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02x11 - Forgive Me Not/These Shoes Are Made for Walking

Posted: 04/03/24 20:58
by bunniefuu
pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j, pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

oodle-ay !

Do you see her ?
Do you see her ?

Mama, when is aunt nanner
gonna get here ?

Soon, I hope.
But I'm afraid you kids
need to go to bed.

[ Pb&j ]
aw !

One more minute, please ?

Now, kids, you'll get
to see aunt nanner first thing
in the morning. How's that ?

[ horn honks ]
[ pb&j ] huh ?
Nanner !

[ All ]
oh !

Hi, y'all !
[ Laughs ]

Whoo-hoo !
[ Laughing continues ]

[ Pb&j ]
aunt nanner ! Yeah !

Ah-ha ! Thanks, guy !

Hello, my sweet
little angel otters !
I've got a surprise for you.

Oh, boy !
Salmon bubble gum !

That's my favorite !
[ Both ]
thank you !

Anna, you're here
only a minute and you're
already spoiling the kids.

Well, they don't see
their aunt nanner every day now,
do they ?

- Aunt nanner,
your glasses are beautiful.
- You like them ?

Like them ?
I love them !

[ Pops ]
[ screams ]

[ All laughing ]

All right, pb&j,
now it's really time
to get ready for bed.

Aw, daddy,
aunt nanner just got here !

Can't we just stay up
a little bit longer ?

Now, you listen up, buckaroos.

You mosey on into the bunkhouse
and get yourself some shut-eye.

I need you to be well rested
for the sea horse rodeo
tomorrow night !

Whoo-hoo ! All right !
Yeah ! The rodeo !

Anna, you're too much.

Ride 'em, cowbaby !

Horsey !
[ Whinnies ]

[ Giggling ]

What y'all doing ?
We're playing rodeo.

Yeah. Our aunt nanner's gonna
take us to the sea horse
rodeo tonight.

Wow !
Can I play rodeo too ?

- Sure.
- Great ! Give me your cape !

Oh, but this
is my rodeo cape.

- Just for a sec ?
- [ Sighs ]

[ Gasps ]

Look at me !
I'm the queen of the rodeo !

♪ La-la-la-la-la-la ♪

- ♪ La ♪
- pinch, careful !

[ Rips ]
[ gasps ]

- My cape !
- Oh, no !

Jelly, I'm so sorry !

i'll make it up to you.
i promise !

- You mean you'll get me
a new one ?
- Well, I don't have a cape,

And I don't have any money.

But I'll do anything, jelly !
Anything !

It was just an accident.

Right, jelly ?

Oh, I've got to figure out
a way to make this up to her.

I've got it !

just a sec !

Ta-da !

I made your bed,
and I folded all your clothes
and put them away neatly. See ?

Oh, my.
You didn't have to do that.

So, do you forgive me ?

[ sniffles ]

[ sniffling continues ]

[ Squeaking ]

You don't have
to do the dishes, jelly.

Yes, I do.
It's my turn today.

Pinch already did 'em
for you.

♪ [ Humming ]

- Thanks.
- Now do you forgive me ?

I for--

I for--
I can't believe you ripped it !

That was
my special cape !

Don't worry, pinch.
She'll get over it, I hope.

[ Sighs ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Yells ]

[ Gasps ]
oh, no !
Aunt nanner's glasses !

Jelly, what's wrong ?

Oh, peanut,
I broke aunt nanner's
new sunglasses.

How'd you do that ?

Well, I saw them
on the coffee table,

And I was trying them on
a little bit...

And I dropped 'em.

Poor aunt nanner !

These glasses
were so special.

- What am I gonna do ?
- Maybe we could fix 'em ?

Peanut otter,
you're the greatest
older brother I've ever had !

I'm the only older brother
you've ever had.

[ Chuckles ]
come on.

[ Butter ]
whee !

Howdy, kids.
Soon it's gonna be time
for the rodeo !

W-we can't wait.

We're gonna go
down to the basement
and do somethin', okay ?

Okay. You don't need
to ask permission for that.

Okay. Now how do we fix
the glasses ?

- I don't know.
- You don't know ?

Don't panic. Here.
Chew some of aunt nanner's gum.

That always calms you down.
Now, let's see.

We need something sticky.

Maybe there's something
down here we can use.

Paint ?
No. That won't work.
Glue ? Nope.

All used up.

[ Pops ]
oh !

- Gum !
- I just chewed the whole pack.

Sorry. I guess
I'm more nervous than I thought.

No, jelly.
We can use the gum
to fix the glasses.

Peanut, you're a genius !

I'll just put some gum
in these holes.

Then we can stick the jewels
back in, good as new. See ?

Watch out, jelly !
You're getting gum
all over everything.

- Oh, no !
- [ peanut ]
they look worse than ever.

I think we'd better do
a noodle dance and fast.

I'll use my noodle,
but I'm not dancing.

♪ noodle, use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle, do the noodle dance ♪

- I've got it !
- Wait. Let me guess.

- A time machine.
- Nope.

- A helicopter ?
- Nope.

- Giant magnet ?
- And no.

[ Sighs ]

I have to go and tell
aunt nanner the truth.

What kind of plan
is that ?

It's the only thing to do.

Mmm, she'll never forgive me.

Uh, aunt nanner,
I'm really sorry.
Please don't be mad at me.

Mad at you ?
What on earth could ever
make me get mad at you, honey ?

I didn't mean to,
but I broke your glasses.

Jelly, you shouldn't have taken
aunt nanner's glasses
without asking her.

I know.
I'm sorry.

Honey, don't you worry.
I can get them fixed.

And I know you didn't do it
on purpose. I forgive you.

You do ?
Of course !

But they were so expensive.

Expensive ? Sweetie, they only
cost me six bucks, tops.

- Really ?
- Really.

And listen,
even if they had been expensive,

You didn't mean
to break them, right ?

You're more important to me
than any old pair of glasses.

♪ oom-ba-pa ♪
♪ if by mistake
we hurt someone ♪

♪ We know just what to do ♪

♪ We quickly say we're sorry
"forgive me, please
won't you" ♪

♪ If the person we've just hurt
can look beyond the pain ♪

♪ And say to us that it's okay
we'll all feel good again ♪

♪ oom-ba-pa ♪
♪ oom-ba-pa ♪

♪ Oom-ba-pa, oom-ba-pa ♪

♪ It works both ways
if you say, "I'm sorry" ♪

♪ It works both ways
if I reply, "don't worry" ♪

♪ When it works both ways
we've both got no regrets ♪

♪ Yes, it works both ways when
all forgive and all forget ♪

- ♪ It's hard to say
"I'm sorry" ♪
- ♪ it's not easy to forgive ♪

♪ But folks who know
how to let it go ♪

[ All ]
♪ know just how to live ♪

♪ It works both ways ♪

♪ If I say, "I'm sorry" ♪

♪ It works both ways ♪

♪ If I reply, "don't worry" ♪

♪ when it works both ways
we've both got no regrets ♪

♪ Yes, it works both ways ♪

♪ When all forgive
and all forget ♪

Oh, my ! Pinch !

Where are you going, jelly ?

I gotta talk to pinch.

I finished rearranging
your sock drawer.

[ Yawns ]
I'll be back tomorrow
to do more stuff for you.

Pinch, you didn't mean
to tear my cape.

I'm sorry I made you feel
so bad about it.

And I'm sorry I let you
do all this work.

But your cape !
Pinch, you're more important
than some old cape.

You mean you forgive me ?

I forgive you... Infinity.

Whee !

Yeah !
[ Laughing ]

[ Giggling ]

You kids better get ready.
It's almost time to go
to the sea horse rodeo !

You mean you're still taking us
after what I did ?

Did ? What ?
I don't remember you
doing anything, do you ?

Aunt nanner,
you're the best.

And, pinch, why don't you
come along with us ?

The more the merrier,
I always say.
Oh, how wonderful !

Come on, buckaroos !
Hitch up your horsies !

We're goin'
to the rodeo !

Yee-ha !
[ Giggling ]
[ peanut ] ride 'em, cowgirl !

[ Jelly ]
come on, pinch !

[ Butter ]
yee-ha, jelly !

mark !
[ blowing ]

Set !

[ pops ]
[ giggling ]
I'm gonna win ! I'm gonna win !

- Not if I win first !
- Not if I don't fall down !

Uh-oh. Ooh.

Yea ! I win again !

You sure are fast.
What's your secret ?

My lucky,
trusty, speedy shoes.

I love these guys.

♪ You know, I can't lose
when I'm in my shoes ♪

♪ Jump so high
I can touch the sky ♪

♪ Spinnin' 'round
I can leave the ground ♪

♪ In my old shoes ♪

♪ Talk about cruise
when I'm in my shoes ♪

♪ Climbing trees
like a chimpanzee ♪

♪ Bouncing off walls
like a rubber ball ♪

♪ In my old shoes ♪

♪ Put 'em on left and right
lace 'em up real tight ♪

♪ Feel the t-t-t-t-tingle
in my toes ♪

♪ Love to take a spin
wearing two best friends ♪

♪ My feet so sweet
now here we go ♪

♪ Go, go, go ♪

♪ you know, I make news
when I'm in my shoes ♪

♪ I can do a jig
like a whirligig ♪

♪ Perfect fits
they're my favorites ♪

♪ They're my old shoes ♪

♪ Put 'em on left and right
lace 'em up real tight ♪

♪ Feel the t-t-t-t-tingle
in my toes ♪

♪ Love to take a spin
wearin' two best friends ♪

♪ My feet so sweet
now here we go ♪

♪ go, go, go ♪

Whoa !

Huh ? Wha--

Wow !
Those are so cool !

Aren't they
unbelievably awesome ?

They're the latest.
Everybody who's anybody
is wearing 'em.

Really ?

I don't know, bootsie.
They look kind of hard
to walk in.

Please. If you know
how to carry yourself,
it's a breeze.

The real question is,

How can you all stand to be seen
in those old-fashioned shoes ?

Oh, man ! I've gotta
get a pair of those shoes !

Yeah, they're the coolest !
They're even cooler than that.

Peanut, you just
got through saying
how great your shoes were.

What happened to lucky,
trusty and speedy ?

Oh, these shoes are okay,
but I'd rather have shiny
and new than old and p.u.

Yup. I'm gonna get a pair of
those cool new airplane shoes.

how will you get the money ?

Mmm. Ah-ha !

Would you like some more
mackerel lasagna, dear ?

I suppose I've got room
for a couple more bites.

Peanut, weren't you gonna
ask mama for something ?

What do you wanna
ask me, honey ?

[ Clears throat ]
uh, mom,

Can I kinda, sorta
get some new shoes ?

New shoes ?
Well, I suppose you are due
for a new pair.

You're growing up so fast.

Hey, I got a shipment
of brand-new shoes at the store
the other day.

- Just like your old ones.
- Oh.

Well, I was thinking I'd try
something new this time--
something cooler.

Hmm. You know, peanut,

I think you may be getting
old enough to pick out
the kind of shoes you like.

As long
as we can afford it.
Yea !

See ? Aren't they cool ?
Whoa !
oh, honey.

Those shoes don't look
very practical.

And you'd have to make them
last all year.

They cost
an arm and a leg...
And a foot.

But everybody's wearing
these shoes.

- I know, but you'd b--
- you said I was old enough
to pick out my own shoes,

And I want these.

They're much more expensive.
What do you think, dear ?

You can take a little bit
out of my allowance each week.

and to prove how grown-up I am,
i'll start doing some
grown-up chores.

How about I take out the garbage
every night from now on ?

Well, okay, if you're sure
they're what you really want.

Thanks, mom.
Boy, wait till everybody sees
how cool I look in these shoes.

Whoa ! Uh !
[ Yells ]

Peanut, are you sure you're
gonna be okay in those shoes ?

Haven't you ever seen
a loop-the-loop before ?

I did that on purpose.
Well, all right.

If you... Say so.
[ Grunts ]

Come on !
I wanna show everybody
my cool new shoes !

Oodle-ay, pb&j.
[ Pb&j ]
oodle-ay !

Hey, mayor jeff. Check out
my cool new shoes. Whoa !

- pretty wild.
- what are you doing,
mayor jeff ?

I'm crushing babbleberries
to make my winter supply
of babbleberry juice.

It sure is taking
a long time.

Look, there's the g*ng.
I wanna go show everybody
my cool new shoes. Whoa !

Hey, look. Peanut got a pair
of those new airplane shoes.
Cool, huh ?

Way cool !
Very cool !

yaah !

[ Yells, grunts ]

sorry, sorry. My fault.

Seems like the poodles
had an easier time walking
in their airplane shoes.

are you sure
you got the same kind ?

They're exactly
the same kind !

Anyway, it always takes time
to break in a new pair of shoes.

I hope that's all you break.

Hurry up, peanut.
We're missing the whole day !

I'm coming. I'm coming.

What's taking so long ?
You've been lacing
those new shoes forever.

Well, they have long laces.

It's cool to have long laces,
you know.

So what do you wanna play ?
I mean, you can play
in those shoes, can't you ?

Sure, I can. Whoa !

Hmm. I guess
we could play monster.

Very funny.

i know !
we can fly my model airplane.

Then I'll have airplanes
on my feet and in my hand.

Whoa ! Whoa !

[ Yelling ]

[ Yelling continues ]

Oh !

[ Slurping ]
whoa, kids !
Slow down.

You don't have to inhale
your food.

Sorry, mom.
But it's almost time
to watch our favorite tv show.

"Captain barnacle's
cartoon barge."
[ Imitates seal ]

Peanut, aren't you
forgetting something ?

Yes, son. Didn't you promise
that you'd take out the garbage
from now on ?

Oh, that's right. No problem.
It'll only take me a minute.

Whoa ! Whoa ! Whoa !

Whoa ! Whoa ! Whoa !

Oh, man.

[ tv announcer ] hey, kids.
it's time for "captain
barnacle's cartoon barge" !

Oh !
[ Muttering ]
are you ready to laugh ?

[ imitating seal ]
[ muttering continues ]

Oh, hey, mayor jeff.
Hi, peanut.

[ jelly, butter laughing ]

Oh, man !

[ jelly ]
good luck, peanut.

You too, jelly.
I think I'm gonna need it
more than you.

Okay. Ready, set, go !

[ Laughing ]

Huh ?

Whoa !

Oh ! That does it !

These shoes have got to go !
Go where ?

Back to dad's store.

Peanut, you can't
take them back now.
They're covered with gooey egg.

You're right, jelly.
So what am I gonna do ?

I can't even walk
in these shoes.

well, maybe we can think
of something else we could
use them for.

I don't know.
Come on.
Let's noodle dance.

you get started without me.
I'll be with you in a sec.

♪ noodle, use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle, do the noodle dance ♪

I've got it !
You can't walk in these shoes.

but if you put airplane engines
on them, you can fly.

I like it, except
airplane engines are big.

I wonder if they'd fit.
Okay. We'll sell them
to some mice.

[ jelly ]
they could make them
into a little house.

Aw, man.
There's gotta be something
these shoes are good for.

No way. They're only good for
crushing and breaking things.
That's it !

- Ah, don't give up now.
- No, "that's it," as in
"I've got an idea !"

I know how
we can use these shoes.
Come on ! Whoa ! Whoa, whoa !

Look at all that
babbleberry juice.

It would have taken me all year
to crush that many babbleberries
by myself.

I'm just glad that
I finally got some good use
out of these shoes.

Well, here's your money
for helping me squish
the berries.

Thank you, peanut.

Here you go, peanut.
One pair of lucky, trusty,
speedy shoes.

♪ You know, I can't lose
when I'm in my shoes ♪

♪ I make news
when I'm in my shoes ♪

♪ Perfect fits
they're my favorites ♪

♪ They're my old shoes ♪

♪ Put 'em on left and right
lace 'em up real tight ♪

♪ Feel the t-t-t-t-tingle
in my toes ♪

♪ Love to take a spin
wearing two best friends ♪

♪ My feet so sweet
now here we go ♪

♪ Go, go, go ♪

Hey, ootsie and bootsie !

Hey, what happened
to your airplane shoes ?

Oh, those ?
Please. Those shoes
are so last week.

Yeah. These shoes
are the latest thing.

Anybody who's anybody
is wearing 'em.
Don't you just love 'em ?

They're nice,
but we like our shoes just fine.

After all, there are other
things just as important
as being cool.

Yeah, like being able
to walk.

[ Both scoff ]
[ laughing ]

[ Laughing continues ]