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08x197 - Bijou's Love Rival!

Posted: 04/05/24 11:53
by bunniefuu
A love rival, Bijou!


You look excited today, Bijou!


What's wrong, Bijou?

It's time for my piano class.

Bijou, I'll see you later!

Hamtaro... I wonder if today you'll go to the Jewelry House to play again?

Of course he will!

Hamtaro, let's play!


What's wrong, Brandy?

I want to play!


You came here alone?

What's up with Lapis?

She told me to come to your house!


This is the first time I've come by myself!


They're flying softly!

Wait, Lazuli!

Hamtaro can't see me embarrased! I need to look cute!

This is okay.

I won't go back home until I see Hamtaro in the Jewelry House!

I'm Hamtaro's best friend!

Jeez... where has she gone?


The best friend!


I'm the best friend!


Were you thinking about something?

Y-yes... it was nothing.

More importantly, what's wrong?

Umm... Bijou, did you see Lazuli?


Yes... you see...

Lazuli, where are you?


Lazuli went to Hamtaro's house.

Eh? It can't be! Why did she go alone?

Hey, Snoozer, I'm talking to you!



I see.

Hey Bijou, can you take me to Hamtaro's house?

W-What should I do? If she knows about Hamtaro's house, they'll be closer.


I-I've got it!

Follow me, please!

What a relief! Thanks!


Where did Lazuli go?

I can't run anymore.

Ah, they're so beautiful!


What a good smell.

I'll borrow some flowers!



Why, you say? Those are the florist's flowers!

Then, be careful with the delivery, okay?



Faster, faster!


Wait, please!

There we go!

Hamtaro's home is really far away. I'll accompany him later!

Well, Hamtaro's home is...


This way!

Hurry up!


Hey, Bijou...

What's up?

Didn't we go this way earlier?

That's because he lives so far

I have to make a long trip to go to his place!

I see.

If I hadn't found you, Bijou, I could have been in trouble!

Thanks, Bijou!

I'm worried about Lazuli, but if she's with Hamtaro, I suppose it's okay.

Hamtaro is a good boy after all, right?

Now I'm sure that Lapis... with Hamtaro...

You're right, he's a good boy, and he always tries to look cool, but...


B-But Hamtaro is not that awesome!no


That's it! He eats one hundred seeds at a time!no

Eh? One hundred?

That's it!

T-That's... awesome!

I wish I could eat that many! I'll ask him to show me later!

W-What shall I do? Lapis is liking Hamtaro even more.

Yeah, but... he also did some ugly things.

He starts spinning while dreaming!


Yeah, that's right!

Spinning, spinning...

That's embarassing.

Ah, Hamtaro!

I didn't know I had a bad sleeping habit.

I want to see it!

You can't see yourself while sleeping.

Ah, right!

Hey, Bijou, did you hear Hamtaro?


What's wrong, Bijou?


In what way are we wrong?

Because... you don't know anything!

Eh? Heke?

Episode dedicated to Shadow Bijou

I told you you're wrong, wrong!


You said we're wrong... about what?

Because... you're wrong, you're wrong!


What is bothering her?

She didn't used to be like this.

Ah, that's right!

Ah, that's right!

Did you see Lazuli?

Right now, I don't know what's going on.

I shouldn't have said those bad things about Hamtaro.

That he eats a lot of seeds... or that he does weird things while sleeping, but...

I've really... really... always, always loved him!

Hey, Monica!

Good morning!

Ah, it was a good trip!

It's Bijou!




Bijou, are you happy?

Happy? Lapis was looking for you!

Eh? Sis was?

Where's Sis?

Ah, that's...

I need to take her to them, but... I musn't see Hamtaro.

Umm... go over there, and then turn right, and then...

All the way, then right?

That's it!

Which is right?

The right is the one with which you hold sunflower seeds!

Lazuli holds seeds with both hands!

Now that I think about it, I do too!

This is the place where you lost sight of her?

I'm sure.

Lazuli! Lazuli!


Where would Lazuli go?

Hamtaro, that's Maria over there!

Ah, that's right!

You know that girl?

Yeah! It's Bijou's owner, Maria!


Ah, there's Laura!

And Maki!

Thanks for your work! Those sweets were delicious!




Ah, Laura!

This is my friend, Maki!

Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

Are you shopping?

Yeah, I wanted to buy Bijou a new ribbon case.

Does this look good?

Ah, it's so cute!

It's beautiful!

Could it be that it's Bijou's birthday?

No, it's not that.

It's just... that she looked a bit sad.

So I wondered if she would feel better with some fashionable goods.

I see.

Who is Bijou?

Maria's hamster!

She has a hamster?

You can go see my Grandpa and talk with hamsters!

I can't really talk with hamsters... but I can somehow feel them.

Somehow feel them?

You're interesting!

Let's choose a ribbon together!


Me too!

Isn't this good?

Bijou wasn't happy?

I wasn't able to talk with Bijou, so I didn't notice.

When I'm sad, Kana always gives me a lot of food to eat!

Oxnard, you're always eating whether you're sad or not!

W-Well, that's...

More importantly, we need to hurry up and search for Lazuli!

Let's go!

Lazuli, Lazuli!


Umm... right... right...

That's right!

Lazuli, right is...!

Lazuli? Lazuli?


Faster, faster!

Lazuli, that's dangerous! Stop it, please!

Faster, faster!

Stop it, please!

That's not good, Lazuli! You can't play like that alone, it's dangerous!

Eh? But it's fun.

Of course it's fun, but... it's better to do it with someone, right?

Bijou sounds like Sis.


Yes. You know, Sis always tells me "don't do this" about stuff.

That is because Lapis is worried about you.

You're the most important person for Lapis!

That's why.

That's right! Lapis is deeply worried about Lazuli... and yet... and yet...

She wanted Hamtaro's help... and I...

Eh? Bijou suddenly got sad.


Jeez, this is troublesome.


Flowers, flowers!

Lazuli, wait!


Huh? She disappeared?


Ah, Lazuli!

Are you okay? Are you hurt?ka

I'm okay, I'm okay!

Hey Bijou, I wonder who dug this hole?

Ah, that's right. We need to get out.

It's so high, there's no way we can climb this!

It's okay!

With this seed, I'll create a butterfly, and it will help us go wherever we want by flying!

That's incredible!

What happened?

I don't know, it's dark!

H-He left.

I'm scared.

What's up? You were happy a second ago.

Because that was my last seed! Now we can't get out!


Lazuli, let's sing!


That's it!

If we sing loudly enough, someone will hear us!


What are you doing, Hamtaro? Hurry up, Lazuli is...

I hear someone singing.

I hear it for sure!

Wait, Hamtaro!

What's up, Bijou?

That's Hamtaro's voice!

Lazuli, we need to sing even louder!


That's Lazuli's voice!


Over there!



It's Sis!

I'm glad!

And Bijou too!


Are you okay, Bijou?


Hamtaro, use this!


Lazuli, Bijou, take this!


I'm glad you're safe!

Don't do it again, Lazuli! I was worried!

Of course you were going to say not to do it!

Next is Bijou! Here!

Hurry up, Bijou!

I-I'm okay.

I like to be in here.

Heke? What's wrong, Bijou?

I-I told you, don't care about me!

You two aren't hurt, right?



Thank goodness!

Bijou, you were looking for Lazuli, right?


Ah, umm... I...

Thanks, Bijou!

A-A girl kissed another girl?

That's Sis's "thank you kiss"!

Then, when you kissed Hamtaro yesterday...

Oh my... So that's what it was!

More importantly, I'm glad we found Lazuli!

U-Umm... Hamtaro...

What's up, Bijou?

I'm sorry... for badmouthing you.

Badmouthing? What are you talking about?

Ah! It's nothing, nothing!

Hamtaro's feelings...

Hey, Hamtaro, what are you thinking about right now?

Thinking about? Heke?


I've got it!

You would like to go outside and play, right?

Outside? Yay! I don't get it, but I like it!

Then let's go camping tomorrow, Hamtaro!

Camping, camping, tomorrow we're going to go camping!


Snoozer is acting weird.

Really? It looks like he's suffering while sleeping.

It really looks like a bad dream!

I'm sorry for Snoozer.

Okay, for Snoozer, we're going to get inside his dreams!

Next time!

Sukapi! Inside the dream!

See you next time!