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04x20 - In Cedric We Trust

Posted: 04/04/24 11:18
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the First


I could've sworn I left it here.

Sofia, would you look
behind the couch?

SOFIA: No, not here.

Now, where did I put my white necktie?

Oh, I wear it to all
big events in Dunwiddie.

And the opening of
the Dunwiddie museum today

will be one of the biggest
of all, Your Majesty.

I can't wait to see
the Crowns of the Kingdoms exhibit.

I also heard there will be
jiggly-wiggly pudding.

Don't think I haven't heard the same.

Your Highness, allow me to
conjure you a new necktie.

That's quite all right, Cedric.

This one will be fine.

Would you like to go over your speech

for the museum opening, Your Majesty?

Ah! Good idea.

Oh. I have a spell that can help you

instantly memorize
the entire speech, sire.

That won't be necessary.

I have it written down right here.

-That will be all, Cedric.

Thank you.

As you wish, sire.

Mr. Cedric.

Are you okay?

Not really, princess.

Your father has wanted
nothing to do with me

ever since I froze your family
with the standstill stone.

And tried to take over the kingdom.

No need to remind me.

I shall never forget
those shameful actions.

It seems like my dad's
having a hard time forgetting, too.

Oh, perhaps he shall
never get over it.

It makes me so sad.

Roland and I shared a special bond
when we were lads.

-You did?
-Oh, yes.

Growing up together in this castle

in the shadows of
our larger-than-life fathers.

When the pressure became too great,

we'd escape to the fields
and play dazzle ball.

What are you two doing
in this painting?

CEDRIC: Oh. Oh, that's a special play
he and I invented together.

The royal ricochet.

Oh, but ever since that fateful day

I let your family down,

whatever trust Roland once had in me,
I fear is gone forever.

Then I'll help you get it back.

Come see the crown exhibit
with me and my dad today.

How will browsing jewels

get me back in your father's
good graces?

It'll be like two friends spending
a whole afternoon together.

Hmm. Lots of chances for him
to disapprove of me.

Lots of chances for you to show him
you can be trusted again,

like when you were kids.

I suppose it's worth a try.

-CEDRIC: Wormy, this may be my chance

to get back on the king's good side.

Well, you can do it without me.

Oh, but I need you there.

Your knowledge of crowns
will help me impress King Roland.

I only passed crownology
back at Hexley Hall

because you were
my study buddy. Remember?

Ten points if you can
identify these famous crowns.

Crown of Corinthia,
the Diadem of DunBroch,

and the Tangu-vian Tiara.

But I still refuse to go with you,

you goody-goody.

I've turned a new page
in the spell book, Wormy,

you know that,
but I am still your master,

and I say you're coming with me.

Yes, master.

Whatever you wish, master.


KING ROLAND II: And with that,
I hereby declare

the Dunwiddie Museum officially open.


Now, come enjoy the spectacular

Crowns of the Kingdoms exhibit.

I bet my dad would love to have
a friend to see the exhibit with.

And I shall try to be that friend.

But first, Wormy, tell me
a tidbit about that crown.

Some factoid with real wow factor.

[SIGHING] The Wreath of Rudistan,

made of phoenix feather filigree
and the finest elven gold.

Thank you. Time to
win over the king-y wing-y.

"King-y wing-y"? Ugh!

Silly villagers.

A powerful magic crown
hiding in plain sight,

and they don't even know it.

Uh, Prisma, we don't even
know which one

is Snow White stepmom's crown.

What was her name again?

Grimhilde, and this is her crown.

The powerful Wicked Nine object
you've come to steal.

Steal? Well, that's not
very goody-goody at all.

Got it. Now let's go nab it

in one humdinger of a heist. Ha-ha!

Oh. Finding Grimhilde's crown
may take longer than we thought.

Ready to go talk to my dad,
friend to friend?

I have the perfect bit of knowledge

to get the conversation rolling,

no pun intended.

Uh, sire, did you know

this crown is made of phoenix gold?

Oh, is that so?

Lord Stiv, greetings.

Did you know this crown
is made of phoenix gold?

Well, that is quite untrue, sire.

I happen to know that
it is made of elven gold.


I beg your pardon.

That's the last time

I rely on your knowledge
of crownology, Cedric.

I misspoke, sire. It was an accident.

Oh, this isn't working.

Your father is unimpressed
and still untrusting.

Okay, winning him over
may be a little harder than I thought.

Maybe you just need to do

something really sweet for him.
Come on.

Oh, could that be Grimhilde's crown?

Princess Sofia?

Ugh, we can't let her see us. Come on.


No way is that princess
gonna stop us again.

Oh, I agree.

We must get all of the Wicked Nine.

Then I can drain their power
and become, oh, so powerful.

But how can we swipe the crown
without Sofia spottin' us?

Uh, excuse me, but I do believe that

I can be of some service to you
in this endeavor.

And who are you?

Allow me to introduce myself, my dear.
My name, Wormwood.

My aim, to aid you in
this wonderfully wicked theft

I heard you plotting.

Why? What's in it for you?

Oh, my current master
is such a do-gooder now.

I long for some
good old-fashioned scheming.

Would you be so kind as to
let me join your evil band?

Well, that's a nice story,

but we can find the crown
on our own, thank you.

Did I mention
I'm an expert in crownology?

I can locate Grimhilde's coronet
before you can say boo-hoo.

And you won't have to worry
about the princess spotting you.

Okay. I'll make you a deal, Wormwood.

You steal Grimhilde's crown,

then meet me at the old cabin
in the woods outside town.

You mean the old cabin
with the crooked chimney?

[GIGGLES] That's the one.

Once the crown is in my hands,

and only then,
I'll consider letting you join us.

I am honored for the chance

to connive
and steal for you, my lady. [CAWS]

What are you doin'? We don't need
some looney bird on our team.

Oh, Twitch, are you jealous?

Actually, yeah, a bit.

But I'm also worried.

How do we know we can
trust that sack of feathers?

That's why I want you
to follow him, silly.

Make sure he delivers the crown
like he says he will.

Oh, right. I'm on it.

So I just gotta make sure

that raven doesn't deliver the goods.

Then I'll be Prisma's
one and only partner in crime.

My dad would really
love it if you brought him some...

Jiggly-wiggly pudding.

Oh, the king's favorite.

One pudding for the king, please,
my good man.

Um, I'm so sorry, sir.

I just sold my last cup.

No more pudding?

Luckily, Dad, Mr. Cedric
can conjure you some.

Superb idea, princess.

Dessertius wigglius!

Yummy! Nicely done, Cedric.

[STAMMERING] Thank you, Your Majesty.

MAN: Did someone say pudding?


I'm so sorry, Your Majesty.

It wasn't his fault, Dad.

Someone bumped into me,
and I bumped into Mr. Cedric.

Let me clean it, sire.

Stainius removius!

[GASPING] Cedric!

-Oh, boy.
-[GASPS] I am so sorry.

I'll conjure you
a new outfit right away.

[STAMMERING] Vestimento novio!

Cedric, are you trying to make
a laughing stock of me?

Oh, my deepest apologies,
Your Majesty.

I'm just nervous.
Here, let me try that spell again.

No. No, no. No more magic, please.

I have a change of clothes
in the coach.


Five-pointed with a pearl.

Looks very evil stepmother-y.
That is it!

Oh, please.

Let's see him get past those two, huh.

[CAWING] Stay right there, boys.




I knew I'd find
my lucky white necktie.

My lord, there's been a theft.

What? Did you see the thief?

No, sire, but we did find this.

A raven's feather?

-KING ROLAND II: With a crown?

Is that Wormwood?

Your Majesty,
I just saw Wormwood flying off

with a very important crown.

Did you?

I wonder what my royal sorcerer
has to say about this.

What's going on?

It seems, while you distracted me
with that pudding fiasco,

your raven went and stole
a precious crown from this exhibit.

Wormwood? No. Why would he do that?

All I know is that this was
found at the scene of the crime.

Sire, I have no idea what's going on,

but in no way did I put
Wormwood up to this.

I have no need for a crown.

Forgive me if I don't
quite believe you, Cedric.

Dad, Mr. Cedric
wouldn't do something like this.

Not anymore.

-Would he?
-Unfortunately, Sofia,

people don't change
as easily as you think.

Alert the rest of the guards.

I want search parties sent out.

Right away, Your Majesty.

Pardon me for intruding, sire,

but how will the guards
even know where to look for Wormwood?

May I see that feather?

I can cast a spell on it
to help us track where Wormwood went.

Fine. Go ahead.

Plumius navigatio!

It's like a compass.

Yes, of sorts.
It should point the way to its owner.

GUARD: Come on, men.
Back to the castle.

We need reinforcements!

Wormwood is heading that way.

It's too late to tell the guards.

They're going the wrong way.

We shall have to go
catch him on our own then.

You'd really lead me
to the accomplice in your own crime?

Sire, if I had plotted
this theft with Wormwood,

it would be madness to help
you find him, wouldn't it?

If Mr. Cedric helps
get the stolen crown back,

it will prove he's on your side, Dad.

All right.

But should my suspicions be confirmed,

I'm afraid it's
to the dungeons with you, Cedric.

[GULPS] Fair enough, Your Majesty.

Keep going, Wormwood.

No pain, no evil new master.


-Oh, what now?

Aw, that hunk of crown
too heavy for ya?

Excuse me?

Relax. It's me,

and I'd be happy to bring
the crown to Prisma,

if you can't hack it.

No shame in droppin' out.

I can bring it myself,
thank you very much.


Cedric, if you're leading us
into some sort of trap...

I promise, Your Highness, I am not.

What can I say
to make you believe I'm on your side?

I'm not sure there's
anything you can say.

Then maybe he can show you.


I'll show you over and over.

Sooner or later, you have to see
I can be trusted.

[SINGING] I've said sorry
again and again

For my past wrongs

And for the man I was back then

But still there's a wall
around your heart

So brick by brick

I'll try to break that wall apart

I'll lend a million hands

I'll bridge the great divide

Jump through a million hoops
until you're satisfied

That I am on your side

Yes, I am on your side

I see Wormwood up there in the sky

Now aren't you glad
we gave Cedric's way a try?

I want your forgiveness
for all that mess

But I want to prove that I deserve it

More than less

I'll lend a million hands

I'll bridge the great divide

Jump through a million hoops
until you're satisfied

That I am on your side

Yes, I am on your side

Do you remember when

We were like a team?

You had my back

It was better than any dream

What's in pieces can still be repaired

It's not too late
to fix the friendship

You once shared

And so I'll lend a million hands

I'll bridge the great divide

Jump through a million hoops

Until you're satisfied

That I am on your side

I'm starting to see that you are on...

I am on

-Your side
-My side

My side

My side!

Rats. I can't let him
get that crown to Prisma.

So I'll just slow him down a bit.

Oh, boy, would that sting.

Wait for it, wait for it.

Oh, no. You nasty creatures.

Shoo, shoo, shoo, all of you.
Get away. Ow!


Oh, what on earth is Wormwood doing?

Something isn't right.

I'll go on ahead and see what's wrong.


Just buzz off! Just get away!

Worm, hand over that crown.

I will not.

I am your master. You must.

You won't be
my master much longer, Cedric.

You are leaving me?

You're too nice now.

I miss the old Cedric.

The Cedric who used
to plot day and night

to take over the kingdom.

And that's more important
to you than our friendship?

Only a million times so, my dear boy.

What do I care if you're
buddy-buddy with the king?

What power will that give me?

Hopefully, Wormwood, it won't
give you any power at all.



Hand over the crown,
you back-stabbing raven.

Not if my life depended on it,

you goody two-shoes.


Ha! Good riddance, Wormy.

You are no longer needed.

The crown is mine!

-Mr. Cedric!




Oh, Your Highness,
you let him get away.

At least I've got the mastermind
behind this heist.

-You just admitted it.

You want the crown all to yourself.

I was only trying
to get it from Wormwood,

the real thief. Oh. Sofia?

[SIGHS] I don't know, Mr. Cedric.

You were holding the crown.

And just when I was starting
to trust you again.

You can spend the night
in the dungeons

till this is sorted out.

Huh. Looks like the raven's a no-show.

Guess it's just you and me, Prisma.

Dastardly greetings, my lady.

What? How did you get here?

May I present you Grimhilde's crown?

You did it!

The crown is ours! Wonderful teamwork.

So you're sayin'
he's part of the team now?

[LAUGHING] Yes. Of course.

I always keep my word.

I can't believe it.

It's really ours.

Beware, Prisma.
When that crown catches the light

at just the right angle,

it creates earth-shattering lightning.

Sounds delightful!


Yeah. [LAUGHS]


Cedric, your wand, please.


I will need it back.


[GASPS] Oh, no.

-Where's Sofia?

Princess Sofia.

You can hand that over,

or I can call the Protectors.
Your choice.

Hand over one of the Wicked Nine?

Hmm, I don't love that idea,

but I do love this one.


Huh, funny weather
we're having, isn't it?

-Oh, my.
-Sofia, there you are.

The crown!

Not so fast, my dear king.

-Triton's toothbrush!
-Take cover!

Sire, my wand.

-I can stop this villainess.

I can't get to you.

Oh, just toss it over.


The royal ricochet.

The royal ricochet!

-Got it!
-Well played.

Powerum beamio!

How do you like those apples?

Now then, princess,

you have been a thorn in my side
once too often.


Oh, no!

Hang on, princess!

Mr. Cedric!


We got what we came for. Let's go.



Oh, you're okay. Thank goodness.


Oh, where's Mr. Cedric?

Cedric? Cedric. Where are you?

Oh, you don't think...

-Mr. Cedric.

there, in the rubble.

Quick, Sofia, help me pull him out.

Is the princess safe?


I can't believe
how you saved me like that.

You could've gotten really hurt.

So could you, Sofia.


I know.

Off to the dungeon.

I was wrong about you.

You sacrificed
your own safety for Sofia.

That means more to me
than you will ever know.

It's so wonderful to hear that.

I'm sorry the crown's been lost.

Who was that woman anyway?

I don't know,
but at least we're all okay.

Oh, what a mess.

Cedric, do you have a spell
to return this all to normal?

Terra refurba!

Excellent job...

old friend.

Vega, Orion.

It's Prisma.

She has one of the Wicked Nine.