ay !

Mama, daddy,
watch this.

- I am the great piedini.
- The great pie who ?

Cover my eyes,
baby butter.

The great piedini
can't see the pie
he's going to taste,

And yet he will tell you
exactly what's in it.



Tuna crust,

Chocolate sprinkles...

And, uh--
oh, just a hint of cinnamon.

Well, that is exactly right,

Very good.
You did it !

Sweetheart, you are going
to do just fine in tomorrow's
pie tasting contest.

And why not ?
He's been practicing
pie tasting for years.

It's a pie tasting contest,

Not a pie eating contest.

All right !
Yea !

[ All chattering ]

- Hiya, folks.
- Hi, mayor jeff.

It's a pleasure
to welcome you
to the lake hoohaw...

Pie tasting contest.

Peanut, are you nervous ?

No way, jell.
I practiced and practiced.
I'm totally ready.

We're just waiting
for wanda raccoon
to deliver...

Our special contest pies.
Pies !

While we wait,
let me introduce
our pie tasting contestants.

Contestant number one:

Dr. Babbleberry himself,
flick duck.

I'm number one !
I'm number one !

From the other side
of lake hoohaw,

Let's have a big hand
for team snootie.


This contest is going to be
a piece of cake.

Or should we say,
a piece of pie ?

And last but not least,
contestant number three,

the great piedini,
peanut otter !

This pie is goin' down.

And here comes mrs. Raccoon
with our pies.

Ta-da !

Hello, mrs. Raccoon.

[ Stammering ]

Whoops !

[ All gasping ]
the pies !

I can't look.
I think bubbles just won
the pie tasting contest.

Bubbles ?

[ Coughing ]

[ Slurps ]

[ Belches, giggles ]

Oh, no !

Watch bird alert.
Watch bird alert.

Wanda raccoon just dropped
all the pies into lake hoohaw.

Hoo-hoo, connie,
what are they gonna do now ?

I guess they can think of
another kind of contest.

I've got it !
They could think of
another kind of contest.

Our contest, it's ruined.
Our pies fell
in the water.

Now what are we
gonna do ?
Come on now, kids.

If we all use our noodles,
we can figure this out.
What do you say ?

But we don't want to do
anything else !

We want to have
a pie tasting contest !

[ Sobbing ]

Well, we can't have
a pie tasting contest,

But maybe we could have--

That's it !
We'll have the first
lake hoohaw...

"Make up your own dance"
contest !

- Make up your own dance ?
- Make up your own dance ?

Make up your own dance ?

Contestants will make up
their own special dance.
I'll judge the winner.

[ Cheering ]

But-but-but I can't dance !

I'm gonna look goofy !
Peanut, would you relax.

Nobody's had any time
to make up a fancy dance.

You'll see. Everyone's
going to dance something
real simple.

- ♪ [ Dance rock ]
- [ both ] huh ?

♪ When the b*at's together
got to shake that feather ♪

♪ Gotta bust a move
to a ducky groove ♪

a duck's got a buster
like a feather duster ♪

♪ Gotta wiggle and waggle
and move ♪

♪ To the waddle ♪
quack, quack
quack, quack ♪

♪ Shake your beak real loose
like a long-necked goose ♪

♪ To the waddle ♪
quack, quack
quack, quack ♪

♪ With your feet to the b*at
and you shake your street ♪

♪ To the waddle ♪
quack, quack
quack, quack ♪

♪ You zig and zag
and wiggle and wag ♪

♪ To the waddle ♪
quack, quack
quack ♪

Hey, watch me move !

Now that's how
a duck gets down.

I can't dance.
I can't ! I can't !

Peanut, you're
making things worse.

Why don't you try saying,
"I can dance."

- What are you talking about ?
- Instead of saying,
"I can't dance,"

Try saying,
"I can dance."

I can dance ?

I can dance.

I can dance !

- [ Screaming ]
- [ groans ]

Mighty fine dancing, flick.
And now, team snootie !

- Where is father ?
- Don't worry.
There he comes now.

watch out. Rich poodle
comin' through. Watch out.

Stand back.

boogie !
boogie !

♪ Poodle ♪
♪ shake your tail
with a twitch ♪

- ♪ Poodle ♪
- ♪ scratch your ear
like you itch ♪

♪ Poodle ♪
♪ just pretend
that you're rich ♪

♪ Do the poodle now ♪

♪ P-o-o-d-l-e ♪

[ all ]
poodle !
♪ p-o-o-d-l-e ♪

poodle !
♪ you can be fabulous
when you dance just like us ♪

♪ Everybody, shake a leg
now sit up and beg ♪

♪ P-o-o-d-l-e ♪
poodle !

Peanut, we're running
out of time. You're next.

[ Moans ]
feel dizzy.
World spinning around.

Come on, butter.
We better teach peanut
how to dance... And fast. Yeah.

Just do what we do.
Come on, peanut.

Shimmy, shake.

[ Moaning ]

Well, you got
the "shake" part.
Here, move your arms like this,

And move your legs
like this.

How am I doing ?

Butter, what do you think
we should do ?

[ Giggling ]

Hmm. Hmm !

Hey, butter, you just
gave me a great idea.

I just need some string.

Oh, balloons !
Even better !

what are you doing ?

Trust me, peanut.
With a little help, you're
going to be a dancing fool.

And now,
our last contestant,

Peanut otter !

Jelly ? Butter ?

You can do it, peanut.
Give it your best sh*t.
[ Gulps ]

♪ It's a simple thing
we'll pull some strings ♪

♪ And put swing
into peanut's dancing ♪

♪ To put just the right b*at
in his arms and feet ♪

♪ Pull a string
he can dance anything ♪

♪ Dancing
nearly dancing ♪

♪ Yes, I'm dancing
clearly I'm prancing ♪

♪ I swing and I sway
I can even sashay ♪

♪ I may safely say
I'm dancing today ♪

♪ Such a simple thing, really
just strings ♪

♪ Let's pull harder
and watch how he swings ♪

♪ I yank and I tug
for a jitterbug ♪

♪ A snap and his tapping
there's dance in his pants ♪

♪ Dancing
nearly dancing ♪

♪ Uh-oh, dancing
now I am lancing ♪

♪ Off the walls and the floor
I can't take anymore ♪

♪ I'm flipping and flopping
and I gotta stop ♪

Pull, pull.
[ Screams ]

[ Gasps ]

I've never been
so embarrassed in my
entire seven years of life.

Peanut, do you know
what time it is ?

Time to move into a cave
and become a hermit ?

No. It's time to do
a noodle dance.

A noodle dance ? Why ?

We need to think of ideas
for how to get you to dance.


I can't dance.
I can't dance.

I can't dance.

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪
look-see !

I've got it !

Hey, peanut.
Yeah, jell ?

You know how we always use
the noodle dance to come up with
ideas to solve our problems ?

- Uh-huh.
- Whenever we do our noodle
dance, you dance like crazy.

you're not a bad dancer.
you just think you are.

[ cheering ]

Great dance, peanut.
[ Flick duck ]
yeah, not bad, peanut.

- How do you do a noodle dance ?
- What's a noodle dance ?

The noodle dance is
a special thinking dance.

It's a dance we do
when we're stuck
on a problem.

- [ Murmuring approval ]
- the noodle dance helps us get
our brains and bodies moving.

It helps us get ideas.
Noodle !

Can I try a noodle dance ?

I've been trying to figure out
how to do my deliveries faster.

I want to make
a machine that works
without batteries.

- I want to find my glasses.
- [ All shouting requests ]

Sure. Everybody can use
their brains to solve problems.

Come on, lake hoohaw.
Let's noodle dance.

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

Hey, I found my glasses.

[ Yawns ]
I found out
I need another nap.

I know how to get
even richer !

I figured out
the meaning of life.

[ Excited chattering ]

That was some noodle dance
you did today, peanut.

I still think
you should have won
first prize, peanut.

Oh, I don't mind.
Mayor jeff gave me a special
prize for our noodle dance.

- Ta-da !
- [ All ] clamberry pie !

- Yea !
- Come on, everybody.
Let's eat.

[ All chattering ]

I think I'll be
a professional dancer.

Maybe I should start
a peanut otter dance studio.

[ narrator ]
"otter pox."

[ mrs. Otter ]
♪ close your eyes
my furry little otters ♪

♪ fold your paws
and curl up in your bed ♪

♪ Imagine that you're floating
on the water ♪

♪ With dreams sweetly swimming
in your head ♪

baby butter.

[ Snoring ]

Night-night, peanut.
Night-- jelly otter,
why are you awake ?

Sorry, mama,
but I can't sleep.

I'm too excited about
my birthday party tomorrow.

I'm excited too, but you need
to get some rest, okay ?

My, my, another birthday.

Oh, you're getting to be
so grown up.

You are too, mama.
[ Chuckles ]
good night, sweetie.

Happy birthday, jelly.

Happy birthday to me.

It's gonna be
the best... Ever.

[ Yawns ]
it's my birthday !

[ mrs. Otter ]
jelly, your birthday guests
are here.

My birthday guests are here.
That must mean it's time
for my birthday party.

[ all ]
hey, mrs. Otter.
come on in, everyone.

Happy birthday !
Where's jelly ?

Hey, jell, hurry up and
get dressed. All the guests
are downstairs and-- jelly !

- Well, what do you say ?
- Uh--

No. You're supposed to say,
"happy birthday."

But-but-- but your face !

My face ?
There's nothing wrong
with my face.

Well, maybe you should
take a look.

[ Gasps ] peanut otter,
did you draw on my face again
while I was sleeping ?

- Mm-mm.
- Oh, well, then I guess
I've got...

Otter pox !

Now, jelly, otter pox
is very contagious.

But I don't feel sick.

I'm glad, sweetheart,

But other kids could catch it
from you if they haven't
had it before.

But what about you ?

Well, jelly, everyone else in
the family has already had it.

What am I gonna do ?
All my friends are here.

Not everybody.
Ootsie and bootsie called
to say they'll be a bit late.

Honey, we're going to do
our very best to include
you in this party...

Just as much as we can.

-Can I go downstairs ?
-No, jell, I'm afraid you can't.

You can't play with
the other kids face to face.

That's not fair !

Well, I guess we could
just send the kids home.

But that's not fair either.
They're having so much fun.

Can't they just stay
and play ?

It's okay with me.

[ children laughing ]

When I open my eyes
all my spots will be gone.

Mmm-- oh !

Oh, I'm just getting

How are you feeling ?
Any better ?


I brought you a party hat
and some fizzy tuna pop.


Mom says this "clamamine" lotion
will help with the itching.


Have they started playing "put
the shoes on the otter" yet ?

- [ laughing ]
- that's right. That a way.

you're getting warmer.
just a little closer.

hey, that's good.
yeah, kind of.

Oh, no ! That's
my most favorite game
in the whole wide world,

And I can't even play.

Maybe you can.
Let's do a noodle dance.

What's the point ? How can
I play "put the shoes on the
otter" when I'm stuck up here ?

I don't know,
but if we use our brains we're
bound to think of something.

I'll tell you what.
In honor of your birthday,

I'll use my noodle
and I'll even dance.

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

I've got it !
We use a time machine.

we'll travel to the future
when you're all well again.

- You built a time machine ?
- Oh, not yet.

Look at me.
I look like a purple pickle.

Oh, wow !
The mirror, that's it !

Wait here.
I've got an idea.

We can use your mirrors
and this other stuff
to make a periscope.

[ All chattering ]

Am I getting close ?
Where am I ?

Okay, now let's see
whose shoes came closest.

wait, dad, wait.
we've got one more player:
jelly otter.

- Now, peanut--
- don't worry, dad.

We figured out a way
she can play without
leaving her room.

- Huh ?
- Watch this.

And a one and a two
and a three !


- Up, peanut, up, up.
- Up, up.

Hmm ?

Yea, jelly !

A mirror, huh ?
Now that's using
the old noodle.

You won, jelly.
You won !
Thanks to you, peanut.

Me, me.
And thanks to you,
baby butter.

[ mrs. Otter ]
okay, kids, I think it's time
for birthday cake.

Birthday cake !

Don't worry, jell.
We'll bring you a piece.

two pieces. Three ?

I can't even blow out
the big otter candle
on my own birthday cake.

- You're forgetting
one thing, jelly.
- What's that ?

My straw collection.

Peanut, you're a genius.

Okay, kids,
I'll blow out the candle,

Then I want everybody
to sing real loud
so jelly can hear.

[ Inhales ]
[ peanut ]
wait, wait, wait !

Don't blow out that candle.
[ All chattering ]

We figured out a way jelly can
blow out her own birthday candle
and still stay in her room.

A straw chain, huh ?
Mighty clever, son.

but I'm afraid--
pinch, aim this straw
at the candle, please.

Peanut, no !

Okay, jell, blow !

- [ Inhales ]
- hold it !

- What's the matter ?
- I'm sorry, sweetheart,

But we can't have you blowing
all over the cake
when you're sick.

That's how germs get spread.
Sorry, honey.

Being sick is no fun.

[ Giggling ]

Wait a minute !
Maybe there's still a way.

- Great idea, baby butter.
- Mmm.

Hold on, jell.


- [ Gasps ]
- huh ?

Oh ! You did it
with a balloon.

Very clever.

♪ Oodle-ay-eee
oodle-ooo ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Oodle-ay-eee, oodle-ay ♪
we're so happy we may ♪

♪ Sing to you
bring you best wishes today ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear jelly ♪

♪ Oodle-ay-eee
oodle-ooo ♪

- [ all cheering ]
- awesome, jell ! You did it !

Hey, what's the matter ?

I don't get it.
You got to play
"put the shoes on the otter,"

You got to blow out the candle
on your cake.

- What more do you want ?
- Ah, peanut, I don't care
about any of that.

- You don't ?
- I just want to be
with my friends.

Oh, well that's impossible.
[ ootsie, bootsie ]
happy birthday, jelly otter.

Did you hear that ?
Sounds like ootise and bootsie
got here after all.

Happy birthday, jelly otter.

- It's your birthday !
- Hey, ootsie, bootsie.

[ jelly ]
wow, look at that !

I'll be right back.

- Wow ! What's that ?
- It's our new hydro
diving suit 3000.

It's totally waterproof,
totally climate controlled.

And it has
a kickin' stereo.

[ Gasps ]
hey, I just got an idea !

- Ootsie, bootsie,
is that thing germfree ?
- Of course. Absolutely.

Listen, could i--

Bootsie ?
Ootsie ?


Hey, everybody, listen up.
We have a surprise guest
for you.

[ All chattering ]

Allow me to present
the birthday girl herself,

jelly otter !

[ Cheering ]

Hey, everybody,
let's open presents.

Oh, a stick.
How nice.

that must be from munchy.
and let's see.

Oh, I got a tea cup.
I bet that's from pinch.

I wonder what else I got.
Ooh, what's in that big box ?

this has been
a great birthday.