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04x21 - The Mystic Isles: A Hero for the Hoodwinks

Posted: 04/04/24 11:19
by bunniefuu
SOFIA: I was a girl
in the village, doing all right

Then I became a princess overnight

Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right

So much to learn and see

Up in the castle with my new family

In a school that's just for royalty

A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me

I'm so excited to be

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: I'm finding out
what being royal's all about

CHORUS: Sofia the First

SOFIA: Making my way
it's an adventure every day

SOFIA: It's gonna be my time


SOFIA: To show them all that I'm

ALL: Sofia the first



MAN: Biscuit, whoa! Calm down, girl!

The bridge is out!
Someone, please help!

I've got this!


-I can't watch!

-MAN: Look out!
-Whoa, there, girl.

Good girl. You're okay.

[PANTING] Princess Sofia!

-Thank you!
-I was happy to help.

Now, please. Have a pie

with our thanks.

Oh. Well, thank you.

Come, Biscuit. You can't make me run
like that, old girl.

-Oh! That was incredible, Sofia!
-So heroic!

You just jumped on that horse
and boom! Problem solved.

Thanks. It's fun to help.

Oh, it must be nice being a hero.

Solving problems, gettin' pies...

Well, it's not all about
getting pies, Clover.

There's lots of hard work
and training.

Never fear, horse, I gotcha!


You know, I think
I'd be a pretty good hero.

Sure. You could be
the aw-dorable hero.

Or you could be the first bunny hero.

Hero Clover, report to Enchancia,

some carrots need
to be eaten immediately!


Ha-ha. Very funny.

I don't care what they say.

You'll always be a hero to me, Clover.

In fact, here.

Oh. Really? Thank you!

I better go. I have to report
to the Mystic Isles

for some special Protector training.

Because being a hero
isn't all about eating.

Sorry, Sof. You were saying?

SOFIA: [LAUGHS] Bye, Clover.

[GIGGLING] Carrots need
to be eaten immediately!

-Eh, what do they know?

I'll show 'em I got
what it takes to be a hero.

-Come on, Whatnaught.

CLOVER: What's that? A runaway dragon?

No problem. Hero Clover is here!

I gotcha, dragon!

Now, run home
to your fire-breathin' momma.

Ha-ha. What? No!

Come on, what's this?

A medal? And a banquet in my honor?

Oh, thank you so much.

No, please, no applause.

-I do this for the people.

Eh, those are just
Wassailia ornaments, Whatnaught.

Wait. In summer?

Oh. Hero Clover,

ready to investigate!


Oh, Hidey.

He's just a... Uh, what are you?

I'm a rabbit. Uh, what are you?

We're Hoodwinks.

We came from the Mystic Isles
to find Princess Sofia.

She's a Protector, and our friend.

I'm Clover. Sofia's my best friend.

You're Princess Sofia's friend, too?

Wow! Do you know where she is?

Sofia, she's gone away for a while.

Oh, dear!

Uh, maybe I can help you instead?

Are you a Protector?

Yeah, practically.

Um, in fact,

she said I'm her hero.

[GASPS] You're Sofia's friend?

And her hero?

That's impressive.

Hoodwink huddle-up!


-Whatnaught, chill.

Look how teensy and cute
those fuzzballs are.

How tough could
their problem be? Okay?


[CLEARS THROAT] We accept your offer
of assistance.

Since we don't really have a choice.

Ha! And you won't regret it.

I'm just the rabbit
to get the job done! [LAUGHS]

CLOVER: What? A unicorn?

Yo, classy!

It's the only way
to get to the Mystic Isles.

Right, right, right. I knew that.

Um, I meant to ask,

when I solve your problem,
will I get something?

-Get something?
-A reward.

Like, say, uh, a pie?

Or a parade? Or a pie and a parade?

You know, to celebrate
my accomplishments.

Oh. Uh, sure. There can be
a parade if you want. Or pie.

Great. I am going to sort
this thing out one, two, three.

You'll see.


SOFIA: So, Chrysta,

why are we way up here?

Well, it's the safest place
to learn your next skill.

-It's a tough one.
-Ooh, great.

I like the tough ones.

This is the toughest.

You're gonna use your Enchantment
to make a WindWhip.

-That sounds hard.

It's gonna take a lot out of you.
Have you eaten?

Good thing our Pep-Apples
are in season.

Here, have a couple.
You're gonna need your energy.

Mm! Mm-hmm.

Mm. Thank you.

Now, while you munch on those,

let me show you
how it's done. Observe.



Now you give it a sh*t, Princess.

Show me what you got.

Like this?


Not bad for a beginner.

Where's Princess Sofia?

Oh, Sofia. She's busy.

So we brought Clover.

He's Sofia's best friend.

This is Halt.

Are you a Protector too?

[LAUGHS] Am I a Protector too?

Let's just say
I've worked with Sofia before

on this kind of hero-type stuff,

so, yeah. What's the problem?

Well, some wee sprites showed up
and took over our tree.

Wee sprites?

They said they were run off
the Isle of Wee Sprites by birds.

In any case, the wee sprites
are causing mischief and won't leave!

Sofia and I tangled
with wee sprites before.

I got this. The trick is
to get them to say they want to leave.


Okay, what's that?

Oh, that's just the Rompkins.
They're our neighbors.

They have this big party every year.

[WHIMPERS] Rompkin Romp.

Right. Rompkins.

What about our wee sprite problem?

Wee sprites. No problem.

I'm gonna take care of it
for you. No sweat.

Before you know it,
you'll be singin' my praises.

Actually, a song in my honor
would be nice. Could you work on that?

-A song?
-About my bravery.

My skill. You know, something like...

Brump, bump-bum.

[SINGS] Ballad of the Bravest Bunny

Or something like that, you know.

And the pie that we discussed earlier.

Okay, I guess.

All right, all right. Clover's on it.

He seems so brave.

He seems so hungry.

Well, he's dealt
with wee sprites before.

What choice do we have?

"Bravest Bunny"? Ha!

I'm gonna find us a real Protector.

It's, uh, [GRUNTS]

a little tight.


Who are you?

And why are you in our tree?

And where'd you get those ears?

Did you lose a bet?

Lose a bet? No, I'm a rabbit.

Look, the Hoodwinks
asked me to get you out of their tree.

Oh, we're not leavin'.
We like it here.

Mm-hmm. It's cozy, and new, and fun.

Look, guys,

what do you say we just
skip to the part

where you say you want to leave,

and then magically

float out of here. Okay?

Hm... we can't do that.

We need a place to crash. And trash.

Besides, our Isle is completely
infested with Badger Birds.

Do you know how annoying
Badger Birds are?

So, so annoying! They are, like,
more annoying than us, even.

-The point is, we're staying.
-For good.

But I told the Hoodwinks
I'd get you out.

Isn't there somewhere else you can go?

Where else are we gonna
find a place that's this fun?


First time I've ever seen that.


Oops. I'm sorry.

I'm fine, I'm fine.

A Hoodwink? What are you doing here?

-I'm afraid we need assistance.
-What's the problem?

I think it would be easier
if I showed you. Will you come?

There's already a Protector there,
a rabbit, but I don't trust him.

A rabbit Protector?

I didn't know there was one of those.

Uh, there isn't.

Clover is his name?


Gray fur? Floppy ears? Adorable?

-That's the one.
-But he's not a Protector.

I knew it.

You go check it out, Sofia.

We'll finish training later.

Just call if you need any help.

You know what? You stay here.

I'm goin' to the Rompkin Romp.

The who-kins what?

[LAUGHS] The Rompkin Romp?
Never heard of it?

Oh, yeah, the big fellas down there
are having a huge party.

The biggest in all the Mystic Isles.

Everyone's goin'.

Okay, see ya, little guys. [GRUNTS]

I'm headed to
all the fun, fun, fun. Whoop.

Oh, I do like a good party.

I wanna go. Let's go!

We don't wanna be
in this tree anymore!


And you're welcome.

[ALL CHANTING] Clover! Clover! Clover!

Oh, you're too kind. You're too kind.

-CLOVER: But don't stop. Ever.

Clover! Clover!

That was so fantastic!

You got our home back.

To thank you for being our hero,

we flew over to the Isle of Fairies
and got you some sugar-plum pies.

Pies? Plural?

Gotta love that.


[GASPS] Sof! It's you!

What are you doing here?

Uh, I'm... I'm glad you asked me that,

because the Hoodwinks
have been working on a song

about that very thing.

-Right, guys?

A song for the best, bravest,

bunniest hero of all time!

[SINGING] He's a bunny

Who laughs in the face of trouble

Just call his name
and he'll be there on the double

He's got no doubt or fear

From his fuzzy tail to his floppy ears

He's the boldest, bravest bunny
of all time

ALL: His name is Clover

He's brave all over

And if you've got yourself a problem

He's the rabbit you should call

At first he looked like
he might be a zero

But he turned out
to be the Hoodwinks' hero

He got the wee sprites out

So for us there really is no doubt

He's the boldest, bravest bunny
of all time

ALL: His name is Clover

He's brave all over

If you've got yourself a problem

He's the rabbit you should call

He's fearless, true and smart
and kind of funny

That's why I want to be
just like that bunny

To me, he can do no wrong

Which is why I wrote this song

I'm the number one fan
of the number one superstar

Sofia's great and you know
I really respect her


But if you can't get her

Then I'm your furry protector

I will come right to your aid

For some pies and maybe a parade

I'm the boldest, bravest bunny
of all time

ALL: His name is Clover

He's brave all over

If you've got yourself a problem

He's the rabbit you should call

CLOVER: Now ya got it! That's right!

'Cause I'm the boldest, bravest bunny

ALL: Of all


That doesn't sound good.


Clover? How did you get
the wee sprites

to say they want to leave?

Little bit of this,
little bit of that.

The usual.


Oh, no. It sounds like the Rompkins
are in trouble. Come on.



Harumph! What's going on?

Princess Sofia, help us.

We're scared of the monsters.


You mean the wee sprites?

Oh, yeah. They are wee in size,

but crash-bang huge in trouble-making.

Clover. Did you get the wee sprites

out of the Hoodwinks' tree
by having them come over here?


-Ah, Clover!
-They showed up

and we invited them in
because they were fun and nice,

and then boom! They were not.

We've been so dainty,

but now it's all ruined.

Oh. Harrumph, I'm sorry.

Clover can fix it. He's a big hero.

How are you gonna fix it, Clover?

Uh... Um...

L... Let me think on that.

-Hello? wee sprites?


And you are who?

I'm Sofia.

I'm friends with some wee sprites
in the Ever Realm.

Brody, Benngee, and Button?

What, you think all wee sprites
know each other?

Actually, Button is my cousin.

So, I was thinking
as a favor to a friend of a cousin,

maybe you could stop making mischief?

We're wee sprites.

Mischief is kind of our thing.

Then why aren't you doing it
on your own Isle?

[GROANS] We already explained this
to the bunny!

We had to get out of there
because of the Badger Birds.

Hey, there's Floppy Ears!

Hey, you were right.
It's way more fun here.

[SIGHS] I knew it. Clover,

you didn't fix the Hoodwinks' problem,

you just moved it over here.

I guess I didn't think about that.

But you're gonna fix it, right?

Right. I'll send the wee sprites
somewhere else,

like, uh, like up there.

SOFIA: The Isle of Fairies?

That's not solving it,

that's must making it
someone else's problem again.

-Then what do we do?
-We have to get to

the root of the problem.
We'll go to the Isle of wee sprites

and figure out why
the Badger Birds chased them off.

If we fix that, then the wee sprites
can go back home

and everybody's happy.

I'm coming too!

I want to see my hero in action again.

Nobody's home. This is kind of spooky.


Those must be the Badger Birds.

They can't be so bad. They're tiny.


I was wrong! They're bad!

Shoo, birds!

-CLOVER: Get off me!

-Shoo! Whoa!

Follow me. That won't
hold them off for long!

I wish for us to be small.

CLOVER: Yo, look, I'm so tiny.

Wow. I see why the wee sprites left.

Those birds give "annoying"
a bad name.

Thanks for saving us. I'm Sofia,
and this is Hidey and Clover.


I'm Buzzer. Nice to meet ya.

Oh, sorry.
Pranks are sort of my hobby.

I make prank potions, prank powders,

prank-potion-y powders,
potion-y prank potions...

Why are you still here?

Aren't you afraid of those birds?

Yeah, they are a bit of a nuisance.

Guess that's what I get
for bringing 'em here.

[GASPS] You brought them here?

Just one.
From the Isle of Magical Birds.

I couldn't help it.
I mean, what's funnier

than a really annoying bird?

I can think of a few things.

Well, my one little Badger Bird
did its "Hi! Hi! Hi!" thing,

and oh, how we laughed!

And then I got this great idea.

What if there were more than one?

So I dunked it in this cloning potion.

Now there's two, which is a hoot.

But then they slipped out of my hands
and went for a little swim,

and they just started multiplying!

Next thing I know,
there's a whole flock of 'em.

All the other wee sprites
couldn't take it, and left!

But you stayed behind?

Well, I kinda feel responsible.

It was just supposed to be
a little prank.

It's okay, Buzzer.
I think I can help you.

-I'm a Protector.
-Me too.

Now, if we just had something
to attract the Badger Birds...

Savor leaves!

Badger Birds can't resist 'em.

Okay, then, I'll use the leaves
to trap them,

and then bring them back
to the Isle of Magical Birds.

And what are you gonna do, Clover?

Something heroic, right?

Something super-spectacular?

Oh, you'll see. You...

You're gonna want to throw me
the biggest parade ever.

Oh, I can't wait!

Now, how do we get their attention?

Leave that to me.

Come on and get it, Badger Birds.

I got the leaves ya like.

Clover, wait!

[BIRDS] Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!

CLOVER: Incoming!


Ah, let the parade begin!

Clover, you did it!

You did it, all right.

You trapped 'em in my house
with the cloning potion!

Oh, no. You mean they're...


Over and over and over again!

Clover, that wasn't the plan.

Why did you do that?

I don't know.

I guess I just wanted
to be like you, Sofia.

Be the hero. Get the rewards...

I don't do this for rewards.

Or parades. Or pies.

-I do it because I want to help.

Don't worry.
I'm sure Clover has an idea.

You've probably been through
lots of tough situations like this,

right, Clover?

I... I don't know, Hidey.

I'm not sure I am who you think I am.

You're a big hero.

I'm not a hero.

And I'm no Protector.

I'm... I'm just a plain old bunny.

Guess I don't need these anymore.

Clover, you're not a plain old bunny.

Yes, I am.
I'm nothin' but Badger Bird bait.

Don't say that.

Just focus on how we can

get those birds out of there
and capture them.

Okay. Let's see...

I guess we should build a trap,
like you were probably gonna do

before I messed everything up.

Oh. Here, we can use this.

We get them to fly over the trap,

and then cinch 'em right up.

I'll just get a little rope
to tie if off.

And then I'll open the door
and let all the birds out.

But you'll get swarmed.

-I have to try.
-No, Sof. I have to.

You saw how quick I was before.

I'm the only one who can open the door

and still get out of the way
of that swarm.

Clover, you don't have
to prove to anyone that you're a hero.

Yes, I do.

I have to prove it to myself.

You just be ready with that trap.

Okay. But be careful.

Trap's ready.

I wish to be big again.

The trap is all set.

Clover, over here!

CLOVER: Come on and get it,
Badger Birds.

Sofia, do your thing! Hurry!


-BUZZER: Got 'em!

Clover, you did it!

Well, I guess I did.

Clover, that was so brave!

You are a hero!

I'm gonna throw you
the biggest parade ever

in the history of forever!

Okay, then.

First, we take these guys back
to the Isle of Magical Birds.

Then we go tell the wee sprites
the good news.

You mean, we can go home?

BUZZER: Thanks to
these two heroes over here,

the Badger Birds are gone!

And I solemnly promise never to clone

such an annoying bird ever again!

It'll be good to go home.

We don't want to stay here anymore.

We wanna go to
the Isle of Wee Sprites!

Yeah, let's go! It's about time.

Yeah, we broke everything here.

Bye, Rompkins. Don't forget to write!

Bye. Never come back!


Clover, we have something for you.

We heard what you did up there,

and we want you to have
this award of valor.

Aw. Thanks.

But Sofia should get this.

She's the real Protector.

I couldn't have done it without her.

Maybe, but you're our Protector.

Aw. I'll never take it off.

Like I said,
you'll always be my hero, Clover.