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02x23 - I Gotta Be Me!

Posted: 04/07/24 07:51
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the blue house ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear
Want some fun? ♪

♪ -Here's where!
-Just for you ♪

♪ -All is new
-In the house of blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ -Just for you.
-In the house of blue! ♪

♪ Welcome welcome welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the big blue house ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let's begin! ♪

[opening door]

Oh! Hi there!
It is so good to see you.

And you know, I was wondering
when you were going to get here!

And you're just in time.
Come on in!

I was just about to….

What's that smell?


Oooo, I know that smell.

It's so wonderful!

So particular.

So unique.




you smell like you today!

[sniffing] Aaah!

Has anyone ever told you that
you have your own special smell?

And that it smells really good!

[laughter] [sighs]

So… where was I?

Oh, yes.

Let's see now.

What should I try next?

Oh! Maybe a hat.
Yeah, okay.

Hey there!
Hi, there! Ho there, daddy-o?

What is up?

Huh? What do you think?

You're right.
It's not me. Hm…

Oh! You're probably wondering
what I'm doing today.

Well I thought I'd
try some new looks. Like…

Oooo. How about a scarf?

Let's give this a try.

Thank you,
thank you very much, thank you.

Oh ho ho.

So what do you think?

You're right…
can't pull it off.

Let s see, now.

What else? Hey!

Maybe a sweater.

Yeah, let's give this a try.

Button it up a little bit.

Hello, everybody.

How are you?

It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood.

Hey, this feels pretty good.

Maybe I should get
a pair of sneakers.

OJO: Bear! Bear! Bear!
Come quick!


C'mon, Bear.
The show is about to begin.

Ojo? What show?


Let's go in and see
what's going on.


Bear, hurry, it's showtime!

Wow! Ha!

Would you look at this?

What a great little stage.

-It's perfect for putting on a
show. -A-ha!

Well, I can't wait
to see your show, Ojo.

Wonder what's she's gonna do.

Ladies and gentleman.

Oh! And bears!

I love shows!
Do you like to put on shows?

And the star
of today's show is… me!

One of my favorite performers.

Oh, Bear! Bear!
Guess what the show's about?

Hm… A rocketship to the moon?

-Uh-uh. Guess again.
-A trip to the store?

Uh-uh. Guess again.
Guess again.

Well, I give up, Ojo,
what is the show about?

It's about… me!

You? [chukles]

What a great thing
for a show to be about!

Well, tell me, Ojo,
what do you do in your show?

Oh, Bear, my show is
about a little girl bear

on a big adventure
in a big blue house!

Ooo, sounds interesting.
I think I know the house.

Yeah, um,
urn, there's lots of pretending

especially when I come
across a buried treasure!


Oh! And there it is!


This sounds exciting!
Let's watch.

[Ojo laughs]

OJO: Hey Bear, open up the
treasure chest

and see what's

Ok. Let's take a look.


It's me!
I'm the treasure, Bear!

-What a great treasure, Ojo.
-And there's a song, too.


Ojo is warming up to sing.

No, no, no, Bear,
I'm not warming up.

That's the song!

-It's about…

Ojo is a very
confident little bear.


Well, bye, bye Bear.

Oh, Ojo, wait.
Where are you going?

I have to go to the kitchen

to accept an award for the best
actress in a show

about a little girl bear…me!


Oh! And to get my snack, too!

Bye-bye, Bear!

Bye, Ojo! And congratulations
on that award!

OJO: Thanks.


Yeah. It's good to like
yourself and feel confident.

Hey! Confidence.

Confidence. Hm.
It's a big word.

But it's an easy word
to remember

confidence is all about you!

Confidence is feeling
good about who you are!

Now let's see here.

Let's think of some things
that make you feel

good about yourself!

Oh! Like when you can do
things all by yourself

like when you can get
dressed by yourself…

That can make
you feel good about you.

Or when you can help

your brother
or your sister or your mom!

Like when you can
clean up your room!

That can make you feel good,

Or… A-ha!

Being able to spell
your own name.

Yeah. That's great, too…

But it's also just great to feel
good about being… you!


It's about feeling good about
who you are and what you can do.

And hey! Why should
you feel any other way?

♪ There's a sign that I know
when you're feeling good ♪

♪ It's a sign you can show
and you know you should ♪

♪ Just give me one of these ♪

♪ To let me know
how you are today ♪

♪ Cause it's just a sign
just a sign away ♪

♪ Thumbs up! ♪

♪ It's a thumb
but it's so much more ♪

♪ When you get knocked down
you come back with a roar! ♪

♪ Just give me one of these
to let me know you're there ♪

♪ And feeling good today ♪

♪ Thumbs up! Thumbs up!
Thumbs up! ♪

♪ And on days
when you're curled up in bed ♪

♪ Feelin' kinda blue ♪

♪ You've got so far to go ♪

♪ And there's nobody there
to carry you ♪

♪ Just stop
and give me one of these ♪

♪ Stick your thumb up
and give your hand a squeeze ♪

♪ Well it's great
for a kid, a mom or a bear ♪

♪ In the car, after school
almost anywhere ♪

♪ So point that
thumb up to the sky ♪

♪ And you'll feel
like you can fly ♪

♪ Thumbs up!
Thumbs up! Thumbs up! ♪

Come on now!
♪ Thumbs up! Thumbs up! ♪

♪ Come on and let me see
thumbs up! ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

But hey.
What do you think?

What kinds of things
are you good at? Hm?

What do you think?

I'm really good
at tackle football.

I'm good at bowling.

I'm good at gym.

I have journals
and I'm really good at them.

Writing stories.

I always make funny jokes.

I'm good at acting.

I'm getting good in school.

I'm really good at
basketball and soccer.

I'm pretty good at,
like, just dancing.

I sing alright…!

I do, though.

I do, though.

Wow. You guys are great!

[opening door]

-Hey, Bear!
-Hey, guys!

-What's up?

Bear, you are in the presence
of the greatest ball balancer

-in the history of the world.

-Stop. You flatter me.
-No, really.

Okay. You're right.


Yeah, Bear, my friend Pop, here,
balanced the ball perfectly

on his little purple
head for…for…,

well, who knows how long?

That's something I'd like
to see…wouldn't you?

Yeah. Hey! Do it again!
Do it again!

Ball balancing

Well, I guess, if you insist.

Yes yes.
Bear, if you would be so kind.

Sure. Okay.

Now stand back and watch
a ball balancer at work!



I can't believe it!

I can't balance…the ball!

I've lost my touch!

Pop, it's okay, Pop,
Pop, don't worry, don't worry.

Look, you just have
to give it one more try.

Try just balancing
it for awhile.

A while! A while, Bear?

But I want to
balance it forever!

Oh, no.

Have you ever tried
something once and thought

you'd never be
able to do it again?

Poor Pop, alas I knew ye when.

Oh dear…

Guys, let's just give
it one more try.

I don't know, Bear.

What if it doesn't work again?

-Good point.
-Thank you.

Guys, guys.
Stay with me on this, okay?

Don't try balancing
it "forever," okay?

Just balance it for a little
while, okay? Just one more try.

Ok, Bear,

I'll try… for you!

But I don't
think it's going to work.




Oh, ooooh!

-I did it! I did it!
-That was really long!

Yeah. See, if you keep trying
and never give up,

you can do what you want to do.

We'll balancing
it for infinity…

And beyond!

C'mon, Pip.
Let's go to the pond.

Get the ball.
Okay, okay.

-Bye, Bear!
-Bye, Pip. Bye, Pop.

[door closes]

[Shadow laughing]

Shadow, is that you?

Do you know where
Shadow could be?

Maybe if we sing a song and look
real hard, she'll appear.

♪ Oh! Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where- o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o where-o
where is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be ♪


[Shadow laughing]

Hey, you big ol' Bear!

It's so good to see you!

Hi, Shadow.

So, I was wondering,

do you have
a story for us today?

Well, you know, I'm sure
that I have

the perfect one
for you today!

Just watch.

-♪ Little Jack Homer ♪
-I'm not so little.

-♪ Sat in a corner ♪
-It's the corner that's big.

♪ Eating his pudding pie ♪


♪ He put in his thumb
And pulled out a plum ♪

-♪ And he said ♪
-Boy, am I good or what?

You ever try to stick
a plum on your thumb?


Wow! What a great story!

And that plum looked mighty
tasty, too. Don't you think?

It certainly did, Bear.
Well, I'm off.

There's a pocket of sunshine
I want to catch

before it slips away.

Wow, that sounds like fun.

And you know Bear,
when you need another story,

just try and find me.

We will Shadow!
Thank you!

-[Treelo giggling]

That's Treelo.

Let's go see what he's doing

in the living room.


Hey, Treelo.

What are you doing?


T, Bear, T!

Tea, you want some tea?

No, no, no, T!

T! T! T!

-T! T! T!
-Hm hm.

I wonder what Treelo
is talking about?

-Do you know?

Oh, I see!

The letter T.
Treelo's written the letter T.

Very good, Bear.


-Good writing, Treelo.
-Thank you.

You know, a lot of great words

start with the letter T

…like turtle.

I am trying.

[both laughs]

Hey…do you know of another
word that starts with T?


That's my name!

Treelo has T.

-That's right, Treelo!

T for Treelo.

Yeah! And what a beautiful
name it is, too.


Bear, why is my name Treelo?

Oh! Um…

-Why is your name Treelo?

Well, because it's the perfect
word to describe you.

It says who you are.


Oh, yeah, Treelo. That's the
great part of having a name.

It's you.

My name.

♪ What sounds like
a very friendly lemur ♪

♪ Who's always ready
to play a game? ♪

♪ Who swings from his long,
striped tail? ♪

♪ Treelo ♪

♪ Treelo
that's your name ♪

-♪ Treelo Treelo Treelo ♪

That's my name!

♪ Treelo Treelo Treelo ♪

♪ -That's your name
-That's my name ♪

Hey, Treelo,
here's another one.


♪ What sounds like
a plucky little bearcub? ♪

♪ She has a name
that begins with 'O' ♪

♪ Who has got
a wild imagination? ♪


♪ Ojo? That's my name! ♪

♪ Ojo Ojo Ojo ♪

♪ That's my name ♪

♪ Ojo Ojo Ojo ♪

♪ -That's my name
-That's your name ♪

Ooh, ooh, Bear! My turn!

♪ What sounds like
a couple of purple otters ♪

♪ Who love to swim
and to splash all day? ♪

♪ Who can eat
about twenty clams a minute? ♪

♪ Pip and Pop! ♪

♪ Pip and Pop!
that's our name! ♪

♪ Pip and Pop, Pip and Pop ♪

♪ That's our name ♪

♪ Pip and Pop, Pip and Pop ♪

♪ Hey, let's play a game! ♪

-♪ Tag! ♪
- ♪You're it! ♪

♪ Bye! ♪

♪ What sounds like
exactly who you are? ♪

♪ Oh, it doesn't matter
if you're big ♪

♪ Or small ♪

♪ Everybody and his brother's
gotta have one ♪

♪ What's yours? Tell us ♪

♪ What's your name? ♪

♪ Could be Mac or Mike
or Mark or Meg or Mary ♪

♪ Maybe Jacob or Omar
or Betty Sue ♪

♪ What do they call you? ♪

♪ Go ahead, say it! ♪

♪ What? ♪

♪ That's your name! ♪

My name's Bear, what's yours?

♪ That's your name ♪

My name's Treelo. You?

♪ That's our names ♪

[both laughing]

BEAR: Well, back to my new look.

Maybe there's something upstairs
in the bedroom I could use.

I know, let's check
my hat collection.

Now, let's see.
What we have here?

Hm… Oh!


Maybe I should try this
one - a cowboy hat.



Well, howdy pilgrim,

I can see
by your stirrups

you're new
in this here town.


-TUTTER: Oh, gee.

-[Tutter sights]
-Did you hear that?

[Tutter blabbering]


TUTTER: Oh my.

Oh dear.


It's Tutter! Hm.

I wonder what
he's doing up here.



Oh, hey. Hi, Bear.


Hi, Tutter, how are you doing?

This little mouse?

I'm fine, Bear, just fine.
I'm just looking out the window.

Oh! What are you looking at?

The world, Bear.

I was just up here looking at
the world.

It's so big, so big.

And I'm such a little mouse.

Oh! But, Tutter,
to me you're a big little mouse.

But, Bear, sometimes it seems

there's so much I don't


Like, why do you get all
wrinkly when you take a bath?

And how come your pillows
get all lumpy

when you're not
even sleeping on them?


Those are very good questions,

And it's good to have questions.

It means that you're thinking
and learning all the time.

Um, hey, Tutter.

Why don't you come over here

and tell me what else is on your

Well, Bear,
I was wondering, just wondering,

will I grow up
to be big and strong?

Will I learn to read and write?

And when am I going
to get to ride a bicycle?

Well, Tutter, I'm sure
all those things will happen.

But, how, Bear, how?

And, Bear,

how do you know I'll
ever be able to do that stuff?

I'm just a little mouse.

So small, so small.

But, Tutter, I know you

and when you want to
do something

you always find
a way of doing it.

And as you grow up,
you'll learn new things.

You just have to be
the best "Tutter," you can be.


The best "Tutter?"

Hm hm.

And nobody's better
at being "Tutter" than you.


Besides, I think you're great.

Oh, Bear!

[both laughs]

-Um, one last question, Bear.

If you hold your nose and mouth
right before you sneeze,

would the sneeze
go out your ears?

Well, I don't think so, Tutter.

I don't think so.




[cricket chirping]

Ah! The attic.

Isn't it great?

Sometimes I like
to just come up here

and look out
at the stars.

It's also where I come
to talk to a special friend.

Let's go see if we can find her.


There she is!

-Hello, Luna.
-Hello, Bear.

I was just having a word
with a sh**ting star.

Really? How was it?

It was just a short little chat.


But tell me, Bear, how was
your day in the Big Blue House?

Oh, great, Luna.

Ojo put on a wonderful show
and we played buried treasure --

and Ojo was the treasure!


That little girl bear has
such a wonderful imagination.

Yeah, and Pip and Pop set
a new record for ball balancing!

Oh, really?

And my good friend Treelo?

Well, Treelo wrote the letter T,
for Treelo!

Ah! Treelo!

It's such a beautiful name.

It always makes me think
of all the wonderful trees.

And what was on
Tutter's mind today?

Well, Tutter is a little
mouse full of big questions.

He was thinking about what

a big world it is out there.

Well, nobody knows
that better than me, Bear.


Well, as big as I am hanging up
here in the night sky,

I look out on the world, too.

And what I see is how everyone
has something wonderful

and special about them.


We're really glad
you're the moon!

Why, thank you, Bear.

I am what I am!

Just be who you are

and you
can be happy and confident, too.

Hey, Luna, would you like to
sing a goodbye song,

before you go?

I would love to, Bear.

I'd love to.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say
well, that's ok ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the big blue house ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
to come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

Bye now!

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House!

See you next time.




And by the way!

I just wanted to tell you
that every time I see you

and smell you

that you have your own special
way about you and it's great!

So come back soon!



[theme music]