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11x276 - So Popular! Being a man is hard

Posted: 04/05/24 13:07
by bunniefuu
So popular! Being a man is hard!

Something round...

Something round...

What's wrong, Laura?

You've been murmuring something.

I heard on the horoscope earlier on TV that today I'll meet my chosen one.

Isn't it romantic?

I'm so jealous!

Then why do you have that troubled face?

Because it says I'd need something round.

Something round?

I don't know the meaning of it.

Good afternoon, Hamtaro, everyone!

Today, Mystery and Magical are joining us!

Welcome to the Clubhouse!

Thanks for inviting us.

Now that we're all gathered, what do you want to do?

We planned to make some changes to the Clubhouse.

That's right!

Why don't we let Mystery predict where we should put the furniture?

Mystery's prediction?

What do you mean, Bijou? Asking about a prediction?

She would be able to tell us what would be the best positions, right?

There's that kind of prediction?

You didn't know you can do it?

That's not true!

I can see it!

What can you see, Miss Mystery?

If you follow my prediction, something good will happen!

Incredible! As expected from Miss Mystery!

Isn't that just what Bijou said?

But it wil be fun to see what we can do, right?

That's right! Maybe we can get something awesome!

Okay! Let's follow Mystery's prediction!

Great idea!

Well then, we'll count on you, Miss Mystery!

I get it.

Let's move the table over here!

Let's give it a try!

Let's go over there next!

Snoozer goes over there.

The moving is finished.

It looks... different than before.

If we think about it, maybe it's good.

Over here are some seeds!

Aha! That's the doll Penelope lost!

I've found my brooch!

I'm glad for you guys!

She did it! Just as predicted! Great, Miss Mystery!

Wait a second, those were lost items! It was just a coincidence!

T-That's not true!

Hey, everyone, be pleased!


What happened?

Today we had a lot of sales, so I was rewarded! I want to share these with everyone!

Isn't it a big surprise? Then again, what happened here?

Something good... happened.

Incredible, as expected from the best fortune teller in the world, Miss Mystery!

By the way, have you seen Boss around?

That's right, before, he...

Today the wind is really cold!

But... Hey! Why I am sleeping in a place like this?

Listen here! Before it was the Clubhouse, it was my house! Why do I have to sleep outside?

NOTE: Is that a Shiron plushie?


But... if everyone thinks it's all right, then I won't be the one to force it.

I get it. Don't worry about me.

Wait, Boss!


Well, this is not such a bad place - it's quite silent.

Is there something you need?

Miss Mystery came to read your fortune!

It's okay, I don't need it.

I can see it!

T-This is...

Bijou finally begins to like Boss!

A love prediction, huh? There's no way I can believe something like that.


I-It's true.

A-After all, Bijou...

No! This must be wrong somehow!

There are more things I can see!

W-What? Lapis, Lazuli, Pashmina...

Every Ham-Ham girl thinks you're popular, Boss!


We want to talk with you!

Please return to your house!

That's right!

A prediction is something you can decide to follow or not, you see.

Wait, that's rude to Mystery!

You see, I think Mystery has a point here.

But Boss, you will get a cold if you stay here.

That's right, Boss.

You should not!

Oh my... Bijou was enough. But this...

Boss is getting all red.

Could it be that you caught a cold?

It's true! I am... I am... popular!




Guys, I'm sorry, I'm a troublesome guy, but...

Everyone! I'm going to try to fly now!


Could it be that you want to achieve something awesome, like Mystery's prediction said?

Skyham, today you will be able to fly!

Do your best, Skyham!

Come on!

H-He's flying!

C-Could it be...

He got blown away by the wind!


Let's help him!

Leave it to me!

What do you see, Miss Mystery?

Skyham flew that way.

Amazing, Miss Mistery!

Incredible! She got it right!

Everyone can tell without needing a fortune telling! It's so cheap.

Do not make fun of my sister!

We're going now.

Magical... Mystery...

You two can go on your own.

Let's go and search for Skyham!


Today, I did too many predictions and I'm exhausted.

Jeez, doubting Miss Mystery's predictions...

The Ham-Hams are really mean!

Miss Mystery, let's rest over there.



Episode subbed by Paradise Hamsubs

Boss (Taisho-kun)

Championi (Kinoko-chan)

I did it! Kana, Maki, today's prediction went right!

Look, I got a mark on the test!

It looks like the test was fairly easy.

I passed too - look!

I see... Kana and Maki too...

And you see, this is not like meeting the guy of your dreams.

I guess not.



Are you okay, Boss?

Were you injured?


I-It was nothing.

I'm so glad!

A-After all... all the girls like me!

You see, Bijou and the others... I appreciate your feelings, but make sure to be gentle with Hamtaro, Howdy and the others too.


I feel sorry for Hamtaro and the others. Man! It is hard being so popular.

Boss... I think he's misunderstanding something again.

Anyway... Skyham must be having a hard time with this wind.

I see!

Let's see where the wind goes!


It goes that way!

Okay, let's go!

Magical! Mystery!

Oh, it's everyone.

What are you doing over here?

Can't you tell by looking? Mystery and I...


It's Skyham!

Without a doubt, Magical and Mystery foretold the place where Skyham would land!

It seems that way.

T-That's right!

Miss Mystery knew where Skyham was!

It sounds fishy.

Let's hurry and save Skyham!


It's all right now!

Hang in there, Skyham!



Thank goodness.

Everyone, get a hold of yourselves!


Wait, Hamtaro!

Hamtaro, Boss!

Don't be silly! This is not difficult at all!

But Boss, this is Skyham's beloved hang-glider.

Hamtaro... You're such... This is not the time to be concerned!

Do your best, Hamtaro!

That was close.

Falling there would have been so uncool.

You did it!

Thanks! Hamtaro, Boss!

I'm so glad Boss came to help me! I don't know if I would've been able to pull it by myself!

D-Don't say that.

Good job helping Hamtaro, Boss!

H-How could this be?

I'm getting more and more popular!

It seems that today's prediction didn't happen after all.

Don't get sad - something will happen eventually.

Don't lose hope yet!

I guess so.

That was close.

Ah, Laura!


A soccer ball?

But we don't mean that! You see...

This could have to do with the prediction?

Haruna! I'm sorry!


You're not hurt, right?

Ah! Her destiny man...

Travis is my destiny?

What are you doing, Travis?

It seems that the ball was aimed for Haruna, so I'm apologizing.

Roberto shot this ball?

I'm sorry! I got a little excited and missed.

Then, the ball...

What's up? Are you still mad?

Sorry! It's not like that.

You're so weird.

See you! Haruna, girls!

Laura's destiny is...

Roberto, of course! It was he who shot the ball.

And for Laura to get it... it must have been her destiny!

But Travis came first!

It's Roberto!

It's Travis, without a doubt!

How troublesome.

And now, Miss Mystery will make the best of her predictions!

No one asked for it.

What kind of prediction will you do?

I can see it!

What's up with those heart marks?

Isn't this my love prediction? Why does it appear in front of everyone?

I can see more!

What? There are even more people who like me?

How much more popular can I get?

I might even fly into the sky.

It's us!

Hmm? What's going on?

I have it! Mystery's prediction for Boss!

That's right! Because we Ham-Hams all love Boss!

I see!

It's like that?

We really appreciate you a lot, Boss!


What's the meaning of that love? I'm done.

You don't seem so happy, Boss.

You should be really happy that you're the best guy among the Ham-Hams!

I see! I don't need to be popular!

I'm so embarrassed!

Incredible, as expected from Miss Mystery!

Which will it be?

It seems like Laura has been thinking about something lately.

I see! Hamtaro's my destiny man!


Heke! Lapis looks really tired!

She seems to worry a lot about her little sister Lazuli!

Eh? But earlier, she looked all fashionable and happy when she was hanging out with that Stan guy.

With Stan?

Kushi-kushi... I'm interested about where those two would go.

Everyone, let's find out!

Next time! I'm a lady! Lapis!

See you next time!

The lucky one is...

Chef Ham (Cook-san)