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03x12 - Sergeant Gravel to the Rescue/Sleepyhead

Posted: 04/05/24 09:18
by bunniefuu
Pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up a new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh
everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ father, mother
sister and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪
oodle-ay !

Hey, pb&j.
Hi, peanut.
Hi, flick.

- Is it here yet ?
- Nope, but I bet it'll
be here any minute.

Boy, I can't wait
to get another book
from the library boat.

You should
borrow my book, jelly.
It's the best story ever.

- What's it about ?
- Are there pictures ?
- Tell us about it.

It's called
the countess of monte cristo.
it's dreamy.

[ cheering ]
thank you,
my loyal subjects.

Why don't you all join me
for a royal tea party ?

- [ Cheering ]
- will there be royal cookies ?

Yes, of course.
[ cheering ]

here's my favorite
book ever--

call of the wild duck.

What did the big bucket
say to the tiny bucket ?

You look a little pail.

[ echoes ]
you look a little pail.

Get it ? Tiny bucket ?
A little pail ?

[ Laughs ]

Now, that's entertainment.

So what about you, peanut ?
What book did you
read this time ?

I read in search
of the missing mongoose...

From the sergeant gravel
of the royal mounted
honest police series.

He's so cool
and so honest.

[ chorus ]
♪ sergeant gravel ♪

♪ he's sergeant gravel
he's true blue ♪

♪ knows just what to do ♪

♪ honesty is his policy ♪

♪ sergeant gravel ♪
good afternoon.
You dropped this, ma'am.

It's yours.
I couldn't keep it.
That wouldn't be honest.

Oh, kind sir,
how can I ever repay you ?

No need, ma'am.
It's all in a day's work.

♪ sergeant gravel ♪♪
honesty is my business.

it sounds like
a wonderful book.
what an otter !

♪ I like mystery ♪
♪ I like history ♪

♪ I like a hero
honest and true ♪

[ All ]
♪ there's so much to know
so many places you can go ♪

♪ With a good book
and just about
any book will do ♪

♪ I love a good book ♪

♪ I love a good book ♪

♪ Yeah, 'cause
reading's really cool ♪

♪ And you can read
at home or school ♪

♪ There's really just one rule
you can love a good book ♪

♪ Turn any page and find ♪

♪ A world of something new ♪

♪ Castles and kings ♪
dragons with wings ♪

♪ Or a secret treasure ♪

♪ I love a good book ♪

♪ I love a good book ♪

♪ Yeah, 'cause
reading's really cool ♪

♪ And you can read
at home or school ♪

♪ There's really just one rule
you can love a good book ♪

♪ There's really just one rule
you can love a good book ♪♪

Hey, peanut.
Can I see your
sergeant gravel book ?

Sure. I've got it
right here. It's...

Got a... Picture...

Of the sergeant.


[ Gasps ]
jelly, it's not here !

Well, don't worry, peanut.
You probably just left it
at home.

Yeah, yeah, at home.
Probably on the desk
in our room.

You'd better
run back and get it.

The book boat is gonna
get here any minute.

Yeah, peanut.
You'd better run and get it.

You know
what the penalty is
for an overdue book.

- Penalty ?
- Yeah, you know,

Like when you break
the law and they put you
in jail...

[ Gasps ]
and throw away
the key.

Aah !

Row faster, prisoners.

We wouldn't want the book boat
to be late for its next stop.

What are you in for,
kid ?

An overdue
library book.

But it was only
one day late.
Really !

Sure, kid, sure.
That's what they all say.

[ All laughing ]
only one day late.

Hey, don't take it
so hard, peanut.

So what if you never get
to check out another book
as long as you live ?

Oh, man.
I've gotta find that book !

- [ All ] huh ?
- [ horn honks ]

Must find book !

Come on, butter.
I think peanut
is a little upset.

Jelly, it's not here !
I'm doomed !

Oh, it's gotta
be here somewhere.

did you lend it
to anyone ?

Good question, jelly.
Now, let me think.

Did I lend it to anyone ?
No. I would have
remembered that.

Well, there's only
one thing left to do.

What ?
Freak out.
I'm doomed !

I'm double doomed !

Mom, have you
seen my library book ?
Hmm ?

- Dad, have you
seen my library book ?
- Your library book ?

- Why, no, peanut.
- Me neither. It's missing,
and it's due back today.

Don't worry, peanut.
I'm sure you've
just misplaced it.

It's not just misplaced, mom.
It's vanished.

It's disappeared
without a trace.

Now, calm down, peanut.
I'm sure it'll turn up.

You don't understand.
The book boat is gonna
toot its horn any second.

[ horn toots ]
[ screams ]
it's here !

[ Screams ]

Peanut thinks that
if he doesn't return
his library book on time,

He'll never be able
to use the book boat again.

Well, being responsible
for things we borrow
is very important.

But I think peanut's
imagination is getting
the best of him right now.

Why don't you take butter
over to the book boat,
and I'll help peanut look ?

Okay, mama.
Okay, mama.

Is peanut still here ?
Yep, in his room.

Why don't you go see
how he's doing ?

Any luck ?
No, but I've
been thinking.

What this calls for
is a noodle dance.
You wanna dance ?

I know it's crazy talk,
but it's an emergency.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

I got it !
Peanut. Peanut !

Huh !
I've got it !

I knew I could
count on you.

Well, of course,
dear brother.

All we need is
a paper-sniffing machine.

We can use it to
find the missing book.

[ computer voice ]
♪ give me paper, paper
paper I will sniff ♪

♪ give me paper, paper
i only need a whiff ♪

But, of course,
even if there was
such a thing...

As a paper-sniffing machine,
dad probably doesn't
have one on his store boat.

How about this ?
You could tell the librarian you
want to renew your missing book.

- Renew it ?
- Tell the librarian you want
to keep it for another week.

Yeah. Maybe I could
keep renewing it forever.

Then the librarian
would never know
I lost it.

Wait a minute, jelly.
I can't do that.
It wouldn't be... Honest.

I mean, sergeant gravel
of the royal mounted
honest police...

Would never
do a thing like that.

Hey !
That gives me an idea.

What do you think
sergeant gravel would do
in a case like this ?

Well, first, he would
search for the book,
but I've already done that.

But how would
sergeant gravel
search for it ?

Hey, I see
what you mean.

I have to try to think
about my problem from
a different point of view.

Right. Instead
of searching everywhere--

I can retrace my steps,
like sergeant gravel did
in my missing book,

And sort of work backwards
to the last place I had it.

Let's see.
Before I went down
to breakfast,

I walked to the closet
to get my backpack.

And before that,
I climbed down the ladder
from my bed.

[ jelly ]
what did you do before
you went to sleep ?

That's it.
I was reading, jelly.

I was reading in bed
right before I went to sleep.

Wait a minute, peanut.
Mama turned the lights out after
she tucked us in last night.

you couldn't have
been reading in bed.

I wanna hear
your snores, dinosaurs.

Sure, I could, jelly,
because as soon as mom left
and the room was dark,

i turned on
my trusty old flashlight.

then I opened
the sergeant gravel book
and read the last chapter.

[ jelly ]
then what happened,
peanut ?

When you finished reading,
where did you put the book ?

I closed the book,
turned off the flashlight, and--

- Yes ?
- And--
[ gasps ]

- Yes, yes ? Go on.
- I stuck them under
the mattress for safekeeping.

Man, I thought the bed
was a little lumpy
this morning.

- [ horn honks ]
- [ butter ] book boat.
- I can still make it !

Thanks, jel !

Wow ! This book
is even better
than the last one.

Whoa, there, peanut.
I wondered
where you were today.

Well, I was looking for--
that is, i--

You see, I put
the book under my--

I'm sorry, peanut,
but the library
is now officially closed.

But that means
my book is overdue,

And there will be
a... Penalty !

- I'm afraid so, peanut.
- I'm sorry I'm late.

I should have been
more responsible about
taking care of a book...

That didn't
belong to me.

But I'm prepared to
pay my debt to society.

Well, peanut, I certainly
appreciate your honesty,

and I know how much
you love to read,
so I have an idea.

Why don't you come back
next week and work for me
here on the book boat ?

You can arrange
all the sergeant gravel books.

You want me to work here
on the book boat ?

I thought I'd never
get to come back.

Oh, see you next week,
Yes, ma'am.

All right !

You see, mom, jelly helped me
to think like sergeant gravel,
and everything turned out okay.

And the librarian wants me
to help her arrange all
the sergeant gravel books.

Including the newest one--
sergeant gravel and the mystery
of the missing meatball.

Now, you see, peanut.
Things are hardly ever as bad
as you think they're gonna be.

Well, I'm very proud
of the way you kids
handled this problem today.

Wow, peanut ! You get to be
the first kid on lake hoohaw
to read that new book.

How'd you do it ?
Well, it's like sergeant gravel
always says--

"Honesty is my business."
[ Ernest ]
way to go, peanut.

Now, that's my peanut.
Yea, peanut !

♪ sergeant gravel ♪

♪ he's sergeant gravel ♪

Morning, daddy.
Papa !

[ Wanda ]
did you have a good night
at work ?

The best.
It was a great night
for recycling.

What did you do ?
Tell us ! Tell us !

[ walter ] mr. Muskrat had
to replace his doors because
they took a terrible beating,

and it looked like
his new doors were
in for the same problem.

but I got an idea
how to use the old doors
to save the new ones.

i turned them into
a ping-pong table.

Yea !

That was great thinking,

What else did you do,
daddy ?

Well, let's see.

i turned a jumble
of wires and bottles
into a string of lanterns.

- We're very proud
of you, honey.
- Thanks, dear.

Daddy, I bet
you're the best recycler
there ever was.

I hope everyone
appreciates you
as much as we do.

Well, that's the most
exciting news of all.

You're looking at
lake hoohaw's recycling
hero of the year.

I'm getting an award
this evening.

Papa !

An award ?
Do you get to make a speech
and everything ? Do you ?

You bet I do.
And I want you all
to be there.

[ Giggles ]

We wouldn't miss it
for the world.

Now, you make sure
to get a good day's sleep.

This is going to be a big night
in the raccoon household.

I need to sleep,
but I don't think
I'll be able to.

I'm too excited.
[ birds whistling ]

But if anything
could help me sleep, it's
the song of those lovely larks.

[ Yawns ]

And don't worry, daddy.
If that doesn't work,
we'll help.

Yeah, help.

- [ Giggling ]
- quiet, y'all.

- What's the matter ?
- Our dad's asleep.

What a sleepyhead.
It's daytime.

Our dad sleeps
during the day 'cause
he works all night.

Why does he do that ?

He works at night,
so when everybody
wakes up,

All their trash
is gone and recycled.

Oh, that's really smart.

in fact, he's
recycling hero
of the year.

That's great !
Hoohaw !
Way to go !

[ Giggles ]

Someday I'm gonna be a hero
and wave to crowds
and make speeches.

Me too.
Me three.

My fellow lake hoohawers,
I'm honored to be your hero.

I'd like to thank my mama,
my daddy and the academy
for this award.

[ applause continues ]

I too am humbled by--
what's that ?

My time's up ?
Oh, man.
[ applause ]

Hooray for peanut !
We love you, peanut.

yea !
hero !

Pinch, scootch, kids.
Please keep it down.
I was almost asleep.

[ Yawns ]

Sorry. My fault.

Just play a little
more quietly, okay ?

♪♪ [ Birds singing ]

Shh ! Keep it down.
No chirping !

It's okay, peanut.
Keep singing, little birds.

♪♪ [ Singing ]

My dad says he likes
the way the larks sound.
They help him sleep.

Let's make sure
he can hear 'em.
Get 'em closer to his window.

Good idea.
It's almost there.

- ♪♪ [ Singing continues ]
- it's working.

[ snoring ]

Oh, no !
[ All scream ]

Maybe he's so fast asleep,
he didn't notice.
'Fraid not.

What happened ?
Is everyone okay ?

Pretty flower.

Sorry. My fault.

Sorry, daddy.

It's okay, kids,
but be careful.

Now, I've really got
to get some sleep.

Oh, dear.
[ Grunts ]

hey, how come your dad
was dressed up
like a big giant flower ?

- Wasn't he supposed
to be sleeping ?
- Oh !

What ?
What did I say ?

It's really important
that we help mr. Raccoon
fall asleep.

And now the birds
that were helping him
flew away.

Hey, I'm a bird.
I can help.
What do I have to do ?

Well, the sounds of birds
help daddy fall asleep.

Bird sounds ?
I'll give him bird sounds.

- Nice sounds, flick.
- Hey, all the sounds
I make are nice.

Check this out.

♪ Coo-coo ♪

Keep going.
You can tell he's asleep
when you hear him snoring.

♪ Coo-coo
coo-coo ♪

♪ I'm so coo-coo
when I'm with you-you ♪♪

What a terrible racket !

How can mr. Raccoon
sleep through that ?

I can't.
Why is flick doing that ?

♪♪ [ continues ]

[ Gasps ]

Uh, they told me
you liked bird noises.

Sorry. My fault.

Now, kids, no more noise.
Please ! Okay ?

[ Yawns ]

Poor daddy.
He's having so much
trouble sleeping.

We need to do something
for him. But what ?

We sleep every night.
We're experts on sleeping.

If we can't help him,
nobody can.

Yeah. So we just got
to think what puts us to sleep.

[ peanut ]
i fall asleep as soon
as my head hits the pillow.

[ Snoring ]

[ pinch ] once I feel my
soft flower blanket around me,
i'm out like like a light.

i know ! Maybe we should
take daddy to
the flower meadow.

that's soft.
[ snoring ]

[ butter ]
cradle cozy.

[ Snoring ]

We can put all that stuff

A pillow, soft blanket
and a cradle-- and he'll
fall right asleep.

But I don't think
my dad will fit
in a cradle.

So we'll build
a dad-sized one.

We're gonna need
a lot of supplies.
i bet dad will help.

Good thinking, peanut.

Cradle, yea !

[ wagon clacking ]

Thanks for helping out,
my pleasure.

[ Playful chatter ]

Kids !

Could you please
be a little quieter ?

You're making
a terrible racket.

We made it for you, daddy,
to help you sleep.

A cradle ? For me ?
You really outdid yourselves.

What a sweet idea.

- How's it feel ? Comfy ?
- Yes. It's very restful.
Hmm ?

Oops. Sorry.
My fault.

Uh, great work, kids,

But I guess I'm too big
for a cradle.

We've tried everything
to help mr. Raccoon sleep.
but nothing's worked.

Hey, I know something
we haven't tried.

My super-hypnotic
magic duck powers ?

no. The noodle dance.


♪ noodle
use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle
do the noodle dance ♪

- I've got it !
- Shh ! Not so loud.

Right. Shh !
That's my idea.

we'll cover
all of lake hoohaw in glue...

so everybody will get stuck
and won't be able to move.

sure !
if nobody can move,

Nobody can do anything
to wake up my dad.

Great idea.
But I don't think we've
got enough glue to do that.

We'll just have to pretend.
Okay ? Nobody move.

Shh !

♪♪ [ Humming ]

shh !
what are you doing ?

Sorry I'm humming,
but I'll hum softer.

This song
helps me think.
[ snoring ]

[ Snoring ]
it doesn't just
help you think,

It helps butter sleep.

Yeah, just like
your dad and the birds.

Now, that gives me
an idea.

♪♪ [ Pinch humming ]

♪♪ [ All humming ]

♪ Oodle-ee
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ee
oodle-ay ♪

♪ sleep, my neighbor ♪

♪ sleep through the day ♪

♪ All my friends ♪

♪ Are quiet at play ♪

♪ So sleep as sunlight ♪

♪ Fills up the sky ♪

♪ Close your eyes ♪

- ♪ And sleep ♪
- ♪ oodle-ee, oodle-ay ♪

[ Snoring ]
♪ oodle-ee
oodle-ay ♪

He's asleep !

[ Snoring ]

♪ Close your eyes ♪

♪ And sleep ♪♪

and so, one person's trash
is another person's treasure.

That's my motto.

And as some of the youngsters
proved today,

A little imagination
can help you think up
the answer to any problem.

I dedicate
these recycled things...

to the energetic and creative
kids of lake hoohaw.

[ snoring ]
what ?

Oh, my.
Did my little speech
put them to sleep ?

No, dear. They're
just totally worn out...

From trying to put you
to sleep.

[ walter laughing ]
can you imagine that ?

[ all laughing ]