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03x26 - A Hoohaw Halloween

Posted: 04/05/24 09:32
by bunniefuu
pb&j ! Yea !

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo-oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ ahh, oodle-ay ♪

♪ ooo-ooo ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j
pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ oodle-ay ♪
♪ pb&j, pb&j ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh ♪

♪ doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-day-oh
oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ open up the new day-oh ♪

♪ jumpin' up a-to play-oh ♪

♪ everybody just say so ♪

♪ ooh-ahh ♪
[ quacking ]

♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
♪ ohh-a-yea-oh
yea-oh ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh, oooh ♪
♪ mother, father
sister and brother ♪

♪ oooh-ooh ♪
♪ all the family now ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪

♪ oooh-ooh
oodle-ay ♪

♪ oodle-ay-oh ♪♪

oodle-ay !

okay, now it's your turn.

Knock, knock.
Who's there ?

Goblin who ?

Gobblin' up this candy sure is
good practice for tonight.
[ giggling ]

Yeah, it's hoohaw
halloween tonight.

Trick or treat.
Trick or treat !

[ mother ]
knock, knock.
who's there ?

mummy who ?

mummy says that candy
is for giving out,
not for eating.

We're just practicing.

Practicing ?

For hoohaw halloween.

We want to be ready for
all the trick or treats
we're gonna get.

If you keep this up,
all you'll get is
a big old stomachache.

well, ma'am,
us wild west cow otters...

Can eat a whole heap of candy,
sure as sh**t'.

Oh, good, so you decided to go
as a wild west cow otter ?

I was gonna be a scary pirate,
then bucky space beaver,

Then a giant jellyfish !

Then I changed my mind
to cow otter.

I gave up on being a ballerina,
so I can be a space alien
with otter pox.

Oh, what great choices !

Now, kids, please play
outside while butter
takes her nap.

You have a big night
ahead of you.

Oh ! Oh !
Trick or treat.

[ Giggling ]

hey, guys.
look at my great hoohaw
halloween costume.

Neato !

Mallard man !

My mom copied it from the cover
of a mallard man comic book.

The one where he saves the
planet from the invasion of
the super slimy monster snails.

Ha, ha !

Hey, everybody !
Look at me !
I'm mallard man.

Ha ! Hoo ! Wham !
[ Gasps ]

You can't wear that !
How come ?

'Cause I was
mallard man first !

But my mom worked
so hard on this.

Your mom ? My mom worked
so hard she had to lay down...

And sleep for two days
when she was done.

Maybe munchy can be
mallard man this year
and flick can be him next year.

Why does he get
to wear it this year ?

Maybe you should both
wear something else.
[ Together ] both ?

That's what
mallard man would do.

Well, okay.

I guess if flick
will be something else,
I'll be something else.

Good for you, munch.
Yeah, that's
really great.

Oh ! Well !

If that's what
mallard man would do, I guess
I'll get a new costume too.

Way to go.
Good thinking.

Hey, I know, how about
we go see who pinch is
going to be for halloween.

I don't get it.
What are you supposed to be ?

I'm not going
trick or treating.

Not going ? But why ?

Uh, it's just no fun.

You said the same thing
last year.

Yeah, didn't you
go home early ?

- Well, it was getting dark.
- Were you scared ?

It was getting very dark,
very, very dark.

There's nothing
to be afraid of, pinch.

All the scary stuff
is just pretend.

♪ Halloween, halloween ♪

♪ Spookiest night
you've ever seen ♪

♪ Trick or treat
it's so sweet ♪

♪ Think of all the goodies
we can eat ♪

♪ ghosts and goblins
in the air ♪

♪ jack-o'-lanterns
everywhere ♪

♪ Windows glow
shadows grow ♪

♪ Dancing in the moonlight
to and fro ♪

Knock, knock !
[ munchy ]
who's there ?

Theodore who ?

The door is open.
Come in ! Come in !

Ohh !

♪ halloween, halloween ♪

♪ craziest night
you've ever seen ♪

♪ costumes on
sneakin' across the lawn ♪

♪ together with our treats
we'll head for home ♪

Hey, I've got one.
you do ?

- Knock, knock.
- Who's there ?

- Olive.
- Olive who ?

All of a sudden,
I'm not so scared.

Yea !

♪ halloween, halloween ♪

♪ Spookiest night
you've ever seen ♪

Together ?

♪ We'll explore, trick or treat
knock on every
neighbor's door ♪

[ pinch ]
♪ together with our friends
it's just pretend ♪

♪ Think of all the goodies
we can eat ♪♪

Halloween !

- Will you stay with me
the whole time, jelly ?
- Every second.

You too, peanut ?
You'll have jelly on one side
of you and peanut on the other.

We'll be a peanut, pinch
and jelly sandwich.

Okay, I'll do it.
I'm going to go ask my mom
to make me a costume.

But don't even think
about being mallard man.

Look, your dad's storeboat
is getting a huge delivery.

[ jelly ]
i've never seen so much stuff.
i wonder what it is.

Chocolate-covered walla walla
bing bangs ? Check.

Blueberry bubble gum
bungies ? Check.

Mega minty moo moos ?

Hey, dad.
What's all this ?

Sorry. Can't talk now, son.

Got to get this load
of halloween goodies
delivered over to the snootys.

Wow ! All this is
for the snootys ?

Yep, and there's an even bigger
barge due in 20 minutes.

Seventy candy-coated
whoo hoo hoos ? Check.

Twelve dozen sugar-frosted
meaty sweeties ? Check.

Come on, guys.
We better let dad work.

Hey, mr. Raccoon !
Happy hoohaw halloween !

And a happy
hoohaw halloween it is.

You know, the snootys
rejected this crate
without even opening it.

They said it wasn't
fancy enough.

Want some ?
Just don't make
yourselves sick.

Oh, boy !
Yeah !

Boy ! This will really
get us in practice for tonight.

Mmm !
Mmm !

Mmm ! Delicious.
That's good crate.

Mmm ! Those were the best
goodies I ever tasted.

Yeah ! And that's
just the beginning.

It's going to be so great.

We'll get enough
hoohaw halloween treats
to last for weeks.

For months !

We got a problem.
Problem ?

How are we going to
carry all that candy ?

All we need to do is get
a huge container that we float
in the air with helium balloons.

Great. Maybe like
a plastic pool
or something ?

I'll get the balloons.
I'll get the container.

I'll ride on top so
the treats won't fall off.

Are you sure you want to go
trick or treating, honey ?

You know how upset
you got last halloween.

It's okay, mom.
This year I'll be
with peanut and jelly.

I won't get scared.

Your dad's napping,
so I think I'll just feed
the three of you kids.

I'm not really
hungry, mama.

Me neither.
Ooh ! Ow.

Do you kids
have tummy aches ?

A little.
Actually, a lot.

a whole, whole lot.

How much did
you kids eat already ?

A little ?
Actually, a lot.

a whole, whole lot.

If you're sick,
I'm afraid there will be no
trick or tricking for you.

Mom !
It's hoohaw halloween !

Sorry. I can't let you go
if you're sick.

Couldn't we just
go to one house ?

Like, say, the snootys ?

Please !

Just think about it.

The last thing you need
is to get loaded up
on more junk food.

That's what made you sick
in the first place.

But, mom, maybe
our stomachaches will go away
before the other kids get here.

Yeah, great idea, peanut,
except I don't think so.

[ Groans ]

All right, munchy.
Here's your flashlight.
thanks, mom.

Don't eat any treats
until I look at them first.
okay, mom.

and stay with my friends
and watch for traffic.

Right. Oh, and, munchy ?
I just love your costume.

See ya. Thanks, mom.

[ Gasps ]
who is it ?
Me !

You're still mallard man !
And so are you !

But you promised
to change.
So did you !

- My mom said there wasn't time.
- My mom said the same thing.

I don't mess with moms.
Yeah, me neither.

Then I guess we're both
going to be mallard man.

Yeah, okay, no big deal.

[ Gasping ]
hey ! Who's there ?

It's me ! Mallard girl !

Mallard girl ?

Sure. I couldn't
decide what to be.

So I thought and I thought
and I thought.

And then your mom
made you decide.

Right. And there was scootch,
looking at this.

Do you know if mallard girl
is a good dancer ?

I guess it's too late
to change now.

- Are you scared yet ?
- Nope.

Me neither.
I'm never scared
on hoohaw halloween,

Even when there's ghosts
and goblins and--

Clowns !
[ Gulps ]

Come on. Let's go get
peanut and jelly.

They're never scared either.

Trick or treat !
[ pinch ]
i hear footsteps.

[ pinch ] I'm not scared.
[ flick ]
oh, brother.

Hi, g*ng. Great costume.

Hi, mrs. Otter.
Are peanut and jelly ready
for trick or treating ?

Sorry, pinch.
Peanut and jelly have
really bad stomachaches...

And won't be able
to go tonight.

Cheese and quackers !

I mean, wow, mrs. Otter.
That's really bad.

Not going ?
But I was counting on them.

Oh, no,
what am I going to do ?

I can't go trick or treating
without pb&j.

- Uh-oh !
- It's so dark.

I don't think
I can go out there
without peanut and jelly.

Don't worry, pinch.
The dark is the same
as the light.

It's just less light...
And darker.

Besides, you've got me--
mallard man.

Me too !
The better mallard man.

When I'm in this costume,
I'm braver than ever.

I'd be even braver if there
weren't so many copycats.

Maybe I'll just
call my mom to come get me.

[ jelly ]
no, pinch, you can't.

Just because we're sick
doesn't mean you have
to miss out on the fun.

Yeah, if you go,
you could tell us all about it.
It would make us feel better.

you can do it, pinch.

I bet nothing in
the whole universe can stop two
mallard men and a mallard girl.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

See, pinch ? We got all
the way to the snootys without
seeing one goblin or ghost.

Or clown !

Is this fun or what ?

Boy, I can almost
taste those goodies.

Trick or treat !

Wipe your feet and follow me.

[ Chattering ]

I'm so hungry
I could eat everything.
Me too !

Your waiting time
will only be one hour.

One hour ? If we wait
that long, we'll never
get to the other houses !

It'll be worth it, munch.

Just think of that boat full
of candy the snootys ordered.

Three more children
wanting treats to see you, sir.

Wow ! Look at
that great stuff !

You must be some sort of
little homemade superheroes.

How quaint.
Well, come get your treats !

Hello, candy !

there you are, little heroes.
happy hoohaw halloween.
that's it ?

The rest are for oootsie
and bootsie.

You wouldn't want them to go
hungry on halloween, would you ?

No, sir.
And thank you for--

Don't mention it !
Sharing is my hobby.

Now, go out there and have
a rich, rich halloween !

Oh, look !
It's flick, wearing a towel.

And munchy wearing a towel.

And pinch,
wearing a towel too.
[ Both laughing ]

Let me guess.
You're a clothesline.

We're mallard men !
[ Clears throat ]

And mallard women. So, what
are you two supposed to be ?

We're the invisible poodles.

I don't see your costumes.

Of course you can't.

[ Gasping ]

We're invisible,
right, bootsie ?
right, oootsie.

How do they do that ?

Oh, dear. We're getting
very low on treats.

My, yes, we are, aren't we ?

You're supposed
to be resting.

It's hard to rest when
the doorbell keeps ringing.

Besides, our stomachaches
are gone.
Can we go trick or treating ?

Are you sure
you're really okay ?


[ Gurgling ]
almost perfect.

I don't think
it would be smart to risk it.
You better just stay here.

And do what ?

We're just wasting
hoohaw halloween being bored.

You can usually think
of a hundred ways
to un-bore yourselves.

If you start right now,
you can probably
find another one.

How can we have a happy
hoohaw halloween cooped up
in a houseboat ?

We need a special hoohaw
halloween noodle dance.
Dance !


♪ noodle, use your noodle ♪

♪ noodle, do the noodle dance ♪

♪ goblins, ghosts
trick or treat
make our halloween complete ♪

[ Dings ]
I got it !

We get a remote-controlled
robot trick-or-treater...

with a video camera
on his head,

Trick or treat.
and we can watch it
get our treats on tv !

But we don't have
a remote-controlled
robot trick-or-treater.

Oh, yeah.
How about this ?

i say we go as doctors.

that way if we start
feeling sick, there will be
a doctor there to help !

But how do we get
doctor costumes
at this time of night ?

I don't know. And even if
we could find 'em someplace, we
couldn't go outside to get 'em.

Whatever we do,
it has to be right here
in the houseboat.

What are we supposed to do ?
Make believe the houseboat
is spooky ?

That's it ! We'll make our
own goblins and ghosts and scary
halloween stuff right here !

can't believe we went all this
way and spent all this time...

And we have this
great big tub and all we got
was this tiny piece of candy.

[ Gasps ]
oh, no !

Here. Use my flashlight.

I must have left it
at the snootys.

Yours too, flick.
It's awfully dark.

You scared ?
A little.

- Me too.
- Hey, not me !

It's only dark.
What's to be scared of ?
I laugh at darkness.

[ howling ]
[ chuckling nervously, gasps ]

[ Babbling ]

Goblins !
Ghosts !

Worse ! They're... Clowns !

- [ Gasps ]
- [ laughing ]

And they're laughing
their evil laughs.

Happy hoohaw halloween !

Got to run.
Treats are waiting.

Have a rich, rich

How do they do that ?
Whoa !

I think you were
a little scared.

Not me. I was
bravely putting myself
between you and the...

Scary clowns.

But it was only
oootsie and bootsie.

But she didn't know that.
I'm confused.

Forget it.
We got more important stuff
to worry about. Look.

- We hardly have any candy.
- And it's getting late.

We better get
trick or treating fast.

Trick or treat !

Oh, dear,
this is terrible.

We thought all the kids
had already come by,

So the captain and I sort of
ate the rest of the treats.
[ Burps ]

Whoops. Sorry.

Now what ?

I've been thinking about
poor pb&j stuck at home.

Why don't we stop by
and try to cheer them up ?

Great idea.
Maybe they've still
got treats ! Come on !

Mmm ! I'm frankinotter ! Mmm !

- Really scary.
- [ Growling ]

[ Giggling ]

How's our vampire bat
coming ?

bleh ! Bleh !
oh, a scary bat.

Now all that's left
is my mummy costume and
to make butter into a ghost.

Is this fun or what ?

Be even more fun if we had
somebody to show it to.

Hey, look ! Here comes
pinch and munchy and flick.

Let's show them
our haunted houseboat.

I'll do my spooky moan.

Moan !

Boo !

Bleh ! Bleh !

[ peanut growling ]
what's that ?

Sounds like pb&j's stomachaches
are getting worse.

[ moaning ]
that doesn't sound
like pb&j to me.

[ Creaking ]

[ Gasps ]
go see what's going on
in there, munchy.

You first.

bleh ! Bleh !
it's a bat !

Don't let him get me !
Help me !

Monster !

[ Moaning ]

Mummy !

Boo !

Ghost !

A really tiny ghost.

Save me !
You don't need to be scared.
Just take another look.

- It's butter !
- Boo !

And jelly !

- And peanut !
- Happy hoohaw halloween !

Welcome to
our haunted houseboat.

I knew it was
you guys all the time--
well, most of the time.

They sure scared me.

I was a little scared,
but just enough to be fun.

Let's go see how much candy
you hauled in !

Two pieces ?
There were three.

I didn't want mine to get lost,
so I ate it.

This hoohaw halloween we didn't
get treated. We got tricked.

Well, if we can
make our own tricks,
we can make our own treats too.

Come on !

I'll make a "booberry" pie.

And I'll make jam on "ghost."

And I'll make
hoohaw hallow-weenies.

♪ Oh, you wanna have fun
when you're having none ♪

♪ And you wanna have a treat
when nothing's to eat ♪

♪ what you gonna do
when you're feelin' blue ♪

♪ Don't fret or fuss
it's up to us
start makin' fun ♪

♪ making fun ♪
♪ making fun ♪

♪ making fun ♪
making fun ♪

♪ there's just so much
that can be done when
we are makin' our own fun ♪

♪ making fun ♪
♪ making fun
it's just begun ♪

♪ turn the blahs into aha's ♪
♪ we're making fun ♪

I know what
you're talking about.
You do, brother.

♪ for goodness' sake ♪
♪ say it again ♪

♪ don't you bellyache ♪
♪ tell 'em, friend ♪

♪ at what you take ♪
♪ you know it's true ♪

♪ but what you make ♪
♪ comes back to you ♪

♪ There's no excuse
to have the blues ♪

♪ Let's not discuss
it's obvious
start makin' fun ♪

♪ Makin' fun ♪
♪ makin' fun ♪

♪ Makin' fun ♪
♪ makin' fun ♪

♪ there's just so much
that can be done when
we are making our own fun ♪

♪ making fun ♪
♪ making fun
it's just begun ♪

♪ We'll turn around
most any frown
we're making fun ♪

♪ No need to walk
when we can run ♪
♪ we're making fun ♪

♪ Yes, anyone
can make a ton ♪

♪ We're making fun ♪♪

[ All laughing ]

[ knocking ]

[ Together ]
hello, mrs. Otter.

Oh, my. What a cute pair
of trick-or-treaters we have.

We're not here for treats,
mrs. Otter. We heard the
happy singing and laughing--

- We were afraid.
- Afraid ?

Afraid we were
missing a happy hoohaw
halloween party !

It's no fun eating mountains
of treats all by yourself.

We just want
to join the fun.

Well, come on in then.

Mmm ! This cookie is delicious,
and it's scary.
[ knocking ]

Evening, ernest.
Could you do us a favor ?

Could you open your store so
we could get more treats ?

We feel so bad not
having anything for pinch
and munchy and flick.

You don't need to do that,
mr. And mrs. Crane.
We have treats for you.

Wow ! Giving treats
is even more fun
than getting them.

Well, it's sure
a lot more fun than...

Not getting treats !

[ Laughing, chattering ]

Happy hoohaw halloween,
everyone !

Happy hoohaw halloween !

[ chattering, laughing ]

a party !