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03x06 - Whistling Up the Wrong Munchy/Billy the Duck

Posted: 04/05/24 09:11
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up a new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh
everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sister and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪
oodle-ay !

[ All laughing ]

Bluh, bluh,
bluh, bluh !

Bluh, bluh, bluh !
Bluh, bluh,
bluh, bluh !

[ All laughing ]

- Beep bop bop boop.
- Beep boop boop bop.

Gotcha, jelly.
You should have bopped
when you booped.

I didn't bop ?

You definitely booped.

- I never win at
"otter see, otter do."
- That's not true.

You won last time when you
stood on your head...

and blew spit bubbles
in the shape of turtles.

We couldn't
copy that.
♪♪ [ whistling ]

[ All ]
huh ?

Wow !
Do you hear that ?

I've never heard anyone
whistle that well.

[ Blowing ]

[ All blowing ]

♪♪ [ whistling continues ]
where could that
be coming from ?

I don't know,
but I wanna find out.

Yeah !

♪♪ [ whistling continues ]
I bet it's a whistling
forest fairy.

Or a whistling
Birdie !

Maybe it's a--
munchy ?

♪♪ [ Whistling ]

- Munchy ?
- Oh, uh, hey, pb&j.

Munchy, I didn't know
you could whistle like that.

You're the greatest !
More !

Yeah, munchy.
Do you know any more ?
You're really good !

Well, thanks,
but I don't think so.

I love your whistling.
You're so great !

You do ? I am ?
Yeah !

Well, okay.

Yeah !
All right, munchy.

[ jelly ]
thanks, munchy.

♪♪ [ Whistling ]

Wow ! I wish
mom and dad
could hear this.

Me too. And flick
and pinch and--

Hey, you know
what would be great ?

A whistling concert
starring munchy.

[ peanut ]
yeah. We can invite
all of lake hoohaw.

Munchy, we've got
a great idea.

Yeah, get this.
"Munchy the whistling beaver:
live and in concert."

Oh, oh, oh !
And maybe a little band
and dancers and all that !

It'll be the most
exciting thing to hit
lake hoohaw ever.

peanut ! Butter !
jelly !

it's lunchtime !

Oops, gotta go.
But, munchy, this is
gonna be so great !

yeah. Let's meet
at the tree swing...

After lunch
and plan the concert.

Hey, you guys.
I don't know about this.

Like I told you,
it was so great.

There was munchy
up in the woods,

Whistling the most
incredible song to himself.

Mayor jeff thinks a concert
would be a great idea.

My mom says she'll
tell everybody when
she delivers their mail.

My mom says she'll
bring milk and cookies
for everyone.

Boy, munchy, your concert
is gonna be so great !

♪ Get the dancers
and the banners ♪

♪ And lots of food ♪

♪ Call the mayor
and the beavers ♪

♪ So much to do ♪

♪ Join the chorus
sing it for us ♪

♪ So everyone knows ♪

♪ That munchy
is whistling ♪

♪ In a really, really,
really big show ♪

♪ I don't want to ♪

♪ Do the concert ♪

♪ I feel queasy ♪

♪ And my head hurts ♪

♪ I don't want to ♪

♪ Is what they're missing ♪

♪ They don't listen ♪

♪ Listen to me ♪

[ Jelly ]
♪ we'll build a stage
and hang the lights ♪

♪ Get a thousand chairs
put 'em up just right ♪

[ Peanut ]
♪ we'll serve candy
and chocolate soup ♪

♪ Babbleberry cookies
and pompalope juice ♪

♪ Let's get busy ♪
I feel dizzy.

♪ Get up and go
'cause munchy is whistling ♪

Why aren't
they listening ?

♪ In a really ♪

♪ Really, really ♪

♪ Big show ♪♪

But I really like whistling
out in the woods by myself.
Just me.

[ jelly ] we'll meet
at the stage tomorrow
for a dress rehearsal.

don't be late.

You're gonna look
so super in this outfit
I designed, munchy.

I'm so excited for you.

here you go, buddy.
my dad gave me this old hat
and cane for you to use.

This is gonna be
so cool !

Oh, and don't eat
the cane.

Pinch, did you
finish our dresses
for the ballet act ?

Yes, of course.

We're going to be
so stunning when we dance
to munchy's whistling.

jelly, do I have to stand
next to the frog juggler ?

No, scootch canceled.

It was a nice idea, but he said
the frogs were too slippery
and kept hopping away.

So, you can do your magic act
right next to munchy.

Great !
Then it'll be easy
to saw him in half.

Oh ! You can't saw
munchy in half.
He's the star.

Do I still
have to whistle ?

[ All talking at once ]

You can't saw munchy in half
'cause he is the star.

But I'm uncomfortable.
[ All ]
huh ?

I'm sorry, munchy.

Pinch, munchy's
not comfortable.

Can you fix the tie
so he is comfortable ?

Sure ! We don't want
the star to be uncomfortable.

It's not the bow tie !

It's-- it's--
it's me !

I'm sorry.

I don't wanna ruin
your fun.

Our fun ?
We're doing this for you.

Oh, come on, guys.

I don't wanna whistle
in front of a bunch
of strangers.

They're not strangers.
They're friends.

I don't wanna whistle
in front of a bunch
of friends.

Don't worry, munchy.
You're gonna love it too.
Okay ?

And everyone
will love you.

They will ?
Everyone will love me ?

But not if
I don't whistle.

Word has it
that granny talbot...

Is the only whistler
in lake hoohaw that
even came close to munchy,

And granny could only whistle
with her teeth in backwards.

- [ laughter ]
- has anyone seen
munchy ?

Where could he be ?

[ laughter ]

Mayor jeff
is almost done.

We need to figure out
where munchy is fast.

It's time for
a noodle dance.

Dance ? Here ? Now ?

I'll use my noodle,
but I won't dance.


♪ noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I got it !
Maybe he's still getting
into his costume.

[ peanut ]
maybe munchy was so good...

that he was discovered
by the moon mountain
all-beaver whistling choir,

♪♪ [ Whistling ]
and he ran off
and joined them.

- Wait ! Stop !
- What ? Why ?
What is it ?

I know what it is.

you know how sometimes
you don't want to dance ?

It's not that
I don't want to.

It's just that I don't
like to do it in front
of everybody.

Exactly ! I think it's
the same thing with munchy.

What do you mean ?
when he kept saying...

he was feeling
uncomfortable ?

and when he tried
to tell us
he didn't want to,

we didn't listen
to him very well.

We should have made sure
munchy was okay...

With a concert
in the first place.

Yeah, I guess we really
didn't think about
how munchy was feeling.

It's just that
we got so excited
about our ideas...

That we didn't think
about him.

Sorry I'm late,

[ Sighs ]
I'm ready to do it.

That's okay.
You don't have to.

I don't ?
No, you don't.

A concert seemed
so exciting to us...

That we never
paid any attention
to what you wanted.

It's just that
a whistling concert is
too scary to be any fun for me.

We know,
and that's okay.

So, it's okay with you guys
if I don't whistle
for everybody ?

Of course.
All right !

thank you. Thank you.
thank you !

[ Grunts ]

[ laughter ]

Oops. What do we do
about the crowd that's
come for a show ?

We can't do our stuff
without munchy whistling.

It's okay.
I've got a great idea !

Okay, everyone.
Instead of whistling,
I have a special idea.

The first annual
"otter see, otter do"

[ murmuring,
applause ]

Now, everybody,
do what I do.

Ahh ! Ahh ! Ahh !
Bubboo. Bubboo. Bubboo.

[ All ]
ahh ! Ahh ! Ahh !
Bubboo. Bubboo bubboo.

[ All laughing ]

munchy, there you are.

How was the show ?
Everything went great.

we wish you could
have been there.

I was just wondering.

Would you do us
one big favor ?

If we sit here quietly,
will you whistle
just for us ?

Please !

Sure !
♪♪ [ Whistling ]

♪♪ [ off-key whistling ]

[ Butter
blowing ]

Man, whistling
like munchy is hard.

Isn't that funny ?

For munchy, whistling is easy,
but doing it in front
of everyone is hard.

But for us, standing up
in front of everyone
is easy,

And whistling
is hard.

Well, I learned
my lesson.

You got to listen
to what people really want,

And you shouldn't force them
to do something
they don't want to.

You kids make me so proud
with everything that
you've learned today.

[ opal ]
but now it's time
to whistle yourselves into bed.

Do we have to ?

Come on, pb&j.
It's time.

But, daddy,
we just learned...

That you shouldn't force
people to do things
they don't wanna do.

Yeah, mom.
Don't wanna.

Maybe we can compromise.

you still have to go
to bed now, but I won't
force you to whistle.

Very funny, mom.

[ laughing continues ]

[ owl hooting ]

[ All gasp ]

Wh-what was that ?
It's okay, munchy.
It was just an owl.

Are y-you sure ?

Sometimes big scary
monsters say "who" too.
They're tricky.

It's okay, munchy.
It's just crickets and bugs
and frogs and stuff.

I know.
It's the "stuff"
that scares me.

Ah, that stuff
doesn't scare me.

Does anything
scare you, flick ?

Nope. Not a thing.

Well, I do remember a time
when I was scared for real.

I was so scared,
I couldn't sleep
for a whole month.

I hate scary stuff.
It's so scary.

nothing's as scary...

As my cousin,
billy the duck.

He's the biggest,
meanest kid
in the whole world.

Really ?
Oh !

And my mom got a letter
from his mom today. Oh !

Is he that bad,
flick ?
Worse !

Once when I was little,
billy sat on me...

And wouldn't let me up
for, like, four minutes.

[ Gasps ]
really ?

Oh, yeah.
Billy was one mean duck.
The meanest I've ever known.

Big mean !
Scary mean !
Monster mean !

[ Gasps ]
m-m-monster !
[ Screams ]

[ All ]

[ All screaming ]

Relax, boys.
It's me.

Oh, hey, mrs. Duck.
Hey, mom.

I saw your flashlight on,
and I thought I'd bring you...

Some chocolate milk
and babbleberry pie.

That looks great.
Oh, yeah !
I love it !

Thanks, mrs. Duck.

Oh, and, flick.
Yeah, mom ?

I have some good news
for you.

Your aunt suzie
wrote to say your cousin
billy the duck...

is coming for a visit...

Now finish up your treats
and get to sleep.

Yes, mrs. Duck.

I got chocolate milk
up my beak.

[ Peanut, munchy ]
what are you
gonna do, flick ?

Grow a beard
for a disguise ?

Cheer up, flick.
Maybe your cousin billy
has changed.

Oh, sure he has.
He's probably gotten
bigger and meaner.

And now he's coming
to get me !

[ thunderclap ]
[ all screaming ]

What's flick's
cousin billy like,
munchy ?

Do you know ?
Well, one time,
he sat on flick,

And wouldn't let him up
for, like, four hours.

Wow !

Have you heard anything
about flick's cousin billy ?

I heard he sat on flick
for four days.

[ Gasps ]

I heard that billy
would pretend
he was a monster...

And then jump on flick
and stay there
for four months !

[ Gasps, screams ]

Sorry. My fault.
[ Screams ]

You heard flick's cousin billy
uses kids for trampolines ?

Really ? Wow !
And he's going
to be here today ?

[ Gasps, screams ]

[ Gasps ]
My fault.

[ Screams ]

[ Murmuring ]

♪ Big bad
billy the duck ♪

♪ When he's in town
you're outta luck ♪

♪ as fully a bully
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ he uses kids
as a trampoline ♪

♪ the wind is blowing ♪

♪ billy this way ♪

♪ He's comin' tomorrow ♪

♪ We must leave today ♪

♪ He's big bad
billy the duck ♪

♪ When he's in town
you're outta luck ♪

♪ when you see his bill
head for the hills ♪

♪ When you see his wings
stand up and sing ♪

♪ Quack quack qua-ack ♪

♪ The duck's comin' back ♪

♪ Don't find
yourself stuck ♪

♪ With big bad
billy the duck ♪

♪ Yuck ♪

I think we should
run for the hills
while we have the chance !

Come on, guys.

I think we should all wait
and see what billy
is really like.

[ Whimpering ]

Oops !

Welcome to lake hoohaw,

You remember
your cousin, flick.

Kids, I'd like you to meet
my nephew, billy the duck.

Well, someone
should give him
a lake hoohaw welcome.

[ Gulps ]
I guess that's me.

Whoa !

- Whoa !
- [ All gasp ]

[ Groans ]

[ Grunts ]

[ chattering,
indistinct ]

oh !
that was so close.

This is not
my lucky day.

It was going pretty good
until you pushed
a giant bully into the mud.

- Ooh. Sorry.
- It was an accident.
I tripped.

Well, I hope you don't have
any more... Accidents.

Maybe this lucky
monkey cola cap
will help.

wow ! Is it really lucky ?
[ butter ]
peanut monkey !

I don't know.
I hear it is.

- Guess not.
- Whew ! It's hot.

Hey, come on, y'all.
Let's go swimming.

All right !
I want
the swim fins.

I'll go get
my mom's permission.

Has billy mentioned
our little accident
this morning ?

No. I think
he's planning
how to get you back.

He said that ?
Not exactly.

But that's what I'd
be doing if someone
pushed me in the mud.

It was an accident.

Here comes trouble.

[ flick ]
i've seen
that look before.

That's definitely
not his happy look.

- What are you
gonna do, peanut ?
- Peanut ?

[ Giggles ]

- Bwilly !
- Uh, hi.

- Where's your friend ?
- He went that way.

We'll tell him
you're looking for him.

Don't worry.
I'll catch up with him
sooner or later.


[ Both ]
oh, man !

[ Gasps ]

[ Panting ]

[ mrs. Duck ]
yoo-hoo. Flick.
billy. Supper.

[ Scoffs ]

What am I
gonna do ?

Peanut monkey.
[ Giggles ]

Huh ?

i can't keep running away
from him for the rest
of my life.

[ Yawns ]

I'm so afraid,
I haven't slept a wink.

Hey, I know.
I think it's time
for a noodle dance.

Maybe we can figure out
what to do about a bully.
Noodle !

here goes nothing.

You think
I can hide and dance
at the same time ?

♪ noodle ♪

♪ use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I've got it !

maybe we could trick
billy into getting
on a big old rocket ship,

and then blast it off
into deep, deep space.

something like that.

How about
we just send me off
in a big old rocket ship ?

Hey ! What if peanut
gave him a whole bunch
of candy ?

you know, as a way
to get billy not to cream ya ?

There's gotta be
another way to keep billy
from beating me up.

Hey, I know.
You can tell him not to.

Tell him ?
You've seen him.

You've heard
how tough he is.
He's gonna beat me up !

He'll listen,
and we'll be right
behind you, won't we ?

Won't we ?

[ Giggling ]

Excuse me,
billy, sir ?

I know you want
to beat me up,

But before you do,
I want to tell you

Beat you up ?
What are you talking about ?

Isn't that
why you've been
following me around ?

No. I was just trying
to give you this back.

You dropped it.
my lucky monkey
cola cap.

But how did you know
it was mine ?
Butter told me.

Peanut monkey.
Peanut monkey.
[ Giggles ]

Wow !
I mean, thank you.

But aren't you mad
about being pushed
into the mud puddle ?

Nah, I knew
it was an accident.
It's no big deal.

- So you're not a bully ?
- Bully ?

[ Laughs ]
what makes you say that ?

Flick said that when
he was little,
you sat on him...

And wouldn't let him up
for, like, four minutes.

- Days !
- Months !

What ? Oh, yeah,
I remember.

Flick wanted
to play horsey. Ha-ha.

I told him I was too big,
but he wouldn't believe me.

so, I got on his back,
and he got squished
for, like, a second.

[ Laughs ]
really ?

Oh, yeah.
Now I remember.

My mistake.

That's all right,

Billy, I'm sorry
I thought bad things
about you. Friends ?


I guess my monkey cola cap
is lucky after all.

[ All cheering ]

[ opal ]
well, peanut, you sure
seem happy tonight.

That's because
we all made
a new friend today.

Bwilly !
Yeah, billy's not
a bully after all.

♪ Good ol'
billy the duck ♪

♪ If he's your friend
then you're in luck ♪

♪ We used to think
he was a bully ♪

♪ Now that really
seems quite silly ♪

♪ We're in luck ♪

♪ With good ol'
billy the duck ♪

♪ Good ol'
billy the duck ♪

♪ Good ol'
billy the duck ♪♪

[ door opens ]

Uh, are you guys
going to come out
to the tent or what ?

- What's going on, billy ?
- Well, it's a little
scary out here.

Even for a bully.
[ Laughing ]

[ billy ]
oh, I quack myself up.
oh, quack. Get it ?