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02x13 - Practice Makes Perfect/Three's a Crowd

Posted: 04/05/24 08:55
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j, pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sisters and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

oodle-ay !

Again, again !
Okay, sheriff butter,

But then this horse
is going back to the barn
for some lemonade.

[ Bicycle horn honks ]
well, hello, pb&j.

Wow ! Cool bikes !

Actually, they're turbo drawn-x

Daddy just bought them
for us.

They're the very latest.
And the raddest.

[ All ]
Wanna give it a try ?

Who me ? Nah.

I-i-i don't feel like
riding right now.

You see ?
I told you he can't ride.

I'm never gonna learn
how to ride a bike.
Never !

Sure you will, peanut.
Just ask dad to give you
some lessons.

But that's the problem,

If anybody sees me trying
to learn, they'll know
I don't know how to ride.

it's too embarrassing.

Okay. So,
all we have to do...

Is think of a way for you
to learn to ride a bike
without anyone seeing.

Hey !
How about a noodle dance ?

Well, uh, I guess
I could give it a try.

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

♪ solve a problem
it's no strain ♪

♪ use your noodle
that's your brain ♪

- I've got it !
- What ? What happened ?
What ?

You don't want anybody
to see you learning, right ?


so we'll get some
vanishing spray and
make the bike invisible.

boom. Then no one
will see it.

Great. Do you have
any vanishing spray ?

No. Why ?

Hey, wait a minute.
There might be a way to make
that bike invisible after all.

Waah !
Oh, hiya, flick.

- Hey, flick.
- So, what you got there,
a rolling bush ?

Bush ?
What bush ?

[ Laughing ]

So, peanut,
you're finally gonna
learn how to ride, huh ?

What are you doing
out here anyway ?

What am I doing out here ?
Well, you know,

I'm just, uh,
gettin' some fresh air.

Don't pay any attention,
peanut. We have more
important things to do.

Jelly, maybe we should
just forget about
the bike lessons.

Oh, come on, peanut.
You can do it.
I know you can.

[ Reluctant sigh ]

Now what do I do ?

Okay. This is the part
where you start to pedal...

While daddy holds the bike
and runs alongside
to keep you steady.

Oh. Hmm.

Too bad.
Daddy's not here.

[ ernest ]
hey there, kids.
huh ?

[ All ] dad !
Dad, how'd you know
we were here ?

Well, kids, I overheard
you talking about learning
to ride a bike.

You did ?
You know, peanut,

You don't have to feel bad
about learning something new.

Learning new things
can be fun and exciting.

Really ? I thought
it just made me sweaty.

Well, it can be hard sometimes,
but with a little practice,

I bet you'll be riding
before you know it.
Thanks, dad.

Okay, now,
let's give it a go.

Come on, peanut.
You can do it !

[ Stammering ]

Whoa. The trick
is finding your balance.

Whoa !
[ Groans ]
can I give up now ?

Well, how 'bout we try
one more time and then
we can stop for today ?

[ Sighs ]

But, dad, promise me
you won't do that
bike lesson trick.

- What bike lesson trick ?
- You know, where you let go
without telling me.

I don't have to do that,
Why's that ?

Because I already did.
[ Gasps ]

Dad !
You're doing it, peanut.
You're riding all by yourself.

Yea, peanut !
You're doing it !

You're not holding on.
I'm riding all by myself.
[ Screams ]

[ Moaning ]

Are you okay,
peanut ?

Peanut, I'm telling you,
you're making real progress.

Yeah. I think
I've learned falling
really well.

Well, I have to get back
to the store now, but we can
work on this tomorrow.

- How 'bout that ?
- [ flick grunting ]

Huh ? Hey,
is that flick ?

What's he doing ?
I don't know.

[ Grunting ]

[ Straining ]

Come on, flick.
Pull yourself together.

Are you a duck
or are you a chicken ?


- What are you doing, flick ?
- Huh ? Oh.

I was just, uh,
measuring this tree trunk.

Yeah, very scientific.

[ Groans ]
okay, okay.

I'm trying to learn
how to climb trees,
but I'm afraid of heights.

I said it.
Are you happy now ?

Hey, flick, don't sweat it.
I'm learning something new too.

Oh, you mean
you're not going to make
fun of me ?

Well, I made fun of you.

Ohh, I guess that wasn't
the best idea.

That's okay.

Hey, flick, I'm gonna be
practicing riding
my bike again tomorrow.

Maybe my dad
could help you too.
That's a great idea !

How 'bout it, flick ?
We'll get you a helmet
and put a mattress down,

So even if you fall
you won't get hurt.

I don't know.

Come on, flick.
You know what they say.

- Practice--
- makes perfect.

Oh, yeah ?
Well, what do they know ?

[ ernest ]
see that bird
high in the tree ♪

there was a time
he couldn't fly ♪

he flapped and he flopped
but he went kerplop ♪

♪ Ruffled
he wanted to cry ♪

but that bird
high in the tree ♪

didn't give up
though he was sore ♪

♪ He drooped and he dropped
but he wouldn't stop ♪

♪ Once more
he started to soar ♪

♪ Practice makes perfect ♪

♪ Just try and try again ♪

♪ Every time you fall
and get up, you win ♪

♪ Just try and try again ♪

♪ you know ♪
[ children ]
♪ practice makes perfect ♪

♪ you'll find that strength
within ♪

♪ doing something new
takes time to do ♪

♪ Just try and try again ♪

♪ If there's something
hard to do ♪
[ screams ]

riding a bike
or climbing a tree ♪

maybe you fall or sprawl
or hit a wall ♪

♪ maybe you skin your knee ♪
huh ?

♪ remember ♪
♪ practice makes perfect ♪

♪ just try and try again ♪

♪ every time you fall
and get up, you win ♪

♪ just try and try again ♪

♪ you know
practice makes perfect ♪

♪ just find that strength
within ♪

♪ doing something new
takes time to do ♪

♪ just try and try again ♪

[ Screaming ]

I am. My beak
is stuck in the mattress.

[ Groans ]
mr. Otter, I think
I was right the first time.

- What do you mean, flick ?
- I'm never gonna learn
how to climb a tree.

Yeah, and I'll never learn
how to ride a bike.

I mean, we've been
practicing for forever.

Guys, I know you
don't believe this,
but you're doing great.

Great ? Oh, yeah, sure.
We're doing great.

You are, and there's only
one thing left to do.

- Give up ?
- No, never give up.
That's what you do.

Now I gotta get back
to the store.
Same place, same time.

[ All ]
huh ?

Very boring.
Do something else.

Hey, bootsie.
Hey, oootsie.

Well, well, well,
looks like peanut's trying
to learn how to ride a bike.

[ Both snickering ]

Hey, you know what they say--
practice makes perfect.

Say, is that one of
those new bounce-a-matic
self-bouncing ball thingies ?

[ Both ] yes.
Wow. When did you guys
get that ?

About ten minutes ago.

[ bootsie ] I wish there was
a way we could get rid of it.

Here you go, butter.
Have fun.

Thanks, guys.

Don't mention it.
Besides, daddy upgraded
our bikes,

So now they're
bounce-a-matic too.

He did ?
[ Gasping ]

Bootsie. Bootsie !
[ Moaning ]

[ All laughing ]

Hey, butter,
can I try out
the bounce-a-matic ball ?

No !
Oh, come on, butter.
Be a pal.

I'll give it right back.
I promise.

Careful, flick.
Not too... Hard.


[ Groans ]

Uh, sorry, butter.

- Now what ?
- Well, maybe one of us
could climb up and get it.

- Mmm !
- All right, flick !

Go, flick, go !

[ Straining ]

- just a little further.
- you're doing it, flick !

Yea !

Flick, that was great !

You really did it, flick.
Ha, ha ! I did it !
I did it ! I did it !

Thanks, guys.
All right, flick !

Ha, ha, ha !
Good job.

Yea. Oops.
[ Gasping ]

- It's gonna go in the lake !
- Quick. Get me the bike !
I can do it.

I can do it. I can--

[ Moaning ]
[ all shouting encouragement ]

Yeah !

Yeah !
Ha, ha !

- I got it !
- Whee !

all right, peanut ! Yes !
yea !

Hey, look at me !
I did it ! I'm riding !

Go, peanut, go !
Go !

Go !
I knew you could do it.

That was wonderful.
See, peanut ?
Practice makes perfect.

Yeah, but there's just
one little problem.

What's that ?
I never practiced stopping !

[ Both laughing ]

Whoa-ooo !

[ ernest ]
peddle backwards, peanut.
that's how you brake.

okay, butter,
last piece.

- You did it !
- Fishy, fishy !

[ opal ]
yoo-hoo, kids !

I have a big surprise
for you.

[ Peanut ]
surprise ?
Oh, boy !

What is it, mama ?
What's in the picnic basket ?

Clam doughnuts
with tuna sprinkles ?

A commander casserole
casserole ?

Even better.

Come take a look.

- [ Cooing ]
- baby.

Huh ? Cute babies,
but where's the surprise ?

Yeah, mama,
where's our surprise ?

Pb&j, this is the surprise.

Mrs. Muskrat just had
the little darlings,

And I said I'd help her out
by baby-sitting, just until
she's back on her feet.

Aren't they sweet ?

- Baby !
- Gently, butter.

Feel how soft ?

[ Chuckles ]
oh, it's hard to believe,

But I haven't taken care
of a little baby since
you were born, butter,

And that was
two whole years ago.

[ Crying ]
the poor little dears. I bet
they need their diapers changed.

Well, it was a surprise,
all right.

Yeah. I'm just not sure
if it's a good surprise.

Racers, start your engines.

[ Imitating engine revving ]

On your marks,
get set, go !

- Hey !
- Oops.
- Uh-oh.

Are you okay, peanut ?
Hey, dad.

Daddy, can you help us
fix our race car ?

I wish I could, but I
gotta help your mom

With the muskrat babies.
But i--

[ opal ]
ernest, is that you ?
gotta run kids.

i'll try to fix it later.
have fun.

[ Sighs ]

Commander butter,
this is commander casserole

Enemy starship approaching.

[ Beeping ]
[ laughing ]

Hey, mama, daddy,
do you wanna play
commander casserole with us ?

Not right now, sweet pea.
I think the babies
have a little gas.

- How can you tell, mama ?
- [ Burps ]

[ Laughing ]

Doesn't that feel better,
angel ?
Good one !

They don't get so excited
when I burp.

[ Laughing ]
I got it !
I got it !

Here we go, kids.
Who's ready for catfish pizza ?

Huh ?

- [ Cheering ]
- shh. I finally
got them to sleep.

[ peanut ]
come on. Let's eat.

Good idea.

Mmm. Ahhh.

[ Cooing ]

- [ retching ]
- [ jelly ] oh, gross !
the baby threw up !

mama, it's right
on your shoe.

[ Groans ]
it's okay, jelly.
Babies do that sometimes.

Come on, peanut.
Let's eat later.

Yeah, I kind of lost
my appetite.

[ ernest panting ]

Hey, daddy, would you
read us a story ?

Sorry, kids.
I've gotta get
more muskrat formula.

Maybe later.

Mama, do you wanna play
dodgeball with us ?

I've got to change
a poopy diaper.
Maybe later.

[ Together ]
maybe later.

♪ Not right now
or maybe later ♪

♪ Sounds to me
like maybe never ♪

♪ Just a second
hold your horses ♪

♪ Mom is now
too busy for us ♪

♪ We're sisters
and brothers ♪

♪ Now just the others
who get in the way ♪

♪ It's not fair now
don't they care now ♪

♪ Maybe we should go away ♪

♪ When babies come home
babies rule ♪

♪ we older kids
we feel uncool ♪

[ Crying ]
♪ mom and dad
are in a tizzy ♪

♪ For you and me
they're way too busy ♪

we're sisters
and brothers ♪

♪ Now just the others
who get in the way ♪

♪ May we mention
we need attention ♪

♪ We don't count much
when they say ♪

[ jelly ]
♪ just hang on
or wait a minute ♪

♪ It's parents' speak
for just forget it ♪

[ jelly ]
♪ or maybe later
we'll get to it ♪

♪ It's not hard
to see right through it ♪

♪ We're sisters
and brothers ♪

♪ Now just the others
who get in the way ♪

♪ there's work to do
babies crying too ♪

if we stick together ♪

♪ Things'll be okay ♪

I hope.
Miss mama and da-da.

[ babies crying ]
huh ?

Peanut, do you think mama
loves the muskrat babies
more than us ?

-No way !
-Opal loves you and you and you.

Yes, she does.

Peanut, this is awful.

Jelly, mom said the babies
would only be here
for a little while.

Hey, I just thought
of something.
What ? What ?

Every time those muskrat
babies cry, mama and daddy
come running, right ?

- Right.
- So all we have to do is make
more noise than the babies,

And boom--
we get all the attention.

- I don't know, jelly.
- ♪ [ opal humming ]

[ Cooing ]

[ loud clattering ]
what on earth--

Okay, one more time,
from the top.

Peanut, butter,
jelly, shh.

i'm sorry, pb&j,

but we need the house
to be nice and quiet
so the babies can sleep.

Why don't you play
out in the yard for a while.

Oh, hey, mama.
I guess you wanna
join our band, huh ?

here, you can play
the trash can.

[ banging lids ]
[ babies crying ]

Outside, now !

[ All ]
whoa !

That's it.
Mama doesn't love us anymore.

Can you believe it ?
We just got kicked out
of our own house.

Hey, I got an idea !

If mama wants to play
with those babies so much,
we'll just live out here.

[ Sniffing ]
ahh. Smell that fresh air.

Just us
and the great outdoors.

And no stinky babies.

Yep. Everything's perfect.
[ thunderclap ]

No !
Oh, man.

Jelly, I think we need
a new plan.

Yeah, we need
a noodle dance.

♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

I've got it !

We turn the clocks backward
until we're all babies again.

Then mama and daddy
will have to pay
attention to us.

We can turn the clocks back,
jelly, but that won't change us.

Okay, we'll eat
lots of vegetables.

- What's that gonna do ?
- Mama says it makes you grow
big and strong.

If we grow big enough, boom--
we'll be big, huge giants.

They'll have to
pay attention to us.

Mom and dad are busy
taking care of
the babies, right ?

- That's the whole problem.
- So what if we helped
take care of the babies ?

- I don't get it.
- If we do the baby work,

Mom and dad will have more time
to spend with us.

It sounds crazy,
but I guess it's worth a try.

[ babies crying ]

There, there.
It's okay.

Oh, hey, pb&j.

I'm sorry I've been so busy.
You kids been having
a good time ?

No-- mama, we wanna
help you with the babies.

Well, isn't that nice.
Thank you, kids.

- Why are they crying ?
- Well, I'm not sure yet.

Sometimes you just have to
try different things.

Hmm. Well, maybe they want
their pacifiers.

Now there's a good idea.

[ crying stops ]

- [ crying resumes ]
- maybe we should burp 'em, mom.

Okay, but we have to be
very gentle.

- [ Burping ]
- we did it.

I guess that was it.

- [ crying resumes ]
- well, it was a good try.

- Maybe they're hungry again.
- Good thinking, jelly.

Well, I guess
they're not hungry.

Boy, this is harder
than I thought.

Okay, okay, let's think here.
What's something that always
makes us happy ?

[ Together ]
hmm. Ice cream !

Yeah. What flavor
do you think the babies
would like, mama ?

[ Giggles ]
ice cream isn't such
a good idea for babies.

But don't worry.
We'll figure something out.

Maybe we need to think
like muskrat babies.
Hey, yeah, you might be right.

Okay, the first thing
we tried was the pacifiers.

[ peanut ] that seemed
to work for a second,
but when we walked away--

- [ crying ]
- then we tried burping them.

- [ burping ]
- [ peanut ] and that worked
for a little while too.

but then we left again--
[ jelly ]
and they started crying again.

That's it !
The babies cry whenever
they don't see our faces.

Yeah ! We make them happy.

[ crying continues ]

[ Crying stops ]
pb&j, you are
three smart otters.

[ All sighing ]

well, they are kind of cute.



Pb&j, we can't
thank you enough for helping
with the babies today.

You really did
a great job.

Thanks, dad.
It was nothing.
Glad to help.

Pb&j, I know today
was hard on you,

But I want you
to know something.

Even though
the muskrat babies
are adorable,

Nobody could ever
take your place
at our hearts.

- Nobody.
- Come on. Let's go check
on the babies.

Oh, jelly, those little babies
are safely back home.

They're gone ?
No !

Mom, dad,
can we have another
baby brother or sister ?