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07x161 - Let's Swim, Seamore!

Posted: 04/05/24 11:38
by bunniefuu
Let's swim, Seamore!

Today we're going with Laura and the others on a bus trip during our summer vacation.


Everyone's doing well; that's good!

It is really nice weather outside too!


A new swimsuit?

Laura bought it yesterday!

Right, Laura?

Yeah! I thought it would be a good idea for this summer!


Well then, can I take a picture?

A picture... in our swimsuits?

That's embarrassing!

What a fool. He meant a picture with everyone from school!

Could that mean that?

Roberto can't understand a girl's feelings.

Did you say something?

Nothing at all.

It's the sea! I can see the sea!

I wish I could've shown Hamtaro and Oxnard, huh?


No need to worry, Laura, Kana!

We, the Ham-Hams, have come!


Summer calls for the sea, right?

The sea is calling me!

Oh my, Penelope! That's a wonderful straw hat!

This is a present from Pashmina, right?

Do you like it?

It's so cute!

Everyone, be careful while diving!

Don't go too deep!

It's not here... not here... it's nowhere!

Haruna, did you forget your swimsuit?

Yeah, but I'm sure I checked yesterday.

Laura, maybe it's still on the bus; let's search for it.

No, it's all right.

Because I really wanted that one...


Forgetting your swimsuit sounds like something only Haruna would do.

I don't have that problem, because...

Roberto, those are not... swim pants, right?

I'll be helping Grandpa and Grandma here, so please keep going!

I'll leave the caring of the young ones to you, Travis!

Heke! If Laura and Roberto are not playing, I wonder what could've happened?

Well, relax and have fun.

I'm glad you came too, Roberto.

Don't look.

It's not like I wanted to see!

So don't worry.

Jeez, this is the worst.

I think so too.

Well then, have a cold drink.

Would you like me to lend you a swimsuit?


Oh my, that brings back memories.

The sea... and the waves... are calling me!

Look at me, Bijou!

What is Boss doing?

He must be planning to do some surfing.


I see! Boss is going to ride some waves; that's called surfing.

First, let's check the wind's direction...

He seems different from our usual Boss, right?

Next you need to taste the seawater.

It's salty!

The seawater is salty; that's obvious.

Well then...!

Let's start with the warm-up!

Not yet?

How long are you going to take?

Penelope's hat!


Boss, please go surfing to retrieve Penelope's hat!

Boss, hurry up!

I-I get it! B-But it's not the right time to go on the sea.

It's getting dragged in!

Leave it to me!

Who are you?

The sea is calling me.

NOTE: There's a small desynchro here with the sound; I'm sorry about that.

Let's go!



Could it be...!

No way... A hamster... swimming?

Here, this is your straw hat, right?

Thank goodness, Penelope!

Thank you!

I'm Hamtaro, and you're...?

I'm Seamore.

NOTE: His Japanese name is "Kamehamu", which means "Turtleham".



How are you able to swim?

That's right! How?

Because I love the sea... I guess.

Because you love the sea?


I am...

...a friend of the sea.

He's so cute!

And cool!

This is it! Seamore is the real man of the sea!

What do you mean by that, Howdy? Are you saying I'm a fake?

Don't play with me! I'm so mad!

Grandpa, Grandma, two orders of fried chicken, please!

Over here some ramen, please!

We're very happy for your help, but it is all right?

You came here to enjoy your vacation.

We're fine, so go have fun!

Here, wear my old swimsu...

It's all right; I'm having a lot of fun here.

I am too; do not worry!

You two are pretty friendly, eh?


T-That's wrong! Who could befriend her?

It's the same with him!

Excuse me, may I have some yakisoba?

NOTE: Yakisoba is fried buckwheat in sauce; it's considered a Japanese dish, but it actually originated in China.

Over here some curry and rice!

Sure, thank you!

Brandy and Samba also came to help, huh?

Thank you!

Eh? Do you live here?

But... don't you feel lonely on your own?

Not a bit, for you see, I have a lot of friends.


I'll introduce you to them.

Hey everyone, come out!

Crabs and hermit crabs!

Is everyone your friend?


We're the Ham-Hams!

Nice to meet you!

Everyone welcomes you!


The birds are also friendly.

We know those birds!

Yeah, we're friends with them too.

Eh? You Ham-Hams are?



We've come to play again!

You see?

That was a surprise!

You are very well known!

Of course!

NOTE: He makes an expression like "Your face is really big", which I guess means something like "You are known in a lot of places".

Episode dedicated to Kristopher

Penelope, as long as you're with me, you don't have to worry.

These are jellies.

NOTE: Most people would call them jellyfish, but 'jellies' is the proper name, since they are not fish.

They're welcoming you.

It looks like Penelope's having fun!

But... I'm really surprised that there's a hamster that can swim.

Really! Seamore is incredible!

Jeez, even Bijou...

But... how is he able to swim?

It must be a trick somewhere.

I see! The secret must be in that shell!

I see; then I too...

Where are you going, Boss?

A man of the sea is busy!

Won't you give up already?

Everyone, let's play with this!

Look, it looks like a snowboard!

Good idea!

Panda, are you coming to play?

I have something to do first.

What's inside that bag?

Why did you bring it?

I'll give everyone a big surprise later! Look forward to it.


Hurry up and come play!

This is fun!

I have a good joke; want to hear it?


I'm sorry! Just kidding!

Big pun!

Seamore! Penelope!




This won't do.

This won't, either.

That was fun!

I didn't know you could have so much fun with a board!

Seamore, come play with us too!



What is Boss doing in a place like that?

I got a shell like Seamore in order to be able to swim!

I found one which is closer to his!

Bijou, my heart is burning like the sun!

Please take a close look at this cool man of the sea!

I'm going!

It couldn't be, Boss...

H-He's not going to...

That's not good! Stop it, Boss!

That was dangerous.

Sheesh... I am such a useless guy.


H-He's safe.

Thank goodness.

Boss, come back!

I-I want to go back, but... how do I do it?

My eyes are spinning.

This is bad. Boss is in trouble!


He's being pulled away!

I'm going.


It's all right now, Boss.

Y-You saved me.

W-What's this?

Darn, the water flow changed!

They're getting pulled more and more!

We must save them quickly, or they'll be in big trouble!

B-But what should we do?

Everyone, help me!

We can use this Ham-Ham boat.


Ham-Ham boat, you say?

That's right!

Come on everyone, jump on these!

Look... the shore is so far away!

If the water would just calm a bit, we could manage to do something.


That voice was...

I couldn't hear anything.

No, I heard them!


I am hearing them! There's no doubt about it!

Those are...

Hey, Boss, Seamore!


Hamtaro and the others... are awesome!

Just a little more!

A wave!

Everyone, let's do our best!

We got him!



I'm fine; the sea is my friend, after all.

Here comes an even bigger wave!

There's no need to worry.

It has been a while since the last big wave; I'm excited!

I love to ride on the sea!

That's so cool!

We can't lose to Seamore!

Let's go, Ham-Ham boat!

Let's go!

Look, everyone! We're surrounded by the sea!

The Ham-Hams are really something.

It's a little scary, but...

It's so much fun!

This is the best!


Laura and Roberto did?

They helped us a lot, so we told them about a secret place.

It's a really beautiful place; you should go check it out too.

It's beautiful!

Laura, Roberto!


Let's collect seashells together!


Laura and Roberto!

It looks like they're having fun!

Kana and the rest are having fun too!

Brandy, Samba!

Ham-Ham boat crinning is the best!

You mean cruising, not crinning. Boss, you got it all wrong.

But Boss, I'm glad you're fine!

No way. I just wanted to act cool.

Right! Seamore, next time, you should come to the Clubhouse to play!

Please come, Seamore!

Sure, thanks! I'll be looking forward to it.

Come on, let's play a lot more!


After all... the sea is the best!

Today on the beach trip, I could not wear my new swimsuit, but...

we got a lot of wonderful seashells!

I'm glad I met Seamore!

I want to see him again!

Today was really fun, but tomorrow will be even better, right, Hamtaro?


I am Hamtaro!

And I'm Laura!


It looks like Grandpa is up to something!

Oh no, Hamtaro, you...

I'm so scared! I hate it!

It's all right!

I'll protect Laura!

It's a ghost! I'm really scared!

Next time!

It's Summer, Ghost Stories!

See you next time!