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04x07 - The Mystic Isles pt. 3

Posted: 04/03/24 13:49
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First


Oh, this would've been easy

back when I was the big me.


Wait, Sofia.

Going back to face Prisma
is not a good idea.

Amber, look at Harumph.

Can't you see how unhappy he is?

Don't you wanna help him?

Of course I do. It's just...

Just what?

The Rompkins made you their queen,
and they need you.

You know it's the right thing to do.

I want to help him,
to help everyone here,

but Sofia... [SIGHS]

I'm not sure I can.

I'm starting to think there's a reason
why you get to be storykeeper,

and have a special amulet,

and I don't.

Every day I watch

You give your all to those in need

Every place we go

You make things better
with your good deeds

You're the one who saves the day

Of that, there's no doubt

You're so strong, a natural hero

Inside and out

But that's not who I am

Though it makes my heart break

That's not who I am

I don't have what it takes

So today I've caused

Nothing but trouble, can't you see

Every place we've gone

I've been thinking only of me

I'm the one who let harm come

To all our new friends

I was wrong to think that I'm brave

It was all just pretend

'Cause that's not who I am

Though it makes my heart break

That's not who I am

I don't have what it takes

But that's not true, Amber.

There are so many times
I've seen you do the right thing.

You have?

Yes. You rescued Dad and James

from the jade jaguar.

You went after Mom when
you thought she was taken by Selians.

You even helped fix Clio
and Hildegard's friendship.

I guess there were
times when I put others first.

Yes. You do have it in you, Amber.

You're the one I've counted on

To stand by my side

You're so strong, a natural hero

When you reach deep inside

'Cause that's just who you are

We all make mistakes

That's just who you are

You've got what it takes

Yes, that is who I am

I'll fix my mistakes

And I'll come through

Do all I'm meant to do

'Cause that is who

I am

So you'll stay?

I will. I'm going to help our friends.

And I promise, this time,

I won't get distracted
by amulets or magical stones.

[GASPS] Stones. That's it, Amber.

The Shatter Stones.

From the Dancing Desert?

They can shatter anything, remember?

If we get one, we can use it
to shatter Prisma's Terra Crystal.

Orion said that would stop her,
and undo the damage she's done.

I would grow big again?

And I would regain my wings.

Skye, which way to
the Isle of Dancing Deserts?

Ah, follow me, my princess.

Ah, that is a clever plan.

Ah, that is a clever plan.

It just might work,

unless a certain someone
decides to... I don't know,

turn the Isle of Dancing Deserts

into my own personal crystal farm.


SOFIA: It's Prisma.
She's taking the magic from this isle.

AMBER: We're too late.

Noble sands, I beseech you.

Do you have enough
magic left to tell us

where the Shatter Stones are?

Oh, it's no use.

And even if we could find the stones,

the crystals probably
took their magic, too.

Wait. I just remembered.

The crystals may have
drained magic from this isle,

but Orion told us the Shatter Stones

-weren't even from here.
-Oh, that is correct.

He said they were from another isle.

So maybe Prisma hasn't gotten to

the Shatter Stones' home isle yet,

and they still have their magic.

-We've got to find one.
-Oh, those dunes over there.

That's where I found
the stones before.

-She's right, you know.
-I know, I know.

I just can't remember

what isle those Shatter Stones
came from.


Was it the Isle of Miracles?

No, no, that's not it.

Oh, I must stop them
from reaching those stones.


We're almost there.

Oh, Prisma must know we're here.

Keep running.


I guess being small isn't all bad.

The Shatter Stones were by
these dunes.

I'm sure of it.

Search the sand.


My princess!

-My queen-queen!

Stay close.

-I'm here.

SKYE: We all are.



Harumph, can you break the crystal?

Break. I said break!

Curses, teeny body.

Stand back. I shall use my horn

to free us from this trap.

But, Skye, you don't have a horn.

That might've worked better
if I still had a horn.


Oh, this is impossible.

Well, that little problem
is taken care of.

Back to the fun stuff,

like growing crystal charms
on the Isle of Trolls.


Ooh! And magic medallions
on the Isle of Witches.


There must be a way.

Please, girls, find a way.


We can't get out.

I won't be able to give
the story a happy ending.

But, Sofia, you always find a way.

Don't you?

Yes, but without a Shatter Stone,
we're trapped.

Because of me.

Oh, if only I hadn't wanted
a magic amulet so badly.

Now we're stuck here.

Amber, this story isn't over yet.

[SIGHS] Just admit it, Sofia.

This story is finished.

Sand, we're close to
the Shatter Stones, aren't we?

If you have any magic left,
please show us one.


I wish to be small.


-Sofia! How did you...

Look what I found in the sand.

[GASPS] Now we can get Prisma.

I told you this story wasn't over.

Way to go!

What was that, Sister?

Do you have something to tell me?

No. I was just, uh, admiring

the beautiful glass slippers you grew

over on the Isle of Magical Music.

Can you even see those
from so far away?

Yes, they're that good.

I have to admit, you truly are
the most talented crystal master.

Oh, that's so sweet of you to say.

See how well we get along
when I'm in charge?

Oh, and you're right.

This is a particularly gorgeous batch.

Hurry, girls, hurry.


It looks so different.

Prisma must be in there.

But how will we get close enough

to use the Shatter Stone?

Maybe one of you can distract Prisma
while I sneak inside.

I humbly volunteer
my services, my lady.

No, Skye, I caused this mess,

and I'm going to fix it.

I even have a plan.


That's a lot of stairs.

Come on.

Ooh, the wizards will be so impressed

with these magic rings.

I know I am.

I'm going to distract Prisma.

When she's not looking,
you go get Azurine.


Oh, there you are.

The supposedly best
crystal master in the land.

Amber? How did you get here?

I have some complaints
about this amulet you made.

Now's our chance.

I'm going to free Azurine.

You two, stay here.

We cannot stand idly by

while our princesses face danger.

We must go protect them.

Good idea, but shush!

Be dainty like them.

Huh. I must admit,

I thought if anyone
could escape my crystal trap,

it would be your sister.

Well, it was me.

I just had to show you
that this amulet's defective.

You said it would be magical,

but it doesn't do anything.

I haven't gotten one special power.

I never said I would
give you a special power.

Why? Because you can't?

Oh, because you're
not talented enough?

[CHUCKLES] I am the most talented
crystal master there ever was.

Prove it.

Give this some real magic.

[SIGHS] All right then.


There, now it glows. Isn't that nice?

It glows? You expect me
to be impressed

with a glorified nightlight?

My sister's amulet
can turn her into a unicorn.

Settle down.

I was just getting warmed up.


There. I know how much
you care about your appearance,

so now you can conjure
up a mirror whenever you like.

Go on, try it.

I wish for a mirror.

-Now are you satisfied?

Hardly. I mean,
I already carry three mirrors.

Oh, maybe I should talk to your sister
over there.

I'm sure she can do better.

Don't be silly.

I can do much more than Azurine.



Princess, let me out.

Okay. Get ready.

What's this?

It's not too late, Prisma.

Hand over your Terra Crystal.

No, thank you.

I think it's time we finally find out

which one of us is truly
the best crystal master.

I have a hunch it's me



That was impressive, dear Sister.

Let me freeze this moment

so we can remember it forever.



-You again!
-That's right.

And I've got a Shatter Stone.

Keep that thing away from me.



That's two.


-The stone!


Looks like you lost your little rock.

My hunch was right.

I win at being
the best crystal master!

Queen-queen, catch!


Oh, Amber, I'm so sorry
I have to do this.


I wish for a mirror.


Amber, I've already tapped
her Terra Crystal twice.

Just once more, and it'll shatter.

Wait, wait, wait.

If I lose my magic,

you'll lose yours.

What do you mean?

If you smash my Terra Crystal,

everything I've created
with it will disappear,

and that includes your amulet.

It has even more magic
than your sister's.

Don't listen to her, Amber.

Think of the Rompkins, the unicorns,

all our friends in the Mystic Isles.

Our sisters are always telling us
to think of others first.

But what about what we want?

Shouldn't that matter?

Now, give me the Shatter Stone, Amber.

Okay, I'll give it to you.

No! My beautiful crystals.

My wings!

Boom! I'm big me again.

This can't be happening.

It should not have come
to this, Sister.

But now, I must take you
to the Protectors.

Azurine, please.

I'm sorry, Prisma.

No. I got away from you once before,

and I can do it again.

-After her, Skye!
-Cling tight, my princess.

Faster, Skye, faster!

We are gaining on the evil-doer.

Not only that, Skye, you're flying.

What? The ground is
no longer touching my hooves.

I am. I'm flying!

Look at me, look at me, I'm flying!

And not only that,

we have caught up to the evil-doer.

Hold on, my princess.

Halt, in the name of the Protectors.




My princess, I must inform you
that we are not alone.

SOFIA: [GASPS] It's Orion.

SKYE: And the Protectors.

Greetings, Princess Sofia.

Excellent work.

We will take custody
of your prisoner now.


I am nobody's prisoner.

I am the greatest crystal master
that ever lived.

That's debatable.

But what is certain
is you will never again

harm the Mystic Isles. Take her away.

[GRUNTS] Let go of me!


This is all your fault, Princess,

and don't think I won't remember.

Sofia, your time as storykeeper

has taught you much.

Yes, we all witnessed your capture
of the crystal master.

Very impressive.

Well, I couldn't let her harm
all the good creatures here.

Princess Sofia, because of
your selfless actions,

and the skill you have
demonstrated here today,

we would like to invite you

to join our ranks,

and become a Protector.


A non-magical creature
has never been a Protector.

That is precisely why we are
interested in this brave girl.

We have long searched for a Protector

who could help us
with problems that arise

outside of the Mystic Isles.

So you're saying I could
become a Protector

back home in Enchancia?

Yes. The Protector of the EverRealm.

That is, if you accept.

It would be my honor.

Good. Now return to your kingdom.

When the time is right,
we will begin your training.

ORION: There will be
much for you to do,

and to learn.

I can't wait.

Thank you, Mr. Orion.

Congratulations, my princess.

I suggest we celebrate
with some loop-de-loops.


You're going to be a Protector?

Oh, I'm so happy for you, Sofia.

And for them.
They're lucky to have you.

I'm proud of you.

I know it wasn't easy,
giving up your amulet.

The strange thing is, it was easy.

I don't miss it,

not the way Harumph
would've missed being a Rompkin,

or Skye would've missed his wings.

I know you had it in you, Amber.

Now I know it, too. Thanks, Sofia.


Those are my tears falling,

because I will miss you.

Oh, me, too, Harumph.

I suppose I have to give this back,

since I'm leaving and all.

No, keep the crown.

You will always be my queen-queen.

And my friend.


That's my heart breaking.

For my queen.

Skye, can you lead the way home?

Most assuredly.
But if you do not mind,

I prefer to do it airborne!

This way, my princesses.

AMBER: Can we take the scenic route?

Splendid idea.

We can stop by the Isle of Fairies.

Ooh, ooh, and the Isle of Wishes.

[GASPS] And I must show you
the Isle of Mermaids!