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01x14 - Web Beard's Treasure/Washed Away

Posted: 04/03/24 18:26
by bunniefuu
[theme music plays]

They can climb great heights
To do what’s right ♪

The Spidey team is on the scene

Swinging, spinning, crawling the walls

The Spidey crew do it all

They’re your friendly
Neighborhood spiders ♪

And their teamwork can’t be tighter

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


Go, webs, go!



It’s time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing…

Spidey and his friends

They’re your friendly
Neighborhood spiders

-♪ Whoa-oh!
-♪ Hoo-hoo!


Go, webs, go!



It’s time to Spidey swing

With Spidey and his amazing…

Spidey and his amazing…

Spidey and his amazing friends!

[Peter] Web Beard's Treasure!

That was nice of your Aunt May
to drop us off.

Yeah. This is gonna be so cool!

An actual pirate exhibit at our museum!

Come on!

Uh, Miles?

[in pirate voice] Be ye sure
it's down that hallway?

[in pirate voice] Arr!
We'll figure it out as we go.

-Follow me, swabbies. Pirates await.

Hang on.

There's a map of the museum right here.

We're in the lobby
right where this dot is,

and that hallway behind us
leads to the Medieval room.

We want to go the other way
to the pirate room.

So the hallway we want
is that one over there.

[laughs] Gotcha.

Good thing you found that map, Gwen,

because now we'll get
to the pirates even faster.

[in pirate voice] Arr! Ahoy, mateys!

Ha ha! Let's go!

[Peter] Whoa-ho-ho!

Look at all this stuff!

[Gwen] It's so pirate-y!

Ships, cannon balls…


[laughs] And this guy!

Web Beard the Pirate!

He looks so adventurous!

I wonder if he'd talk like, "Argh!"

-Yeah, and did he have a parrot?
-Or treasure?

Oh, he had treasure all right.

Mr. Von Carnegie!

Hello, Miles, Gwen, Peter.

I see you've discovered
our section on Web Beard,

the most famous pirate
who ever sailed the seas.

Why did they call him "Web Beard"?

He liked to catch his enemies
in web-like traps,

like this one here.

He was a very clever pirate.

They say he had more treasure
than any other pirate.

Whoa! Check this out!

His hat had a golden spider
with jewels for eyes,

and he had a golden sword.

Wow. Was that all his?


And he had many more chests
full of treasure just like it.

Where are they?

He hid treasure chests all over the world.

They say he even buried one
here in our city.

Is it here? Can we see it?

I have got to see it!

Yeah, me too!

Me three!

I would love to have Web Beard's treasure
on display here at the museum,

but unfortunately,
it has never been found.

Aw, man!

I bet people would come from all over
to see that!

I know, right?

Wouldn't that be fantastic?

Just imagine,
that whole big chest full of gold,

and diamonds,
and pearls is still out there!

But no map to its location
has ever been found.

No map has been found yet,

because no one as smart as I
ever figured out

that the map must be hidden
inside the statue.

-[evil laughter]
-[alarms blaring]

[together] Doc Ock!

[grunting, cackling]

Oh no! I'd better get security!

We don't want Doc Ock to escape
with that stolen bust of Web Beard!

Security! Uh, security?

What does Doc Ock want with that statue?

I don't know, but we're gonna find out.

Go, webs, go!

Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Peter, Gwen, Miles!
Webs up, amazing friends!

They'll use
Their best detective skills

Combine their science smarts

And they'll put their heads together
'Cause they're brave and clever

It's time to Spidey save the day


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man


Spider-Man, Spider-Man
Spider-Man, Spider-Man

Webs out!

-[crowd screaming]
-Now that treasure will be all mine!

I'll be so incredibly rich!

Stop right there, Doc Ock!

-I got ya, Web Beard.



-[cork pops]

Ooh, I was right!

The map was inside the statue.

[Spidey] That's enough, Doc Ock!
Whatever you're up to ends now!

[scoffs] Team Spidey?

[groans] Oh, why are you always
getting in the way of my plans?

Because your plans
are always bad plans, Doc Ock.

That statue is property of the museum!

Fine, keep it, but you won't get me.



Ah, she's gone!

But why did she want that statue?

Maybe she thought
it was part of the treasure?

Huh. A-ha!

Or maybe she was after this!

It fell out of the statue
when I caught it!

That looks like…

A map!

[Spin gasps]
A map to Web Beard's treasure!

That's what Doc Ock was after.

That treasure belongs to the museum!
Not with Doc Ock!

We've got to go find it!

But this isn't a regular map.

It's got clues next to each picture
to guide you.

Like it says next to this picture
of the rock,

"Enter the rock shaped like my hat."


Web Beard's hat is kinda
shaped like a triangle.

So… enter a rock shaped like a triangle?


[giggling] Now I can just watch
as they solve all the clues for me.

Hey! I know where there's a rock
shaped like a triangle.

It's right near where my mom and I go
to have picnics in the park.

Awesome! Then let's go check it out!

Time to Spidey Swing!

Arr! [chuckles]

And time for me to follow them.

Team Spidey will lead me
right to the treasure.

[laughing] Yes!

There it is!

Hey, that really does look
just like Web Beard's hat.

Okay, now what?

We're at the triangle-shaped rock,
but how do we get to the next clue?

What was it, a cave?

Yes, but before we go any further,
we should be careful.

It says here, "Watch out as you enter,
or you might fall."


It's just grass.

Ha! Where am I gonna--

-[together] Spin!

I guess I, uh, fell? [chuckles]

-[Ghosty] Just like Web Beard's clue said.

[Spidey] I guess he set traps

in case anyone found his map
and went after his treasure.

Uh, Spidey?


I'm kinda stuck here.

Hang on! We'll come down and get you out.



We got you, buddy!

All right, Spidey, let's pull on three.

One, two, three!


Phew! Thanks.

I've definitely gotta be more careful
from now on.

Yeah, no more rushing into things.

We need to go slow
and watch out for more traps.

You got it!


Ooh, lookee here.

The spiders are even showing me
where the traps are,

so I can avoid them.

[chuckling] Treasure, here I come!


Hey! [laughing]

These pointy rock things
are great for swinging!

I know, right?

They're called stalactites,
formed over hundreds of years

from water with minerals in it
dripping from the ceiling of the cave.

[Ghosty] Fun fact.

Now, the next clue to the treasure
is a picture of…

the sun?

And it says,
"Look for sunshine, and there you push."

The sun? In a cave?

Well, that's what it says.


Hey, right there!


Sunshine on the cave wall?

I bet this is what Web Beard meant!

Only one way to find out.


[stone grinding]

[Spin gasps] Look! The pirate ship!

[all] Whoa!

[Spin] Cool!

But remember,
Web Beard liked to set traps,

so we've got to slow down and be careful.

You're right. Let's go!

But slowly.

[webs slinging]

Okay, take it slow.

Hmm. No traps over here.

[Ghosty] Check out this bridge
to the ship.

I'll see if it's safe.

Huh. No trap.

Let's swing over just in case.

-Good idea.

Now, keep an eye out for that treasure.


[gasps] There it is!

Look! Right there!


But don't forget,
Web Beard liked to set traps.


[wire strains]

[gasps] Uh-oh!

Another Web Beard trap!



[grunts] Ha!

Whoa! Looks like I found the trap.


And helped me find the treasure!

Oh, thank you so much, spider pests.

Now all these riches are mine!


[stone grinding]

Now what?

Lucky me, there's still a little space
for me to get out of here.

Ta-ta, spideys.

She's getting away!

-We've gotta stop her!
-[Ghosty grunts]

Look, the bridge!

The boards are so old,
they're falling apart.

Doc Ock's gonna break right through them.

And that's a long way down.

-Come on, team!
-You're right.

We can't let her fall through.

[Spidey] Go, webs, go!

It's over, spiders.

The jewels, the gold, it's all mine!


Hey, where'd they go?

[gasps] Whoa!

But, I was almost out.

How did this happen to me?

Next time, you should slow down
and be more careful, Doc Ock.

-Now, we'll just take that.
-[Doc Ock groans]

This treasure is going to the museum,
where it belongs.


All I wanted was that treasure!
[sobs echoing]

You found one of Web Beard's
hidden treasure chests!

Just incredible!

Thank you, Team Spidey.

You're welcome, Mr. Von Carnegie.
We're glad we could help.

And now everyone can come to the museum
and see it!

They'd better not just rush through.

Sometimes you've gotta slow down
to really do things right.

-[in pirate voice] Aye-aye, mateys?

-[all laughing]

[Ms. Marvel] Washed Away!

[Peter] Mm-hmm. Uh-huh.

Huh. One more little twist.

And there we go, TRACE-E. All done!

[excited chirping]


Hey, hey, Peter! Hey, TRACE-E!

-Hi, Ms. Marvel!
-[TRACE-E chirps]

I just dropped by
to return this technical manual.

I'm all done making adjustments
on my Embiggen Bike.

Check it out.

Pretty cool, huh?

Wow! Those new features look great!

I've made a couple of adjustments
on TRACE-E here too.

Oh, yeah? Like what?

I gave her her own video camera.

TRACE-E, can you turn it on
and show us what you see?


Now, check this out.

-Hey, hey! There we are!

Pretty neat, right?
And wait till you see this.

-Can you go check what's in the fridge?



That's right, the fridge is locked.

Now you can try out
your other new ability.


Ooh, what's her other ability?

She can use her camera as a scanner
to tell her the right buttons to push,

and then it opens!


-Now she can scan the keypad of any lock.

It shows her the code.

She presses the buttons…

-And it opens!
-[party horns toot]


Way to go, TRACE-E!

Wow, that scanner is amazing!

And you keep balloons in your fridge?

It's just a little reward
for her first lock-opening success.

Now with her new abilities,
TRACE-E can help us out more.

-Right, TRACE-E?

[alert blares]

[WEB-STER] Webs up! Spidey Alert.
There's trouble in the park.

-Thanks, WEB-STER.
-We'd better check it out!

Yup. It's time to swing!

-You coming, TRACE-E?
-[excited chirping]


-We're stuck!

Stay right there, kids! It will be okay.
Help is on the way.

-What a mess.

Who let all this water out?

Who knew a little water
could cause so much trouble?

And be so much fun!


-[Spidey laughs] Yeah!

Hey there. We're here to help.

-[child 1] Spidey! Ms. Marvel!
-[child 2] Help us!

Oh, thank goodness you are here.

My children were playing,
and then out of nowhere,

water started filling the playground.

Looks like a broken fire hydrant.

Actually, broken fire hydrants.

Don't worry, ma'am. I'll save your kids.

And I'll fix these hydrants
before the flood gets worse.


-I've got ya!
-[children cheering] Yeah!

H'yah! [grunts]

Oh, thank you, Ms. Marvel.

-Wow, did you see that, Mom?
-Can we have another ride?

Thanks again!

There! That ought to hold them
until they can be properly repaired.

It's pretty strange, isn't it?

Why would three fire hydrants break
and flood the park at the same time?

I don't know.
I've never seen anything like it.

And how do we get rid of all this water?

There should be a drain somewhere.


Great idea, TRACE-E.

You can use your camera
to look under the water.


[quick chirps]

-You found the drain!

-[excited chirping]
-Oh, I see it too!

It's way down at the bottom
of the flooded area.

I wonder if it's plugged or something.

If there's some way we could reach it,

maybe we could get the water
draining again.

-Maybe I can--

TRACE-E! Hey, wait!

We don't have a plan yet!

[triumphant chirping]

[chirps] Uh-oh.

[chirping in distress]

It's working! The water is going down!

[Spidey] She must have fixed the drain!

Wow, TRACE-E, that was amazing!

I can't believe you just
dove right in there and--


Oh, no, the cover is loose.

She must have gotten sucked
right down the drain!

We have to go in after her!

But there's no way
we can go down a drain that small.

There's got to be more pipes in the park
that lead to wherever TRACE-E is.


Another sewer lid that looks like
it's covering a bigger pipe!

Ms. Marvel, this way!


We're comin' for ya, TRACE-E!




-[distant chirping]
-It's her!

Sounds like she's up ahead!

[distant chirping]

-[chirping in distress]
-[Spidey] There she is!


Hold on, TRACE-E, we're coming!



I got ya. H'yah!

[chirps in relief]

-Yeah, I'm happy to see you too.

Whew! Now that TRACE-E's safe,
we should go back to the park

to figure out what's going on
with those fire hydrants.

[cackling echoes]

Is it just me,
or did that sound a lot like, uh,

evil cackling?

[cackling echoes]

That was evil cackling, all right.
Green Goblin cackling.

I'd know it anywhere.

-I wonder what he's doing down here?
-We'd better find out.

[cackling echoing]

Oh, time to make some more mischief.

Sounds like he's up ahead.

But look, there's no more ledge to walk on
until we get across all this water.

That's pretty far.

I'm not sure I can Embiggen myself enough
to reach the other side.

Maybe I can thwip across
on those pipes first and help you.




-No, Spidey!




Nice web skills, Spidey!
That was a close one.

Okay, see if you can balance on the pipe,
and I'll help you across.

Be careful, though.


Huh. [grunts]

-[body stretching]

[straining] Can't quite... reach!

Starting to slip!

Try to stay still
so I can sh**t you a web!

Oh! [screaming]

[Spidey] I've got you!



[chuckles] Thanks, Spidey.

Anytime for my amazing friend.

[distant cackling]

Now to find out where Gobby is.


[Gobby] Oh, hilarious!

[cackling] Ah! You green genius, you.

He's right behind this door.

[both straining]

It's locked!

A-ha! TRACE-E!


I have a job for you.
Can you climb in through that window?

Find Gobby, and use your new video camera
to show us what he's up to.



[chirping happily]



Yes! There he is!

Move in closer so we can get
a better look at what he's up to,

but be careful he doesn't see you.


Oh, the best thing
about wrecking the city's fire hydrants

is that no one knows it's me doing it.


Green Goblin is making
fire hydrants sh**t off all over the city.

So that explains the flood at the park.

He was trying to spoil that family's fun.

And they'll never suspect I'm doing it all
from this secret underground lair,

so they can't stop me from opening
every last fire hydrant in the city!


We've gotta get in there and stop him
before he floods the whole city!

TRACE-E, can you unlock the door?



-Good job, TRACE-E.

-Uh, wha--
-It's over, Gobby!

No more fiendish flooding fun for you!

Spidey and Ms. Marvel?

Wha-- How'd you find me?

Let's just say
we had a little help from our friend.


Well, you might have found me.


But you'll never catch me! [laughs]

Time to disappear. [laughs]

[distant cackling]

It's not really disappearing
when we know where he went.

That Gobby doesn't exactly
think things through, does he?


[grunts, giggles]

They'll never find me in these tunnels.

You won't get away from us, Green Goblin!

Huh? You fools!

You can't catch me!
I planned this out ahead.

I'm the smart one, not you!

Whoop! Whoa! Ah!

[distant screaming] Help!

Come on! We can't just let him float away!


Oh! Oh, help! Help!

-Gotcha, Gobby!

What a world, what a world!

[grunts] Ah!

Spidey? Ms. Marvel?

Oh, thank goodness.


You saved me?

[struggling] You actually really saved me!

Of course we saved you.

We're the heroes, remember?

We help everyone in trouble,

but we also put a stop
to people ruining the park for others.

And that means you, Gobby.

And maybe if you don't wanna end up
going over a waterfall in the sewer,

you shouldn't be in the sewer
causing trouble to start with.


[warbling giggle]

[grumbling] Oh…

Not only do I get rescued by my enemies,
but they're teaching me a lesson!

[sighs] This isn't fun at all.

[Ms. Marvel sighs]

-Now, this is more like it.

After a day in those wet tunnels,
there's nothing like a picnic in the park.

Thanks for the help, TRACE-E.

Without you,
we never would have found Gobby.

Or cracked the door code,
and gotten into his hiding place.


You really saved the day, TRACE-E!

I'd say you're the best little helper bot
a superhero could ask for.
