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04x06 - The Mystic Isles pt. 2

Posted: 04/03/24 13:48
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: [SINGING] I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First


What isle are we on now,
the Isle of Mess?

This is the Isle of Rompkins.


We got visitors.

SKYE: Stay back!
SOFIA: Oh, hey! [GASPS]

Visitors. We never get visitors.

Ooh, look at her.

Aw, so small.

Ooh, come on in, visitors.

Have a seat.


We're so happy you came.

We're happy anybody came.

Back, back, I say.

Away from my princess.

Off the table.

Let's smash a toast.


Unhand us, you brutes!


I am ever so sorry, big fellows,

but we have to leave. Immediately.

It's true.
We're on a really important journey.

But you just got here.

You have to stay.

No, we have to leave.

Why does everyone always leave?


No one ever wants to stay on our isle.

Everyone's always scared of us.

I don't know why.

Nobody even stays
long enough to try this on.

Ooh, what is that?

It's the crown of our queen.

May I see it?

-Amber, we have to go.
-We really, truly do.

But you guys, look at this.
It's so wonderfully shiny!

Is this crown in any way magical?

Oh, smack!

We forgot to say,
once you put the crown on,

you become our queen.

Your queen?

Double smack!

We also forgot to say,
once you're our queen,

you're our queen forever!

Wait, forever?

ALL: Our queen forever.

What are you talking about?
I can't stay here forever.

None of us can.

Our queen forever! Our queen forever!

-Oh, no!
-Our queen forever!

Our queen forever!

If we can't get out of here,
we can't stop Azurine.

We must attempt a daring escape.

I have an idea.

Excuse me. Excuse me!

[SHOUTS] Excuse me!

Hold it, boys.

[SIGHS] Thank you.

Now, gentlemen,

do you know why no one
ever wants to come to your isle?

No. Not really.

-Not one clue.
-Don't ask me.

Because you're too rough.

We don't mean to bash
and smash so much, miss.

-It's just what Rompkins do.

I know, but that's why you
should let your queen help you.

Wait, what?

Let our queen help us?

Let your queen help you
become calmer, daintier Rompkins.

Oh, that's right.

As your queen, I can help you.

But you must follow our royal plan.


[SINGING] Step one of the royal plan

Is to do all that you can

To romp much more delicately

Left, right, we go

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Pinky up, you sip your drink

When you toast, make a gentle clink

Then set your chairs down carefully

Set down soft... Oh!

Not in there! Oh, no!

You'll be at your Rompkin best

Following your queen's request

Don't be brash

When you smash

Step light

It's more polite

Just act cute

Not like a brute

If you clang

Try not to bang

Try again, Harumph.

Put the mug down gently.



Oh, this time, imagine that the mug

is a baby bird.

No bash! I'm a gentle giant now,

thanks to my queen.


Now that you are gentle guys

Your queen is needed 'cross the skies

She wishes you to set her free


ALL: Go free, boo-hoo.

But she has work to do



As much as it will break our heart

We will allow you to depart

We'll miss our queen most terribly


You are at your Rompkin best

When you heed your queen's request

To set us free

Oh, happily

Gotta go

We'll miss you so

Quite well done

And kinda fun

ALL: Now we can rest
'cause she's impressed

And we fulfilled

Our queen's request


Here you are. You can go.

SOFIA: Thank you.
I guess it's goodbye then.

So long, big fellows.

Fare thee well, friends.

Bye, queen-queen.

Sniff, sniff.

Good luck saving the magic.

Goodbye, Harumph.
I hope I see you again.

I hope I see you again, too. [SOBS]


That's my heart breaking.


ALL: Ta-ta.

At long last, the Isle of Crystals.

Oh, we made it.

My beautiful crystal home.

Oh, how I've missed you.

Oh, look at that.

Is that a crystal butterfly?

It is! [GASPS]

I've never seen so much sparkle.

PRISMA: There's Azurine's farm.

SOFIA: But where's
the wicked crystal master?

All I see is a farmer.

That's Azurine.

My sister may look sweet and innocent,

but I promise you, she is not.

[GASPS] That's where
she locked up my Terra crystal.

What's that?

The tool we crystal masters
use to grow magic crystals.

I must have it
if I'm going to stop Azurine.

Okay, then, how can we
get past her to get it?

I shall fetch the Terra crystal
for my princess.

Head down, hooves moving.



Skye, are you okay?

I was not harmed.


But perhaps someone else
should get the Terra crystal.


I know. I'll use my amulet
to turn into a bird.

Then I can fly to the silo
to get the Terra crystal.

Oh, how clever.

I just knew your amulet
would save the day.

Thank you, Sofia.
An eternity of thank-yous.

I wish to be a crystal bird.




Oh, thank goodness she's got it.

Here she comes.


[GASPS] Oh, no! My Terra crystal.

-My princess.
-Sofia's trapped.


Don't worry, my little friend.
I'll get you free.

Oh! Sofia is in grave danger
from my wicked sister.

Amber, I can protect her
if you quickly fetch my Terra crystal.


If Azurine sees me here,

all of this
will have been for nothing.

And if you get it,
I promise I'll make you

your very own magical amulet,

just as sparkly and shiny
and special as your sister's.

Oh, I'll be right back.


There you go, little one.

Something's not right.

Would a wicked crystal master
really be so nice?

I wish to be myself again.

Wait, Amber, I suddenly
have a bad feeling about this.

Oh, but Sofia,
Prisma really needs this.

Wait, Amber!

And besides, she's going
to make me my own amulet.

-Here you are, Prisma.

Oh, thank you, Amber, so very much.


Finally, I have my Terra crystal back.


[GASPS] Wow!

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!


It feels so wonderful, so powerful,

to make crystals again.

Now the magic of the Mystic Isles
will all be mine!

You said that was Azurine's plan.

Oh, did I say that? Do forgive me.

I misspoke. It was my plan all along.

So then, the wicked
crystal grower in the book

is you?


I'm sorry if I was a tad unclear.



Hello, dear sister.





Why are you doing this?

Why? Oh, it's a really good story.

Pull up a chair,
and I'll tell you all about it.



[SINGING] Back when we were
just little crystal kids

My sister was always the star

Her talent was praised
all across the isles

While people said mine was sub-par


And when sorcerers needed magic gems

Who did they come to?

My sis

I felt so left out, how much it hurt

When I was just simply dismissed

But those days are over now

'Cause I'll soon be known
throughout the land

My crystals finally in demand

And when I make my big premiere

My power will be crystal clear


I'll use the magic of the isles

To make new crystals grow

And if some creatures
lose their charms

It's just the way it goes

So let's get on with the show

I'll soon be known throughout the land

My crystals finally in demand

And when I make my big premiere

Then it will all be

Crystal clear

My power will be

Crystal clear

Yes, it will all be

Crystal clear

And I lived happily ever after.

Now be honest,
wasn't that a great story?

You can't go through with it, Prisma.

Of course I can, silly girl.

Oh, and before I forget,

here's that amulet
I promised you, Amber.

After all, I owe this all to you.

But I never wanted
any of this to happen.

Now, friends, I'm afraid
it's time for you to go.





Amber, grab onto Skye.

He can fly us out of here.

Aah! Got him.

Alas, my princesses, I still
do not quite know how to fly.

SOFIA: Try, Skye. Try!
You've got to try.

[STRAINING] I can, I can.
[GROANS] I cannot.

Maybe if we try together.

I wish to be a flying unicorn.

Flap those wings, Skye.

I shall flap as I have
never flapped before.

I wish to be a unicorn.

A flying bird.

Uh... A dragonfly.

Oh, it's not working.

It's okay, Amber.
Skye and I can do this.

SKYE: Landings are tricky.

Brace the knees,
keep the wings outstretched.

And... Oh! [GROANS]

I wish to be myself.

[SIGHING IN DESPAIR] This is terrible.
Just terrible.

Don't worry, Amber.

We'll find a way to stop Prisma.

No, not that.

This amulet doesn't have
any magic at all.

Your amulet,
that's what you're worried about?

Prisma's going to take
all the magic away

from the isles, and you helped her.

I made an honest mistake, Sofia.

I thought Prisma was our friend,
and so did you.

I told you not to
give her the crystal,

but you just had to get
a magic amulet for yourself.

[SNICKERS] But that's the thing,
it isn't magical.

I want to fly, I want to grow big.

See. It doesn't have any power.

My good princesses,

I fear we do not have time
to waste discussing

how Prisma got her crystal back.

That's right, we need to focus
on what's important.

Yes, getting it back from her.

No, getting out of here.

Sofia, the three of us
can't possibly stop Prisma.

We have to try.

I'm the storykeeper, and I can't leave

until I give this story
a happy ending.

And I say we need a happy ending.

We need to get back home
while we still can.

Amber, stop thinking
only about yourself.

What about all those creatures
who will lose their magic?

[SCOFFS] They have those Protectors
to help them. Don't they?

Like that man we met,
the one with the wings.

-You mean Orion.

Isn't he supposed to
take care of problems like this?

You're right, Amber.

We have to tell Orion that Prisma
got her Terra crystal back.

And then maybe
he can help us get home.

-So how can we find him?
-Through his enchantlet.

-That magic bracelet?

All Protectors have them.

It should alert Orion
whenever someone is in trouble.

Help! We're in trouble!

Orion! We need you!

I am normally quite brave,

but I require assistance
at this particular moment.

[SIGHS IN RELIEF] Isn't this lovely?

Far nicer than your
plain old farmhouse.

Prisma, I am begging you.

Please do not harm the isles.

Oh, but Azurine,
I'm so happy with my plan.



There. I can see all the Mystic Isles,

each one of them bursting with magic.

Magic I can use to grow crystals

more powerful than you ever made.

But then the creatures
living there will lose their powers.

True, true.

But just think how impressed
all the sorcerers will be

once they see
the magic crystals I grow,

starting right here
on the Isle of Unicorns.

No, Prisma, no!


-Help, Orion!

Uh... I feel funny.

Skye, your horn. Your wings.

Am I seeing things?
Or rather, not seeing things?

It must be Prisma.

She's growing crystals on your isle.

Now I have lost my wings,

before I even learned how to use them.

Don't worry,
we'll stop Prisma somehow.

We'll get them back.

Oh! Is that Orion?

SKYE: I believe it is.

His enchantlet must've alerted
him to our troubles.

Oh, no!

Ker-slam! Gotcha!

Oh, Harumph. You saved him.

You're a great big hero.

It was easy because he's so small.

-And now I will put him down.

I mean, set him down. Gently.

There you go, tiny Protector.

It appears you were doing
the protecting this time, my friend.

I am forever grateful.

You shouldn't swoosh around
up in the sky

if you don't have wings.

I had wings but a moment ago.

It's Prisma. She got her
Terra crystal back,

and she must've grown crystals
on your isle.

Just as I feared.

But the Protectors
can stop her, right?

Our only chance is to destroy
her Terra crystal.

Doing so will undo
all the damage she's caused.

But... But Terra crystals
are impossible to break.

No, it can be done,
with the right magic.

But I must hurry and reach
the other Protectors

before Prisma drains
the magic from all of us.

The other Rompkins are over there
through the woods.

They have wagons that can zoom you
faster than your teeny-tiny legs.

Um, thank you, friend.

I am indebted to you once again.

Wait, Mr. Orion. We want to help.

What can we do?

That is a brave offer
from a brave girl.

But Prisma is too powerful,

even for a storykeeper.

That's what I've been telling Sofia.

This is a job best left

for the Protectors
of the Mystic Isles.

See, Sofia?

The Protectors don't
even want our help.

We should just go home,

and stop worrying
about the Mystic Isles.

I'm sure everything
will be fine from now on.


She's growing crystals here!



I shall protect you, my princesses.

Uh, watch out, queen-queen.





I'm teeny!

-Oh, Harumph.

This isn't right.

We can't let Prisma
do this to our friends.

[EVIL LAUGH] Isn't that adorable?

The dear girl thinks that
just because she escaped

my crystal vortex,
she can somehow stop me.


She really makes me giggle. [SIGHS]

Laugh all you want, Prisma,

but I think maybe that girl
can stop you.

With what, a sister who
thinks only of herself?

A unicorn who can't fly?

A giant who's downright tiny?

[SIGHS] I almost feel sorry for Sofia.