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02x37 - We Did It Our Way

Posted: 04/07/24 08:02
by bunniefuu
[theme music]

♪ Welcome to the Blue House ♪

♪ Hello from the small mouse ♪

♪ -Things to do
-Fun for you ♪

♪ Howdy from the big bear ♪

♪ Want some fun? ♪

♪ -Here's where!
-Just for you ♪

♪ -All is new
-In the House of Blue ♪

♪ Lots of room at our house ♪

♪ Catch the moon at our house! ♪

♪ -Kitchen's here
-Bathroom's there! ♪

♪ Attic full of stuff here ♪

♪ Pillows full of fluff here ♪

♪ -Just for you.
-In the House of Blue! ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome, welcome
to the Big Blue House ♪

♪ -Door is open
-Come on in ♪

♪ -Now you're here
-So let's begin! ♪

Hi, there!

It is so good to see you.
Come on in.

I was...


What's that smell?

It smells like...


Peanut butter and... jelly!




It's you!


Oooo. Tell me.

Did you just eat a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich?

Because you smell like
peanut butter and jelly!

[sniffing] Ah!

Or maybe you smell
this good all the time?


-[telephone ringing]

Hey! That sounds like
my telephone. Come on!

[telephone ringing]

I wonder who it could be.

Hello! Bear here.

Hello, Bear. Doc Hogg here.

-Hey, Doc Hogg. How are...
-I'm doing fine today, Bear,

and I wanted to tell ya,
I'm looking forward to seeing you.

Oh, that's right. Doc Hogg is
coming by today for a visit.

Yes. And I'm particularly
excited about that pie

you promised to make me.

-Yes, siree.

Homemade apple pie
with nutty crumb topping,

served with a whole
mess of whipped cream.

-Oh! Um...

-Well, Doc, you see, I...
-I just can't wait, Bear!

Well, I better get a move on!
I'll see you soon!

-But, Doc...
-Tell that fish to wait by the scale.

Get it? Fish, scale?
I'll be right there in a second...

That's right. I forgot.

I was supposed to make
a pie for Doc today.

Let's see...

Ah! Here's my cookbook!


"Apple Pie with Nutty Crumb Topping."

It's Doc's favorite.

In fact,
I might try a slice or two myself.

Well then, we better get
started if we're gonna...

-I almost got!
-No, you did not!

-I almost got it!
-No, you did not just almost...

That sounds like the otters.

We better go see what's going on.

And then I'll come back
and start the pie.

Come to the magnet, little lid.

Feel the magnet's power,
pulling you out of the hole!

I'm telling you,
that's never going to work, Pip.

Okay, then, why don't
you try Mr. Smarty Otter?

-With your "Magic String."
-I do believe I will.


-Fine. Good. Fine.
-Great. Perfect. Wonderful.

Guys? Pip? Pop? What's going on?

BOTH: Hey, Bear.

Well, the lid to our favorite jar there...

Which holds our favorite shells...

Our most prized possessions...

BOTH: Is way down in this hole.

Oh, yeah,
it is way down there, isn't it?

Yeah, and it wouldn't
be way down there

if Pop hadn't dropped it!

I dropped it?

I beg to differ, Pip.

I was just holding the jar!
You had the lid.

Yes! But if you had not jiggled the jar,

then the lid would not have fallen
out of my hands and into the hole.


Jiggler? Me?
Well, you're a dropper!

-Dropper! Dropper! Dropper!
-Jiggler! Jiggler! Jiggler!

-Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys!
-Yes. Bear?

Don't you think we should
think of a way to get

the jar lid out of the hole?

But, Bear, it's so far down there!

I tried already!

My string just won't grab it.

And, Bear,
I can't reach it with my magnet.

[gasps] See?
My arms are just too short.

Hey! I never noticed that before.

Hm... So let's see...

One of you has a magnet

that can't get get into the
hole to grab the jar lid,

and one of you has a nice
long piece of string

with nothing on it to grab the lid with.

Yep, that pretty much covers it.

What do you think they should do?

Do you think Pip and Pop should maybe...

Oh, I don't know...

Think of something together?


-But how could we...
-What would we...

[gasping] We know!

I'll tie my string to your magnet!

Yeah, yeah yeah!

And I'll put my magnet
on the end of your string!

-You read my mind.
-No, you read mind.


Those otters are really good thinkers.

[indistinct conversation]

Alright, lower away! Here we go.

Hold on to that end.
Lower, lower...


We got something!

We got something!
Okay, let's pull it up.




Our lid! It's back.

Nice teamwork guys.

Thank you! Thank you very much!

Alright, I will hold the jar
very still this time.

-Let's put on the lid, Pip.
-No problemo, Pop. Here goes.

I'm gonna grab the jar
and you are gonna...


Oh, no!



That's okay, Pip! We can get it again.



That's the spirit, you guys.
I'll see you later.

Thanks, Bear!

I'd better get back to the house
and start working on Doc Hogg's pie. Bye!

-Bye, Bear!
-Bye, Bear!


[laughing] Those otters.

They really know how to
work together, don't they?

You know, when you work with
others to get something done,

that's called cooperation.

Cooperation. Mm-hmm.

With cooperation you can do stuff
that you couldn't do alone,

like ride a seesaw.

Or play catch.

Or build an ant hill.

Well, if you're an ant, of course.

And with cooperation,
there's no end to the things you can do!

♪ Let's get it together ♪

♪ Let's get it together ♪

♪ Let's get it together, me and you ♪

♪ Sometimes it takes cooperation ♪

♪ If you want to get the job done ♪

♪ And there's a simple explanation ♪

♪ Two heads are better than one ♪

Hm mmm

♪ So if you're in a situation ♪

♪ Where it's more than you can do! ♪


♪ We all need cooperation ♪

♪ Let's get it together, me and you ♪

Listen up.

♪ Two is good, but three is better ♪

♪ And four can even do more ♪

♪ And if you got ten
it can help you when ♪

♪ If you're pulling in a tug-o-w*r ♪

♪ Mm-hmm ♪

♪ A thousand guys
can build a high rise ♪

♪ Or send a rocket to the moon! ♪


♪ We all need cooperation ♪

♪ Let's get it together, me and you ♪


♪ For example ♪

♪ Honeybees and soccer teams ♪

♪ Are all for one and one for all ♪

♪ Do you see what I mean? ♪


♪ We all need cooperation ♪

♪ Let's get it together, me and you ♪

♪ Let's get it together, me and you ♪

♪ Let's get it together, me and you ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

Cooperation is great, isn't it?

But what do you think
about cooperation, hm?

What things have you
worked on together?

What do you think?

I built a tower with my best friend.

I help my mommy bake things.

If he can't get a ball,
I could get it for him.

I made this project
with other kids on Taiwan.

We made lots of stuff together.

Cooperation means working together.

Working as a team.

We built a little model
race car and we raced it.

Cooperation is something
that everybody can use.

Wow, you sure do know
a lot about cooperating.

Hey! I could use your help
to make Doc Hogg's pie.

Would you like to help me?

Great. Okay, let's see.

First, we need a mixing bowl.


Now, where is a mixing bowl?

Do you see a mixing bowl?



Oh! Yes, you're right. Here it is.

Hey, we work pretty well together.

Now, what else do we need?

TUTTER: No, Treelo!
You have to be my elephant!

TREELO: Don't want to be elephant.


That sounds like
Tutter and Treelo. Hm.

Let's go see what they're doing,

and then we can get back
to Doc Hogg's pie.

No! Quit sniffing me, Treelo!
Get away, get away!

I, Tutter the Great...

I, Tutter the Great,
King of all Cheese,

command you to be
my Royal Elephant.

Now let me ride on your back...

Treelo not want to be elephant.

-Hey, guys. What's happening?
-Oh, Hi, Bear.

Well, I, Tutter the Great,
King of all Cheese,

have given Treelo the honor
of being my Royal Elephant.


Will you stop that barking?

I get it.

Tutter's pretending
to be Tutter the Great again.

But I didn't know Tutter
the Great was also a King.

Get way, get away!

Oh, sure, Bear, sure.

When Tutter the Great
isn't off saving damsels

and scaring off dragons,

he's got a whole
kingdom of cheese to rule!

A whole kingdom!


I had no idea.

Yeah. But Bear,
Treelo won't play right.

what do you want to play?

Treelo want to play puppy.

Pet the puppy!

No, no! Get down. Down!

Tutter the Great, King of all
Cheese doesn't ride puppies.

He rides elephants.

Play fetch with Treelo!

Fetch with...

No! No! Down doggie. Down! Down!

You're drooling on me here.
Would you watch it?

Oh, Treelo.

-So, Tutter...
-Watch it with the tail!

...I guess you never heard
of the game called...

"The Cheese King and...

the Hound of Jarlsberg?"

-The Hound of Jarlsberg?

What's that game, Bear?

It starts out like this...

There is a King
on a heroic quest.

-Whoo! This is sounding pretty good?

I, Tutter the Great,
could be that brave king.

[happily humming]

Hey, good idea, Tutter!

But there's more.

You see, the king is in search of...

in search of...

the lost cheese ball of...


-But there is a problem.

He does not know where to look.

Wow. That is a problem.
Doesn't he have a map?

No map?

Oh, a map, a map...

No, he does not.

But he finds a...
he finds a puppy.

The Hound of Jarlsberg!

For this puppy is known far and wide
for his cheese sniffing abilities.

Oh, very good!

But gee...
where could we find a puppy?

Gee, Bear,

I don't think the pound's
open yet. I don't know...

Treelo Puppy. Treelo Puppy.

Hey, that's right, Treelo.
You could be the puppy!

Wow, this is really working out, Bear.

To my side, Hound of Jarlsberg!


Not so close.

I, Tutter the Great, King of all Cheese,

command you to find the Lost
Cheese Ball of Livingroomania.

Yeah, go, boy! Go! Go!


Hey look, Bear.
I think Treelo is a pointer.

-He's on the trail.

Nice playing together, guys.

-Thank you, Bear.
-Thank you.

Onward, Puppy.

Hyah! Hyah! Ha ha ha ha ha!


Looks like Tutter and Treelo

found a way to
play together after all.

Have you ever made up
a game with someone?

Well, that's cooperating.

[Shadow laughing]

Hey! Did you hear that?

That sounds like Shadow.


You know, if we look real hard
and sing a song together,

she might appear.


♪ O Where-o, where-o,
where-o is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o, where-o,
where-o is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where-o, where-o,
where-o is Shadow? ♪

♪ Where can Shadow be? ♪


[Shadow laughing]

There you are, my shaggy old friend.

[laughing] Shadow!
It's so nice to see you.

So tell me, what have you
been doing today?

Whoo! Well, Bear, I was leaping
through the branches

with a squirrel friend of mine.

Now, that sounds like fun.

Well, Shadow, since you're here,
would you tell us a story?

Why certainly, Bear.

I've got just the story for you.

Watch this.

[chimes ring]

Hello, and welcome to: stories
of incredible opposites.

Jack Spratt could eat no fat.

I'm on a diet.

His wife Pat Spratt could eat no lean.

I'm trying to bulk up.

And through a strict regiment
of diet and exercise...

[Pat gasping]

They joined the Olympic team!

I'm now a marathon runner.

And I'm a weight lifter.
Need a lift, honey?


Wow, Jack Sprat and his wife

certainly went
through quite a change.

Ow, I'm sure they found
it much easier

going through it together.

I'm sure they did.

[Shadow laughing] Well, I'm off.

But when you need another story,
just try and catch me!


Thanks, Shadow. Bye-bye!

Wow, I just loved that story.

It certainly made me hungry!

Oh, no. Doc Hogg! His pie!
He'll be here any minute!

Come on!

Okay, let's see.

Well, we have the mixing bowl.
That is a definite start.

Let's see,
what else do we need here?

[Ojo humming]

-Hi, Bear.
-Hey, Ojo.

-Hey! What are you doing?
-I'm cooking.

Good, because I was just

I could really
use something to eat.

[Ojo laughing]

Really? A snack? Now?

-But, you see...

Yeah, did someone say "snack"?

Yes, I guess I did, but...

Snack, snack, snack...

Listen, everybody.
Doc Hogg will be here soon,

and I promised him
I'd make him his favorite pie.

You mean apple pie?

With nutty crumb topping?

Served with a whole mess
of whipped cream?

Yeah, that's the one.


ALL: We want that.

Well, you see, I am working on it.

So I just have to...

slice the apples,
pour the flour and the sugar.

Roll out the dough till
it's nice and flat,

and then there's
the nutty crumb topping...

Hold it right there, Bear.

Gather round everybody.

I wonder what this is all about?

[making random noise]


It has come to our
attention that an apple pie

needs making...

Really, really, really fast...

Really fast.

Yes, yes, and we would like a snack.

This sounds like a job for...

Yeah, yeah. What if we all
worked together to make the pie?

Hey, that's a great idea.
Let's get started!

-Okay, now take a look.


Hey! It's ready!

[indistinct chatter]


It looks beautiful!

It sure does.

Smells good, too.

Yeah, and I couldn't have made
it without all of you helping.


Bear? We make big mess too!

Oh, you're right.

What could we do about it?

Gee, I don't know...

[gasps] Hey, hey!
We could cooperate again!

Oh, yeah! Hey, I know...

ALL: Let's clean up the house!

♪ Come on, everybody ♪

♪ -Let's clean up the house
-Let's go! ♪

♪ Come on, everybody
let's clean up the house ♪

♪ Clean up the house
clean up the house ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ Come on, you too! ♪

♪ -Clean up the house
-Tidy it up, tidy it up! ♪

♪ -Clean up the house
-Tidy it up, tidy it up! ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ Let's take it upstairs! ♪


♪ -Clean up the house
-We've got to clean it up! ♪

♪ -Clean up the house
-That's tight, now clean it up! ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house! ♪

♪ You tell' em, Ojo! ♪

♪ -Clean up the house
-Tidy it up, tidy it up ♪

♪ Tidy it up, tidy it up ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ Oh, baby, baby ♪

♪ Everybody clean up the house ♪

♪ Let's clean up the house! ♪




Now, everything is
ready for Doc Hogg.

Thanks for all your help.
And yours, too.

I never thought we'd get
everything done in time.

Let that be a lesson to you, Bear.

Never underestimate
the power of cooperation.


Yes, thank you.
I'll remember that.

DOC HOGG: Hello, there.
I say hello.

Hey! It's Doc Hogg!

Hey, Bear, how are ya.
Hello, everybody!

-Hey, Doc Hogg.
-Hi, Doc Hogg!

I'm not late, am I?

I got caught up at the office.

Had a pair of love birds
come in for a check-up.

Lovely couple.

They were coo-coo for each other.

Coo-coo! Get it, Bear...
With the pigeon...


Yes, Doc. I get it. Thank you.

Oh, my!

I'm smelling me a...


Will you look at that, Bear!
How do you do it?

Actually, I did it with
the help of my friends.

We all worked together
to make you this pie.

Well, it shows.

Well, uh...


Didn't you forget something?

Where is the whipped cream?

Oh, no!
I forgot the whipped cream!

Now, now, now, don't you fret now, folks.
Don't you fret, Bear.

I like to carry a little around with me
for just such an emergency.

-You do?

Nothin' like a bowl of whipped cream.

Well, hey, Doc.
Thanks for thinking of bringing it.

Just doin' my part, Bear.
Just doin' my part.

Now who wants some whipped cream?

I do, I do...





Wow! Some day, huh?

Why don't we go up
and tell Luna all about it?

Come on.

[background music]

Ah! There she is. Hello, Luna.

Hello, Bear.

And how is everything
in the Big Blue House?

Well, today we worked together
to make Doc Hogg his favorite pie.

-Apple pie with nutty crumb topping and...

Hm mmm.
A whole mess of whipped cream.


That's right!

And Pip and Pop worked together
to rescue their jar top.

Oh, that's good.

Oh! And Treelo and Tutter
worked together on a new game.

My, it seems like everybody
was getting along so well today.

Yeah, Luna, you can do
so much when you cooperate.

True, Bear.

It's fun to do things on our own,

but when you can work
and play with your friends,

great things can happen!

Hey, Luna! I have an idea.

How would you like to cooperate with me
on a "Goodbye Song," before you go?

I'd love to, Bear.

♪ -Hey, this was really fun
-We hope you liked it, too ♪

♪ Seems like we've just begun ♪

♪ When suddenly we're through ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ 'Cause now it's time to go ♪

♪ But, hey, I say, well, that's okay ♪

♪ Cause we'll see you very soon
I know ♪

♪ Very soon, I know ♪

♪ Goodbye, goodbye
good friends, goodbye ♪

♪ And tomorrow just like today ♪

♪ The moon, the bear
and the Big Blue House ♪

♪ Will be waiting for you
to come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

♪ Come and play ♪

Bye now!

Well, thanks for visiting
the Big Blue House! Bye!




Hey, I just thought of something
that you and I can cooperate on.

What do you say
that you and I always meet right here,

at the Big Blue House
where we can play together?

Sound good?

Great! I'll see you soon.


[theme music]