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08x196 - A Mysterious Seed Experiment!

Posted: 04/05/24 11:52
by bunniefuu
Experiment! Mysterious seed!


How suspicious.

I found you, Oxnard!

That's bad!

I found Pashmina and Penelope too!

Why did the bunny run away?

Only Lapis is left!

Where could she be hiding?

Do your best, Lapis!

This is really fun!

I found you, Lapis!

Jeez, I was found.

It was exciting! Hide and seek is fun!

Is this really the first time you've played?no

Yes! I was always alone with my sis, so this was the first time I could play with lot of people!

This is the first time we could play in a place with so many animals too!

It would have been great for Lazuli to play too.

Lazuli has been interested in some kind of mysterious seed lately.

Then, I add this... And this...

Shake it, shake it...

Yes, this is good! Now I need to make the seeds!

Let's cool them!

There are a lot of animals!

Right? I wanted you to see it too!

Everyone, your meal is ready!

Where are they going?

Give it a try!

Don't worry, he is a good boy!

He ate it!

See? It's okay!

It's somewhat cute!

Mine are eating too!

Hey Maki, can I help with something more? I want to give it a try!

Are you sure? You came here to play.

No problem. Just tell us!

Then I'm counting on both of you!


I see! It's meal time!

We should eat something too, right?



I finally finished Jewelry House!

Eh? Really?

Did you do it all by yourself?

We're sorry, while we were playing...

No problem, it's okay! Now I need help with Lapis's stone!

A little more... a little more...

Okay, this is perfect!

We're done!

It's so beautiful!

Lapis's stone is sparkling a lot!

Yeah, it was all thanks to Panda and everyone's help!

Many thanks!

I just did my best.

That's right! How about a party to celebrate our finishing the Jewelry House?

Good idea!

Yes, it seems fun!

Sweet! Everyone, let's prepare the party!


Hear me, hear me, hear me!


I just finished my new seeds!

When you nibble these seeds, you can create magical things!

Eh? Really?

Like revealing a mystery?

Or flying through the sky?

Creating candy?

Yeah! That's why I have been studying so much!

Who wants to try first?

Me, me!

You don't have to eat them, just nibble, okay?

Is it really okay, Lazuli?

Shut up, Sis!

Then if you'll allow me...

I-It's sparkling!

What will happen?

T-Try another one!


This is kind of disappointing.

It was a failure.


That was going too far!

Lazuli is stupid.

It can't be helped if it was a failure.

Don't worry, Lazuli, next time, it will be better!

Right now we're going to prepare a party, so Lazuli, please help us!

We're going to look for food!

Then we're going to get some decorations!

Everyone, let's start with the preparations!


I studied so hard.


You say... we need a suitable place to try again?

Okay, I'll try my best! This time it will work!

Penelope, come with me!

Sheep, it's meal time!

D-Don't get that close!

I told you not to get that close!

Help me!


Leave the bucket!

Are you okay?

Sorry, I was scared.

The sheep were scared because you ran away!

See? They're docile again!

I shouldn't be so scared.

Want to quit already?

No way! Can I help with anything else?


This time, it will work for sure!

That's because I have the power of both Jewelry House and Candy House stones!

I'm done!

I'm done!

This time I made more awesome seeds!

Right now we're busy!

Cut it out and help us!

Here, look!

See? You can ride it!

It looks like you improved!

Hey, look, Hamtaro, everyone!


That was my strange cloud.

I just saw it for a second.

I can't even see it.

Hamtaro, hurry up!


Sorry, later!

Penelope, it's not time to play. Help us.

Let's gather flowers together!

We still need to improve! Come, Penelope!

Episode dedicated to Bluesoul

Okat, let's start nibbling!

One, two...!

It didn't work!



I was surprised!


Yahoo! Incredible!

A hippo!

I though we would be swallowed.

Wow! Incredible! It's so beautiful!

With this, the preparations are done!

Then it's time to start!



Where is she hiding?

The party has started!

Over there!

T-That's dangerous!

Be careful!

Lazuli! Hurry up and come here!

Ah, but don't jump!

What can I do?

Don't stress yourself, Lapis!

How did they get that high?

Maybe because of what we did earlier.

They're very high!


Don't go!

Let's follow them!

Feeding all these animals is kind of hard!

And Maki does this every day all alone.

What's wrong?

I wonder what she's doing right now?

Beats me.

See you again, Mister Bird!

It was really fun!

I wonder if Sis and the others were surprised?

Who is it?

A giraffe?

What are they doing there?


Lazuli, don't move, I'm going to help you!

But you can't get there!

But if we don't do anything, they'll be eaten by the giraffe!

Giraffes are herbivores!

I told you not to move!

Run away, Lazuli, Penelope!

Penelope, Lazuli!

Help me, Sis!


This is bad!

What can we do?


Someone help them!


I can't climb.

It's impossible!

But we need to do something.



I got it!


Take it, it's tasty!

Don't be scared.



He ate it!

I did it!

Kana, Maki!

You two, hold on me!


He did it!

Many thanks, Hamtaro!

But... how are they going to get down from there?

We're so high! I'm scared!

Right now, we need Lazuli's help!


Yeah, create a mysterious cloud!

But it still doesn't work very well.

If you don't try it, you won't know!

Lazuli, it's going to be all right!

I've got it. Hamtaro and Penelope, you two nibble too!


A-Are they really serious about using Lazuli's seeds?

They'll disappear as soon as they appear!

Stop it!

Okay, let's do it!

One, two...

This time it will work!

We did it! It's a big success!

Incredible! Now we can fly even though we're not in Sweet Paradise!

They're coming slowly!

I wonder how it feels to be on a cloud?

Slowly, slowly...



Were you scared, Lazuli?

Yeah... but you saw it, right? My cloud worked!

Lazuli's study was a success after all!


Penelope, you did well too!

One more time? Jeez, Penelope...


She said the ride was a success.

But it was troublesome!

Anyway, I'm glad everyone is okay!

It's all thanks to Hamtaro's help!

Hamtaro, thanks!

Then, let's return to the Jewelry House and let the party start!


J-Just now... just now...

It's awesome that you managed to feed that giraffe. She usually eats by herself.

Amazing, Laura!

I suppose she was hungry.

It must be really exciting!


Congratulations for the construction of Jewelry House!

Could it be that Lapis... about Hamtaro...

And Hamtaro about Lapis...


Jeez, I don't understand!

Don't eat that seed!

It was really fun to help Maki today!

I like animals too, but I'm far away from Maki!

Are you listening?

Laura, today I had to do a lot of work, so I'm really tired.

Good night, Hamtaro.

Good night.

Hamtaro and Lapis are getting really friendly.

Ah, yeah! Really friendly!

Hamtaro... how do you feel about Lapis?

Heke? Feel about her? Umm... she's a really good girl!

And she's Lazuli's sister, so...

I like her!

L-Like her?

Next time!

A love rival, Bijou!

See you next time!
