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07x172 - Marron's Autumn Festival

Posted: 04/05/24 11:43
by bunniefuu
Marron's Autumn Festival

Eh? That's a lie!

This is troublesome!

I can't believe a typhoon will come now.

I wonder if the prediction is accurate?

Where is the food storage?

Have you checked the windows?


We need to hurry!



The sun is shining and there are no clouds.

I wonder if we're forgetting something?

The orchard!

Now that it was growing so strongly...

We need to hurry up and harvest it!


Laura and Mama are so stressed.

Hey... is there really a typhoon coming with this weather?

If a typhoon were to come, it would be troublesome!

NOTE: 'Typhoon' and 'Taihen' (problem) sound alike.

That's right.

It's really troublesome.


It's really troublesome!

It would be best to go home soon.

N-No one got my joke.

What's that? A big chestnut fell.

Big... big... that's right!

NOTE: 'Dekai' means big.

Everyone, look over here!

You see, this is a big chestnut.

So if a typhoon were to come, it would be a surprise.

It would be a surprise!

NOTE: Now he used "bikkuri", as in "surprise", and that also resembles the sound of "chestnut (kuri)".


Hey, Howdy...

It was a big joke, right? I'm sure I can win an award with this one!

I'm not a chestnut!~kuri

T-The chestnut spoke!

For your mistaking me with a chestnut, you'll be punished!~kuri

Who are you?


It is not polite to ask for a name straightforwardly.~kuri


I heard from Big Bro Tomy-T about you!~kuri

Big Bro Tomy-T?

You're the sister of Tomy-T and Eggy-P?

Well, you could say that.~kuri

More importantly, come with me!~kuri


Big Bro is in big trouble!~kuri

Ah, wait!

What was that?


I don't really understand, but let's hurry up!

NOTE: He's using 'Nassu' as an exclamation meaning "to do", but it's also his name.

Tomy-T, are you all right?

It looks like it is starting to rain.


Good morning, Tomy-T, Eggy-P.

What are you doing here?

Eh? Doing here? You mean...

I called them!~kuri


I see! So your name is Marron.

Jeez! Don't call me that! I'm not small!

NOTE: Her original name is "Chibikuri", which means "Small chestnut".

Then your name must be a surprise!

NOTE: He did a joke with "bigkuri" as in "big chestnut".

Don't do that joke!

Marron, you should not disturb the Ham-Hams!

But, but, your orchard will be in trouble!~kuri

The orchard?

Yes; it looks like a storm is coming.

So don't waste time!~kuri

Allow the Ham-Hams to help us!~kuri

Hey, Marron...

I'm sorry that Marron has brought you out here.


Leave it to us!

Marron is right!

It's part of a man's code to help friends in trouble!


We'll also help you!

Let's do our best!


I'm so moved!

I got my strength back!

Well then, to avoid getting a cold... you guys can get some raincoats over there.


I'm counting on you!

I'll teach everyone!

Eh? You're really fired up even though you're so small!

Come on, follow me!

Okay, let's do our best!


Understand? First, allow me to show you.

You need to pull it like this.

Marron, let me help you!

I don't need any help. You won't be able to do it.

Yay! It came out!

I was able to do it too!

I was too!

This is fun!

Look, this one is big!

Mine is bigger!

Mine is the biggest one!

This is wrong!~kuri

What's wrong?

If I say it's wrong, then it's wrong!

You don't get it at all!~kuri

Then how shall we do it?

More importantly, it's all wrong!~kuri

How's it going?

Tomy-T, Eggy-P, take a look!

You were able to pull out all of these? That's just as expected from the Ham-Hams!

There's no need for us to teach you anything!

I'm sure that Marron was having a tantrum like always.


How could that be?

Well she did a little...


I don't care anymore!~kuri

Everyone should go follow her.

The rain is falling more quickly now!

There's no time to go check on Marron.

It can't be helped. We'll go to her when the tempest moves on.

Jeez, I don't care anymore.~kuri

They can do it on their own.~kuri

One, two...

Oh no, they're putting forth a lot of effort. They really can't do it without me!~kuri

What are you doing?~kuri

I almost fell over!~kuri

Did you say that you want me to teach you how to take care of the orchard?

It looks like there's someone who understands.~kuri

I'll let you be my first apprentice.

But it's a shame. I don't need more help.~kuri

That surprised me!~kuri

Lighting strikes are scary!~kuri

I was just joking... testing you.~kuri

Episode dedicated to Kristopher

Laura, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine!

They're still tiny.

It can't be helped. There was still a little time before they needed to be harvested.

Oh no, there are even lighting strikes.

Let's hurry up.

It's getting worse!

I am scared!

Do your best, Oxnard! It's just a little longer.

Y-Yes, I'll do my best!

Okay, it's all picked up.

Well, I'll carry this.

Okay, I'm counting on you!

Well then... let's go!

I-It's impossible - it's too heavy; it won't move an inch.

We'll help you!

Let's see... radishes go here.

Carrots go here!


Eh? But that's weird; it sounds like it's approaching.

Now that you mention it, it does sound like that.

Finally, it stopped.

We'll have to start over again.

It seems so.

Are you saying we should go help them?~kuri


I-I don't want to! They don't care about me anyway.~kuri

Hey, there are big problems!

Big problems!

What's wrong, Tomy-T?

The river is.. the river is...

This is bad!

The river is rising!

T-That's troublesome!

If this goes on, the whole orchard will be drowned!

If that happens, all our work will be wasted!

W-What shall we do?

First of all, we need to stop the river from overflowing!

We should use our sandbags!

That's right!

What are those bags they're talking about?

They're bags full of sand which absorb the water and don't let it pass.

Okay, everyone, let's carry them!


Hey! Don't slack off; let's hurry up!

Howdy, are you ready?

Sure, drop it at any time!

It's really heavy.

Howdy, hurry up and carry it!

Even if you say it so easily...

Next one, Dexter - we're counting on you!

Yeah, leave it to me!

See? They're heavy, right, Dexter?

T-this is nothing!

Hey! What are you doing? Hurry up!

The river is almost overflowing!

After all, they can't do it without me!~kuri

Hey, little one!

I'll help too!~kuri

I have a good idea.~kuri

Follow me!~kuri

Dusuke, wake up!~kuri

Wake up, come on, wake up!

You're about to learn your first lesson.

That's it; the first lesson is to use Dusuke!~kuri

Come on, little one, let's ride on his back!~kuri

There's still a lot to do. We won't make it in time.

It hurts! I'm getting squashed!


Marron and Penelope too!

Dusuke, drop it there!~kuri

Leave the rest to us. You keep harvesting!~kuri


We're counting on you, Marron!

It's all right; leave it to us!~kuri

Come on, let's do it, little one!~kuri

Let's do our best! It's just a little longer!

Come on, with full strength!

Dusuke, make sure to aim!


Come on Dusuke, one more time!~kuri

We did it, little one!

I-It's over!

W-We did it.

I'm so exhausted! I can't move at all!

Everyone, look! The rain has stopped!


Marron, Penelope, Dusuke!

How was your part?

It's all right! It was child's play!

We did it!

Good work, Ham-Hams!

We were saved thanks to everyone's help!

Thank you very much!

No way, it was all thanks to Marron!

That's right!

Thank you, Marron!

No way, it was Dusuke who carried the bags.~kuri

Also, this little one helped too!~kuri

See? Even Penelope says so!

It was because of meeting you, Marron.

Little one...

Thank you, Marron.

Thank you!

Well, I guess it can be like that.

Come on everyone, it's time to enjoy the harvest!~kuri

Come on, little one, you need to eat more, or else you won't become big.

This all came from the orchard?

That's right!

It's delicious!

It was a good idea to harvest them, right, Mama?

Right! Please eat as much as you want!

Ah... this is all from Laura's love!

Okay, I will show my best gratitude!

Papa, take it easy.


Are you okay?

Jeez, we told you to eat more slowly!

Hurry up, Laura, get some water!


More vegetables...

The first typhoon of the season came earlier, but with Mama, we pulled it off.

Rain can be dangerous sometimes.

The vegetables you collect yourself taste much better!

They do taste better, but there were too many.

Today was really fun, but tomorrow will be even better, right, Hamtaro?
