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03x09 - Hoohaw is Where the Heart Is/Everything in Its Place

Posted: 04/05/24 09:14
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up a new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh
everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sister and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪
oodle-ay !

I don't see her.
How about you, jelly ?

I don't see her.
Do you, peanut ?

How about you, butter ?

- No nanna.
- Don't you worry, kids.

No matter how busy
and exciting her life gets,

When aunt nanner says
she's coming for a visit--

[ Kids ]
she's coming
for a visit.

I just wish
she'd hurry up
and get here...

So we can play
commander casserole
freeze tag with her.

And bucky spacebeaver

Nanner !
Sandbox !

- [ ernest ]
hey, I think I see her !
- [ cap'n crane ] look out !

[ ernest ]
oh, no, never mind.

it's just cap'n crane
taking a bath.

[ Spits ]
good afternoon, otters.

Afternoon, cap'n crane.
Any sign of aunt nanner ?

Well, let's take a look.

Nope. Nope.

[ gasps ]
watchbird alert !

Wh-what is it, captain ?

You're not aunt nanner.

That's right, dear.
I'm the ice moose.

Maybe aunt nanner's
not coming.
No nanner ?

Don't worry, butter.
She'll be here.

I don't know, peanut.
Hoohaw probably seems
pretty ho-hum...

Ever since aunt nanner
took her trip
around the world.

Remember these
picture postcards
she sent to us ?

Here's aunt nanner
cliff diving on pangopango.

And here she is
summitting the summit
of the pekingese peaks.

man ! When she's been
to that many cool places,

Why would she want
to come here ?
honk ! Honk !

Aunt nanner alert !
Aunt nanner alert !

Hi, guys !

All right !
She's here !

Ahh ! Whee !

Hello, hoohaw !

And hello,
my sweetiekins.

Get over here and hug
your aunt nanner,

And then kiss and then hug
and then kiss me again !

[ Kids ]
oh !
We missed you !

See you tomorrow morning,
bright and early.
[ Throws a kiss ]


Tomorrow morning ?

You have to leave
tomorrow morning,
aunt nanner ?

Afraid so, princess.

But we have
all of tonight
to catch up.

[ Yawns ]
that is,
if I can stay awake.

anna, you must be exhausted
from your trip
around the world.

I am a little tired.
[ Yawns ]

Okay, I'm totally pooped.

Well, dinner's
almost ready,

Then we can have
a nice quiet evening.

Thanks, sis.
That sounds perfect.

[ Yawns ]
it's always
so relaxing here.

So much peace and quiet.

[ Yawns ]

See ?
Aunt nanner's
bored already.

Yeah. No wonder
she's only staying
for one night.

We gotta think of something
to make this visit exciting,

Or she might never
wanna come back.

And the donkey
turns out to be
the president.

[ All laugh ]

Tell us more, anna.
Yeah, come on,
keep going.

All right. All right.
So after we left
basinji land,

i was crossing
the desert sands
of itchyscatchawan,

when the sheik himself
challenged me...

to a one-on-one
soccer match.

i faked left,
he was faked.

i went right.
the score was tied.
time had almost run out.

i saw an opening.
i shot. I scored !

goal ! Goal ! Goal !

Wow, aunt nanner !

How exciting !
Ooh !

Where'd you go next,
aunt nanner ?

From there,
I went to the foothills
of the wobblyknees,

where I shot
the rocky rapids...

while dining
with the prime minister.

hoohaw ! Whee !

It sounds like
you really love your life,
aunt nanner.

I do.
It's an exciting life.

I live it,
and I love it.

♪ I explored the polar ice cap
'cause I ran out of ice ♪

♪ Climbed the twin peaks
of the pekingese 'cause
I'll try anything twice ♪

♪ Adventure is
my middle name ♪

♪ Wanderlust
is just my game ♪

♪ So who knows where I'll be
tomorrow night ♪

♪ But before I say good-bye ♪

i'm just here
to testify ♪
[ meowing ]

♪ That I love my life ♪

♪ I love my life ♪
♪ love my life ♪

♪ love walkin'
on the wild side ♪

♪ I love my life ♪
♪ love my life ♪

♪ as I wander
far and wide ♪

♪ I'm never bored
that's my reward
for seizin' every day ♪

♪ I'm here
to say-hey-hey-hey ♪

♪ I love my life
i love my life ♪
♪ love my life ♪

♪ if something's new
i wanna do it ♪

♪ I love my life ♪
♪ love my life ♪

♪ it's my world
and welcome to it ♪

♪ if it's thrillin'
then I'm willin'
to throw myself right in ♪

♪ I'll say it again ♪
♪ say it again ♪

♪ I love my life ♪♪

- Ha, ha !
- Fun ! Fun !

Boy, aunt nanner's life
really does sound great,
doesn't it ?

Yeah. It makes
commander casserole
freeze tag pretty boring.

Yeah. I guess she's never
gonna want to play...

Bucky spacebeaver
with me ever again.

No sandbox ?

I don't think so,

How can playing
in a dinky ol' sandbox...

Compare with the sands
of the itchyscatchawan
desert ?

Hey !
I have an idea !

Well, come on.
Share ! Share !

Aunt nanner likes
exciting, right ?

- [ Both ] right.
- Well, we can make life here
just as exciting...

As the rest
of aunt nanner's life.

You're a genius, jelly.
But how do we do that ?

Don't you worry.
I have a plan.

Mmm. Mmm.

Ahh !

No one in the world
makes babbleberry iced tea
like you do, opal.

Thanks, sis.
That's because no place
in the world...

Has babbleberries like...
[ Both ]
lake hoohaw.

It's so wonderful here.

I think I'm just gonna
close my eyes
for a second...

And drink in
this peaceful moment.

[ clanging ]
[ ernest ]
what's going on ?

Ladies and gentlemen,
get ready for the most
exciting show...

in the world !

featuring the amazing
princess jelly of hoohaw...

on her amazing kazoo.

Whee !
[ Laughing ]

♪♪ [ Kazoo ]

And the even more amazing
prince peanut of hoohaw...

On his even
more amazing kazoo.

♪♪ [ Kazoo ]

And the most amazingly
amazing butter of hoohaw...

On the most amazingly
amazing kazoo of all !

[ Spitting ]

[ All laughing ]
♪♪ [ kazoos ]

Huh ?
[ jelly ] on behalf
of all the interesting...

and exciting citizens
of lake hoohaw,
we welcome you.

[ Kids ]
go, hoohaw !

[ Laughing ]

Okay, kids.
That was great.

Now we'd like to have
some quiet time together.

If you want to join us,
you're more than welcome.

Come on, pb&j.
Come relax with me.

No, thanks.

It's way too exciting
around here to relax,
aunt nanner.

Suit yourselves.

[ jelly ]
boy, that sure
didn't work.

What now ?

Now we think up
some more exciting ideas.

Now we noodle dance !

Dancing makes my feet
a little too excited.

- I'll just noodle.
- ♪♪ [ dance ]

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

♪ use your noodle
use your brain ♪

♪ there's an answer
you can find use your noodle
use your mind ♪

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I've got it !

What ?
What have you got ?

We build the world's
biggest and most exciting
roller coaster !

it's so big
that it never ends.
[ screaming ]

and we get aunt nanner
to go on it...

so she's always here
and having exciting fun.

That's great !

But I'd get sick
if I had to stay on
a roller coaster forever.

Yeah, me too.
I know !

We could build
the world's greatest circus...

And do all kinds
of exciting tricks and stuff
all day and night.

That's a great idea,

Except even I would
get tired of the circus...

If I had to stay there
all the time.

Really ?

No one could take
all that excitement
all the time.

I guess you're right.

Hey, that's it !
What's it ?

Maybe we're trying to solve
the wrong problem.
What do you mean ?

Well, we've been
thinking of ways
to show aunt nanner...

How exciting
lake hoohaw is, right ?

- Yeah.
- But the more excitement
we think up,

The less time we have
to play with her.

- You're right.
- I say we go
talk to aunt nanner...

And ask her
to play with us.

Jelly, you're a genius.
Let's go !

[ opal ]
pb&j, time for bed !

Oh, no !
Oh, man !

Bedtime ?
We didn't get any time
with aunt nanner.

Your aunt nanner
wanted to tuck you in.

Cool ! Okay !
Nanner !
Yea !

You know, kids.
It's feels like we barely
had time for a visit.

Yeah. We're sorry
it's not that exciting here.

We were trying to think
of exciting things to do...

So that you'd wanna
visit us again.

We'd understand
if you never came back.

What ?
Are you kidding ?
I love it here !

And I love you guys.

I don't come here to be
excited or entertained.
I come for you !

Boy, were we wrong.

You mean you wouldn't
have minded playing
commander casserole freeze tag ?

Of course not.
I would have loved it !

And bucky spacebeaver
hide-and-seek ?
Absolutely !

[ butter ]
sandbox ?
my favorite !

Well, maybe next time.

Next time ?
How about this time ?

You all are totally
wide awake.

would it be all right ?

[ Kids ]
please !

- We'll keep it short.
- Well, all right.

Just this once.
I guess it's--

- [ kids ]
all right !
- hey, wait up !

Last one on
has dirty diapers.
[ All laughing ]

Honestly, anna.
You're as excitable
as the rest of them.

[ aunt nanner ]
i sure am.

[ chattering,
laughter ]

- Okay, my turn.
- [ jelly ]
you need to roll a seven...

to get a hoohaw hee,

Come on, seven !
Seven ! Seven !

three ? A three ?
i was so close !

That means I get
to put the houseboat
on the lake,

And I love putting
the houseboat
on the lake.

Hey, where'd it go ?

Peanut, do you have
any ideas where it is ?

Beats me.
If it's not in the box,
maybe it's under the bed.

Keep looking !
It's gotta be
around here someplace.

Oh !

[ jelly ]
i know it's in here

Hey, I've been looking
for you guys.

Hurry up. Let's go.
We're gonna be late.

Whoa ! Ow !

Are you okay, flick ?
Yeah, no problem.

Oh, I should stop hurting
in a year or so.

[ jelly ]
hey, the houseboat !
we've been looking for that.

- Thanks, flick.
- Ow !

Don't mention it.

Sorry, flick.

Hey, I don't see
any sunscreen.

No snorkeling gear.
No life jackets.

Why aren't you guys
ready ?

- Ready ? For what ?
- Mayor jeff's boat ride !

[ Gasps ]
mayor jeff's boat ride !
We completely forgot !

Forgot ! Forgot !
How could you forget ?

I don't know, flick.

I guess we got busy
playing hoohaw hee
and we just--

Let me think about this
for a minute.

You forgot about
a cool boat ride
with mayor jeff...

Because you were playing
a board game ?

[ Both ]
we know ! We know !
Get your stuff together.

I'm gonna keep
mayor jeff busy
until you get there.

- We'll be ready.
- Go ! Go !

Come on, peanut.
We gotta find our stuff.

- I found a flipper.
- Here's the sunscreen.

Where are
the life jackets ?

I think they're on the deck.
Come on !

They're not here.
Let's try downstairs.

Nope. Nothing here.
Let's check the basement.

The life jackets
could be there.

No life jackets here.

Or in the living room.
Or on the deck
where they belong.

Then they must be
in our room.

[ Both ]
in our room ?
Oh, no !

♪ La dah doo
dee doo dee dah ♪♪

We're never gonna
find them in time.
What is that ?

I have no idea,
but whatever it is,

i didn't even know
we had one.

[ Both ]
oh, no !

Hey, kids.
What's all the ruckus
about in here ? Whoa !

[ Blowing whistle ]

My whistle.
Thanks, daddy.

You're welcome, jelly.
But what's all the fuss
about in here ?

We can't find
our life jackets,

And we're supposed
to go with mayor jeff
on his boat soon.

Oh, brother.
You're not ready yet ?

[ Sighs ]
I'll be back.

Well, you know
it would be a lot easier
to find things...

If you were
a little more organized.

- What do you mean, daddy ?
- I mean, you need to put
things away where they belong.

But, daddy, we kinda
already do that.

Yeah, the stuff
we don't play with
all the time,

We put it over here.

And the stuff we do
play with all the time,
we put right here.

And everything else,
we kinda put
everywhere else.

Mess. Mess. Mess.

Besides, we decided
if we clean it up now,

We're just gonna
pull it all out
again later.

This reminds me of a story
when I was a kid.

i let my room get
just like this one.

i loved it.
my dad didn't.
so, we made a deal.

i keep my room
as messy and disorganized
as I wanted,

but I have to keep
everything in one big pile
in front of my closet.

well, as the weeks went by,
that pile just got
bigger and bigger.

then, one day,
i couldn't find
my baseball mitt,

and it was the day
of the big championship game.

and I didn't just miss
the big game.

- the pile got so big,
- [ gasps ]

i couldn't even
get out of my room.

[ Grunting ]

my dad rescued me.

and from that day on,
i promised myself...

that I would keep my room
neat and clean,

and my baseball mitt
in the top drawer
of the dresser by my bed.

And life has been
smooth sailing ever since.

Come on, daddy.
Quit joking around.

Well, it could
have happened.

The point is--
keep it neat and clean,

And it makes finding things
nice and easy.
Whoa !

Hey, why don't you watch--
oh, hello, mr. Otter.

Love the tie.
Excuse me, mr. Otter.

Cheese and quackers.
You're still not ready.

Jelly, how could you
forget about today ?

I wrote it down
on your big giant calendar.
Remember ?

My calendar ?
I haven't seen my calendar
in months.

That's no surprise.
How can you find anything
in this mess ?

- [ Both ] we can't !
- Well, we'll just
have to help then.

Right, flick ?
♪♪ [ Whistling ]

- Flick !
- Oh, all right.

But I'm not missing out
on that boat ride.

- How's it going, kids ?
- I can't believe
it's this hard...

To find a couple
of life jackets.

Yeah, this room
is just too messy.

[ Sighs ]
oh, well.

I guess it's good-bye,
boat ride.

You mean you're all ready
to give up just like that ?

Well, what else
are we gonna do ?

[ ernest ]
well, I could be wrong,
but it sure sounds like...

it's time for one
of your doodly-doo dances.

- It's a noodle dance, daddy.
- Yeah, that.

Well, okay.
We do need to do
our best thinking, and fast.

I'm happy
to do some thinking,

But I'm gonna pass
on the dancing.

♪♪ [ dance ]

♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪♪

I know !

We can fill some balloons
with helium and tie them
all over us,

then we can hover
around our room
over the top of the mess...

until we find
the life jackets.

[ ernest ]
good thinking, jel.

but what if accidentally
floated out the window
and into outer space, honey ?

i'd have to get a rocket ship
and come save you.

[ jelly ]
oh, yeah, you're right.

that doesn't sound
very safe.

I got an idea.

Maybe there's a way
we can go on the boat trip
without life jackets.

Keep talkin'.

maybe we can get mayor jeff
to take the boat trip
on dry land.

[ ernest ]
that's a great idea !

but mayor jeff
doesn't have a boat
that can go on dry land.

[ peanut ]
i see what you mean.

I don't think there is
a good substitute
for life jackets.

[ Sighs ]
we're just gonna
have to find ours.

You've gotta be kidding.

Have you looked
at this place lately ?

Yes, which is why
if we get this place
picked up,

We might just find
those jackets in time.

What do you think
the best way to get this place
neat and clean is ?

By having fun
while you do it.

- What do you mean, dad ?
- Well, can you remember
a time...

When getting something
neat and clean was fun ?

Well, we had fun when we
cleaned mayor jeff's shed
that one time.

Yeah, and we found
some cool things,

Like a clock
that turned backwards.

Yeah, and we even
made up a song about it.

Before we knew it,
the whole place
was neat and clean.

Hey ! Maybe if we sing
while we clean this time,

We'll have fun
cleaning again.
[ whistle ]

We'll do whatever
you wanna do,
but let's do it quick.

hey, I know.
let's say the faster
we sing--

[ Both ]
the faster we have
to clean. Yeah !

Ready ? Go !

♪ We take it from a pile
put it in a file ♪

♪ Grab it off the floor
put it in the drawer ♪

♪ Turn it into fun
and it's not so tough ♪

♪ Hey I forgot
I had this stuff ♪

♪ It's easier to make
a big mess ♪

♪ Then to put things
in a box ♪

♪ But you'll have to dial
a psychic ♪

♪ When you need
to find your socks ♪

- ♪ So ♪
- ♪ treat it like a game
treat it like a race ♪

♪ A place for everything
everything in its place ♪

♪ take it from a pile
put it in a file ♪

♪ grab it off the floor
put it in the drawer ♪

♪ Don't just throw it
'cause if you stow it ♪

♪ Before you know it
you'll see the floor ♪

♪ I haven't seen that
in a month or more ♪

♪ You can toss things
in a big heap
or keep 'em neat instead ♪

♪ But it's tough to find
your favorite stuff ♪

♪ Stuffed behind the bed
so ♪

♪ Treat it like a game
treat it like a race ♪

♪ A place for everything
everything in its place ♪

♪ Take if from a pile
put it in a file ♪

♪ Grab it off the floor
put it in the drawer ♪

♪ Pick it up, peanut
pass it quick ♪

♪ This is more fun
than pickup sticks ♪

- ♪ Treat it like a game
treat it like a race ♪
- ♪ a place for everything ♪

- ♪ Everything in its ♪
- ♪ a place for everything
everything in its ♪

♪ a place for everything
everything in its place ♪♪

Dad, look ! Our room !
It's actually clean !

Well, what do you know ?
There's the floor.

Hey, look !
There's our life jackets !

We did it !
[ All ]
yea !

[ ernest ]
better get those jackets on
and get to mayor jeff's boat.

You can just make it.
[ Chattering ]

[ Chattering ]

Come on.
Hurry up !

Yay !
Here we go !

This is gonna be great !

Okay, baby butter.
Why don't you
go up to the front ?

So, it sounds like
you really had
a great time.

It was the best.
Yeah, the boat ride
was really fun.

Almost as much fun
as cleaning our room.

- Are you kidding me, jelly ?
- No. Mayor jeff even let us
clean up his boat.

This is great !
I really do like this new
neat and clean attitude.

And I do know of a certain
basement that could use
a little work.

[ Both ] huh ?
and my store boat
sure could use some cleaning.

and the play area.
then there's the beach.

[ Kids ]
dad !

And my sock drawer's a mess !
The silverware needs shining.

and my rock collection
needs polishing.

[ jelly ]
oh, daddy !