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02x05 - Secrets and Lies

Posted: 04/04/24 07:03
by bunniefuu
[Kev] Dylan! [echoes]

[Leanna] Dylan! [echoes]

[Kev] Dylan!

Hello! Dylan, where are you?

Oh, bingo.

Why is he lying in the dirt?

[Kev] We've been looking
for you everywhere.

- Are you all right?
- No! Look at me!

Of course I'm not okay!

Something happened, but

I can't remember.



[theme music playing]

[bell ringing]

Happy Monday, everyone.

You're all looking very acute
this morning.

is going to be obtuse.
I hope no one

Let's take our seats.

Very good physics in motion
with the paper airplanes.

[alarm clock ringing]

Susan Chu?


- John Rodriguez?
- Here.

you're going to be late!
[Aasha] Carmie,

Okay. You got this.

Dylan Helsing?


Kev? Just Kev?

Yes. Present.


[students chattering
[in background]

Carmie Henley?

Carmie Henley?


Carmie Henley?




at 3.14159265 equals Y.
So, we end

Wow. Math is, like, so easy.

Should I do another one?

That is, like, so incorrect.

But I like the...

I like the confidence.
Good hustle.

just, uh, try solving this one
Why doesn't everyone

at their desk, huh?

A plus for effort?

I really thought I nailed it.

It happens to the best of us.

Tristan. Carmie,
I'm telling you,

something bad, terrible,
horrible happened

during the scavenger hunt,

and it's all his fault.

Well, what does it matter?
You can't even remember.

that I don't remember.
It doesn't matter

Tristan was behind it.

a "caution, danger" vibe.
He does give

- He totally does.
- Yes.

If you guys relaxed
and got to know him,

you would know that he's kind
and smart and funny.

There's nothing funny
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

covering your cramped legs.
about waking up with vines

I couldn't walk.
I couldn't move.

I thought the great line
of Van Helsing hunters

would come to an end.

And my legs still hurt, okay?

your gait is off.
I have noticed

Since that day, I've been
sleeping with one eye open

and a flashlight
under my pillow.

Don't you always do that?

Yes, but now I have reason.

Okay? Something's not right
with Tristan.

If that's even his real name!

[teacher] Mr. Dylan Helsing,

more important to share than I.
seems you have something

- [Dylan] No, thank you.
- Please, tell us all.

Nothing interesting
happening here.

board and show us your solution?
Why don't you come up to the

- [girl chuckles quietly]
- Okay.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

That's correct.

- I studied Descartes...
- [girl] Wow.

- [girl] Okay.
- in French.

I think, therefore I math.


[student chuckles quietly]

[teacher] They're not as well
versed in Descartes as I.

- [teacher] I studied philosophy
- [boy] Nice one, man.

for quite a few years.

[Leanna] Fan Con isn't just
about the comics.

Like, how much merch do I need?
Decisions have to be made.

what about Carmela figurines?
Do I need posters? And

I'm so confused.

I need your instinctive
decision-making skills.

and most importantly,
Well, firstly

no Carmela figurines.
there will be

Not happening.

Leanna figurines.
You could debut

of outfits and accessories,
They come with a variety

the trademark fee.
and I'll waive

It has nothing to do
with Kev's comic.

I could be in your new one.
You have no vision.

No. I will not discuss
my next comic.

Refer to it as the untitled Kev,
just Kev, project.

a part of my process.
Secrets are

So, you'll be there later,
right? I need you.

Yeah. I got you. Promise.

for the twins' birthday.
I just need to be home

is setting up the decorations.
My gift to them

your Fan Con vibe yet?
Have you figured out


Ugh. You're so lucky
I'm your manager.

I wish I had me as my manager.

You know, your vibe, your way of
life, your essence, your style.

I like my style,

and I've had the same haircut
since third grade.

And my essence is fine.

- Oh. [chuckles]
- [chiming]

Got to hop on Leanna Live,
Those are the fans.

an epic update. Period.
but that haircut needs

Dot. [chuckles]

I've been looking for you.

I've been looking for you, too.
Really? You have?

Actually, wait. No, I haven't.
I don't know why I said that.

Nice to see you.

Hi, Duncan. How are you?

It's Dylan, and, uh, I think
you know how I'm doing.

[suspenseful music playing]

I got a surprise for you.
You free?

A surprise for me? [chuckles]

Yeah. I've been planning it
for a while.

Let's go see it. Um...
Okay. Yeah. Yeah.

- See you.
- Remember

the "caution, danger" thing
we talked about.

I'll... I'll be there!
Um, uh, Kev,

[bell ringing]

what Tristan's hiding.
Let's see

Not on my watch.

I am a Helsing,

hunter by blood.

I can taste danger in the air.

What are you doing?

I'm not doing anything.

Just thinking of redecorating
my locker.

[chuckles] You don't look
like the decorating type.

somewhere to be?
Don't you have

I can report you for suspicious
behaviour, you know.

Oh, not if I report you first.


Oh, yuck!

Forest Patrol Guides stink.

They must not give out
hygiene badges.

What's this?

- You're kidding me.
- No. I'm not.

No one ever has taken me out
for a surprise like this.

my dad does Taco Tuesday.
I mean, like,

when it's not, obviously,
Thinks it's a surprise

because it's, like,
every Tuesday.

It's going to be awesome.

Just tell me what it is.

If I told you, it wouldn't be
a surprise anymore, would it?

I'm good at solving things.
Give me a clue.

my primary skill, but, like,
I mean, it's not, like,

I feel like I could, like...



You okay?

You want to follow me?

Don't they look great?

If kind of scary is great,
then sure.

Do we need 100 of them?

No. No. We need 200.

We have more downstairs.

- [shop bell jingles]
- [Leanna] Hello?

Carmie, what took you so...
[trails off]... long?

Hello! A little help
would be nice!

not your assistant! Whoa!
I am your manager,


you need to fix these floors,
You, shopkeeper man,

promptus, which means pronto
in French.

It's actually Latin.

Kev, it's makeover time.

I am not changing who I am.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Of course not.

Who you are on the inside
is perfect.

It's just, we need to elevate
the person you are

on the outside to match.

- I can see just fine.
- Glasses first?

to see anymore. [scoffs]
Nobody wears glasses

Lasik replaced that idea.

just a fashion accoutrement,
Now, they are

because glam never takes
a day off.

No. That makes your jaw look
too square.

Now, go try on these looks.
Yeah. Okay.

This is an unnecessary,
inessential waste

of my time and talent.

My presence is your present.

Now, go put on those looks!
You're welcome.

[indistinct conversation,
[carnival music playing]

I used to come here as a kid.

- [man] Step right up.
- [clanking]

- You've gotta hit it as hard
- How strong are you?

as you can to make the ball
reach the bell on top.

Looks easy, but it's pretty

- Okay. Let's see what you got.
- Here you go.

Loser buys lollipops.
You're on.

- [man] Ooh, not strong enough.
- [grunts, clanks]

[Carmie] Not bad.
Here. Let me try.

without a stuffy.
I'm not leaving

- [clanks]
- [dings]

[man] Whoa!


- [man] Wow! You win a stuffy!
- [both chuckle]

[Tristan] Come here, girl.

Hey, where's my lollipop?

- Where did you get that?
- Congratulations.

Not the only one here
with powers.

[Carmie chuckles]

♪ Hey ♪


♪ I'm ready for it ♪

♪ These are the best days ♪


I'm ready for it ♪
♪ And I can't wait

♪ Let's get to it ♪

♪ These are the best days ♪


♪ I got a good feeling
and I can't wait ♪


♪ And I can't wait ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I got a good feeling ♪

♪ Ah ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I got a good feeling ♪

♪ Ah ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ I got a good feeling ♪

Yes! Whoo! Whoo!

♪ I'm ready for it ♪


♪ These are the best days ♪

Let's see what you got.
[man] Best of three.

Three rings on the same bottle
wins a prize.

Okay. I'm coming for you,
Mr. Dino.

You can do it.

- Let me help you.
- Ugh!

- Mr. Dino will be yours.
- Here you go.

- [man] We have a winner!
- [Tristan] Yes!

- [man] Here you go.
- Thank you.

Let me win you some more.






- [clanks]
- [grunts]

[clanks, thuds]

[whirs, clanks repeatedly]


[Kev] No! I hate this!

- Get away from me!
- [chimes]

is fashion, and fashion is pain.
Know this truth in life: Pain

This is a catastrophe.

I'm an artist, a writer.

I don't need my picture taken.

Yes, you do, and you need
leaflets for the Fan Con.

As your brand strategist,
I can tell you one thing:

Those are the key
to your success!

that actually matters is my art.
The only thing

Also, where is Carmie?

She promised she'd help me
organize the merch.

Somewhere out there,
Listen to me!

will be inspired by your book!
there is a kid whose life

the book won't reach them.
And without publicity,

Don't you wanna change
a kid's life?

What kind of monster are you?


Hands on hips.

- [chuckles] This is amazing.
- [camera snaps]

- This is terrible.
- [camera snaps]

like you want to be here.
[Leanna] Smile

[Kev sighs]

- [camera snaps]
- Hmm.

Okay. This is where I come
to hang out sometimes,

just to see the world
a little clearer.

It's the perfect spot for me
to give you your surprise.

games, stuffed animals,
What, the lollipops,

those weren't the surprise?

They were, but I have something


Wow. I

I'm... I'm speechless.

I mean, I'm still talking, but...

Uh, thanks.

I had an amazing time
with you.

Nice smile.

[both chuckle]

with being different?
How do you deal

I mean, everybody just belongs,

and we're outsiders, watching.

I know.

[chuckles] Used to bother me,
too, but not anymore.


Who wants to be human?
They're weak.

We're the outsiders.

That's why humans will always
be afraid of us.

I think ultimately,
it will come down

to Mythics versus humans.

But my human family,
they love me.

Do they truly know
what you are?

My parents don't know.

They would freak.

The twins know.

some sort of movie superhero.
They just think I'm

The day is going to come
when every Blended

will have to choose a side.

Those who choose Mythic will
rise up against the humans.

Those who choose humans
will forget the power

they once had and be defeated
by the Mythics.

But that is for another time.

Today is all for you.

[chuckles] Oh.


Wow. This is the best day
of my life.

[both chuckle]

the worst day of my life!
This is

- No! No scissors!
- [snipping]

I know what I'm doing!
I've cut hair before.

I haven't cut human hair,
Well, to be fair,

on my Shih Tzu, Kylie K.
but I have practised

She thinks I'm great.

My haircut is a classic,

tried and tested,
true to its form.

It defines my personality.

on Leanna Live, and all 300
Well, I took a poll

of my LeannaLifers agree you
need a new look.

Let's add a pop of colour.

Put. That. Down.

Orange is nobody's colour.

Is it really that bad?

No, it's not bad.

It's just not anything.
That's the problem.

What's one hairstyle you've
always wanted to try

but you were never
brave enough to?

Bold. [laughs]


It's so beautiful.

for this time of year.
A little warm

Yeah, but what can you do
about it?

- Can you stop thunder?
- Anything you wish.

- Yeah.
- Rain?

- What about a hurricane?
- Come on. Of course.

I'm not the Shapeshifter.
Let's not carried away.

Shapeshifter. Do you know her?

the stuff of legend.
No, but she's

A real leader to the Mythics.




Um, my friend who always finds
weird things...

- Dylan?
- Yeah.

He found some sort of paper
that has a prophecy.


that I'll choose full Mythic
It says

and lead a w*r against humans.

I was just a normal kid,
A year ago,

I don't know what I am.
and now,

It's weird. [chuckles]

Dylan, he's just a human.

What do they know?

to Fan Con with me.
You should come

All the Blendeds go. You'll see
what you're a part of.

That... that's awesome.
You're going?

I'll be there.

I'm gonna help Kev launch
his next comic book.

Sounds like just another human
taking advantage of our kind.

No, that's... that's not true.

This is his passion,

and he's worked really hard
on these comic books.

Yes, but his current comic
and newfound fame

wouldn't exist without you.

that people are loving.
It's your story

He denies it,

and he's not even telling
the best part.

♪ Blackbird blackbird
please fly away ♪


flying overhead ♪
♪ You've been

darkening my day ♪
♪ You've been

♪ And now you got ♪

[phone chimes]

♪ Your shiny gold ring ♪

We're going to be so late.
Oh. Oh, no.

We have to go.

- Yeah. You're coming with me.
- We?

[Leanna] I should brand
my hair line.

Name it hashtag Leanna Styles
or hashtag Leanna Locks.

- I like it.
- Thoughts?

Of course you do.
I am an icon,

a generational change maker.

Like, if I'm being honest,
I amaze myself.

I envy me.

I meant my hairstyle, but okay.

- [door opens, bell jingles]
- Yeah. That, too.

Kev, I need you.

I need you.

- Are you okay?
- [gasps]

with the heavy breathing.
[Leanna] Stop

You'll add moisture in the air,
and it'll ruin his wave.

- What is that on your head?
- [Kev] Yeah.

It's not for you to understand.

That's what you did all day?

Actually, I waited for Carmie
all day.

- [Leanna] Mm-hmm.
- She never came.

I needed to make a decision,
and I'm feeling it.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- So, yeah.

You just don't have
a sense of style.

In order to understand, you have
to have a send of style.

Okay. I got to go.

will send you the bill.
My assistant

Okay. We have a problem.

[door opens, bell jingles]

- What's that?
- [sighs]

from Tristan's locker.
I took it

You stole it?

No. Confiscated.

Anyway, I tried opening it.
Uh, no luck.

Even my trusty titanium drill
couldn't split it open.

Touch the top of the box. Go.


I think it's something Tristan
is using to hurt Carmie with.

Yeah. Definite possibility,

after the twins' birthday.
but we'll deal with that

It's today.

Like, now. We gotta go.

they will punish us forever.
If not,

We'll show this to Carmie,
and maybe

with her super strength.
she can open it

Let's go. Come on.
Yeah. Great.

[door opens]

[door closes]

Happy birthday!

Our day of birth
is almost over.

You didn't even decorate
like you promised.

[Aiden] Or get us gifts
like you promised.

No! I... I remembered.

[both] Stuffies? Lame.

They're cute.

Carmie, where were you?

took Rainey out for his walk.
You took so long, your dad

Where have you kept her all day?
He would know.

Uh, no. He didn't do anything.

the best day of my life.
I actually had, like,

your promise to help me
Really? Was breaking

a part of your best day?

- I know, okay? I know.
- [sighs]

Is that mine?

No. Yes.

No. Maybe.

You broke into my locker
to steal that box?

[Dylan] I wouldn't classify that
as stealing.

More like evidence-gathering.

it's something to hurt you.
I think

- [Aasha] Wait.
- What?

What do you mean, hurt her?

you broke into my locker. Rude.
First of all,

Second, thanks for ruining
the best surprise.

Happy birthday, guys.

[both] Whoa! Cool!

the best gift ever.
[Aiden] This is

Sinister Mage, first edition!

How'd you even get this?
This is so rare.

Our friends will be so jealous!

Dylan, I can't believe
you did that.

that he meant to do...
I don't think

No. No, he did.

- We need to talk to you.
- About what?

There's nothing more
to talk about.

I was having an amazing day,

just had to ruin it.
and you guys

[Aasha] Wait. Carmie?

Carmie, honey.

No. Tristan's right.

I'm not one of you guys,

and he sees me for who I am.

Carmie, we're about to cut
the cake!

Come back!

[Carmie] Leave me alone!

[theme music playing]