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01x13 - Going Green/Coming Clean

Posted: 04/03/24 18:25
by bunniefuu
[theme music plays]

They can climb great heights
To do what's right

The Spidey Team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

And their teamwork can't be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


Go, webs, go!


It's time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing…

Spidey and his friends

They're your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


Go, webs, go!

-♪ Hoo-hoo!
-♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh!

It's time to Spidey swing
With Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Miles] Going Green!

[inhaling deeply and sighing]

[Spidey grunts]

All right, Black Panther,
Spidey reporting and ready for action.

I've got the shovels.

I have brought many little saplings.

We will plant them all over the park.

Just think, one day,
with enough water and sunshine,

these cute little sprouts
will grow up to be big, strong trees.

It is the glory of nature, my friend.

They will be home to many creatures.

And trees clean the air,
so they're good for people too.

Let us get this planting party started!

Except, where is Spin?

Whew! Here I am! [grunts]

Sorry I'm late.

[laughing] I had to swing kinda slow
to protect my little buddy.

Spidey, Black Panther, meet Herman.

That is a beautiful sapling
you've got there.

Yeah! Where'd you get it?

[laughing] He grew from a pit
from my grandma's cherry tree.

That is wonderful!

Sure you want to plant Herman in the park
instead of your backyard?

Yeah. I can still visit
my grandma's cherry tree.

Once I plant Herman,
kids in the park will have one too.

That is very generous.

-[musical chirping]
-[Black Panther laughing]

The bird agrees!

[whistling bird call]

No way!

You can do that?

You repeated that bird call perfectly!

In Wakanda,
we learn the calls of many animals.

We study nature closely,

as we understand
the importance of protecting it.

[machinery rumbling]

[Spin] Aw, that noise scared it away.

What is that noise?

We'd better have a look.

[cackling wickedly]

Enjoying the park, everyone?

My purple Goblin Gas tailpipes
will change that.



It smells horrible!

That's not nice, Green Goblin!


[coughing] Where'd it go?

I can't see it!



Oh, yes. Run, people!

No one likes the park
when it's full of Goblin Gas!

I'll spoil this park for good!

[evil laugh]

What's everybody running away from?

-[Black Panther] Look!

-Green Goblin!
-[Spin] He's making smoke?

Or some kinda gas.

[coughing] Ugh, that smells bad!

It can't be good for the trees.

The birds don't like it either.

-Look, they're leaving the park!
-[Spin] People too!

[Frisbee player] Bummer! [coughing]

Let's play somewhere else!

We've gotta stop Green Goblin!

Let's go, webs, go!

-[people shouting]

Oh, hey!

Here come the superheroes to spoil my fun.

Yet again.

Ha! They'll have to find me first!



[Black Panther]
These people need our help!

[Spidey] Green Goblin can wait.
We've gotta get everyone to safety.

Sounds good.

Let's split up and make sure we clear
everyone out of here. [grunts]


This way, everyone!

Here you go.
You should be safe from the gas now.

Thanks, Black Panther!

You're welcome!


[grunts, laughing]

I got ya, little guy.

You'll be safe from the gas way up here.


Grandma? Grandpa?

Ugh! I can't see anything!

And the smell is so bad.

Don't worry, we'll get you outta here.

Whew! Thank you, Spidey!

You're welcome!

I wonder where Green Goblin is now.

I can't see anything
with his purple gas filling up the park.

Spin? Black Panther?

Do you see Gobby?

Spin? Black Panther?

[Black Panther] Spidey!

I hear you, but I cannot see you!

[Gobby] All this Goblin Gas
is making me so happy!

Its superior stinkiness will keep everyone
from having fun in the park.

I wouldn't be so sure about that!



-[laughs] Missed!

You'll have to do better than that.


There you are, Black Panther!
Have you found Green Goblin yet?

I almost had him, but the gas,
it's so hard to track him in it.

I know, right?
And I still haven't found Spin.

It's hard to see when Gobby's
blasting that stuff all over the place.

[Spidey senses ringing] Whoa!


It is time to stop ruining the park!

But why ever would I stop?

When I'm having so much fun?

Ah! [grunts]


-[glider engine roaring]

Nice try, Black Panther!
You almost had him.

Yes, but he still got away
and released more of his awful gas.

And look!

[Spidey] The saplings!
They're starting to wilt!

They don't like Green Goblin's gas
any more than people do.

Oh, no. Herman too!

How about a little water?

Drink up, Herman,
and then Spidey and I will figure out

how to get rid of all this terrible gas.

With any luck,
Spin is about to stop Green Goblin.

But I'm sure he could use some help.
Let's go.


-[pigeons cooing]
-Fly away, little pigeons!

Hop away, little frog!


Leave the park like everyone else has.


Huh? [yelping]

[groaning] Aw.

I thought you superheroes gave up!

[chuckles] You won't lose us that easily!



-[Spidey] Yeah! We never give up!
-You should know that by now!

[gasps] Ooh!

The g*ng's all here!

I guess this is the part
where I'm in big, big trouble.

Blah, blah, blah!

It is over, Green Goblin.

I don't think so.

Can't catch me if you can't see me.

-[Black Panther] Hold on to your webs!

-[rope straining]

[grunts] Huh!

-I believe I have got him!

A statue?

I do not have him at all!

-[Spin panting] He got away?
-[Spidey] Again?

[grunts] There is simply too much gas
to find him!

That's exactly the problem!

If only we could see him,
but he could not see us!

Hey, wait!

I can make it so he can't see me!

That's right! You can turn invisible!

That's how we'll beat him!

We just need to find a way
to get close to him.

I'll web him up
before he even knows I'm there!

But how will you get close to him
if you cannot find him?

It is so hard to see!

[distant cackling]

We can't see him,
but we sure can hear him.

So what if we get him
to come back over here?

You know, maybe shout something
that would annoy him?

I know just the thing.

Oh, I love it!

I've spoiled the park for the people,
for Team Spidey, for the squirrels,

[Peter] Coming Clean.

There it is! My very own volcano.

Soon a big, huge eruption
is gonna blast right out the top of it.

Pretty neat, huh?

Really neat. How's it work?

I put a little water t*nk inside.

All I have to do is flip a switch.

The water heats up, turns into steam,
and… kablam.


What's that thing you're working on?

I call it the Litter Eater-Upper.

This little blob will eat up anything
that gets left on the ground.


kinda like a blobby little vacuum cleaner?

Uh, sort of.

I'm just not sure if it'll work yet.

Wanna take a break
to see if my volcano works?

Let's try it.

But we should probably go outside.

All right, Peter.

I filled up the t*nk,
and it's all ready to go.

Just gotta flick the switch.

-Three, two, one…

[Miles] Eruption!


That was so cool.

Ah! There you two are.

I wanted to show you
something neat I just found.

It was in the shed
with a bunch of my old things.

It's my music box
from when I was a little girl.

I thought I'd lost it.

Wow. That's really pretty.

Just wait till you hear
the music it makes.

Oh, fiddlesticks.

It's missing the little windup key.

My mom's got a whole box of old keys.

Maybe one of those would work.

Aw. Thanks, Miles.

That's a very sweet offer,

but a music box needs
a special kind of key.

And I know a store downtown that has 'em.

Have fun, boys. I'll be back in a jiff.

Thanks, Aunt May.

-See you later.


Now, where did I put my keys?

So, wanna set off the volcano again?

[chuckles] Sure.

[wind howling]

There go all those papers from the shed.

[Miles] What a mess.

Yeah. We better clean it up.

Hey, wait a minute. This is litter, right?

Why not clean it up
with your Litter Eater-Upper?

Oh. Well…

I haven't really finished
working on it yet.

I don't know if I can control it.

I don't even know if it'll eat
the right things.

This is one way to find out.

[Peter] Three, two, one.

What happens now?

It's supposed to detect litter,
but I'm not sure if it'll work.

-[Miles] Whoa. It moved.

It's detected the litter.
Let's see if it eats it.

[Peter gasps] Look at that. It ate it.


Your little blob works.

I guess it does.

Hey, look.
It found another piece of litter.

Yeah. It's working better than I thought.

-Uh… Is-- Is it getting bigger?
-It's supposed to.

That's how it fits
all the stuff it eats up inside of it.

Uh, is it eating that ball?

It's not supposed to do that.

Hey. Don't eat that.


It ate the whole thing.

Well, that wasn't litter.

I guess the blob's not
ready to use after all.

No, it's not.

I've gotta scoop it back into a container
before it eats more stuff.

[grunts, strains]


No way! That thing just ate your rake.

[sighs] I really should've run more tests
before I tried it out.

[grunts, gasps]

Now it's eating the handle too!



Uh, where is it going?

I think it's searching out
more things to eat.

By climbing up the wall
and going onto the roof?

What's it gonna do up there?

I don't know. I made it so it would
search for litter and eat it.

But it can't tell what's litter
and what's not.

Unfortunately, no.

We better use our superpowers to stop it.

It's Spidey Time.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

-Where'd it go?
-[gasps] There.

-[Spin] The chimney?
-Oh, no, it's going inside the house.

We'd better get down there
before it eats anything else.

It's not in the fireplace.

So where is it?

[cat meowing]

-[meowing continues]
-Bootsie. Look out!


[Spidey] Sorry, girl.

You've got to be careful
around this thing.

It doesn't know what it's doing.
You'll be safe up here.

[meowing, purring]

So it ate the cat food and the bowl?

My little invention is a big problem.
We've got to stop it.

And it just went in the kitchen.

Huh. Where is it now?

Uh, Spidey,
it's climbing on the ceiling behind us.

Now we can stop it. Go, webs, go!

[both straining]

It eats webs too?

-Don't let go.

I guess I made it
too good at eating stuff.

This experiment did not go
the way I expected it to.

[both grunt]

Not Aunt May's music box!

I'd feel horrible if it got this.

[gasps] What about that stuff?

[Peter groans] I like that yo-yo!

But Aunt May's music box
can't be replaced.

We better move before the blob eats it.


We've gotta get this music box
someplace safe.

Oh, no! Looks like it's picking up speed!

I did not expect it to move this fast,
and now it won't stop chasing me.



Oh, no! My books!

-And Bootsie's cat bed.

-[Spidey] Sorry, Bootsie.

Uh, we'll get you a nice new cat bed.


We've gotta get the blob outta here
before it eats everything in the house.

[groans, grunts]

[gasps] I think I got an idea.

[Spidey grunts]


It'll eat whatever's in front of it,

I can make a trail of kitty kibble
out the door,

and the blob should follow it.

Great. I'll open the door.

Hey, Blobby. Come and get it.

All right. Now there's a big pile
of kibble for it outside.

That'll get it out of here.

Looks like it's too big to fit through.

Maybe we can push it out.

I don't think it's safe to touch.

Hmm. What if I use my arachno-sting power?

Would that, like, turn it off?

Huh. Let's find out.


Interesting. I think it worked.

It's not doing anything.

Great. Let's push it out of here.

-Here we… go!
-[Miles grunts]

[both straining] Whoa.

[sighs] Okay.

Now I'll just have to get it
back to WEB-Quarters,

and either fix it or dissolve it back
into the chemicals I made it from.

-[Spin] Or maybe not.

Looks like my sting only works
for a little while.

There's got to be a way
to stop it for good.

Now it's headed for the street.

[music playing on radio]



It can't actually eat a car, can it?

We won't let it. Can you sting it again?

On it.

-[power crackling]

Okay. While it can't eat anything,
let's pull it to the backyard.

[both straining]

[Spin] Nothing to worry about, ma'am.

We've got this all under control.

[straining continues]

[Spin sighs] This thing's heavy.

[both panting]

[Spidey groans] It's moving again.
We've gotta stop it once and for all.

Yeah, or it'll just keep eating
everything in its path.

Oh, no. Not my volcano!

[groans] Sorry, buddy.

Looks like the blob's got it now.

But wait. Maybe this is a good thing.

We can make it erupt.

All that steam blasting out
from the volcano--

[gasps] It might blow the blob up
like a balloon till it pops.

Hmm. It sure is worth a try.

[Spin] Three, two, one.

Better cover our ears.


[both laughing] Yes!

[both] Uh-oh.




[grunts, laughs] We got it all.

[laughing] Almost.

[gasps] Aunt May.

Miles? Peter?
How was everything while I was gone?

Um-- We mostly kept busy
with my little invention here.

It sure was interesting. [chuckles]

Well, boys, I was right.

They did have a music box key
at that store.

Now, let's see if it works.


It sounds just the way I remember it.

It sounds great, Aunt May.

Now, that's one invention
that works the way it's supposed to.

[both laughing]

[chiming continues]